• Member Since 26th Nov, 2014
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Published a new 'The Chef's cafe' chapter. And Beginning to work on the next one. (12-03-2024)



This story is a sequel to The Chef's apprentice

Today is the day. Today Twilight and her family moves to Manehattan and will experience first hoof, how their lives are going to be like.

She is no longer an apprentice and more like a real student.

This is Twilight's journey through Manehattan and her life as an student at the Lunarium school.

This is book 2.

I recommend reading "The chefs apprentice" before reading this one.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 29 )

REALLY good job on this first chapter of Book 2 in your AU series. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all quite well done. Definitely enjoyed Twi's reflection on her (and her parents') new place in Manehattan as well as her describing the strange book she found to a couple of her friends and the - assorted precautions taken as Twilight started reading. And, "Recipe of the Gods" starts out as a diary entry of Luna's evil alter-ego (not that Twilight knows about THAT yet). In addition, I can also understand Shining staying in Canterlot (between future duties as a Royal Guard and his relationship with/concern for Cadance) and that stuff about Cadance going missing around the Crystal Empire was excellent foreshadowing.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Again, splendid job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Once more, really enjoyed the little details of what Twilight experienced when she was waking up from her misadventure with that "Recipes of the Gods" mess, as well as the stuff her parents set up in preparation. And, yeah, Twilight looking over the Lunarium recipe book was definitely a great detail, especially with her thoughts on the assorted recipes. Twi, of course, did a great job on the Carpaccio and I did like the "Friendly Rival" banter with both Morning and Lulu. As for that bit at the end concerning Celestia, Luna and "Blacky's" recipe diary was really good build-up for later, especially with Twi's determination to find a way to save Luna.

At any rate, very certainly looking forward to more of this.

I am afraid that Luna is not of the concern here.

Fair enough. Thanks for the correction.

And Happy Holidays.

Really good job on this flashback chapter. Greatly enjoyed the characterizations, exchanges and foreshadowing here. Yeah, Loved how Twi's Mom came up with the idea to raise more money for Ponyville. And having this set a few years before that start of the first story (i.e. when Twilight was only about a year old, give or take a few months) was another great touch. Yeah, given that this is Equestria, I'm pleasantly surprised that you were using "Christmas" instead of "Hearth's Warming", but hey, this IS an alternate universe, so the use of the actual Christmas is another great AU detail.

Anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this. And Happy Holidays.

Actually I totally forgot about their version.

Derp. Oh well, Merry Christmas!

Thanks. I appreciate the honesty. Though, well, this is an alternate universe anyway, so you're not bound to canon. Meaning it is only a very minor goof at best.

REALLY good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up once again. Greatly enjoyed the chat between Night Light and Velvet concerning how Twilight wore herself out in that competition (and the translating took its toll too). Also appreciated the discussion of endangered species and rare meat. The points about the money to be made AND the risk of extinction because of greed are both well made. In addition, I liked Twi's point to her mother that, unlike her parents and brother, she is trying to learn to cook as a career instead of a hobby.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

Once again, the chapter took a while, but was definitely well worth the wait. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up were all well done. And, yeah, Twi got so distracted by reading that book on Nightmare Moon that she lost track of time. And, yeah, finding out about Trixie's dad being one of her teachers was wonderful additional set-up, especially when Twilight found out Celestia ALREADY made the sort of move that could potentially make the situation with the mob worse (a week before Twilight had a chance to advise against it at that). Though the discussion of the precautions WAS rather good too.

Anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.

Again, a really good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Absolutely loved Twilight's efforts to make a good impression on her teachers and classmates. And I can also under the reaction to the fact that the mob tried to infiltrate the school before she was reassured. Plus, the letters on food and efficiency under the assumed name was another clever touch.

REALLY looking forward to more of this.

wait. who is ????

