• Published 21st Nov 2020
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The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 12 – The Devil Has Three Heads

Chapter 12

“They have as king over them, the angel of the Abyss. A star fallen from heaven to earth, he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like that of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened…”

Book of Revelation

The Frozen North, Outpost Frostbite

Bon Bon wrapped her hoof around Twilight’s, yanking the Alicorn princess back to all four hooves and screaming over the explosions, “We need to get out of here! Now!”

Even then, Twilight could barely hear Bon Bon screaming directly into her face. The world around them deafened any and all other sounds that could have reached her. It was easily the most powerful earthquake she or anypony else had ever felt, feeling the literal floor beneath them shift and buckle as the foundations of the underground facility began to cave in on itself.

Horrifying, infectious cracks shot out across the icy wall and the entirety of the cavern, causing massive chunks of ice to fall from the ceiling and rain all around them. Smaller hunks struck ponies, but they were the lucky ones. The falling debris was only getting bigger, more rampant, and beginning to bury them all the longer they hesitated.

Shaking her head and blinking several times to come back to reality, Twilight turned towards the only available exit and scrambled towards it. The rest of the Council of Friendship were quick to join her, all of them reaching the former rulers Celestia and Luna clearing out the path. By the combination of Celestia and Luna’s Alicorn magic, they ensured that whatever debris got in their way was eradicated. The enclosed tunnel was widely expanded, the ice cracking and melting upon the sisters’ interference.

And when the path was cleared, the caravan had transformed into a ravaged, desperate flee to escape. A flee to the elevator. A flee for survival.

Of course, Bon Bon and her T.I.T.A.N. agents ensured that the royalty, the Council, and the sisters were safely escorted back to the elevator. The scientists, however, made sure that they used every last ounce of their proposed dying breath to preserve the years of research they had gathered back at the station. Even with the entire underground facility crumbling around them—with metallic towers, catwalks, and the entire infrastructure cracking and falling down—they raced to secure their scientific instruments, field notes, and data sheets.

Their life’s work meant risking their own lives to keep them safe.

As for everypony else, their hooves stampeded across the shaking earth, their wings batted against the frozen air all while dodging the falling ice. In a cluster of bodies, they swarmed the elevator with Agent Cosmic Stellar hanging onto the railing for dear life. They joined him, Pegasi crashing onto the elevator and clutching onto the railings alongside Earth ponies and unicorns, everypony grasping onto whatever could keep them balanced against the great imbalance.

“Hit it; go!” Shining Armor bellowed, jamming his hoof to the control console. The silhouette of Cosmic Stellar’s head nodded rapidly within the shield of his hazmat suit.

Waiting until the rest of the T.I.T.A.N. scientists joined them, Cosmic Stellar jammed his focus finally onto their only means of escape. The unicorn coated the console in his magical aura, putting the elevator into full gear and bringing them out of the collapsing caverns. The machine trembled and halted a select number of times, but the chains held on despite the tremoring explosions that infected the world around it. The elevator buckled, bounced, but steadily continued to rise backwards to the upper levels of Outpost Frostbite.

Shining Armor ordered everypony with a thundering, “Masks on!”

It was a rabid, reactionary response to Shining’s order, everypony fumbling for their gas masks and tightening them safely over their heads. It was certain death if they failed to do so, as the radiation above cared not for their dilemma below. Even with that terrifying possibility flowing through everypony’s adrenaline, it did not stop the many from hesitating.

It did not stop them from witnessing the icy tomb be torn asunder.

Sombra’s crystals erupted into plumes of fire and dark magic, the concoction creating a chain reaction with a devastating outcome. Mighty cracks and breaks within the ice shot out with terrifying speeds, creating the constant tremor shaking the facility, causing the ice above and beyond to shudder and fall. Celestia and Luna were caught under that tremendous display of power and ferocity, the sisters gazing with widened, petrified eyes to the consummation of their work in the Frozen North, as they always dreaded it would eventually become…

Buried forever.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor also stared, their gas masks shielding their faces but unable to hide the fear, the anxiety, and the truth glowing in their eyes. The truth being that King Sombra had one last trick up his sleeve, one final vengeance upon his death. It was to allow all who opposed his rule to fall prey to the true monster of the Frozen North, the true terror hidden in the icy wastes and finally ready to show itself. That was what they saw. That was what they knew as the truth.

