• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 3,683 Views, 66 Comments

the Fire of Courage - NinjaMare

worlds collide as a hero from another world gets sent to Equestria, but now this wayward hero becomes the newest warrior that protects the land from its evils.

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Chapter 6: City In The Sky

Author's Note:

I'm back everyone! things have finally settled down, and i can write and work again without grief and strife looming over my damn shoulder. sorry if i was inactive with uploads of new chapters, and not just minor edits, but hopefully things will be back to normal.

A few days have gone by since Blaze’s fellow comrade in arms, Pegasusmon, came to Ponyville due to the same circumstances that befell upon Blaze. And like his fellow Armor Digimon, Pegasusmon was given a nickname by Pinkie Pie, which was Bullion, as a complement to his astounding golden armor, not only that but the winged Digimon was also given a place to rest in Ponyville like Blaze. Although unlike the dragon-like Digimon, Bullion didn’t stay at the library with Twilight and him, instead he was offered a place to stay down at Sweet Apple Acers, courtesy of Applejack. So long as the tall pegasus helps out around the farm, which the winged Digimon was more than happy to do so.

Then during the following day Bullion was taken to Canterlot to visit princess Celestia, though this time both Digimon were able to meet the other princess that governs the land, and both of them were astonished to meet the tall pegasus Digimon. As well as learn that he shares the same origin as his fellow fire-armored Digimon comrade. Since then the two Digimon have been residing in Ponyville, just enjoying a nice peaceful life while they figure out what they should do for the rest of their lives, as they were no longer wandering warriors that fought invading or darken forces. But as they spend time in Ponyville, amongst the ponies that live in the town, the more that they both started feel a little out of place. Bullion most of which as he has yet to acclimate fully to how peaceful this world was compared to theirs. Yet they were aided by Twilight and her friends in that things would work out for them, and that they will find their place in this new world they found themselves in.

Since then the two Armor Digimon were contemplating, and discussing amongst themselves about what they should do. As of right now neither of them were doing much, aside from aiding their current caretakers with chores around their living spaces, resting and enjoying the peace of the town, and of course eating whenever they were hungry. Right now, the two felt as if they weren’t anything more than simple free-loaders who don’t really have any idea, or anything that they could do that would seem meaningful. While the peace they enjoyed was soothing for them, it also started to make them see that aside from fighting there wasn’t much that they knew how to do.


At the moment Bullion was flying in the skies by himself just outside of Ponyville’s town boarder, and was simply exploring the surrounding areas to see what it is he could discover, as well as visit. So far Bullion has discovered a few locations that were quite interesting within the area, one of which was a great gorge that was a mile or so from town, which had strange eel-like creatures living within the gorge. Who attempted to eat him when Bullion was flying around then through the vast rocky terrain, although the creatures were fairly weak and easy to overpower. Bullion didn’t even have to use his more powerful techniques to make the eels retreat. The other location that Bullion found was a forest that was just a short walk from the town, and when he ventured through the woods he had encountered even more unusual creatures, ranging from a chimera, wolves made out of foliage, even a crocodile that appeared to be comprised of nothing but rocks.

After exploring the forest and encountering its strange creatures, and even meeting a rather charming rhyming zebra, the winged Digimon decided to make his way back to town. But along the way Bullion spotted two of his new friends, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, flying from town and was heading northward, curious as to where his fellow flyers were going Bullion decided to fly after them.

“Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy!” Bullion called out as he closed in on the pair, who stopped and looked towards the Digimon with a look of surprise.

“Hey there Bullion, what are you doing all the way out here?” Rainbow Dash asked as the three flying equines hovered in mid-air as they spoke.

“I was exploring the areas around the town, and I just finished venturing through the forest over there.” Bullion remarked as he pointed to the forest in question, which the others looked at him with a startled expression. “After having a look at the forest I decided to head back to town, but then I saw you two flying off and was curious.”

“Oh well you see Bullion; Rainbow Dash and I are heading to Cloudsdale so that she could enter a flyers competition.” Fluttershy explained to the Armor Digimon.

“And what’s this Cloudsdale place you two are heading off to?”

