• Published 18th Oct 2020
  • 31,479 Views, 12,681 Comments

Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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69- Nice

“Are you alright Phasma?”

Luna was standing next to me as I sat in front of the fireplace in the parlor.

“As much as I tell myself otherwise, no I am not.”

She sat down next to me and wrapped a wing around me. That was an ability I was slightly jealous of. Changeling wings were both too fragile and couldn’t keep heat in, so such an action is both impossible and pointless. Pegasus wings were just far more comfy.

I leaned into her and breathed deeply.

“I don’t know if any of my friends are still alive.”

“You will find them. Harmony always finds a way.”

“So does evil.”

She gave me a sideways glance.

“Yes, unfortunately. That is part of Harmony. Without the darkness, there cannot be light. So as much as we fight the eternal war against the malevolent, it is a futile endeavor. Still, we must fight on.”

“If not us, then who?’

“Who indeed. That’s why we are paid the big bits and live in fancy castles.”

“I’m broke, butchered, and living in a small apartment.”

“As soon as Daybreaker is cleansed and my sister is finally returned to her rightful place on the throne, you may stay in Canterlot Castle. In fact, you could stay with me.”

“You got a spare couch or something?”

Luna chuckled and we leaned into each other, watching the fire.

“Would you like to discuss the dynamics of Equus’s solar system?”

“... Not today. That’s a headache that can happen another night.”

“Very well. What would you like to do then?”

I sighed and pressed my head against her neck.

“What hobbies do you have? Or had?”

“Oh. A more accurate question would be, 'hobbies did I not have?' Throughout the many years of ruling, Celestia and I had picked up and dropped nearly every hobby under the sky. Painting, cooking, gardening, fencing, glassblowing, writing, wood carving, and so on.”

“Quite the repertoire of activities.”

“When you have no consistent company but your sister, you learn to branch out.”


“What about you? What hobbies did you have?”

“Not many in this life, though hopefully that will change…. At some point. But I used to play games, write, ski, and… well not much else. Mostly the first two.”

“Tell me a story.”

“I was going to ask you that.”

“We shall take turns then. Regale me with a tale you know of or preferably experienced firsthoof, and I shall return the favor.”

“There was that one time that the First Fang got our hooves on alcohol…”

“First Fang?”

“It was me and my closest friends. My only friends, really. Coxa, Thorax, Tarsus, Oest, Lace, and myself. But anyways, back in the hive alcohol is a real rarity. It’s a waste of resources to let things rot and ferment, you see? Some stuff they called Sprout. Now, I didn’t have any because… some reason. Think I had work afterwards. But the rest of ‘em got sloshed! Thorax didn’t as well, he’s as boring as me, but ooh boy! You learn some things when people get drunk.

“Oest as it turned out was pitch perfect. He rarely ever spoke so you wouldn’t think, but when I told him the lyrics to an old song I knew, he hit every note perfectly! Picture this: a changeling– or pony, if you’d prefer– built like a brick shithouse. Super reserved and quiet, of course. But when he sings? I was afraid that the vibrations would alert other changelings of our shenanigans! He could hit every note of the song! All of ‘em, high and low! A choir of one!

“Coxa of course was getting jealous. So in his infinite genius, he suggested a sing off. Lace and Tarsus agreed. Four drunk changelings all claiming to have a better singing voice than the other, despite the obvious winner. They made Thorax and I the judges and let me tell you, they couldn’t sing if their lives depended on it. But of course, one round wasn’t enough. Oh no, there had to be a best of three!

“Anyways, when Oest won– because of course he did– he started giggling like a mad ling. Then he did this sort of jig, I can’t describe it, but because he was drunk he tripped over his own hooves and fell forward, accidentally knocking into Coxa and Lacewing. They tried to get out from underneath him but they were trapped under his weight! That’s when we all started laughing!”

I laughed at my own story and Luna joined me. It was a nice story. I liked it. But it reminded me of where I was. What I had been through.

My laughter died away.

“... Then I ordered Oest to die. He did it without hesitation. Hell, I think he was happy to do it. You know what the last thing he said to me was? When I said goodbye to him, he told me that I hated goodbyes. He said ‘till we meet again, brother.’”

It was hard to breathe. My eyes hurt from all the dust in the dream.

“It’s crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. How does losing a brother hurt more than dying?”

Luna held me tight.

Life moves on. That was the worst part about it. For some, it ends. For the rest, it doesn't.

“Lots of ponies staring at me.”

“You were on the front page not too long ago, remember?”

“I distinctly recall not having my picture taken.”

“Well sure,” Search said, “but your story was.”

I felt confined in the dull grey boxy armor that had given me. I wasn’t going to actually be fit for a real set, so they just gave me a spare set that almost fit. Almost. It was too small. Nothing like my old Adamantium peytral.

Some ponies waved as we walked past. I gave a fake smile and nodded to them, as was expected of me. When I looked away, my face returned to its normal sour expression.

“I don’t like the attention.”

“I’m afraid there’s not going to be much help in that regard. I am sorry to be the one to say this, but ponies will be noticing you wherever you go. Having one of your legs be entirely metal does that.”

I grunted in reply.

“Some pony should tell ‘em it’s rude to stare.”

“Somepony should,” Dew agreed.

Bray punched me lightly in the foreleg. I didn’t feel it, as that leg was made of metal. Strange how that works.

“Cheer up, Sky! They just want to see the stallion who took on an entire pack of Dire Wolves and lived to tell the tale!”

“Do they want to take a picture with me, too?”

“Do you see any fancy shmancy unicorns around here? Any of ‘em carrying several-hundred-bit equipment?” Dew asked.