That was what they had to accept.

As for the Council of Friendship, some of them wore their masks, others were frozen in that middle ground, trapped on that line of life and death just to gaze to the world crumbling before their very eyes. Fluttershy gripped the railing, her mane flailing all across her awestruck face unconcealed by a gas mask. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Spike were all with her, leaving just Applejack and Rarity with their masks on and barely able to witness the full scale of the fall. The other mares and dragon gazed to the destruction, all of their faces eliciting the appropriate emotions to such devastation. In the end, they all eventually shielded their faces to save their lives.

Leaving Bon Bon as the last pony to do so. She waited until the very last second, using every ounce of time to witness one of her greatest fears erupt and tear its way into their plane of reality. For the beast hidden in the world, for the beast meant to be hidden to them, and for the unceasing terror it wrought just by its legend. Just by the utterance of its name. Bon Bon stared on in that paled, sickened stare, her eyes unable to be torn from the serpent. They barely escaped before the earth finally gave in.

The shadow, the silhouette, the image of Titanus Ghidorah remained. It vanished within the falling ice and rising fog, and finally disappeared as the elevator rose up into the dark tunnel.

Bon Bon was able to breathe again, returning to the real world and slipping her gas mask over her face. The explosions continued to shake the tunnel around them, causing the elevator to smack against the ice again and again. Yet the machine remained consistent. It stayed on its track and it eventually, thankfully, let its occupants reach the upper facility.

The dangers did not cease despite escaping the cavern. The earth was still quaking, ice and frost shattering around their hooves and threatening to cave in. Leading the caravan, Shining Armor galloped directly into the radiation cloud, with dozens of others rushing behind him. As fast as their hooves and wings could push them, the ponies raced through the cloud of death to reach safety, sanctuary, solid earth that wasn’t trembling and falling apart beneath them.

Several other T.I.T.A.N. agents joined them in that fleeing party, abandoning their radiation instruments and beelining directly for the nearest structures and facilities scattered throughout Outpost Frostbite. Pushing at full speed out of the cloud was much faster than traversing it cautiously and slowly, and therefore they escaped it quicker than expected.

Dozens of ponies leaped out of the cloud, some flying out with wisps of radioactive cloud residue bursting forth from the source. Still, they continued to flee, not stopping even for a second until they were guaranteed that the world beneath them no longer fell. Because what they had escaped had finally given in to the tremors and destruction of Sombra’s infection.

The slabs of earth and ice fell into a crevice several hundred yards wide, and even more deep. It did not yield. The earth continued to crumble and fall into the darkness until the signs signifying the radiation line fell with it, and it all settled at long last.

Just as Shining Armor and the caravan behind him reached the first facility, they took a moment to pause, catch their breaths, and note the stillness settling across the Frozen North. Droplets of sleet and snow impacted their masks and suits, the loudest sound being the subtle cries of the wind, and the resounding gusts of breathing filling the crowd.

Bon Bon gasped, twisting her gaze back to the poisonous cloud. She removed her gas mask and stood panting, gulping softly, and steadily approaching the destruction left behind. Five T.I.T.A.N. agents joined the special agent, their masks removed once they were free of the radiation and able to breathe real air. Albeit chilled air, but healthy and sustainable oxygen nonetheless. They were slow and cautious in their approach to the crevice, the actions of the few earning the attention of the masses.

The Council of Friendship followed suit in removing their masks, each mare and dragon gasping and shivering to the newfound level of cold they were surrounded by. Rainbow shook her head, frost and snow flailing from her rainbow mane. Applejack replaced the mask with her signature hat, tightening it extra firmly. Fluttershy shivered uncontrollably as she tried to catch her breath, the mare’s eyes shuddered to a close. Twilight and Spike held one another, ensuring the other was safe from injury of any kind before they fell into a soft hug of assurance. Rarity adjusted her own mane, believing she was out of harm’s way, believing they were finally safe to relax and gather themselves.

“Is everypony all right?” Cadance asked aloud.

There was an overabundance of responding calls and nods, all of which affirmed to the Princess of Love that everypony was fine. All except for one, who had been uncharacteristically silent for the majority of their escape. Cadance didn’t even have to look her way to feel that unnerving chill race across her body, turning slowly to the mare in question and seeing it for herself.