Again, this was a wonderfully done chapter. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all really well done. I greatly enjoyed the greater detail on the introduction to the school (such as the stuff about both safety AND skill), Twilight admitting she got Lulu fired up, the taste testing scenes for the other students' dishes, Twilight explaining certain things to Donut about relatively recent events (though reassuring him that Trixie was fine AND the principal already knows about the mess) and Twilight finding out about the more legal side of the mafia,

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Again, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are quite well done in all the right places. Really appreciated the continuation of Twilight's chat with Coffee in addition to the dialogues between Lulu and Tart and Twilight and her father, plus the stuff with Bella and the flashbacks to earlier lessons.

Very assuredly looking forward to more of this.

Again, excellent work on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Definitely respected Twilight's argument with her parents concerning the reasons she should be the one going to discuss the new law, as well as the dialogue with some of the stallions who threatened friends of hers, the meeting with Lulu's sister and the additional discussion at the end concerning the food poisoning mess.

Very certainly looking forward to more of this.

Love the chapter. The recipe sounded great. Keep up the good work. 👍

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Certainly enjoyed the dialogues with Twilight, Minno and the other students as Twilight was getting ready to leave for Canterlot as well the stuff about thinking of Trixie reuniting with her father, the stuff about the debt and the banter with her dad at the end.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

Great job on this latest chapter. Greatly enjoyed the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Loved the reasons for taking the early train in addition to the stuff Twilight and her dad were doing in preparation during the train ride. Plus, also understood the irony of Twilight herself acknowledging that she needed a short break from school. The chat between Twi and Joe was also quite appropriately emotional. And that argument between Twilight and Celestia at the end of the chapter was some really good foreshadowing to the next few chapters.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Another great job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up here. Definitely felt for Twilight's reflections on the stuff concerning Joe and the new law, as well as the dialogue with Celestia (especially with Celestia taking Twilight's contingencies into account and Twilight explaining where she got the items that needed disenchantments). And, yeah, that bit that pretty strongly implies Chrysalis might be getting in on this soon certainly gives me a bad feeling (in the way that's good for story-telling).

Anyway, very certainly looking forward to more of this.

Again, excellent job on this latest chapter. Definitely loved the work that went into the echanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up as well as the wrap-ups to several of the more distracting arcs. I also really liked Twilight actually learning to cook with love as an actual ingredient.

Regrettably, this will be the last time I'll be able to review for a while as my computer's battery life is downright shot.

REALLY good start to the final arc of the second story in this series (but NOT the last story in the series). Certainly loving the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter/story set-up. Certainly understood Twi's reflections on the no-longer-unfinished business as well as the training and planning for the future.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Holy mackerel. That was one doozy of a chapter. The exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up are wonderfully done in all the right places. Definitely understood the reaction to Twilight getting rejected by the basic fitness classes because of her race AND gender (I'd be pretty upset about that too) and definitely respected how Twi's classmates and teachers understood Twilight's guilt over that massive accident. The chat between Twilight and Carrot Top (as well as figuring out why Carrot Top's folks were having so much trouble) was also quite well done as was the fighting tournament (including Twi's disappointment about the relative ease of the beginners' league).

Very definitely looking forward to the final two chapters of this.

REALLY good work on this second-to-last chapter of the second story in this series. Definitely loved the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter AND story set-up in all the right places. Loved the reflections on how much the new "meat" law has improved business for many restaurants because of tourists from outside Equestria (and, has also set up the potential for improved diplomatic relations as a half-unintended positive side effect) before Twilight helped out Fun in improving his business, not just with helpful pointers, but also with some initially unwitting help from Fun's two more successful older siblings AND from Celestia herself, among others.

Certainly looking forward to the epilogue (as well as the next story in the series)

Great job on this one. Looking forward to the epilogue.

Can't wait for the sequel. 😃

Once more, the epilogue was quite well done. Twilight rather certainly did well on the recap concerning the stuff she picked up and learned. And I'm certainly glad things have worked out as well as they have, Hopefully, when Twilight eventually opens her own restaurant, Trixie and her new friends will be among the first customers.

And, again, all the exchanges, characterizations, general wrap-up and future story set-up are wonderfully done.

...what's a bullet fish?

Oh, you mean the bullet tuna? I thought they weren't poisonous...

They are, if improperly prepared.
Then again, most products and ingredients are inedible if improperly prepared.
Hell, under the right conditions, Flour can explode.

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