• Published 1st Jan 2021
  • 441 Views, 101 Comments

Kill Or Be Killed - Shadic Midnight Blitzer

The void spawns many unspoken horrors, and one of them sees fit to trap 24 OC's and put them in a fight to the death. Who will be the last one standing, and who'll die and become fuel for the fire? One thing's for certain: There is no escape.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's been a long time, hasn't it? Finally after months of waiting, I and Emo now present you the latest chapter of KOBK.

So before we go onto the main chapters, I just want to emphasize that the personalities Emo end up creating (since he's the one who gives adds his own spin after sending him the draft for him to edit) are based on the OC submission you guys gave us. Sometimes the submissions had little in regards to how the characters actually act, and thus we try our best on the little we have.

As of now, I am reading over A Rather Large Adventure, which hosts one of the OCs, and well let's say that the version portrayed here is vastly different to the one in ARLA. Heck, I think one of the competitors might've ended up having the personality that the OC from ARLA was supposed to have here. It'll be helpful then that if you're the owner of one of the OCs that is featured, that you go to Emo to show them how they act and such. Because without him the story wouldn't be as fun as it is.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and we'll see you guys in the future!

Give a warm welcome to Fighter Swan and Golden Gild!~ BRRRZT Give a warm welcome to Fighter Swan and Golden Gild!~ BRRRZT Give a warm welcome to Fighter Swan and Golden Gild!~ BRRRZT

“Stop replaying that,” Silver Chance said as he sat at the kitchen table on the other side of the room, fixing himself a bowl of cereal. “Doesn’t matter how much you rewind, it’ll still be the same.”

Firestorm hit pause on the T.V, freezing the broadcast when it had zoomed in on the scared fillies’ faces. He'd spent a few hours since they'd got back just analyzing them, taking note of everything he could. There was Fighter Swan, a small Pink filly with her dark blonde mane done in pigtail braids with her tail following suit, who looked around the stage with fierce skepticism. She desperately looked like she wanted to be brave, but her shivering body from the night prior gave away just how terrified she was. What caught his attention most though was the strange green gem strapped to her hoof, one that apparently held some strange significance that Pinkie failed to elaborate on.

Then there was Golden Gild, a light yellow filly with a frizzy mane and tail, dual colored in black and yellow, whose emotions were far easier to read than Fighters. Her paused face was scrunched up in fear as she refused to look at the crowds head-on, instead deciding to bury her eyes into Fighter Swan's shoulder. In the little time they had to see the fillies last night, she hadn't once looked up from her friend’s embrace. He could only imagine what brand of terror she must have been feeling.

“I don’t get it. I just… don’t get it.” He said with a somber voice as he dropped further into the sofa and let go of the controller.

“What’s there not to get?” Silver responded while stuffing his face. “They’re a brunch a crayshies who wamt to shee krids die.”

“Dammnit Silver, shut up and swallow your food!” Firestorm shouted as he spun around and leaned over the back of the sofa. The pegasus just swung his head back and forth while mocking Firestorm’s outburst with his hand opening and closing. “You know what I mean Silver. I know why they did it, I just…” He froze as he struggled to find the right words to express his swirling emotions.

Silver gulped down his food and laid the spoon down as he thought. “I know Firestorm. It’s… it’s fucked, but there ain’t much we can do now. The best we can do is wait until we have the chance to get them on our side.”

Firestorm nodded his head and breathed a heavy sigh. He hopped over the back of the sofa and made his way over to the table, grabbing a seat across from Silver Chance. “We don’t know how much longer we have until that training phase Pinkie was talking about, so let’s go over the list one more time.” Silver nodded his head in agreement before slurping down the last of the milk from his bowl.

“Right now we have Green Scale, Inkwell Brush, Odium, Kirouac, Silent Talon, Fighter Swan, Golden Gild, et cetera, et cetera. Any new considerations you’ve thought of?”