Pinkie Pie stood alone among the tundra wastes, gazing to the gargantuan gust of radiation glowing above the dark crevice. Twilight followed Cadance’s eyes and flinched at the surprising sight of Pinkie all on her own. Soon, all her friends saw the same unnatural sight and rose up to join Twilight. They slowly took several steps closer, their hooves crushing the snow beneath them, and that insignificant sound somehow being the loudest thing for miles.

Second only to Twilight’s voice. “Pinkie… Pinkie, what’s wrong?” she asked.

The darkness clouded around them and only further separated their connection with Pinkie Pie. The fog grew even more infectious and terrifying, the crying winds beginning to weep. Then, the most unsettling set of events were spurred into motion, all beginning with that tremor shaking through Pinkie’s elastic body. She bounced and spun in mid-air, making all sorts of nonsensical gibberish spew from her lips before finally leaping and hovering in place.

Then, she fell. Landed in the snow face-first with her friends rushing towards her aid. Lifting her up, they stared onto Pinkie’s glazed and frozen expression, almost glassy in a sense, reflecting the same fear infecting their own.

Especially when Pinkie muttered, “Uh-ooohhh…”

There was a great shift in the earth below them, causing everypony to stumble where they were. It was as if the tectonic plates readjusted themselves to the explosions earlier, but even that didn’t seem sound. The scientists seemed flabbergasted as to what it was. They were even more dumbfounded by the sudden drop in temperature, by the increasing winds. They lifted their eyes, their heads, and their trembling hearts directly above them. Everypony did.

The storm clouds gathered. The snow fell heavy. The Council of Friendship rose up with Pinkie Pie close to them, and they all stared to where she stared. With the sudden Pinkie Sense and Pinkie’s disturbing statement following it, they all analyzed their surroundings and noticed the shift. Everypony noticed it and stood in that freezing, horrifying silence as the world changed.

Storms swirled above, thunder and bright, yellow lightning coating the air. That air was sucked downwards into the dark abyss, like an inward breath finally inhaling after thousands of years of imprisonment. Bon Bon and her agents of T.I.T.A.N. noticed it instantly, feeling that skin-splitting cold wash past their hooves and slither into the depths. They stood on its edge, gazing down into the dark and seeing the clouds of radiation being sucked in as well, swirling in the storm above, and sparks of yellow electricity shooting out every other second.

Bon Bon exhaled a trembling gasp, her breath frozen, her eyes wide and plastered to the darkness. She took just one step back, and the snow cracked and crumbled beneath her.

The ice crumbled even louder in the abyss.

And rising from it, a massive, lingering, serpentine tail with protruding spikes slithered high above their heads. The spikes extended, cracking what remaining ice was stuck to its hide. The club-like tail hovered and dangled before everypony’s eyes, the cracks of lightning above and circulating electricity below illuminating the tail, creating a bright, golden hue to its scaly surface.

Another tail rose up, holding the same jagged spikes on its end and slithering in a twisted, unsettling dance with the other. Bon Bon couldn’t take another step back. She couldn’t even move. The T.I.T.A.N. ponies by her side shared the same fate, all frozen by their limbs to the earth, leaving just their heads to rise higher and higher. Bon Bon was breathless. The Council was breathless. Everypony was breathless just at the sight of the two towering tails waving back and forth. Back and forth.

Then came the head.

Everypony was able to breathe again, only to devolve to a state of hyperventilation as that atmosphere of terror and chaos infested the very air and consumed their lungs. No longer was it concealed by several layers of ice, but it was out in the open, breathing the same air that the equines did, and moving about as lively as any living creature. The beast had a towering golden neck and face, a dragon-like physique with several horns atop its head and jagged teeth within its jaws. It snarled and sneered as it shook its head to awaken, to shake out the countless years of weariness still consuming its mind.

Then the second head emerged.

Appearing just as tall, just as similar, just as terrifying as the first, the second head lifted its snout to the heavens and took a long, deep breath inwards. When it exhaled, it sighed with the chittering growls emanating deep from within its fiery heart, awakening and pumping and working like a fully-lit furnace. From that furnace, steam and smoke was exhausted from its nostrils and mouth, the creature flicking its forked tongue from its widened jaws.

