• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,944 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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A Foxy Winter Wrap-up

After the cutie mark incident, things began to cool down, quite literally since winter came rather quickly. Fortunately, there wasn't much for Xavier to complain about. There was a fashion show that Rarity hosted that he missed, but he was working that night on spa repair. He heard it went quite poorly though so he was a bit worried about Rarity and her mental state, but when he wen to check on her a few days later, she said everything was fine, so he didn't pester for too long. During winter, Xavier tended to stay in his home for the most part, working more on his latest invention. It was almost finished too, he just needed a few more things. As he was working on it one very early day however, he heard a series of very fast knocks at his door. When he went to answer the door, he was surprised to see Twilight and a very sleepy Spike.

"Twilight, what's up? What's going on that you are here at this time?" Xavier asked in concern and curiosity.

"Well, I cam to get you so you can help with winter wrap-up." Twilight answered in excitement, earning a very confused look from Xavier.

"Winter what?"

"I'll explain on the way, c'mon!" Twilight said as she grabbed Xavier's hand, to which he pulled back.

"Hold up, can I at least get dresses first?"

"Okay, but hurry up." Xavier then went and got dressed in his classic orange hoodie, then proceeded to get dragged out of his home courtesy of Twilight's magic. After a bit of moving, Twilight finally decided to explain. "Winter wrap up is the day that Ponies in Ponyville clean up winter."

"Clean up?" Xavier asked.

"Yes, to make way for spring to come in time. It's a very important day for Ponyville, so I want to get there as soon as possible."

"I still don't get why..." Spike said tiredly. "I still say using magic to clean up like Canterlot is a better way to go..."

"Because I already said that Ponyville was founded by earth ponies and they never used magic to do that. And since I am now a resident of Ponyville, I will carry out those traditions." Twilight said proudly.

"Well, I'm proud of you for following traditions Twi." Xavier said with a smile. "I guess if it's a tradition here and that I am a resident myself, I guess I can join in too."

"Great, let's get moving then." The trio began to pick up the pace to get to town hall quicker to begin. As they approched the hall, they saw a large crowd, all of them wearing different vests. "Those must be the team vests Rarity designed." Twilight said happily. "Blue for the weather team, green for the plant team, and tan for the animal team. I wonder which team vest I'll be wearing."

"I'll take a blue vest, same color as my blankie," Spike said grumpily. "which I think I hear calling my name. 'Spike! Spike! Come to bed!' Ugh, it's too early." As the team got closer, they began to hear the mayor speak.

"Thank you, everypony, for being here bright and early. We need every single pony's help to wrap up winter, and bring in spring." The crowd cheered out to her, rallying them all. "Now, all of you have your vests, and have been assigned to your teams, so let's do even better than last year, and have the quickest Winter Wrap Up ever! All right everypony, find your team leader, and let's get galloping!" At that, the crowd began to disperse, leaving Twilight, Spike and Xavier lost.

"Oh gosh, where should I go? I'm not sure where I fit in. What exactly does everypony do?" Twilight said in a panic.

"Hey Twilight, calm down." Xavier said calmly. "I'm sure we can find out where you belong. For now, how about we look for our friends. I'm sure that they can help us out."

"Yeah, I guess." Twilight admitted. At that moment, a familiar rainbow trail flew past them. Looking up, the three saw Rainbow talking to some other pegasi.

"All right team, you're clear for takeoff." Rainbow said to them as they left. Xavier decided to get her attention.

"Hey RD!" Looking down, Rainbow saw Twilight and Xavier.

"Oh, hey Twilight, Xavier, what's up?"

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked, hopeful to get a role in winter wrap up.

"Sending off one of my flight crews to retrieve the birds that have flown south for the winter." Rainbow said as she began scouting around form her position.

"Oh, can I help? How about if I help clear out the clouds?" Twilight asked, getting a look from Xavier.

"Um, Twi?" Xavier then used his hand to mimic a wing flapping, to which Twilight realized the problem.

"Right, no wings." She said defeated.

"Sorry, Twilight." Rainbow apologized as she flew off to continue work. Twilight looked off at her direction in sadness and slight annoyance.

"Great, now what do we do?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be nappin'." Spike said as they looked over at a bush that he was lying in, sleeping. Twilight then used her hoof to try and wake him up.

