• Published 4th Feb 2021
  • 12,643 Views, 1,084 Comments

Choice - zelkova48

When the time came, choices needed to be made. Consequences be damned. A series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Pony

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Sweetie Drops wrestles with her own failure as the Equestrian Freedom Fighters are culled by Task Force Centaur. The final vestige of old Equestria dies with her.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Equestria wasn't supposed to lose. They were not to be conquered, especially by a gaggle of hairless apes with self-destructive tendencies.

Failure was an impossibility to the chosen people, that was an undeniable fact of life that the Church of Harmony taught to all its true believers. A universal constant instilled to all born of blessed pony form and consciousness.

Harmony could never be truly smoted. The sky may split, the oceans boil, their Goddesses struck down or shown their true wickedness, but then the people would rally together and turn the tide against the human mongrels that dare to extinguish the sole light of righteousness in the universe.

The Equestrian Freedom Fighter were that lingering spark, the very last breath of a once beautiful civilization that will rise again like a phoenix from the ashes. Loyal to the core they embodied the very essence of the venerable Princess Celestia's Equestrian ideals.

Through faith and fire, they valiantly fight against overwhelming odds, bold underdogs destined to bring down a blighted regime, firmly girded in the belief that no matter what may come they will undoubtedly triumph in the end and all will be right once more because they are the good guys in the winding story of life...

...Unfortunately, that same belief has been strained and tested far beyond its breaking point.

It had been eight years since their inception, eight years of righteous rebellion; bombings, political assassinations, kidnapping and ransoming, information warfare, anything they could come up with really, and they've barely been able to do any lasting damage to their human foe nor were they any closer to deposing Twilight, the traitor, and reclaiming Equestria for its rightful people.

They've had next to nothing to show for all their arduous years of blood, sweat, tears and devotion save for ridicule on the world stage, scorn from their own kinfolk and a long list of dead freedom fighters that continues to grow beyond what was acceptable. Equestria and the vast majority of its people remain firmly in humanity's cloying grasp, hopelessly swayed by their alluring temptations and vices, ignorant of the permanent stain that mars its perfection.

To further rub salt into the wounds, Princess Celestia, she who is above all, had been put on a sensationalist show trial before a kangaroo court then coldly murdered for all to see not two years earlier, an atrocious tragedy that had irreparably crippled the morale of the EFF whether they were willing to admit or not.

Some members, even those with will of iron, had killed themselves immediately once the sheer magnitude of the reality set in for them, their sudden departure from this world often signaled by a single thundering crack of a firearm or wet gurgle of warm blood pouring out from their exposed jugular.

Venerable Princess Celestia, the last and most almighty of the true Goddesses was gone along with whatever hope there was at bringing her back to the homeland, of restoring her rule. Vaporized into ash by foul human invention then callously scattered to the four winds, never to be seen ever again. They were now truly alone in a world without her love, protection and judicious guidance.

The solemn vigil held in her honor did little to assuage the gnawing sense of dread that continued to fester underneath. Doubt was growing rampant as their failures piled up. They couldn't sit by as the godless masses celebrated the death of their Goddess, punishment for such crimes must be meted out swiftly and mercilessly.

Thus, it was hastily decided that they would go ahead with their plan, Operation Queen's Fall, and have Twilight assassinated as soon as possible in order to regain some semblance of control over their shadow war. It was as much a sign of desperation as it was fanaticism that they were willing to go such lengths on a whim in order to achieve their goal, but the benefits of their success would no doubt offset the drastic cost in their mind.

Unfortunately, misfortune once again spat in their faces as their assassination attempt had not only failed but was so as a direct result of sabotage.

Trixie Lulamoon, initially believed to be a bitter soul who joined the cause out of personal vendetta against Twilight, had revealed herself to be a mole working under her the entire time at the most crucial moment of the plan, foiling yet another of their desperate endeavors. She had used her alleged bitterness to garner sympathy and earn the trust of the EFF, who in turn trusted her with their wealth of secrets.

It was a masterful con that had everyone fooled and paved the way for subterfuge and intelligence gathering with none the wiser. And though Trixie paid the ultimate price for her duplicity, perishing like the treacherous scum she was, her efforts had guaranteed that the EFF were hamstrung at almost every opportunity while she was still alive.