“Mmm, Mmm!” Silver hummed with urgency as he tapped on the table, his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk as he continued to take his sweet time eating. Firestorm just gave him an unamused glare as he finally gulped down his food and breathed a sigh of relief. “That guy, Odium, you said you saw him come in after you?”

Firestorm nodded, recalling the events of the day prior. “He came in looking pissed as all hell and sporting a black eye that looked more black than eye. I was honestly surprised to see it function during the ceremony,” He rubbed his chin in thought as he scrutinized every detail he could muster from his short sightings of the wolf. “But he was still smart enough to know when to stop pushing buttons, or at least push the buttons that were meant to be pushed. I can see what you’re getting at.”

“Yeah, but my main concern is whether or not we can even convince him to help us. I mean, he seemed just as dead set on killing everyone else as we are in trying to escape.”

“Well then we’ll have to make it worth his while. There’s bound to be a few contestants who don’t want out, only to maim whoever’s in front of them. I don’t like it, but at least we can put their stupidity to use when bargaining for Odium’s help.” Silver Chance nodded, understanding the roots of the plan they had begun to form.

He pushed his now empty bowl to the side and leaned forward in his chair. “Alright, so our plan is to subtly prod Kirouac, Silent Talon, and Green Scale to see if they’re having second thoughts about this. Then, we work our way to Ink and let him know that we’re planning an escape ourselves and that we need him and his magic. We sort of do the same with Odium, offering the crazies up to him like sacrificial lambs, all while trying to keep under the staff’s noses.”

“That’s the gist of it,” Firestorm agreed with a tired sigh. “We may as well call our game plan ‘easier said than done’ but broad strokes are all we have time for really. Especially when we have no real idea of how these guys think. All we have to go on is their half-assed introductions at the Ceremony.”

Silver Chance just shrugged and leaned back in his chair with a smug grin. “Eh, I’ve worked with less in the past.” He said while slightly tilting his fedora over his face.

“Ha! Glad to see we’re on the same page," Firestorm agreed with a coy smile. "My friends back home don’t really get it, but winging it is the only way I get things done.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea,” Silver Chance and Firestorm both snapped their heads to the metal door in fear as a very familiar voice butted into their conversation. Standing at the doorway with a devious smile and an active void portal behind her was Foal Bearer. They had no idea how she’d managed to open the door without a sound, but that didn’t matter in comparison to the most important question of all. How much had she heard?

They both silently stared at her for what felt like an hour before her face suddenly contorted into a look of pure joy. “Pffft, hahahahaha!” She leaned forward while clutching her stomach and laughing almost as hard as Pinkie Pie had last evening. Firestorm and Silver Chance shared looks of bewilderment, as her sudden change in attitude completely threw their preconceived notions of the mare for a loop. “Oh boy, too good! Too good!” She said while wiping a tear of laughter from her eye.

Suddenly, a large circle of green fire enveloped her, revealing a young changeling who was standing in her place. “I thought for sure that I wouldn’t get her down on the first try, especially without a mirror, but judging by how hard you two shit a brick I’d say I nailed it!” Ink said with a shit-eating grin as he walked further into the room.

“Okay, first: What!?” Silver exclaimed as he stood up from his chair. “And second: The fuck!?” His frustration only seemed to make Ink laugh harder, forcing him to hop on his hind legs and plant his hooves against the wall.

“Oh! You guys are killing me!”

Firestorm stood from his chair, trying his best to collect himself after realizing that they hadn’t been discovered, and stepped between Silver and Ink. “Alright, you got us with that one, Little bastard,” He said while trying to hide a scowl. Firestorm put his hands in his pockets as he waited for Ink to calm down and catch his breath. Once he had, he started off with the most pressing matter. “So… what the hell are you doing here kid?”

Ink hopped off of the wall and shook his head. “I came here to fetch you guys, at the behest of her craziness Pinkie Pie. I figured if she’s gonna make me do the grunt work I may as well have some fun.”