“It’s the main pegasus city that flies around Equestria, and is the bulk head of all of our weather production.” Fluttershy continued on to explains before she looked off into the distance, and then points at something that when Bullion looked to where the mare was gesturing to, saw something like a very large clump of clouds with rainbows around it.

“And today Cloudsdale is hosting the competition that Fluttershy was mentioning, and if I win the competition I’ll be able to spend the rest of the day, WITH THE WONDERBOLTS!” the pegasus then bolted into the air and do a few loops as she whooped and excitedly cheered.

“Who are these Wonderbolts?” Bullion asked Fluttershy while Rainbow was still flying around.

“The Wonderbolts are the best aerial acrobatic team in all of Equestria, they do aerial performances and races for entertainment, and when they get challenged by other aerial teams that try to be just like them.”

“Not only that, but they’re also Equestria’s First Response Aerial Squad for Equestria’s army.” Rainbow Dash added as she zipped back down to the pair.

“Interesting.” Bullion retorted as he looked to the far off cloud city before turning back to the pair. “Would you mind if I accompany you two to the city, I’m starting to get curious about it.”

“I don’t mind. What about you Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked her cyan friend who just gave an excitable grin.

“I’m cool with it, but we better hurry. I still need to sign up for the Young Flyers Competition.”

Rainbow Dash then started to fly off towards the city, with Fluttershy and Bullion flying off after her while Fluttershy also started to tell the Digimon more about the city. The trio made it to the city within around twenty minutes, and when they came upon it Bullion started to look around the city as the group made their way to the registration office. From the buildings to what would be the city streets and roads, everything that Bullion could see was virtually made out of clouds, even the pillars that looked to be made out of marble but were actually sculpted and more compacted clouds. One of the more eye catching things that Bullion spotted was a large building further out into the city, where he saw various rainbows arcing about and shown brightly, there were even more clouds be puffed out of a large funnel shaped structure. There were even some muffled crackle and booming sounds emanating from where the rainbows and clouds were being made, which further stirred the Digimon’s curiosity about the city and how it was able to produce the weather of an entire nation on mass.

There was also another thing that Bullion found curious, and that was that all of the pegasi around the city were walking about on the clouds like they would if they were on the ground. Even Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were walking around when they landed in front of a building that Rainbow entered. The city started to remind the Armor Digimon of the Cloud Servers, where Digimon were also able to walk around on the clouds. Taking the chance Bullion also touched down onto the cloud, and was surprised to find that he to was able to stand on the wispy surfaces, but unlike the ones from the Cloud Servers these clouds were more clumpy and poofy, like very fluffy pillows, while as the ones of the Cloud Server felt a bit more solid underneath the thin veil of mist that congregated around them. Once the digital monster was standing on the clouds he started to notice that all of the nearby ponies were looking at him, all of whom were giving him the same expressions he’s been getting from the ponies in Ponyville. Slacked jaw and widen eyes as they looked at him, as well as the blushes adoring most of the mares faces that he could see.

“Alright! I’m all signed up!” Rainbow boasted as she exited the building.

“I’m glad were able to make it. When does the competition start?” Fluttershy inquired as Bullion continued to just look around the plaza they were in.

“The competition won’t be for a couple of hours; I just hope I can do the Sonic Rainboom this time.”

“What’s a Sonic Rainboom?” Bullion asked when his attention was brought back to the pair as they spoke about a unknown term that he hasn’t heard of.

“The Sonic Rainboom is a legendary pegasus skill that has a pegasus fly so fast, that they break the sound barrier, and their innate magic floods out of them and makes an incredible magical trail.” Fluttershy told Bullion before gesturing to her cyan friend. “And Rainbow Dash is one of the few pegasi that can pull it off.”

“Yeah but I was only able to do it when I was a filly, I uh, haven’t been able to do it again since.” Rainbow lamented as she pawed at the ground, scoffing a few bits of clouds as she appeared to a little disheartened. Bullion trotted over to the small mare and gave her a comforting nuzzle to the side, startling Rainbow for a moment but settled as the Digimon spoke up.