"Come on Spike, this is serious business. Winter needs to be wrapped up, and I'm determined to do my part. Somehow."

As Twilight was trying to wake up Spike however, in another bush nearby, some rustling could be heard and seen in it. Looking out were a pair of light blue eyes trained at the group, most specifically the human.

After Spike woke up, they decided to look around for their friends. As they walked around, they saw Rarity doing something with a bunch of things. Curious, the they came over.

"Rarity, please tell me there's something, anything I can help you with." Twilight pleaded.

"Well, how would you like to help create Ponyville's finest birds' nests?" Rarity said, earning a confused look from Xavier.

"Birds' nests?" He asked.

"Why yes. When the weather team guides the birds back north for the spring, they'll need a place to live and lay their eggs." Rarity explained, earning an even more confused look from him.

"But I thought birds make their own nests?"

"Well, maybe in your world, but here in Equestria we make their nests." Xavier wanted to press her more, but he decided against it. "But in any case, Would you two like to help me?"

"Would I? Yes!" Twilight said excitedly, though Xavier didn't look so thrilled.

"Heh, sorry Rarity, but I think I'll watch." The two ponies looked at him quite confused and disappointed. "It's not that I don't want to, it's that I think Rarity would have a heart attack from my methods. Like I said before, I value function over fashion, so my nest would probably look pretty bad." Xavier explained as he reached for a ribbon and fiddled with it.

"Oh, well if you're so sure, you don't have too." Twilight said. "But maybe something else is there for you."

"Maybe..." Xavier mumbled as he went over to a nearby bench and sat down, ribbon in hand. After a few moments of playing around with the ribbon, it was suddenly snatched from his hand. It took him a few moments to realize what happened, but when he did he was confused. Looking around, he did not expect what the culprit was. The culprit happened to be a artic fox with blue eyes playing with it. The fox seemed to be quite young and energetic as it whipped the ribbon around with a lot of speed. When he approached, he got a bigger surprise from it because it didn't run away or try to defend itself, but instead ran up to him and jumped around him. Seeing it prance around like it won the championships made him smile a bit as he found it's antics cute. As he was about to bend down and interact with it however, a voice caught his attention.

"That nest needs to be condemned." Xavier went over to see what happened, and was surprised to see that the nest that Twilight was making was terrible.

"Oh, Spa-ha-hike, it's not so bad, ah, maybe birds can use it as a..." Rarity began to think of something that would not sound like an insult, but Spike was thinking something quite blunt

"An outhouse?"

"Spike. It's just fine. It's just a little rough around the edges. Let me lend you a hoof." Rarity then began to look over the nest and changing it around. "Let's just untie this ribbon, and let me take out these sticks here, we'll shave this..." Before long, Rarity went onto a tangent and was focused on fixing the nest, much to Twilight's dismay.

"I think we lost her." Spike said as Twilight began to walk of, prompting Spike and Xavier to follow. As they were walking off however, the fox from before was watching them, mostly Xavier since it never saw something like him before.

After a while of walking, they found themselves at the frozen lake, with pinkie skating around. Seeing her, the group decided to head over to her.

"Hello Twilight! Hello Xavier!" Pinkie chimed, skating without a car in the world.

"Wow, Pinkie Pie, you're quite the skater. Probably the best skater I've ever seen." Twilight complimented as Pinkie stopped in front of the group.

"Thanks Twilight, I've been doing this since I was an itty-bitty little-wittle Twinkie-Pinkie. Just comes natural." Pinkie thanked as she resumed skating around. "Which is probably why they designated me the lake scorer. I cut lines in the lakes with my skates. That way, when the rest of the weather team comes here to break the ice, it'll be easy as pie." Pinkie explained.

"Ooh, clever." Xavier admitted. "The Lines that you skate into the ice is where the ice will melt first, leaving smaller pieces to melt instead of a large piece, I like it."

"Well, you sure have a lot of work ahead of you, there's quite a few lakes in Ponyville." Twilight said as Pinkie slid by.

"Ha, tell me about it." Pinkie then stopped as she looked at them. "Hey, Twilight, Xavier, wanna help me out?"

"Would I?" Twilight said excitedly, though Xavier was once again not keen on the idea.

"Yeah, I'll skip out on this as well. I was never good on the ice." Xavier admitted, putting his hands into his hoodie's pockets.