Firestorm nodded along and looked at Ink curiously. He wasn’t sure why she’d send him as opposed to the maids or another staff member, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. It might have been just because the maids were occupied helping another group, but there was no way to know if that assumption was true. “Well, that’s certainly one way to have fun,” He said as he looked back to Silver and motioned for him to get ready. “How much did you hear?”

Ink swayed his head back and forth as he tapped at his chin. “Eh, only the last bit. I just heard you bragging about winging it, so I decided to take the ball and run,” Ink slowly walked along the edge of the wall and into the kitchen portion of the area, all while gawking at the decor. "Man, this place is way nicer than my room."

"Hey," Silver Chance suddenly spoke up as he continued to watch the changeling. There was a brief pause as Ink looked towards him curiously. "Are you alright kid? Did Pinkie… hurt you?" He asked while taking a slight step closer.

Ink's face twitched for a split second, showing pain, disgust, and regret all at once in his expression. It instantly faded however, instead being replaced by another smirk as he blew a raspberry at Silver. "Yeah right! Try as she might, she doesn't scare me. I'm just doing this to make sure she doesn't suspect me when I…" He paused his sentence and gave them another fearful look, then turned back towards the door.

“Nevermind. We should probably get going. I only had enough time for the one joke.” He said with a nervous laugh. Firestorm and Silver Chance quickly followed after him, until all three faced the swirling void at the doorway.

None of them took that next step forward, as they all had vastly different, yet equally terrifying, memories of the time they’d spent there. Deciding to capitalize on the moment of silence, Firestorm lightly nudged Ink. “Well whatever you’re planning kid, I doubt it’s as well thought out as what we’ve got. All we’re missing is a little magic.”

Ink looked up at him in surprise, but Firestorm just gave him a knowing smirk. Ink nodded his head while slowly returning his smile with one of his own. “Really now? Well… I guess that’s something for me to think about.” With that, the young changeling stepped through the portal, with the stallions not far behind.

As they exited the void, they found themselves in a large box room filled with ponies and other contestants. Unlike the clean metal halls they’d seen at the stadium, the rustic wood they’d seen at the palace, or the royal marble of their room, this area had an archaic stone architecture to it. At first glance, it almost looked like they were standing in the old castle of the two sisters, but upon closer inspection Firestorm realized that the walls were just well constructed coverings layered over something much more modern.

The wide open room was filled end to end with training equipment like weight sets, athletic courses, ropes that hung from the ceiling, and different kinds of training weapons. The floor was made out of a firm, yet malleable, matting that was likely placed there to prevent falling injuries, and the room was lit up with green magic torches instead of the bright UV lights they’d grown used to. Finally, above one of the walls, was an opened observing balcony that was currently unoccupied.

As they scanned the room, they took note of the other contestants currently waiting there. They could see Green Scale sitting by himself near the far corner behind the sandpit with his eyes closed, Kirouac talking with Silent Talon near the wooden swords and spears, which was a frightening sight, and Odium climbing up one of the ropes with minimal effort.

What caught their attention now though was a new group of contestants. There were two strong looking ponies, both anthrofied, who were lifting weights at one of the bench presses, and a pegasus mare floating by one of the walls and inspecting it closely.

“Come on, come on, come on. It’s all you Jade, all you, all you!” The spotter, a light green pegasus with a two toned green and blue mane, said in a motivating tone. The stallion benching, a green unicorn with a dark brown mane and tail, was breathing heavily as he shakily lifted the bar with his partner's help. “Come on Jade, don’t let this- oh hey!” Suddenly the pegasus let go of the bar and waved at Firestorm and Silver Chance with a big smile on his face.

His wings unfurled as he fluttered his way over and prepared both of his hands for a shake. “Silver Chance? Firestorm? Well hello, I’m Luminous Sky, and I am pleased as punch to meet you!” He said as he leaned forward and vigorously shook their hands.