Time and time again their efforts were thwarted. With each mounting loss their numbers and morale dwindled, their capacity for retaliation all but cut off at the knee.

But still, they resist in the face of annihilation.

They resist because the only other option is to lay down and die.

Sweetie Drops, stalwart leader of the Equestrian Freedom Fighters, frantically paced around the suddenly all-too-claustrophobic confines of her ruined barricaded office as the nightmarish cacophony of death and devastation echoed all around her. Every so often there would be a muffled explosion overhead followed by tremors that caused various objects in the room to rattle, sometimes off their perch, and flecks of dirt to sprinkle atop her like rain.

She looked a complete and total mess. Her fur was matted and soaked with sweat, the dark rings around her bloodshot eyes gave her a ghoulish appearance; she was a mare at the end of her ropes.

Several radios nearby hissed with either white noise or the panicked screams of the dying. A wall of black and white monitors surveying the many labyrinthine tunnels and divided sublevels of the EFF headquarters displayed a multitude of grisly scenes as her comrades fought futilely against the enemy before being cut down like wheat before a scythe.

"Bulwark Team, Rampart Team!" she cried into one of the radios. "Hold the line, we can't let the Green Sector be overrun! If they break through, they'll have unfettered access to the rest of the facility! The survival of the Equestrian Freedom Fighters hinge on your resistance! The cause is all that matters, Equestria is all that matters, remember that and fight on! Don't give those Godless bastards an inch of ground!"

A pegasus visible on the monitor where the Green Sector was located fumbled with his own radio, he was hunkered down with several others behind makeshift barricades who were all preoccupied with holding off the waves of black armored humans and ponies threatening to overtake their position. He had the radio pressed up against one ear and a hoof over the other to muffle the ear-splitting roar of the Browning machine gun beside him.

"Chief Sweetie Drops!" The pegasus addressed in a panicked voice, nervously looking over his shoulder in sporadic intervals. "This is Flip Tricks of Bulwark Team! It's not looking great! We need reinforcements yesterday! We can't keep this up, we're gonna ge-!"

His pleas were cut short as the unnerving hiss of a plasma blast echoed across the air. A single bolt of superheated plasma streaked across the air, illuminating the room along its wispy trail before striking the unfortunate earth pony manning the machine gun, taking off the upper half of his head in a single blow and leaving only a horrid, melted stump in its wake.

The gunner's corpse convulsed in his death throes; hoof still pressed up tight against the trigger of the machine gun. The weapon swung wildly from the recoil, whipping over to the side and riddling the others behind the barricade in a hail of bullets, wounding or killing them outright from the friendly fire. Flip Tricks fell into the latter category, eating a buffet of lead before a stray bullet ricochet off the wall and destroyed the camera, killing the feed as well.

"Flip Tricks?! Flip Tricks!?" Sweetie yelled as her blood pressure spiked, causing a vein in her neck to bulge and throb under the stress. "Come in! Bulwark Team? Rampart Team?! Somepony answer me, Celestia, damn it! Graaaah!" She angrily slammed a hoof against the blank screen, cracking the glass of the monitor before she started pacing back and forth again.

Task Force Centaur, the irksome joint counterterrorism unit born of human-pony cooperation, had at long last discovered their secret mountain headquarters. They struck with the force of a hurricane dead set on wiping them all out once and for all. Between their superior weapons, advanced tactics and sheer body count facing them head on was a death sentence.

The EFF's only hope of keeping the lingering spark alive was to flee and establish a new headquarters somewhere else, start all over again. It pained everypony to have to leave the Macintosh mountains, a place rich in historical and cultural significance spanning all the way back to Equestria's turbulent beginnings, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.

They can find a new home to rebuild and restart their crusade; somewhere, anywhere was better than lands tainted in the human filth. Even the most remote of locations were starting to grow in appeal.

The situation was undeniably grim.

And yet, throughout it all, Sweetie Drops continued to hold onto her faith and convictions like a lifeline.

