• Published 1st Sep 2021
  • 12,518 Views, 489 Comments

Equestria: A New Generation - Phantom-Dragon

What-IF: Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria and joins Sunny Starscout and friends on their adventure.

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On The Run

After escaping the former guards of the royals, Sunset Shimmer and a distraught Pipp were in an elevator, taking them down to the city of Zephyr Heights, with the intent on regrouping with Sunny Starscout's group.

Along the way down, Sunset Shimmer looked over to Pipp, huddling in the corner of the elevator, stewing in the mixed feelings she felt towards Sunset and the ponies responsible for her loss of fame, dignity, and life.

"Ahem," Sunset cleared her throat. "You're welcome?"

"No thank you," Pipp frowned. "Why would I even want to thank you? You turned my sister against me, you ruined my show, and...and you ruined my life!"

"Okay, yeah, that," Sunset scratched the back of her head. "But...I got you and your mom, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but then you ditched her to the guards!"

"I didn't ditch her! She sacrificed herself to save us!"

"All because you...you...YOU couldn't teleport us!" Pipp argued, as she got in Sunset's face. "What kind of a unicorn are you?"

Sunset gritted her teeth into a snarl, narrowing her eyes into a glare, "Oh-ho no, no, no. Don't you start, Miss High and Mighty! As I recall, you're the one who says only royals could fly. But turns out, you don't even know the first thing about magic. It was all wires and lighting, wasn't it? So don't act like you're a better expert at magic than me!"

"Oh yeah?" Pipp fired back. "Then how is it, that-that-that YOU'RE the only unicorn with magic? Zipp told me and mom that unicorns don't have magic! So I'd say you're a bigger liar than WE were!"

"I...I...I DON'T KNOW!" Sunset stomped her hoof, losing control of her magic that threw Pipp off her hooves, flying against the wall, nearly shattering the glass screen of the elevator. "I don't know why this is happening! I've been away from Equestria for many, many moons! Many, many moons, you hear me?! That's a long time in Equestrian years! I just came back, because I wanted to pay a dear friend a visit! But instead, I came back to find every ponykinds divided and Equestria deprived of its magic! Yet, I'm the only one with magic! Why am I a special case? What happened to Twilight? Why can't everypony just get along? And when and where did ponies get all these technologies?"

At the end of her rant, Sunset Shimmer took slow heavy breaths, before she looked over to see a frightened Pipp, shaking and quivering, in the corner, completely scared of the fiery unicorn. Composing herself, Sunset Shimmer took a long deep breath to calm herself.

"I'm sorry, for everything," Sunset said to Pipp. "We never meant to ruin your show. Or expose you as a fraud in front of...thousands of pegasi," Levitating the pegasus crystal from her saddle bag, Sunset continued to explain, "But this crystal. It's our only hope. Your sister's hope...of restoring magic. You don't have to believe me, but just know, your sister was done living a lie. She wants what's best for everypony. And I suggest you should start doing the same, for your PippSqueaks."

Pipp looked down, taking in what Sunset had said, "Easier said than done," Pipp frowned, taking out her phone, to reveal the dwindling number of followers on her account. "All of my PippSqueaks...gone."

Sunset nodded in acknowledgement.

"But Zipp...she's all I have left," Pipp frowned. "And she's out there...somewhere."

"Then I'll take you to her."

"How do I know I can trust you? You're a unicorn, and you have magic. I hear you unicorn types are tricky."

"You got a better idea?"

Unable to come up a better argument, Pipp spluttered a sigh, before she reluctantly nodded.

Meanwhile, out on the streets of Zephyr Heights, the sounds of police siren filled the air as Sunny Starscout's group, with Sheriff Hitch following close behind, were galloping for their lives.

Leading the escape is their new friend, Zipp Storm, "Quick! This way!" Zipp guided the group to take refuge in an alleyway.

"Ok," Hitch panted, after he dove behind an iron barrel. "I think we lost them!"

"Hitch, what are you even doing here?" Sunny asked the sheriff of her hometown.

"Arresting you," Hitch answered. "And saving you. So, you know, a little bit of both, actually. You're welcome!" He said sarcastically at the end.

"Oh, gee, thanks," Zipp rolled her eyes as she approached Hitch. "But we don't need any saving. OK?"

"And you are?" Hitch asked the pegasus princess.