“Sky, sky, sky, SKY SKY SK-” The stallion at the bench press was suddenly cut off as he lost his grip on the bar, sending straight into his neck and gagging him. Wasting no time, both Silver and Firestorm ran over to help lift the massive weight. As soon as he was free, Jade Dawn immediately ran over to Luminous and grabbed him by the neck. “You son of a bitch!” He shouted while shaking the pegasus back and forth.

“Hey Jade, looks like those weights are paying off…” Luminous said between laughs and gags as his partner shook him around, clearly unafraid of what was going to happen.

Eventually, Jade came to a stop and released him with a sigh of defeat. “It’s not worth it.” He sulked as he let Luminous fall to the ground.

“Glad you see it that way, Pard,” He replied while rubbing his neck and flashing a smile that made them question whether or not he was related to a certain pink menace. While Luminous picked himself up, he glanced back at Firestorm and Silver who had maintained a confused and appraising gaze on them. “Ah, don’t mind him, he’s just a little weird.”

“Right, only him?” Firestorm asked almost instinctively, but all that did was get a soft laugh out of the stallion.

“You’re pretty funny,” He complimented. “But honestly, it is nice to meet some more ponies who are… like this.” He said while gesturing to himself.

“Yeah,” Jade finally chimed in. “They made sure everypony knew how to walk at the least, but other than that it's been pretty tough."

Silver reached over and shook his hand with a nod. “Don’t I know it.”

"Oh, you were human too? Man, I thought walking on two legs would be a cinch, considering that's how I've done it my whole life, but these things are way trickier than human legs. Am I right?" Jade chuckled as he moved his legs around with a bit of apprehension.

Silver blinked for a moment, then rubbed the back of his head in confusion. "Uhh… yeah, you lost me on that one."

Just as their introductions had finally gotten underway, the loud sound of an opening door caught the attention of everypony in the room. They all looked up to the previously empty observation area and watched as several ponies walked in, headed by the very mare who had introduced them last night.

“Aww, isn’t that sweet? We already have somepony trying to make friends.” She said with a devilish smile as she focused her attention on the four ponies by the weights. Firestorm and Silver quickly backed away, with Jade and Luminous mirroring their actions. Pinkie Pie let out a giggle and continued to walk along the edge of the observation deck as she appraised the contestants.

Behind Pinkie were several newcomers, most likely staff members, who piled in and stood behind her calmly. They were all run of the mill bipedal ponies, with only two outliers in question. One was a disgruntled and old looking griffon with a permanent scowl on his faded brown beak, a scowl so deep that he probably would have looked like a melted candle without all of his grey feathers.

The second was none other than the winner of the previous trial, the violet scantily clad mare known as Beatrix Belladonna. Firestorm looked around to his fellow contestants to see their reactions to these newcomers, Beatrix specifically, but none seemed to be fazed by their presence. Either every creature here was a master at acting, or they hadn’t seen the report on her before the ceremony. He knew that steering clear of her was probably for the best.

“Welcome, welcome, welcome everypony!” Pinkie Pie shouted, the sudden noise catching a few of them off guard. “Today is the first day of your training. Isn’t that exciting?”

Silver Chance leaned over to Firestorm and whispered in his ear. “What a nutcase. There’s no pony else here and she’s still talking like she’s on stage.”

Firestorm looked up at the conspicuously high ceilings and their black coverings. Considering how much strange technology and magic they had there, he was beginning to doubt that idea. “As far as we know, she still could be.” He whispered back, causing Silver to freeze in realization.

“The entire process will be fun on the bun, but I won’t lie. The first week or two will be… significantly less fun,” She leaned forward against the railing on the observation deck and pointed to a few of the contestants. “A few of you are probably just a tad confuzzled on how your new bodies work. So that’s why a majority of you will start off with our lovely physical trainers.”