"Aw, don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it someday! But for now, grab some skates Twilight, I'm sure you'll be a natural as well."

"Okay." With that, Twilight went over to put on the extra bundle of skates that Pinkie had as Xavier went over to a nearby tree to relax. As he was sitting down, he saw that the same fox from before was looking at him at a distance with curious eyes and the ribbon in it's mouth. Xavier saw that the fox had no ill intent, so he decided to try and beckon it.

"Um, hey there little one, there is no need to be afraid." Xavier said calmly. "You can come over if you want." The fox wasted no time after that, bolting over to him excitedly and jumping onto him. "Whoa, happy little one, aren't you?" Xavier commented as the fox sat on his lap contently. Xavier manages to muster up the courage to give it a pet. As he's moving his hand to the fox, it moves it's head into his hand, welcoming the pets happily. As he is petting the fox however, a large thump is made onto the tree, startling both of them. The fox was more scared however as it ran off. Xavier wanted to follow it and let it know nothing was wrong, but he wanted to check if that was his friends. When he looked on the other side of the tree, he was surprised to see that spike, Pinkie, and Twilight stacked on top of each other like a snowman. As they shook off the snow off of them, Spike fell down laughing.

"Ha ha, you are a natural, Twilight. A natural disaster." Spike laughed as Xavier approached.

"So I take it you can't skate either?" Xavier asked.

"Ugh, you saw that too?" Twilight asked in a annoyed tone.

"No, I was... preoccupied by something... But I think I can tell you didn't do well. Maybe practice before you do it professionally?"

"Uhh, maybe..." Twilight admitted.

"Aw, don't worry Twilight! I think you'll be super awesome at something that keeps your hooves on the ground." Pinkie cheered "I know, Fluttershy could probably use your help with the critters."

"Well... I'm pretty good with little animals. Yeah, I'll go help her." Twilight decided as she took off her skates. Once she took them off, they left to find Fluttershy, with the fox tailing behind once again.

The three took some time to find Fluttershy, but they eventually did. They found her because they heard a bell ringing, so they went over. When they saw her, she was over a burrow in the ground and what appeared to be talking inside. as They got closer, they heard what she was saying.

"Wake up, little sleepy heads. Hope you had some wonderful dreams and restful hibernation, but it's time to get up now, spring is coming." When she finished, a pair of hedgehogs came out off the burrow yawning.

"Awww, how cute." Twilight said, getting the attention of Fluttershy.

"Aren't they? This is my favorite task the whole season, when I get to see all my little animal friends again." Fluttershy said in silent joy.

"Uh, what's 'hibernation'?" Spike asked, clearly confused.

"It's like a long sleep." Fluttershy answered, getting Spike's attention.

"Long sleep?"

"Well, it's a bit more complicated then that." Xavier explained shrugging. "Since food becomes more scarce during the cold times of winter, many animals tend to hide away and sleep, conserving their energy so they can last until spring arrives."

"I definitely like the idea of hibernation." Spike said happily as Fluttershy sighed.

"Yes, but would you just look at all these warrens and dens? I'm worried that I won't be able to wake up every animal before spring comes." Fluttershy said sadly.

"Well, I'll help, Fluttershy." Twilight said happily, excited that she may have found something that she could do.

"You will? Oh, that would be wonderful." Fluttershy then gave a bell to Twilight, who then walked off to begin. Spike didn't head off instantly though as he looked at Xavier.

"Let me guess, you won't help here either." Spike said with a deadpanned expression.

"Hey, I was going to help here." Xavier answered, a bit offended at him for assuming he wasn't going to do anything. "Besides, the last two I had very reasonable excuses." Before Spike could press Xavier further, he walked off to help, leaving Spike to go to Twilight. Xavier looked around for a decent den to start at, and once he did he crouched down to it. "Hello in there? It's almost spring, so naptime is over." After a few moments though, nothing came out. "Um, hello?" Before he could do anything however, the fox ran over and into the den, causing Xavier to jump a bit. He heard a bit of yapping from inside the den, and after a few moments, the fox and three groundhogs came out of the den yawning. The fox then sat right next to Xavier with a big grin on it's face. Xavier then realized that it was helping him out, so he smiled and pet them. "Hey, thanks buddy, I was worried there for a second." His praising was cut short however as he heard a familiar voice screaming. He became worried that something happened so he began running over, the fox following behind. They both stopped however when they smelled something foul, causing them to stop in repulse. After a bit of getting their wits together, they continued forward, though slower. After a bit of looking, Xavier saw Fluttershy looking quite sad. "Fluttershy! What happened?"

