• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

A Winters Rose


Six, at a very young age, has suffered a life full of hardships and dangers. After escaping the radio tower, she finds herself somewhere she doesn't recognize.

With a new body, and in a new world, Six has a chance for a new life, and is ready to face any challenges ahead. Starting with solving this hunger.

(FiM x Little Nightmares)

This story is based on the Little Nightmares games, and takes place directly after the ending of Little Nightmares II, with the events of the first Little Nightmares interrupted (because it's a prequel). I will try my best to write this story to make it easier for people who has no idea what Little Nightmares is, but without knowledge of both games, many things may not make sense.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 11 )

Hmm, a story based around Little Nightmares and apparently all the TV-travelling shenanigans? Sounds like a promising premise, though I’m unsure where exactly you want to take the story.

Regarding this chapter, there’s quite a lot of errors. Some recurring, such as mixed up it’s/its and your/you’re, though I’d say the majority of what I noticed were just some random typos, odd capitalisation (or lack thereof), some run-on sentences, and also some odd syntax and word use. Ideally try looking for an editor that could quickly comb through this, though some spellchecking program should also be able to catch most of these.

Regarding the pacing and style of this chapter, it was quite fast. Luckily not breakneck-fast, but still faster than it’d deserve to be. This causes the reader to just breeze through without really being able to take in most of the lore or to enjoy the atmosphere. This results in some parts feeling very exposition-y and also makes some other bits quite easy to misinterpret. (When I reached the part with the forgotten film, I had to check if this story is tagged as random and/or comedy. I was quite surprised that it isn’t, given it uses such elements.)

Lastly, a couple sentences and tips about the story opening. The first few sentences or paragraphs of the story should do two things:

  • Hook the audience – provide something that’ll catch the readers attention and make them read on
  • Give the audience an idea of what to expect from the whole story feeling- and theme-wise.

To be frank, the beginning of this chapter where you just describe the Everfree and Ponyville doesn’t fulfill either of these.

I hope I didn’t scare you with my comment. Let me know if you have some additional questions or if you want me to elaborate on something unclear. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the advice! This first chapter was meant to be more of a prologue to get the main character introduced, the structure of the following chapters will hopefully be more easier to understand with a better pacing. I'll look into the errors ^^

You’re welcome! Regarding the structure, bear in mind that the first chapter/prologue is the most important part of a story, and as such it has to be of superb quality. I tend to liken it to a house foundation. If that one is unstable or otherwise faulty, the house built upon it, regardless of it being a little humble cottage or a grand palace, will inevitably fall. Similarly, if there are some problems with the opening chapter, many readers will be turned away and choose another of the thousands upon thousand stories on this site. In other words, they won’t be around to see the improved quality of the following chapters.

We will watch your career with great interest.

I wonder if she will regain her powers from the furst game

Interesting… Keep going:ajsmug:.

I really wish there were more Little Nightmares crossovers on here...

WELL! This was something I didn’t expect to see updated today! Very nice surprise there. I’m excited to see what happens next!

Have a great day!!!!!

A update! Ty for the chap!

I'm liking this so far and am very interested in where it'll go.

In terms of feedback, your use of separators is normal as far as I'm concerned. That said, there are quite a few instances where you revert to the present tense, despite the rest of the story being in the past. It's not a deal breaker for me, but it can be a bit distracting.

Still, don't let that discourage you. This is a lovely little idea and I would love to see more.

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