She did not falter when the Equestrian Secret Service tasked her with routing out traitors and dissidents.

She did not falter when Equestria's borders had been compromised by the human invaders.

She did not falter even as Canterlot, the beating heart of the country, was strangled by the hands of the enemy.

She did not falter then; she will not falter now.

This had to be a test, she rationalized. Yes, there was no other plausible explanation for the EFF's miserable state of being.

The siege upon their mountain headquarters by the deplorable humans was all a divine test set upon them by the true Alicorns themselves from high above in the verdant fields of Elysium as a way to measure their faith and loyalty.

A trial by fire to ensure that the Equestria reborn and reshaped by their hooves would be led by capable loyalists with a strong moral compass and ironclad devotion to home and hearth. The population that would come thereafter as a result would undoubtedly be truehearted, unlike their untrustworthy predecessors.

Surely, they would succeed where all others have failed.

Surely, fate would not be so cruel to deny them their rightful victory...

"S-Sapphire Team! Come in, Sapphire Team!" Sweetie Drops called into one of the radios, her eyes glued to the many monitors. "Come in, Sapphire Team! Do you read!?" She swallowed thickly nervously waiting for a response only to hear nothing but worrisome static.

She had sent out several recon teams the moment the attack began, they were tasked with checking to see if the emergency escape routes were still usable.

The blasted Thalmann generators had been set up en masse around the mountainside, their eldritch touch was capable of being felt even through several meters of solid rock. Escape through magical means was impossible now. The multitude of periphery escape tunnels were their only hope of survival for the freedom fighters as this very well may be their last stand. A thought that would've been appealing before, were it not for the haunting truthful finality that it'd entail.

"Sapphire Team! Come in, Sapphire Team!" Sweetie repeated, her nerves steadily fraying with each agonizing second. "Report! What's your sta-!?" she was interrupted by another rumble, followed by telltale drone of a sonic rainboom in the distance. She braced herself against her desk, screwing her eyes shut as she was pelted by loose rocks and dirt clods. It feels as if the entire room was ready to collapse in on itself any minute now.

Rainbow Dash was undoubtedly giving it her all up there, that must've been her third or even fourth sonic rainboom pulled off in the past few hours. It was only through sheer grit, determination and Celestia's benevolent grace she hadn't ripped herself apart from the g-force pulling off such a prodigious maneuver repeatedly within a short time frame. Truly she was worthy of her hero moniker. Sweetie couldn't help but wonder if that alone would be enough to ward off the task force.

"Venerable Princess Celestia, she who is above all, I, your most humble of daughters, loyal to Equestria and all it encompasses, beseech to you; please watch over your loyal flock. Grant us the strength to resist these foul invaders so that we may continue to foster your great work..." Sweetie mumbled rapidly as she righted herself, reaching for the radio again. She fiddled with the settings, checking to make sure it was still on the right frequency.

"Sapphire Team, report in. What is your status?" she spoke in a demanding tone, voice trembling with traces of fear and anxiety. "Come in, did you find the escape tunnel?"

"-apphire team, reporting in! We're at escape tunnel D of the Red Sector, Chief Sweetie Drops!" a feminine voice replied, her voice hoarse and exhausted.

A flicker of hope twitched in Sweetie's chest, a hope she prudently pushed aside until she was absolutely certain things will work out.

"There better be good news," Sweetie growled, unable to keep the edge out of her voice.

"It's no good!" the voice replied, she sounded defeated and full of despair. "The tunnel is collapsed, just like the rest in the sector! We think the initial bombardment got to it before we did!"

"Grr... Damn it all!" Sweetie screamed, resisting the urge to smash another monitor. Collecting what little composure she had left she continued speaking. "Move on to the next sector! One of these damn tunnels has to be intact, it's our only method of escape!"

"We'll try, chief. But with the way things are going the odds of finding one in working condition aren't looking very- Wait, what! Aaah-!" the voice on the other end let loose a shrill scream before gunfire blared from the speaker. Eerie buzzing followed shortly after. Sweetie Drop could feel her heart sink into the pit of her stomach as the radio dropped out of her hooves.