"Well, Twilight was at the snake's den, which scared her into a cave with bats. She ran out of it without looking ahead of her, and ran into a tree with a beehive on it. The beehive fell onto her head, to which she ran again, right into the skunk den and-"

"Wait, don't tell me, I can smell it." Xavier exclaimed before looking a bit down. "This may ruin Twilight's mood even more." Xavier and Fluttershy looked sad for a moment before Fluttershy noticed that the fox was next to Xavier.

"Oh my, this is where you were?" She exclaimed, catching Xavier's attention.

"Wait, you know this fox?"

"Yes, she was a newborn this winter and quite the troublemaker." She began. "I am always trying to keep her still but she is always running around."

"Seriously? Cause she's been with me the entire day." This sentence surprised Fluttershy.

"Really? She never showed this much affection to a single pony. B-but I guess you aren't a pony." Fluttershy paused for a moment to think about something. "U-um, Xavier, can I ask you to take care of her?" She requested, taking Xavier for a loop.

"H-huh?! What?"

"W-well, it's just that she has never has been like this ever. Seeing her this happy is great to see. I always want what's best for my animal friends, so you taking care of her may be the thing she needs. You're a very responsible person, so I think you are just what she needs to get her to learn some discipline. It's still your choice though, so I won't pressure you to..." Xavier began to think about it. It seems that the fox really enjoys him, and it has been a bit lonely back at his home.

"Well, I guess I could take her in..." The fox, listening to the conversation the entire time, became extremely exited to be able to be with Xavier. So excited that she jumped up right onto Xavier's shoulders, perching herself there, earning a chuckle from Xavier. "Hehe, I think she thinks that it's a good idea. I guess we're housemates now." The fox began chittering in agreement. "Well now that that's settled, I need to find Twilight. She needs some help now, see ya Fluttershy." With a wave goodbye to Fluttershy, Xavier and his new fox friend went off to find Twilight.

"I just realized, you don't have a name from what I can tell."

It's been a while since Xavier accepted the fox into his life and went looking for Twilight, though there wasn't much luck in finding her.

"Fluttershy never mention your name, so unless you have a name, can I make one?" The fox began nodding at him in hopes of getting a name. "Okay, well... how about... erm... Rune?" The fox began nodding again happily. "Well then, Rune it is." The fox, now dubbed Rune, Began giggling in excitement at her new name. Their celebration was cut short when they heard a strange rumbling. The two began looking around in concern, but Rune saw the source first in the form of a giant snowball rolling towards them. Rune alerted Xavier to the threat, causing him to panic and jump out of the way. Looking at the snowball, he saw the both Applejack and Spike were trapped in it with Twilight in a snow plow. When Xavier got over his shock, he began to run after them, though he was greatly outpaced in speed. After a bit of running, he saw Twilight run past him crying. Before he could chase after her, Rune jumped off his shoulder and ran over to a pile of snow with Applejack and Spike inside of it, trying to dig them out. Seeing them, he decided to get some answers. "AJ, Spike! What happened?"

"I'll tell ya what happened! Twilight just used her magic to try and help, but ended up making a bigger mess! She knows that using her magic here is not how we do things around here." Applejack explained, though Xavier became more and more upset.

"Well you weren't with Twilight the entire day, and while I don't know the full context of this, I know for a fact she only did it out of desperation to try and help. Whatever you said to her before now probably made her worse because she just ran past crying. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find her to comfort her. Come on Rune!" Hearing her name, Rune went over to her new friend as the two ran off to find Twilight, leaving Applejack feeling guilty over her actions.

"C'mon, where is she?"

Xavier was in town at the moment, searching for Twilight. He was here because he followed the hoofprints of twilight here, but the melting snow made it harder since the trail ended cold. He figured that Twilight was somewhere, so he began looking. It wasn't until Rune began acting up and running off. "Huh, hey Rune! Where are you going!?" Xavier yelled out as he chased her. When he stopped, he saw that Rune was hopping around a bush, almost like she was telling him something was here. When he looked around the bush, he saw none other then Twilight crying softly. Seeing her like that was sad to anyone, but the way she was made him have memories of a similar scene before coming to Equestria. But he put those thoughts away because Twilight needed someone, so he spoke up to begin. "Hey Twi, you okay?"