At last, the third and final head rose up like a demon out of Tartarus within the heart of the duo of heads, acting as its middle. As its center. As its commanding leader. All fives towers were lifted up, slithering above in that horrifying image of pure, raw, burning power. The two tails waved back and forth. Back and forth. The three heads remained still, turning appropriately to the newfound smells appearing before them. Turning towards the cluster of equines standing beneath their shadow once again.

Celestia made not a sound. Luna made not a movement. Shining Armor and Cadance held their breaths. The Council of Friendship released theirs in shivering, terrified puffs of frosty air. Bon Bon gulped and whispered, “Oh, no…”

Arising from his long slumber, Ghidorah at last opened his fiery eyes.

Ichi did so first, the center head crying out with a gust of chilling breath leaving his razored maw. The cry was loud, high-pitched and needle-sharp, earning numerous flinches and resounding screams from the crowd of ponies. Despite Shining and Celestia’s efforts to calm those around them, it was ultimately fruitless. Panic had taken over as the Golden Demise they had all heard nightmares about was released. The other heads opened their eyes following the sounds of screams beneath them.

Ni growled softly, the right head glaring to the fleeing equines with hunger and hatred boiling in his beady, reddish-orange eyes. He hissed, chittering like that of a rattlesnake zeroing in on its intended prey.

San, the left head, snorted and smelled the air constantly, observing the equines with more of a curious interest. He hovered above the miniscule bodies and tilted his head appropriately to their movements, burning eyes narrowing at their attempted flee.

Ichi rose up from between them, screeching out into the storms of the skies with his earth-shattering, heart-stopping, soul-tearing roar. It scratched the ears of everypony present, the daunting and hellish wails echoing from the beast’s heart and flushing throughout all the Frozen North, informing and warning the inhabitants that he had finally returned, that he was not dead.

After several million years of imprisonment, Ghidorah never felt more alive.

He rose forth from the tomb that encased him still, ripping his wings from the grasp of the icy earth and hurtling massive boulders of pure ice to and fro. He did so with each wing, eventually prying his legs and claws out of the abyss and planting them firmly onto solid ground. It cracked and trembled beneath his immense weight, but the tundra held all the same.

If there was a panic before, there was an immediate fear that clouded the hearts of the many trying to flee, pushing them over the brink to abandon everything and everypony around them so that they could survive. So that they would live. It was as unholy as the atmosphere that surrounded all living beings at that moment. It was fear that infected them, changed them, made them forget the friends and colleagues they left behind.

But not the Council of Friendship. They stayed together even as Bon Bon and her retreating T.I.T.A.N. agents pried them apart in an effort to save them. It was little to no use. All of their eyes had been captured by the rising beast that they failed to react in time to the world around them. And by the time they did, it was already too late.

Applejack bit down on Rarity’s jacket and pulled the unicorn with her, prying until Rarity was physically pulled out of her petrified trance and back to reality. Back to where her hooves met the snow and her trot turned into a gallop. Pinkie Pie blinked several times after Ghidorah roared, shook her head, and eventually came to with a terrifying scream leaving her agape jaws. The pink mare grabbed onto Bon Bon, who was busy trying to yank Pinkie back, and instead felt the pony take her with her as she zipped out of sight. Out of danger and out of Ghidorah’s reach.

Twilight snatched up Spike, both momentarily frozen in their own fear before Spike’s well-being came to the forefront of Twilight’s mind. She thrust him onto her back, spreading her wings and taking off into the furious snow and ferocious wind, amplified by the storms swirling above Ghidorah. Fluttershy’s wings were seemingly stuck to her sides, either by fear or the cold. Maybe it was both. All she could do was run away, alongside the T.I.T.A.N. agents, Rarity, and Applejack.

But perhaps Rainbow Dash was the one who hesitated the longest, the sheer sight and size of the hydra taking her breath away and leaving her trapped in terror with a lone T.I.T.A.N. agent screaming at her to hurry. She finally felt the sudden pull on her scarf, bringing Rainbow back to the world and back under the shadow of the charging, three-headed dragon.

Spreading her own wings, Rainbow jetted off just as Ghidorah’s foot came crushing down on her location. The agent with her was not so lucky to escape in time, but even Rainbow’s luck ran out, too. For when Ghidorah slammed his wing against the mountain of snow and ice beside him, he sprayed fragments across the area the ponies tried to flee.