Sapphire Team was the last of the recon team she was able to keep in contact with. The others, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Topaz and so forth had gone quiet as well, all assumed to be either captured or killed.

Ruby Team in particular had fared the worst. Sweetie bore witness to their demise through the monitors, watching as the constant bombardments from Task Force Centaur from outside caused a cave in at Yellow Sector, burying them alive underneath several tons of rock and dirt. It was a horrible way to die.

There was nothing left now save for fighting a losing battle in what could best be argued to be pest control than a glorious final stand. Everything they had fought and bled for over eight long years had proven in the end to be completely and utterly useless.

"No..." The sobering realization hit Sweetie Drops and it hit her hard.

They had failed.

This was it. The end of all things good and pure in the universe was rapidly approaching. The final spark of hope snuffed out in the choking darkness of cruel fate.

"No..." In a twist of irony, the Equestrian Freedom Fighter's mountain headquarters, their bastion from the tainted world beyond, was about to become their tomb.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Sweetie Drops lost whatever sense of steadfastness she had left and gave into the despair that had crept its way into her soul, letting out a primal roar that was full of anguish. Raising herself up on her hind legs she proceeded to slam her forelegs repeatedly against the top of her desk in a blind rage.

"No, no, no!" she punctuated each word by bringing her hooves down onto the table with enough intensity to cause solid mahogany to split and crack. "This can't be it; I refuse to acknowledge this outcome! We are ponies of Equestria! The strong, the righteous, the herald's friendship and harmony!" She shouted towards no one, perhaps at herself. "I am faithful, the freedom fighters by my side are as well! We live to spread light through the darkness as is our holy charge!"

Throughout it all she wore an expression of hopelessness and directionless fury, unable to process the storm of emotions swirling about in her weary mind. The stark reality of the EFF's impending doom had already begun to override her own once-unshakeable beliefs and it sent her into a deranged frenzy. She desperately tried to make it make sense, but no amount of mental gymnastics could justify denying what was happening all around her.

After only a brief minute of mindless pounding she stopped, her hooves were cracked and sore. She panted heavily as hot tears poured down her cheeks in long unbroken streaks.

The dream of Equestria's grand revival was dead. Perhaps it was always meant to be a dream; sweet, comforting and ephemeral. Forever faraway and out of reach.

In her turmoil, through the tears and despair she laid eyes upon a small statuette of the Alicorns resting on a pillar in one corner of the room. Though it was covered with dirt it had miraculous stayed upright despite nearly everything else in the room being flung to the ground by the tremors.

She immediately moved from her desk and threw herself before the statuette, prostrating herself before an inanimate object no holier than the desk she was beating at prior.

"Oh, blessed Alicorns of Equestria. Venerable Cadence, Flurry Heart, Luna and Celestia! Forgive me, I have failed you!" she groveled pathetically underneath the blank uncaring gaze of her stone Goddesses, quivering like a newborn foal. "I tried my hardest to lead your most loyal flock to triumphant glory, to restore the old Equestria in your name, but it was not enough! We stand on the precipice of destruction, assailed at all sides by verminous humans and our traitorous kin! There is nothing we can do!"

She wept silently, head pressed against the floor unable to even meet the eyes of her deities. But it was at her lowest, both physically and mentally that she received an epiphany. Or in her eyes, a divine revelation.

"...No, I am wrong. There is still something we can do," she muttered darkly, rising from her spot along the floor as she wiped her face of tears and snot. "The Earth is finished. The terrible rot that has befallen our people has spread too far and too deep to be reversed. I accept that. But there is still one other place left for your loyal children to go home to..."

Wordlessly she trotted back over to her desk and hastily pulled open one of the drawers, rattling the contents within as she did. In it was an unloaded Webley Mk. VI revolver and some loose ammunition rolling about. It was one of the many 'modern' firearms former princess Twilight helped to develop that were distributed among the Royal Guard and Equestrian Secret Service prior to the invasion.

She picked it up and began slowly loading it with .45 ACP pistol rounds, one bullet at a time. Once it was fully loaded, she closed up the gun and gave it a hard stare. It was still in fantastic condition. She had kept it all this time in spite of her disgust toward guns, having never actually fired it during her time in the service or as leader of the Equestrian Freedom Fighters. She had never gotten the chance to.