“Don’t be dishearten Rainbow Dash. Even if something seems out of reach, and are told by others that it is an impossible feat to reach and strive for, things that you dream of and believe in will always give you strength to push forward. Regardless if it seems impossible, if you continue to chase after your dreams with resolve and hope, you will achieve them.” The pegasus chuckled as she looked up to the large equine digital monster with a small grin.

“Thanks Bullion, I appreciate the pep talk.” The Digimon gave a small smile in return as the mare gave his foreleg a small bump, but as the two bonded a little they heard a slight gasp that made them look at their butterscotch friend that was standing next to them.

“Rare?” both Rainbow and Bullion heard Fluttershy randomly say with a tone of surprise in her voice, while staring at something behind the pair with an astonished look. And when both of them turned to look at what Fluttershy was looking at, they to were surprised at what they saw.

“Rarity!?” both mares blurted out in both amazement and confusion as they looked up to their white coated friend, who was fluttering nearby with a pair of large glossy looking butterfly wings, while Bullion just looked at the mare with a curious look. From what the ponies have told him and Blaze, the only ponies that had wings were pegasi and alicorns, so he was wondering how could a unicorn like Rarity have wings all of a sudden.

“But how did—where did—how in the world did you get wings? And what are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked her friend as she continued to look between the unicorn, and her glossy wings with a baffled expression.

“Marvelous aren’t they! Twilight gave them to me so that we could come up and give you a big cheering section.” Rarity said as she fluttered around the trio, where then they saw something coming up from the cloud bank. A large balloon emerged from the puffy white surface, and inside its basket Bullion and the others saw that the rest of their friends.

“Did you all come here to cheer Rainbow Dash on?” Fluttershy asked to the group as the hot air balloon ‘parked’ itself on the puffy surface after it fully emerged.

“We sure did!” Pinkie said as she bounced out of the basket, which caused the two pegasi to panic, but the moment the pink mare touched the cloudy terrain nothing happened. The others then started to emerge from the basket, and like the pink mare, none of them were passing through the clouds which only amazed the two pegasi even more.

“Check it out guys, we can walk on clouds now! Pretty neat huh?” Pinkie joyfully says as she started to cartwheel around the group.

“But how are all of you here, and standing on the clouds?” Bullion asked the group.

“Yeah, only pegasus ponies are able to stand and walk on clouds.” Rainbow said as she started to reel in her surprise emotions.

“Well I found a spell that would give non-pegasi the ability to fly for a few days, but it was really complicated that I was only able to cast it once.” Twilight elaborated as Rarity continued to flutter around the group as she continued on with her explanations. “But there was a far more simpler spell that allowed non-pegasi to walk on clouds.”

“So after Twilight did her little spell, we all came up here to cheer you to victory.” Applejack said to give her friend some comfort and encouragement.

“Thanks guys I really appreciate it.” Rainbow says graciously before an idea pops into her head.

“Hey! The competition doesn’t start for a while, how about Fluttershy and I show you around Cloudsdale.” The group of ponies excitably agreed to the tour, while the Digimon gave a more tamed response but were still interested in seeing this city in the sky.

For the next hour or so Rainbow & Fluttershy guided the others through their home city, showing the various districts and popular spots of Cloudsdale. And as the group traveled the wispy streets of the city, the group started to notice that they were garnering attention, mostly it was because of Rarity with her large wings, and the two Digimon that were traveling with them. Leaving the main city district the group then headed to the factory district, where the two pegasi started to show their friends the different departments of the factories operation, and seeing how this world’s aspects of weather are made and maintained. For the two Digimon they were greatly interested in what they were seeing, as they found the ponies actually generating the winds, thunderstorms, rain, and many other atmospheric conditions so fascinating.

Yet while the two Digimon were following their little friends, and learning a bit more about this world overall, and a bit about pegasi culture and their responsibility for creating and maintaining the weather they started to notice something. The two digital monsters started to notice that wherever they went, various ponies would pine and admire Rarity’s gossamer wings, and make a passing remark in how she should enter the flyers competition that Rainbow Dash was competing in. Which caused the rainbow maned mare in question to look, and become more worried and more disheartened as she started to mutter to herself on how she was starting to feel inadequate when compared to her white coated friend. Naturally, the cyan ponies friends consoled her in that she would do fine, but the more that Rarity continued to receive praise for her wings, the more that Rainbow Dash felt more uncertain about even competing. It also didn’t help that not only did Rarity not seem to notice her friends plight, but there were also some pegasi that seem to know Rainbow Dash and start belittling her, and telling her that whatever she has planned for the competition was basically meaningless.