Rainbow Dash was unfortunately caught in that flurry of ice, shards both big and small slamming into her and knocking the breath right out of the Pegasus. They knocked her right out of the air, too, Rainbow falling down and disappearing within the chunks of earth and ice surrounding Ghidorah’s approaching steps.

Fluttershy twisted her head back after hearing Rainbow’s agonized cries, watching her best friend vanish under the fog, snow, and ice washing several yards behind her. Noting Ghidorah’s approach to where Rainbow had landed, Fluttershy quickly took action and spun fully, shooting out her wings and charging to the skies.

“Fluttershy, what in the hay are ya doin’, girl?!” Applejack screamed, sliding to a halt after noticing Fluttershy’s departure.

Rarity stopped with her, gasping and jamming a hoof to her agape mouth after seeing dear, sweet Fluttershy of all ponies courageously flying directly for the dreaded beast. Pinkie skidded to a halt near the outpost’s edge, where Celestia, Luna, and the rest were mostly present. They all stopped and turned to see what the sudden commotion was. Even Twilight froze in mid-air, spinning back and gasping, eyes enlarged and heart falling when she saw her.

As everypony saw her.

Fluttershy paused in the air, the electrifying storm slowly billowing and growing more ferocious by the second. She stopped and raised her hooves to both sides: one hoof to her friends, her allies, and to T.I.T.A.N., while the other was held toward Ghidorah. Her actions did not cause the hydra to yield.

Her voice did.


And just like that, shocking the masses, Ghidorah ceased in his approach. All three heads stopped twisting, slithering, and turning to focus dead ahead. To focus on the lone equine floating before him. Celestia and Luna both made an attempt to call out to Fluttershy, to inform her of the dangers she was putting herself into, but Fluttershy would have none of it.

She turned her eyes back to her friends and shouted, “It’s okay! I can speak to it! Don’t hurt it! There doesn’t have to be anymore destruction! Just let me talk to it!”

“Fluttershy, no—!” Bon Bon screamed, but she was ultimately ignored.

She was ultimately too late.

Because when Fluttershy turned back to the beast, the left head was already zeroed in on her. Even Fluttershy seemed shocked by that sudden approach, the mare pressing her hoof and stance forward to show Ghidorah that she would not back down to him. For she had not backed down to any dragon threatening her friends before, and Monster Zero was no different. He may have been bigger, scarier, and far more threatening than any other beast she ever come across, but that didn’t matter.

Her voice caused him to stop. And she would do it again to finally be able to reach the creature. “Okay, stop!” she ordered, adding on her intimidating and signature Stare to add another layer of power to her tone. Only…

Ghidorah did not stop. The head did not stop. She had met its fiery eyes and saw nothing in that desolation, nothing in those orbs of pure rage and flame. The head eventually met her hoof and pushed against it. Pushed against her. Fluttershy flapped her wings even harder upon that, lips pursing and eyes darting up and down, from where her hoof graced the creature’s scales and back to its eyes. The Titan growled. Gritting her teeth and growling back, Fluttershy pressed both hooves onto the beast’s snout.

Shouting and screaming, “Stop now! I said stop! Monster Zero, you will stop terrorizing my friends right now, mister! Right now! Right… r-r-right…”

When Fluttershy lifted her eyes, she gazed into his and saw it. Saw the one thing that made her heart freeze, her soul quake, and her spirit cower. Deep beyond his burning eyes, within the scales and through the smoke that led to his dark and twisted heart, the creature growled an ancient and unholy tongue of pure, wrathful evil. It was that power that tore away her voice, forced her Stare into submission, and left Fluttershy as but a trembling, timid, cowardly mare like she was so many years ago.

Because she felt no life in him. No joy. No love. No peace.

Just evil.

San snorted and blew Fluttershy back to the ground. The Pegasus crashed with a painful cry leaving her, several of her friends rushing to her aid. But they stopped. They froze when that same head bent down and narrowed its glare onto the yellow Pegasus. Fluttershy slowly pushed herself up from the snow, turning around and gasping as the snout shadowed over her once more. Trembling, Fluttershy tried to crawl away, only to have the beast press his snout onto her jutted hooves, sniffing her curiously.

Fully enveloped in fear and cowering under the mighty weight, Fluttershy lifted her eyes to the other two heads, both of them lowering closer and closer and snarling at the mere, miniscule sight of the lone Pegasus. As if her voice trying to speak to just one head had been reached to the others, that shared mindset spreading from each head. That bond and that terror laced tightly with each.