Two stallions, one a bright orange pegasus and another a bright red unicorn who wore matching skin tight gymnastics uniforms, stood forward with smug smiles as she gestured to them. Their builds and faces seemed eerily similar, with the only differences being their color and race. "These two hunks, Storm Bind and North Star, are the best of the best when it comes to whipping pudgy, uncoordinated, bodies into shape!” The brothers gave a slight wave, their smug smiles deepening as they looked down on their trainees.

“What? Do they only hire twins here?” Firestorm whispered to the others as he crossed his arms and watched the strange stallions above.

“Eh, probably some weird kink,” Inkwell responded with a shrug.

Pinkie waved the stallions back, then continued with her performance. “For those of you on the more ‘magical’ side, we have the most talented magic users this side of the multiverse. Our lovely champion Beatrix Belladonna, and her slightly less lovely 'assistant'-”

“Beg your pardon, you infuriating wretch!?” The griffon suddenly blasted against Pinkie. The mare simply laughed it off and rolled her eyes playfully.

“Oh calm down grumpy, I was just checking to see if you were paying attention,” She said while pinching his sagging cheek in a demeaning fashion. The griffon grumbled in defiance but gave no further objections to her games. “Her lovely co-instructor, Waxbeak. Together they will be able to learn you a thing or two about this world's magic. It’s a tad different from what you might be used to, so it helps to cover the basics.”

Pinkie took a step back as both Beatrix and her partner took center stage. They looked down at them, not smugly like the others, but with what had to be disgust. The griffon looked down angrily, his scowl deepening with every face he scanned over, and Beatrix merely looked down in cold indifference to all of them. As expected, she must have felt like none of them was worth her time, but there was obviously somepony forcing her to do this, whether she liked it or not.

Without so much as another word, both Beatrix and… Waxbeak, apparently, made their way down. Firestorm had to admit, the name was fitting for the griffon. He looked like he was being held together by two pieces of gum, and hatred. While the griffon flew down on his large beating wings, the mare simply held her hands out below her and floated gently onto the ground. Once they touched down in the center of the room, they were joined by the gymnastic duo who saw fit to just jump down despite one of them being a pegasus.

“Well, I’ll leave you all to it. Make sure to listen, you’ll never know what you might need to know later.” Pinkie turned and headed through the door in the observation deck, her maniacal laughter echoing throughout the room for a few more seconds after she’d departed.

Everyone fell into silence as they gathered around the instructors, curious as to what would come next. Suddenly, the red physical instructor North Star clapped his hands together and began issuing orders in a booming voice. “Welcome, welcome! Time to get this show on the road!” He said while waving his arms in a very animated fashion, reminiscent of a circus performer.

“You, you, you… hmmmm, you, you and you.” His brother, Storm Bind, pointed out all of the anthro ponies, including the pegasus mare he had yet to acquaint himself with, and corralled them to the side while his brother clapped his hands impatiently.

"Yes yes, follow us. We will get you in tip top shape!" As they were being ushered out, Silver Chance quickly tapped Firestorm’s shoulder and pointed at the corner of the rook opposite to them. It was there that another portal had formed, and out of it stepped the previously absent twin maids, alongside the small fillies from last night.

Golden Gild was still sticking to Fighter Swan like glue but seemed to be shyly talking with Foal Bearer who had a gentle smile on her face. "See, all fine." She reassuringly said to the golden filly, most likely telling her that the voids were safe, unlike their arrival.

"Isn't this exciting?" Wet Nurse asked softly as she looked down to the pink filly Fighter Swan, but instead of a fearful nod like her friend, she just glared at the maid angrily. "R-right," Wet nurse said with a weak chuckle before looking away from the girl.

Firestorm subconsciously stepped closer, but before he could even move he felt a hand grasping his shoulder and clamping down in an unnaturally powerful grip. He slowly looked back to see the pegasus trainer glaring at him, his smug grin now replaced by a cold frown. "We don't have much time sir. Come along."