It was hard for the Digimon to see the usually bombastic and confident pegasus look so shaken, and so deflated of her gumption that she was actually thinking of backing out of the event. Thankfully, the mare’s friends were able to reinvigorate her drive and encourage her to continue on in her plans. When the tour of the weather factory was over with the group made their way to the large stadium near the center of the city, where the Young Flyers Competition was being held and was already being filled with pegasi. All of which were roaring out in excitement as they waited for the event to officially begin.

“Are you girls sure that Rainbow will be alright?” Blaze asked the mares as he and the others sat down on their designated cloud bank that overlooked the vast stadium, which had no floor of any kind at its bottom.

“Ah hope so.” Applejack said as a sour expression took over her face. “Oh those stallions made me so mad, Ah was itching to knock them upside the head!”

“I know how you feel Applejack, but I’m a little more miffed with Rarity.” Twilight said as she scoffed and stamped a hoof on the cloud the group was sitting on. “It’s like she’s completely blinded to Rainbow’s own worries, that she is contributing to.”

“Well she was being gushed over because of her wings, and you know Rarity, she loves being the center of attention when the spotlight is on her.” Pinkie Pie said as she placed the foam hand with a number one on her hoof, while a pegasus stallion hops onto a lone cloud and started to announce that the competition is about to get underway.

“We’ll just have to wait and see if Rainbow’s usual confidence comes back to her as she starts her performance.” Bullion commented as he and the others watched as Celestia, and a group of pegasi wearing flight suits start making their way to the other side of the stadium.

“Are those the Wonderbolts that Rainbow Dash admires?”

“That’s right. She’s been trying to get into their group for years, and hoping to join their team.” Fluttershy explained as the first competitor emerges from behind a set of curtains, and begins their routine.

With the Young Flyers Competition well underway, the group watched one after another of various pegasi emerging from the curtains and perform their own routines, all of which the crowd cheered and jeered as the pegasi participants zipped and flown about. Most of which were showing off their speed, and their aerial maneuverability, while other ponies were showing off various tricks and acrobatic maneuvers that really wowed the crowd. And while all of the ponies performing thus far were indeed incredible, the group were mostly waiting for their friends to show up and show what their own performances were going to be like. Especially Rarity as she only decided to join the competition at the last minute, so they were curious as to what the winged unicorn would do. But as time went on the group has yet to see any of their friends coming out, and then showing what their own performances were, which was starting to make them worry if Rainbow dropped out, and if Rarity was brushed aside because she didn’t have anything to display.

“Alright everypony we’ve reached the finally of this years Young Flyers Competition, and we’re about to have our final competitor strut their stuff!” the announcer and showman of the event said which got the crowed excited, but the group was a little more concern as they were confused on which of their friends was about to come out and perform. “And for the first time ever…it’s a duo performance!”

“A duo performance?” Twilight and her three friends said in unison, while Blaze and Bullion looked at each other with a questioning look before turning back to the main area of the stadium, and saw Rainbow Dash timidly fly out who was then followed by Rarity. Who was dressed up in the most flashiest and possibly most gawdy outfit the Digimon have ever seen.

“What in the world is Rarity wearing?” Applejack asked as she and the others watched their friends start off doing their duo performance, which was a combination of an aerial fly relay by Rainbow Dash, while Rarity was doing some kind of aerial ballet.

“I’m not sure but that looks like something you’d wear at a flashy festival or something.” Pinkie Pie commented as she watched her friends go about their individual stunts, before they all winced when Rainbow Dash screws up on a trick and slams into the stadium wall. “OH! That’s going to leave a mark.”

“I’m more worried if she’ll be able to get through her entire routine.” Fluttershy said worriedly as she and the others watched as their rainbow maned friend went back to doing her routine, where she started to fly up to a collection of clouds and started to fly around them, causing the clouds to be spin around like tops.