"Her mom is the queen!" Izzy chirped.

"Wait a minute. So that means you're a princess?" Hitch asked Zipp.

"Huh, look at that," Zipp smirked in a mocking tone. "The sheriff just became a detective."


Before another word could be exchanged, the TV screen announced a breaking news broadcast, before city's reporters, Sky and Dazzle, appeared, with a photo of Princess Pipp, hanging upside down.

"Breaking story," Dazzle reported. "Zephyr Heights is in turmoil tonight after the shocking revelation that the royals cannot fly."

The broadcast then cuts to an interview with a pegasus foal, talking into the microphone, "Pipp used to be my favorite."

"If we can't trust our own royalty, who can we trust?" Another pegasus civilian asked, before the microphone was taken by a pegasus stallion.

"I blame the unicorns and the earth ponies," The stallion went on record saying. "They ruin everything!"

"Where is that bacon-haired unicorn, who helped Queen Haven and Princess Pipp escaped?" Another pegasus asked.

Sunny Starscout gasped in shock at the realization that, in their hurry, to escape with the pegasus crystal, they had accidentally left Sunset Shimmer behind. Much to her relief, however, the news broadcast showed a video footage of Sunset Shimmer igniting her horn, before disappearing with both the queen and Princess Pipp, in a flash of light.

"For the moment," Dazzle began. "The unicorn who had assisted in the royals' escape is still at large, together with the royals. But we have reassurance from the guards that they will be hunted and arrested on sight."

"Oh no," Sunny whimpered.

"Well, look on the bright side," Izzy began. "At least they got away."

Izzy's words were eaten, however, when Dazzle was given an update, "This just in," Dazzle reported. "Queen Haven has been arrested for being a phony pony full of baloney!"

Zipp gasped in shock, watching as her mother was escorted by the guards, "No comments," Queen Haven huffed. "And no photos!" But quickly, the queen changed her mind, "Okay, one photo." She said, striking a pose with a grin.

"Anypony care to explain?" Hitch asked.

"We had to get the crystal. Look!" Sunny reached into her saddle bag for the said crystal, only to find it was gone. "Oh, no, no, no, no. It's not here!" She exclaimed to Zipp, who was just as shocked.

"Seriously?" Zipp asked.

"Looking for this?" A voice asked, revealing herself to be Sunset Shimmer, levitating the crystal, with a smug grin.

"Sunset!" Sunny smiled, running up to the unicorn, throwing her hooves around her neck in a hug. "You're okay!"

"Ahem!" Another voice spoke up.

"Oh, right. Her," Sunset directed everypony's attention to an infuriated Pipp, who demanded an explanation, pointing at the crystal that Sunset was telekinetically holding.

"Can somepony explain why this thing was so important that you had to ruin my whole show over it?" Pipp demanded.

"Trust me, it was," Zipp galloped up to her sister, who got in her face.

"You left me hanging there in the spotlight," Pipp spatted in outrage. "I had to be rescued...by her!"

"I could've just left you behind, you know," Sunset rolled her eyes at the pegasus's ungratefulness.

"It doesn't matter anyway," Pipp sighed as she looked down. "Now everypony knows we can't fly." Just then, Pipp's phone vibrated, to which the princess took out to see another news broadcast from Dazzle, with a mugshot of Queen Haven.

"A warrant is out for the arrest of the princesses," Dazzle reported.

"Pipp! Zipp! Save yourselves!" Queen Haven exclaimed dramatically, before she posted for another photo snap of her profile.

"What?!" Pipp exclaimed as she entered a frantic panic state. "This isn't happening. This is so not happening!"

"Pipp!" Zipp snapped, getting her sister's attention. "Forget about all that. We think we can bring back magic, but we need that crystal."

Sunset was about to levitate the crystal to Zipp, only for Pipp to stop her.

"Have you lost your mind?" Pipp asked. "We can't trust them!"

"Don't you dare start that blasphemy talk about trust!" Sunset glared at Pipp angrily. "You and your mom lied to your own people at the notion that you can fly! You took advantage of their idolization of you, instead of being upfront and honest about! And look how that worked out!"

"Sunset?" Sunny began, walking up to the fiery unicorn's side.

"Trust isn't something to lie about to take advantage of!" Sunset continued, with tears pouring from her eyes. "It's all about honesty! Can you do that for once in your life? Like Applejack once did?"