Firestorm grunted in frustration and tried pulling his shoulder away, but the stallion’s grip was unbreakable. He looked back to the crowd around the magic trainers and could already tell that he hadn't been the only one to notice their new arrivals, but it didn't seem like he had any other options. So with a reluctant sigh, he nodded to Storm Bind and turned to follow.

Once again, however, his actions were interrupted, this time by a loud hiss. He turned to look at the source of the noise and smiled when he saw Inkwell staring at him, nodding his head with determination. Firestorm returned it with a nod of his own and continued to the next step of his journey. Confident that his newest ally would do his best to get the job done.

Comments ( 32 )

What caught his attention most though was the strange green gem strapped to her hoof, one that apparently held some strange significance that Pinkie failed to elaborate on.

Is it something important?

“What’s there not to get?” Silver responded while stuffing his face. “They’re a brunch a crayshies who wamt to shee krids die.”

What did he just say?

Firestorm nodded, recalling the events of the day prior. “He came in looking pissed as all hell and sporting a black eye that looked more black than eye. I was honestly surprised to see it function during the ceremony,” He rubbed his chin in thought as he scrutinized every detail he could muster from his short sightings of the wolf. “But he was still smart enough to know when to stop pushing buttons, or at least push the buttons that were meant to be pushed. I can see what you’re getting at.”

Really? I thought he looked scared.

“Okay, first: What!?” Silver exclaimed as he stood up from his chair. “And second: The fuck!?” His frustration only seemed to make Ink laugh harder, forcing him to hop on his hind legs and plant his hooves against the wall.

“Oh! You guys are killing me!”

They may actually do that.

Ink's face twitched for a split second, showing pain, disgust, and regret all at once in his expression. It instantly faded however, instead being replaced by another smirk as he blew a raspberry at Silver. "Yeah right! Try as she might, she doesn't scare me. I'm just doing this to make sure she doesn't suspect me when I…" He paused his sentence and gave them another fearful look, then turned back towards the door.

Got that PTSD.

As they scanned the room, they took note of the other contestants currently waiting there. They could see Green Scale sitting by himself near the far corner behind the sandpit with his eyes closed, Kirouac talking with Silent Talon near the wooden swords and spears, which was a frightening sight, and Odium climbing up one of the ropes with minimal effort.

Why would that be frightening?

“Glad you see it that way, Pard,” He replied while rubbing his neck and flashing a smile that made them question whether or not he was related to a certain pink menace. While Luminous picked himself up, he glanced back at Firestorm and Silver who had maintained a confused and appraising gaze on them. “Ah, don’t mind him, he’s just a little weird.”


"Oh, you were human too? Man, I thought walking on two legs would be a cinch, considering that's how I've done it my whole life, but these things are way trickier than human legs. Am I right?" Jade chuckled as he moved his legs around with a bit of apprehension.

He used to be human?

The second was none other than the winner of the previous trial, the light blue scantily clad mare known as Beatrix Belladonna. Firestorm looked around to his fellow contestants to see their reactions to these newcomers, Beatrix specifically, but none seemed to be fazed by their presence. Either every creature here was a master at acting, or they hadn’t seen the report on her before the ceremony. He knew that steering clear of her was probably for the best.

I thought they wanted to talk to her.

“Oh calm down grumpy, I was just checking to see if you were paying attention,” She said while pinching his sagging cheek in a demeaning fashion. The griffon grumbled in defiance but gave no further objections to her games. “Her lovely co-instructor, Waxbeak. Together they will be able to learn you a thing or two about this world's magic. It’s a tad different from what you might be used to, so it helps to cover the basics.”

How different?

Pinkie took a step back as both Beatrix and her partner took center stage. They looked down at them, not smugly like the others, but with what had to be disgust. The griffon looked down angrily, his scowl deepening with every face he scanned over, and Beatrix merely looked down in cold indifference to all of them. As expected, she must have felt like none of them was worth her time, but there was obviously somepony forcing her to do this, whether she liked it or not.