The left head snarled as well, opening its jaws and growling softly at Fluttershy. And just before those teeth could have neared her an inch more, a bright light appeared directly in front of the head’s eyes. San turned to it.

Twilight fired a spell onto the head, the magic exploding and causing San to cry out.

That burst of light and magic was but the catalyst, the remaining unicorns of T.I.T.A.N. taking action at long last and reaching Fluttershy’s position. Twilight landed with Spike hopping off of her, helping their friend to her hooves with Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie zipping back to Fluttershy’s aid. As the Council retreated, Fluttershy halted once more, gazed to the T.I.T.A.N. unicorns firing spell after spell onto the left head of Ghidorah.

And Fluttershy didn’t know what to feel any longer. The cries of the creature wounded her heart, but the monstrous, demented, evil lurking in the beast’s spirit was far more omnipotent. She watched the head thrash and cry, and she tried to feel sympathy, she really did.

But then the left head stopped thrashing. It shrieked once more before lowering and patting the nearest pony aside with his snout. The middle head bit down on San’s horn, roaring to him to keep his curiosity in check. To put him back in line. Fluttershy held her breath and listened to their cries.

The right head, Ni, growled at the middle, but Ichi would not have it. He growled back and caused Ni to yield in submission, the right head hissing but bowing his head regardless. Fluttershy stood frozen, shocked, in awe of what she had heard. Fluttershy understood it, their chain of command, their assertive and submissive roars to one another. They were communicating.

The middle head was leading them.

While the T.I.T.A.N. agents pelted them with magic, all three heads rose up. Slowly, deliberately, with their towering necks rising above the terrible snowstorm and their throats softly glowing. Burning. Illuminating a bright and haunting yellow that resembled the lightning striking the heavens above. Until their necks were completely enveloped. Until even all six eyes shimmered that same glow.

And their jaws, falling open, the dark pits of their throats glowing brighter and brighter to shower the ponies beneath them under that same light.

The magic ceased. The spells stopped shooting. Everypony stopped and stared.

Ghidorah breathed in.

Under the beast’s light, one fearful unicorn breathed out, “Holy…”

Ghidorah shrieked as he expelled that light and power into a devastating blast of gravity beams onto his unfortunate victims.

They were vaporized. Not even their screams could escape the coursing, yellow lightning bursting forth from all three of the Titan’s jaws. Fluttershy shielded herself as the lightning fell down on top of her, yelping once Rainbow Dash burst forth from the darkness beneath Ghidorah and yanked her out of harm’s way. Just in the nick of time. At the very last second.

She crashed and slid against the snow and ice, the rest of their friends coming to their aid. They determined quickly that they were safe, gazing to the petrified Fluttershy shivering in Rainbow’s embrace. The same could not be said for the T.I.T.A.N. agents killed in cold blood at the hands of Monster Zero, everypony gazing back to the beast.

With San licking up the ashy remains and Ichi biting and roaring at him back into submission, Ghidorah once more was lifted up. All three heads focused their hatred, their hunger, their rage and their devious intent onto the remaining crowds of equines foolishly holding their ground against him. The heads bent down and growled softly, hissing and making all sorts of other demonic and hellish sounds as the Three-Headed Devil slowly began his approach.

The ponies backed away, T.I.T.A.N. shielding the royalty of the Crystal Empire and the former rulers, all while Bon Bon and various other agents rushed to help the Council of Friendship. And in that hopeless, desperate attempt to save them from the wrath of Ghidorah, Bon Bon lifted her eyes to it.

She watched as the terror of a thousand names once more lifted his heads, his towering necks, and began to inhale deeply another gust of air. Ready to breathe another wave of lightning and wash the Frozen North in their death. Celestia, Luna, Princess Cadance, and Shining Armor acted quickly, their horns bright and ready to defend all of those around them.

Bon Bon stopped while her agents rushed ahead. She gazed into the emerging yellow light and saw the inevitability in it all. Their efforts were fruitless, null and void, because Monster Zero made it so. Because his might and his power and his evil made their deaths all but true. And so, she stood and stared onto her inevitable demise, seeing the light grow brighter and brighter, and feeling her fear, her terror, and her failure keep her planted on the earth… ready for it to come.