"I'm a winter mess up." Twilight whimpered.

"Come on Twi, I know you can do many things well." Xavier said softly, trying to cheer up Twilight.

"Really, because all I've done today is fail at arts and crafts, ice skating, waking up animals, and plowing fields. What can I do." Twilight began crying a bit harder after that. Xavier wanted to help her, but he had no idea on how. Rune however, did have an idea as she jumped onto Twilight and began softly nibbling on Twilight's ear. This was soft enough to not cause any pain, but hard enough to get Twilight's attention. Once Twilight saw Rune, the young fox began nuzzling up to Twilight affectionately, stopping Twilight's crying for a bit. "Huh, who is this?"

"That's Rune, my new housemate." Xavier answered, not feeling comfortable with calling her a pet. "I met her today at Rarity's, and she's been following me all day. Fluttershy saw that she was attached to me so she asked if I could take care of her."

"Okay, but what is she doing?" Twilight asked as she gestured to Rune's affection.

"I would say that she doesn't want to see you sad like this, so she is doing what she knows what to do." Upon saying that, Xavier thought of something. "Hey Twilight, why don't you try to do something your good at instead of going for positions you don't really know how to do?"

"Well, I can't because magic is what I'm good at..."

"well there are many things you can do, you just need to find out what you can do here." Xavier encouraged. As Twilight was about to ask what she could do, another voice rang out behind them.

“Rainbow Dash!” Looking out from behind the bush, they saw Applejack yelling up to Rainbow Dash with an annoyed tone. “Y'all need to melt the rest of the snow on the ground and in the trees, pronto!”

“Got it!” Rainbow replied ass eh began to fly off.

“You can’t!” Fluttershy stepped in with a worried expression, cutting off Rainbow's flight. “My poor little animals homes will get flooded if the snow melts too fast!”

“Got it!” Rainbow nodded, flying back.

“I’m telling you Rainbow! The snow’s gotta go!” Applejack demanded again.

“No, you simple must wait!” Fluttershy begged.





“Urgh! Make up your minds!” Rainbow exclaimed, annoyed with their fighting.

“Oh, what in Equestria are you all arguing about?” Mayor Mare demanded as she stepped out of Town Hall. “It’s this kind of silliness why we’re always late for spring!”

"Wait, did she say late?" Twilight said to Xavier, who nodded in confirmation that she heard right.

"I was hoping my amazingly inspirational speech would urge everyone to do better than last year, but now it looks like we're going to be later than ever. I mean just look at this catastrophe! The ice scorers made the ice chunks too big to melt." Looking over at the lake, what the mayor said was true as there were huge ice chunks still in the lake with ponies stranded on them, and Pinkie only shrugged in response. "The nest designer is horrendously behind. We need several hundred, and she's only made one!" Looking over, Rarity was still fixated on fixing Twilight's "nest" and began bawling at it. "And don't get me started on all the clouds in the sky, the icicles on the trees... this isn't good, not at all!"

“And it’s all gonna be all to pieces disastrous if we can’t get all our seeds planted!” Applejack announced as she looked over at Rainbow.

“Chillax, Applejack, we’re busting our chops as fast as we can!” Rainbow responded to defend herself.

“No, not so fast!” Fluttershy said as politely as possible while holding urgency. “We have to wake up all the animals slowly!”

“Uh, AJ?” Turning, Big Mac could be seen walking over with a pony with a face of guilt.

“Oh good gravy, Caramel lost the grass seeds again, didn’t he?” Applejack said as she face-hooved.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac nodded, as the pony next to him looked ashamed.

“Rainbow!” One of the Pegasus ponies flew over to Dash and complained “Ditzy Doo accidentally went north to get the southern birds!”

“Oh that featherbrain. Didn’t she learn her lesson last year when she went west?” Rainbow asked angrily.

Soon enough, the entire town began arguing between themselves. It was so much chaos that Xavier jumped in, with Rune following close behind. "Hey, hey! Can we all just calm down! Arguing between each other is not how you solve problems. I can tell you right now, infighting is what loses wars back where I come from."