They both can suck my d*ck as far as I’m concerned.

(1) I think it's an artifact she'll use. list of ocs is a bit big
(2) 'bunch of crazies who want to see kids die'
(3) I think that was another part later in the chapter compared to what you're probably referencing?
(4) oof
(5) ye
(6) huh. ask Emo. maybe because Silent Talon had that deadly ability and he's frightening, not to mention he won various Hunger Games in his own dimension?
(7) partner
(8) yep, that's his bio, he was human turned unicorn
(9) original draft had a conversation between Firestorm, Silver, Ink, Pinkie, and Beatrix, and more Beatrix and Waxbeak lines, but those were changed by Emo
(10) considering souls are being harvested, more different than you'd expect
(11) Beatrix's personality might be a bit changed because of Emo, but let's say not everyone here is willing

It's good to keep in mind that, as of right now, everything is still in Firestorms perspective. That means that the inferences and assumptions he makes about others and the situations he finds himself in are subject to his knowledge and opinions. One can only know so much at one time after all. Only time will tell if his assumptions are correct, or very far from the truth.

3. I’m referring to the previous chapter.

9. So the plans basically changed?

11. Does that give her the excuse to look down on them?

Great to see another chapter of this, love the changeling 'prank'! Beatrix is actually violet, not light blue, no biggie though. Really messed up to see foals here! The Griffin already amuses.:pinkiehappy:


Not gonna lie, I got a bit of a chuckle at seeing how Jade acts here. Not exactly how I usually imagine him, but hey, I gave him to you to use and now I just wanna sit back and see where it goes. xD


Yeee. Tell that to Emo as well, he's the co writer and does amazing with the personalities. Maybe also tell him how Jade reacts normally as well?

I somehow missed this. sorry.

Damn I wish I met ya earlier I’d have entered this I love br style fics still gonna enjoy reading this

Yeah it would've been cool. Hey maybe there might be a chance? Contact Emo Rainbow my co writer on that thing, because we never really filled all 24 slots

Wait as a side character or participant?

Neat I was checking as I was unsure though who to use and he depending on role if I’m allowed to join definitely needs rules with Red if he’s a fighter

I mean he has a healing ability (depending on amount of protein in his body) elemental powers from his demons (ice fire earth and shadow) with immunities to fire and ice but relying on one to much comes back to bite him as he then becomes deathly weak until his body temperature goes back to normal or over using a ability to turn his skin to stone makes him a statue or just dispersing in light if he over uses shadow step in a rapid way (using shadows to essentially teleport behind opponents or using them with his arm to backstab)

Yup but hence rules if he’s fighting lol otherwise he’s to op

I gave emo a proper rundown on a few of his abilities still this is a good read

Yup said they’d talk with you about it

YES! FINALLY!! I absolutely LOVE what you’re doing with my character!

How nice. I have no idea how I even stumbled upon this one, but it seems like a really interesting concept. Heck, the concept alone is worth keeping an eye on this one for. I don't really know any of these characters, or the stories they're from, but the concept of having a collaboration event story like this is so Novel. I hope you're still working on it, but if not that's a darn shame. I actually really like the writing style you have, and I'm super curious to see if they'll actually escape (Good but boring end), or finally end up killing each other in the arena (Bad but way more fun end) (WARNING: OPINION ALERT) :pinkiehappy:

Ah hello there!

Well it's been a while since I've updated this story, mostly because my editor/self-made-co-writer stopped contacting me, and that i had multiple projects to do. However, if you saw my blog then you know that this is going to be the third story I plan to complete in one go (the first is a story that's nearly done, the second was the first story I've published, and the third is this one). Hopefully by that time my cowriter rejoins, but if not the writing style might shift a bit due to their abscence.

Thanks for faving KOBK! I can't wait to entertain you when I do arrive here again.

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