The duo performances continued on for a bit, and while Rarity’s ballet dance was going pretty well, Rainbow Dash however was still making little mistakes that tripped her up. As well as cause the pegasus to either slam into something, or cause part of her routine to go out of control. Like causing one of the clouds she was using to skew out of control while it was spinning, and nearly crashing into the princess. A few more minutes have gone by since the pair have started their duel performance, and by this time they appeared to be reaching their climax, with both mares flying high up into the air.

“This is it!” Fluttershy says excitedly as she claps her hooves together. “Rainbow is going to try and do the Sonic Rainboom!”

“Do you think she’ll be able to do it?” Blaze asked as he watched the two ponies continue to climb higher and higher into the air.

“We can only hope.” Bullion responded as the group watched as the mares reached the preferred height that they were striving for.

While Rainbow Dash continued to climb higher into the air, everyone watched as Rarity reached her desired spot in the sky and then spread her wings out wide, which caused the light of the sun to shine through them and cause a cascade of brilliant colors to shine down upon the entire stadium. But then everyone watched as the mares butterfly wings just, burst into flames, and left the mare to start falling out of the sky! As Rarity was plummeting out of the sky everyone gasped and screamed in horror, the Wonderbolts dived off their own cloud balcony and raced towards Rarity to save her. But everyone watched as they were knocked out by Rarity’s flailing limbs, rather easily to boot. Yet while the Wonderbolts were knocked out, everyone watched as Rainbow Dash zoomed down from where she was and race to help her friend and idols.

However before the mare reached the stadium both Blaze and Bullion lept off and free fall to the group while dawning their armor. As the two Digimon raced towards the group of ponies Bullion tightened his dive to increase his speed, while Blaze created bursts of flames from his gauntlets that caused him to literally rocket to the ponies. When they were close enough to the group they both then zipped around the ponies, gathering them up with Bullion scooping two of the Wonderbolts up onto his back, while Blaze darted about and grabbed Rarity and the third Wonderbolt. Once the ponies were gathered up Bullion quickly spun around and flew back up to the stadium, with Blaze following behind him as he kept creating explosive fiery burst from his feet, keeping pace with his winged companion.

The two Armor Digimon eventually re-entered the stadium where they were met with a medical team, who took the Wonderbolts to a nearby balcony to check how they were doing, while Rarity was placed in the basket of the hot air balloon that Twilight teleported into the stadium. As ponies were being taken care of and ensured that they were alright, the rest of the crowd in the stadium started to openly cheer for the rescue of Rarity, and the Wonderbolts.

“That was totally amazing!” Pinkie Pie blurted as she jumped towards the two Digimon, being caught by Blaze where she then reached up to wrap a foreleg around his neck and one around Bullion. “The way that you two just dive out of the stadium, and raced towards everypony and rescued them, was AWESOME!”

“It wasn’t anything that noteworthy.” Blaze stated as he placed the pink mare down.

“Indeed, we’d did rescues like these countless times back home.” Bullion added as he stood amongst the smaller ponies.

“Whether it was noteworthy or not—” the group heard princess Celestia speak as they turned to see her hovering down to them. “You still saved my little ponies from certain doom, and for that you have my thanks.”

“Ours to.” the group turned to face the owner of the new voice and saw the Wonderbolts recovered, and standing before the group. “On behalf of the Wonderbolts we thank you for saving our lives as well.”

The two Digimon accepted the thanks from both the princess and the Wonderbolts, and once everything was settled and everyone was confirmed to be alright, the competition went on with Rainbow Dash re-doing her entire routine. Which the mare was happy to, but as she left the two Digimon could’ve sworn that they saw a slight frown on the mare’s face, hopefully this whole minor scare didn’t throw the mare too much.

Comments ( 6 )

Good to see this is back and its still just as good as I remember it

No Rainboom? Oh dear...

And they just screwed Dash from her Rainboom

not intentionally, they just acted on instinct to help those that were in danger.

Yeah I don't vlame them but this is going to have consequences

More please?

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