Only it never did.

To her shock—to everypony’s shock—Ghidorah stopped. He cried out, the light dying and all three heads quivering and growling. The middle head specifically did so, sniffing the air and turning appropriately to the far, far left. It was there that the remaining two heads turned. It was there that they all growled towards and fully faced.

It was there that Bon Bon turned also… and she saw it.

She saw the ocean.

She saw the crashing ocean waves strike the protruding rocks and icebergs.

She saw the small, subtle tint of blue shimmering within the dark sea.

Everypony saw it and fell into that stunned, awestruck silence. For if it was great enough to capture even Monster Zero’s attention, then it surely captured all of theirs. Every last one of their hearts and minds. Of their collective interests. Of their growing, collective confusion and worry. The cloud of terror that infused with the atmosphere took on another stark shift in power. It was then that Bon Bon realized what that shift was.

It all began with a soft, familiar growl echoing deep beneath the ice. She gasped…

And stared.

And witnessed…

Passed the shoreline, beneath the glacier of ice, the tint of blue light swam closer and closer until it finally stopped. Until the steam began to rise up and melt the ice directly above the light. All was still in the Frozen North. Everypony saw it and remained silent, unable to speak. Unable to breathe as their eyes reflected those alluring lights. The ice cracked. It shattered. And with a thundering display of power, the glacier erupted and the hue of blue cascaded across the entire outpost.

The light only rose up higher and higher, unveiling with shattered slabs of ice falling from their peaks glowing and radiating dorsal plates. And they all glowed a heavenly blue, emanating that power and dominance as the new force of nature arrived into the Frozen North.

The Council of Friendship arose to their hooves, all seven of them gazing with eyes ignited and spirits aflame as that tremendous and fearsome force made its presence known to every life within the vicinity. They couldn’t help but stand and tremble, but not in fear. In awe. In stunned, awestruck bewilderment to see before their very eyes… another Titan.

Celestia’s jaw dropped. Luna’s heart stopped. Shining and Cadance lifted their heads higher to join the ascension of the great Titan returning from its long, long absence. They, as well as the agents of T.I.T.A.N., slowly backed away just to catch the full sight of the mighty behemoth of a monster rising forth from the subzero waves. They all knew the beast. By legend, by stories, and by name.

Nopony else more than Bon Bon.

Instantaneously, her mind flashed back to that terrible night seven years ago.

She watched those same gargantuan feet crush the very ice and earth beneath it, sending earthquakes all throughout the Frozen North. Her eyes rose up beyond the towering, trunk-like legs and onto the abdomen, to the jagged and horrifying claws of the creature swaying side to side. Alongside its swaying, enormous tail behind it. Higher and higher, eyes gazing to reach scales she never even imagined, and once more staring onto the face of pure destruction. The face that touched the storms of the skies and held the same burning eyes that had melted through Bon Bon’s very mind, body, and spirit.

She couldn’t even breathe his name, much like before. She could only imagine it.

Titanus Gojira rose up.

Titanus Ghidorah rose to meet him.

And from that action, Godzilla snorted and snarled, flaming eyes narrowing with flashing, countless years of memories. Memories of seeing that same hydra, that same invasive species, now brought back from the depths of which Godzilla had sent him. He was now free. Ghidorah was free. His eyes only grew more enflamed, gusts of breath expelling from his nostrils and past his jagged, fearsome teeth. Godzilla took his stand.

Ghidorah followed suit, tails shivering and spikes rattling behind him. All three heads slithered and ducked, rose and fell, all while Ichi glared on and cackled towards his mighty and hated foe. His enemy. His rival. Taking his stand and rising up, Ghidorah lifted his wings and spread them forth in a haunting display of intimidation.

The two alpha Titans made their stances known, both refusing to back down. Both refusing to leave. The lines were drawn. The world was settled. Yellow lightning severed the storm above and cascaded their shadows upon the Frozen North. Ghidorah’s wings scraped the heavens and Godzilla’s feet tremored the earth with each stomp.

Bon Bon breathed again, a single gust of freezing air and a terrified whimper from the pony. Her heart leaped once that very same roar shattered the world around her.

Godzilla bent low and roared so loud that almost every life trembled to him.

Ghidorah cackled back with his own roar, all three heads echoing that cry.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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