"Well, what can we do?!" Rainbow asked, her temper and patience worn thin at this point.

"I hate to break it to you, but it seems like you all are unorganized and uncoordinated, which you end up looking to somepony else to help, and when they can't help, you end up blaming others and creating a cycle. I wish I could help you there, but my organization skills aren't the best either." Xavier explained and confessed, thinking about how his work area was a mess as well. He was about to continue until a certain voice rang out.

"But I am good at that!" Looking over, they saw Twilight standing before them, confident and ready compared to a few minutes ago when she was looking just about ready to give up. "If it's organization that you need, I am the pony that can do it." As Twilight called over the team leaders and Mayor Mare, Xavier smiled at Twilight knowing that she found what part she played in the town.

After laying out the plan to the leaders and the town, they all got to work. Over at the birds nest station, some of the stronger ponies were pulling over some supplies over, which Rarity and a few other ponies were working like an assembly line on the nest, making an easy and smooth nest production rate.

The ice scorers, working together and in formations, were able to cut the ice in clean and easy lines.

With the plant team, similar coordination was in place there. Three ponies were in each group, one to remove the snow, one to plow the fields behind them, and one to plant the seeds behind them, cutting time needed by a huge margin.

At the animal fields, Xavier finished hanging up a bell on each of the animal dens with a rope. Once they were all up, Fluttershy pulled on the rope, ringing all the bells in succession, waking all the animals quickly. Once the last animal was out of their den, Xavier pulled out his grappling hook and shot it at a tree that Rainbow was laying it, shaking it and signaling her to start the next phase. Rainbow then flew up into the sky where a bunch of other pegasus were, and all at once they flew in a formation that was strong enough to create a vortex that blew away not only all the clouds in the sky, but also snow and loose ice that was on ground level.

With all the snow, ice, and clouds gone, it made the land warmer, allowing for any remaining cold to melt away. There was still work to be done, however, so the entire town continued to work through the night. By the time the morning sun was rising, the weather team managed to come back with the southern birds, where they were all guided to the completed nest. It was then, that Xavier and Twilight looked out and saw that spring had arrived.

“I can’t believe it!” Mayor Mare said happily as the two looked over to her. “Spring is here! On time!” Mayor Mare then looked over at Twilight, as everypony else gathered. “And we have you to thank for it. If it weren’t for your organizing skills, we would still be arguing.”

"Eeyup." Big Mac said, getting a laugh out of everyone.

"It was a team effort." Twilight said proudly, happy that she could help.

“And since you helped every team we have an official vest for you.” Mayor Mare said as Rarity approached, levitating a new vest as she placed it upon Twilight. “We give you the title ‘All-Team Organizer’.” Once it was placed onto her, she and Xavier looked at it in awe, a combination of all three team colors.

“Gosh, I don’t even know what to say! Thank you, everypony!” Twilight said, happily gazing at her vest.

"Heh, you deserve it Twi, wear it with pride." Xavier said as Rune hopped up to show her own form of congratulations.

“I hereby declare that winter is wrapped up on time!” Mayor Mare proudly announced, stirring the crowd in happiness and joy that they were not only able to clean up winter on time, but the thought that they wouldn't be late anymore as long as Twilight was there to lead them.

"Well, welcome to your new home then Rune."

It was late afternoon and Xavier finally got home with Rune. It only took him so long because he went over to Fluttershy's to get some things for Rune. What he got was a bag of food, some toys, a bed, and a bunch of other odds and ends for her.

"Make yourself comfortable, Rune. My home is yours now, kid." Rune took no time to do that as she jumped up onto the couch and instantly fell asleep. "Heh, well that was quick." Putting down all the stuff he had, he sat down next to Rune and began petting her. He didn't know what would happen in the late future, or even the near future, but he did know that he would have someone to look forward to seeing every time he came home.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know I cut out the song, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that without breaking my sanity, cause it's hard. But yeah... anyway, I gave Xavier a fox because I was watching a lot of fox videos before I started and I thought it would be fun to have one. Don't judge me, I find their antics cute, I wanted to get all the cuteness out asap. Also you would not believe the motivation spike I had recently, so have this chapter.

Anyways, that's enough out of me, there are cookies that I need to make run, Koops out!

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