Now, she did.

Exhaling she turned around, picked up the radio and sat herself down before the glowing wall of monitors, revolver tightly gripped in her hoof watching with silent reservation as Task Force Centaur savaged every nook and cranny of the headquarters, leaving behind a long trail of dead ponies wherever they go.

She noted how they moved with unnatural haste and fought with cold precision; breach, shoot, move, breach, shoot, move, all done with eerie robotic efficiency. It was only a matter of time before they succeed in their mission.

Until then, however, Sweetie was determined to give her friends the glorious end they deserve.

"Attention, all freedom fighters," she spoke into the radio. Calmly at first but the more she spoke the more powerful her voice became. "This is Chief Sweetie Drop, your fearless leader, with a priority message broadcasting on all frequencies. If anypony can hear me, listen and listen well.

I order you all to resist!

Stand firm and resist with all your heart and soul!

Resist as you've been ever since the Conversion War!

Resist as you've been when Equestria was invaded!

Resist as you've been ever since our beautiful country was sold out to the monkeys by that purple traitorous bitch!

Resist now!

Resist always!

Resist, resist, resist!

We will not give in to the human filth or their traitorous allies!

We will not allow ourselves to be captured and tried for the crime of helping those less fortunate than us!

We will not let our end be one of silence and complacency!

If we are to die here and now, our flame snuffed out, then let it be done so through our unending efforts in the great cause, the Equestrian ideal, in the name of Equestria and her benevolent Goddesses, Cadence, Flurry Heart, Luna and Celestia!

This is my final order to you, my dear friends, my beloved family, my steadfast brothers and sisters-in-arms!

Take comfort. Though the homeland is lost, the home within remains open to all her loyal children!

May I see you all at the fields of Elysium! Happy and free among those once lost!

Equestria stands, now and forever more!"

Sweetie Drop concluded her impassioned speech by tossing the radio at the wall, shattering it into scraps of plastic and primitive circuitry. She then aimed her revolver at the monitors and fired off five shots in quick succession, destroying most of the equipment and rendering them useless. She didn't need them anymore, nor will she allow it to be used as a means to track down the others.

With adrenaline coursing through her veins she then directed the revolver at the barricaded door, heart rapidly beating in her chest as she impatiently awaited the enemy to come.

It didn't take long for them to show up at her doorstep, announcing their presence with angry shouting and bashing themselves against the door. They no doubt heard her speaking through the channels and sought to have her captured. Taking the leader of the Equestrian Freedom Fighters and having her be tried just like Princess Celestia had been would no doubt satisfy their leaders.

Several shots rang out, multiple holes appeared across the door and the miscellaneous furniture holding it firm. They'll make it through soon, assuming they didn't decide to just pop a grenade in and call it a day.

Sweetie's hooves shook uncontrollably as she desperately tried to keep the revolver pointed at the door. Blood pounded in her ears, her chest heaved up and down as she struggled just to breathe properly. Her bravado had all but evaporated during these final tense moments and the anticipation would likely kill her before the enemy does, or...

"I..." she swallowed thickly, pupils dilated, throat dry and coat soaked with sweat. "I... I won't let you take me!" she boldly proclaimed, a manic smile stretching across her face that was followed by nervous giggling. "Ah-ha-ha-ha! Yes! I won't let you take me alive you backwards monkey people!? Do you hear me?!" Without hesitation she turned the revolver on herself, pressing it firmly under her chin.

"I-I will not give you that satisfaction!" she bellowed, tears flowing freely, face grotesquely contorted between emotions of fear, sorrow, hysteria and joy of all things. "Venerable Alicorns, scions of harmony! Your servants are returned to you! Let us build a new Equestria in the kingdom within!" her hooves tightened along the revolver's handle.


The trigger was pulled.

A shot was fired.

The walls were colored with a sickly crimson hue.

Author's Note:

Damnation Part 3 is still in the works but I've hit a snag with the writing. There's a possibility I may have to extend it into a four parter to get what I need into it but until then I hope you enjoy this chapter