Pipp was reduced to a ball of a scared little pony, intimidated by an angry Sunset Shimmer, with an intensive bright aura to match. For a brief moment, in her place, Fluttershy flashed before Sunset's eyes, who slowly calmed down.

"Who's Applejack?" Zipp asked.

"Doesn't matter," Sunset Shimmer turned back to the group, levitating the crystal. "Let's just go..."

"Wait!" Pipp desperately pleaded. "The truth is... I don't want to be alone anymore! Please, take me with you, Zipp! You're all I have left!"

Zipp turned to look down at the scared and sad eyes of her sister, who's time in the spotlight was cut short, and reduced her to a fugitive, just like she is now. Even though Pipp at times would drive Zipp crazy, she's still her sister. With their mother arrested, the two princesses need each other.

"Ok," Zipp nodded, walking over to her sister, helping her up. "You can come with us. And we're taking the pegasus crystal. It might be our only chance."

"Fine," Pipp replied, before she took the lead. "I know a way out. Follow me."

"Can she be trusted us?" Hitch asked.

"She's got nothing left to lose," Sunset replied. "Let's follow her." She said, magically giving the pegasus crystal for Sunny to keep.

"What? Wait! You can't just..." But Sheriff Hitch was in denial as all the other ponies took their leave. "I'M THE SHERIFF!" Hitch whined.

"Not in this town, Donut Lord!" Sunset Shimmer frowned, using her magic to drag the earth pony along. "Now c'mon!"

"Uh, first off, who died and made you leader?" Hitch asked. "And second, how is that you still have magic?"

"Every other unicorns in Equestria don't have magic, besides me! I know, I'm freaking out too! And I'm starting to have gray hair!" Sunset scowled, when Izzy checked her mane and tail.

"Hmmm, I don't see any grey hair yet," Izzy inspected with a magnifying glass. "I think you're in the clear."

During the walk, Zipp walked up besides Sunset, "So, about what you said to Pipp..."

"I know she's your sister," Sunset rolled her eyes. "And I'm sorry for yelling."

"Oh no, no, no, that's not what I want to talk about," Zipp corrected. "You mentioned somepony named...Applejack?"

"Oh. Right. Her."

"And the way you worded it, she sounded like...my kind of pony?"

"Even if she's an earth pony?"

Zipp smirked as she gestured to Sunny, "Wouldn't be the first time I've befriended an earth pony. So what's this Applejack like?" Zipp asked.

"Oh, she's amazing!" Sunny began to explain passionately. "She's a real country gal. Hardworking, stubborn, but above all, honest about her feelings and problems."

Sunset could only smile to herself, listening to Sunny Starscout's admiration and respect for Applejack.

"Really?" Zipp asked, liking what she's learned about the Bearer of Honesty. "Even about her problems. Why didn't she just lie about it?"

"Well, from what my dad told me, she tried once," Sunny explained. "But it got out of control and her whole family ended up in a hospital."See Season 6 Episode: Where the Apple Lies.

"Ouch!" Zipp chuckled, cringeworthy.

"Eesh," Izzy added. "I'd hate to be in her horseshoes."

"Yeah, you'd have to be there to believe it," Sunny giggled, before she perked up. "Oh! You were there when it happened, weren't you, Sunset? You saw what happened, right? Applejack was your friend, wasn't she?"

"Uh..." Sunset Shimmer searched for the right words.

In a manner of speaking, Sunset is indeed friends with an Applejack. But not the same Applejack who is a pony, and a friend of Twilight Sparkle. Still, Applejack is Sunset's friend, one world to another, so technically speaking, they're still talking about the same Applejack.

"Technically, it's a yes and no," Sunset answered. "Yes, Applejack was my friend. And no, I wasn't there when it happened. She told me about it."

"Aw, I wanted to know how it happened," Izzy pouted.

"But the lesson is true, kid," Sunset stated seriously. "Don't lie. The more you lie, the bigger it gets, and the harder it is to keep it under control."

"Got it," Zipp nodded. "Noted. Honesty."

Ever so eager to learned more, Sunny bit her lip as she walked up besides Sunset Shimmer.

"So, what other words of wisdom did Twilight and friends imparted on you, Sunset Shimmer?" Sunny giddied.