“What was that about unicorns?” Bray asked.

“Poor phrasing. You know what I mean.”

“... I’ll let it slide.”

“Are cameras not commonplace around here? I saw quite a few up in Canterlot,” I lied.

“A decent model can cost several hundred bits.”


Sergeant Search brought the team to a halt.

“Quiet day today,” he muttered.

It was my first day on patrol. I was to stay close to any one of the three members, preferably Bray, like I was attached by a two hoof long umbilical cord. Search had said that I had studied enough and was due for some on the job experience.

“Hmm, this place looks oddly familiar.”

We were near the bridge in the middle of town. It was the very bridge I had seen before nearly dying of blood loss.

“Nah, must be nothing.”

Dew leaned over the railing and looked out over the river. Search wiped his forehead with his fetlock. It sure was hot out today. And bright. I didn’t exactly get much rest last night so the bright summer sun was starting to hurt my eyes. Luna promised to share her story later, and instead we just sat together, in quiet.

It was… good. It was needed. That’s the word, needed.

When I woke up thanks to that damned alarm and got ready for work, Bray had commented how I looked like shit. She said it more tactfully, but she still said it. I told her I had a sleepless night which earned me some pity points.

“Could really use a pair of sunglasses right about now.”

“Let’s get out of the sun for a bit, then resume the patrol.”

If this is what I was going to have to get used to every day, I was going to be miserable. If it weren't for the protective coverings between the prosthetic and my arm and between my armor and myself, I was sure that I would be boiled alive. Instead, I was merely frying to death. An upgrade, I hoped.

I squinted hard as we turned towards the sun and started walking down the street. As we walked, I thought about the future.

‘So… let’s say Luna manages to get Celestia back. I could probably just reveal myself immediately. Work with these ponies to figure something out… Maybe a rotation of volunteers to be podded? Or… Hmm… Definitely get whatever remains of the Hive’s Finest to research different love harvesting methods. Specifically, the ones not done previously. Those were straight-up torture.’

The Sergeant opened a glass door and entered inside the building. We followed as I continued to brainstorm.

‘Figure that out later. Let’s just say cooperation works. I’ll need to order the abandoning of the hive and make a new secure hive closer to Equestria, preferably close to Canterlot. The closer I am to Luna, the better… There were those Crystal Caves. If I could get something going in there, that would be for the best.’

Dew, Bray, and Search all took off their helmets and let their manes hang free. They were damp from sweat. I nearly took my helmet off for the slight relief before I remembered my cover story. Right now, we were waiting in line for something. Search had mentioned wanting to drink something cold, so it was likely he led us to somewhere with drinks. The nonalcoholic kind, of course. And given that these were ponies, I half expected milkshakes or something.

‘In these modern times, I’ll need to secure some way of maintaining political autonomy. No way in hell I’ll let the changelings become a vassal state of Equestria. Really, that just means I need a source of income. A nationalized industry to fund the hive. What can changelings offer that Equestrians need?’

Search nodded towards a square table with four chairs and I followed Bray and Dew as we went and sat down. Apparently, Search was going to order for us.

‘Shapeshifting, of course. Emotion sensing as well. What practical applications do these have? Emotion sensing would be helpful for psychology I suppose, but that would take a long time to set up. Getting doctorates is not exactly a quick task. Still, that’s an idea to keep note of. Shapeshifting could have many uses… I doubt the Equestrians will appreciate us taking their form, so anything disguise related is probably out. Espionage would be the one exception to that, if Luna wants us for that. I’m sure Princess Celestia had her own espionage network.’

I half-noticed Search sitting down at our table. The ponies started quietly chatting with one another.

“Hey Sky.”


‘The fact that I’ve heard nothing about it means it’s either really good or nonexistent. On one hoof, she is the supreme ruler of the most powerful nation in existence and would most certainly keep tabs on other nations. On the other, she’s a pony.’

“Whatcha doing?”


‘What other applications does shapeshifting hold? I suppose that if I don’t come up with any, I could just ask any loyal changelings. Get ideas from them. Speaking of, I’ll need to reform the hive. Absolute rule is fine and dandy, but the less paperwork I have to do, the better. Getting some sort of constitution in place is a pretty good idea, even if that paradoxically means more paperwork.’

“Whatcha thinking about?”


‘Would changelings even accept a constitution? They are so heavily monarchist that they would never accept a republic. Not this generation, at least. Considering I am a physical royal too, I don’t think those monarchist tendencies will dissipate over time. Due to the Weave, they might be naturally inclined to stick around royal breeds. A constitutional monarchy would be very easy to implement. I could make some sort of court system to eliminate that duty from my potentially packed schedule. A lawmaking body wouldn’t quite work. Maybe disband the Praetorians and create my own guard to act as a special bodyguard. I doubt that I can fully remove their loyalty to the Queen once I depose her.’

“What kind of stuff?”

“Things and stuff.”

“You’re avoiding answering me.”

“That was because I was thinking. Now I’m not. What’s up?”

“Do you like vanilla?”



“Uh, sure.”


“... Vanilla what?’

“Ice cream! Why else would we go to an ice cream parlor?”

“Is that where we are?”

I cast a look around. Sure enough, we were in an ice cream shop.

“How did… what exactly were you thinking of that was so engrossing that you completely zoned out?”

“I was thinking about…. Where I will be in the future.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting. Where do you see yourself?”

“Probably Canterlot.”

She scrunched her muzzle.

“I only hear bad things about that city. Search’ll tell you to go somewhere else, I’m sure.”

Dew and Search were in the middle of a conversation across the table, not paying attention to ours.

“And as I said, the city didn’t agree with me. I know there’s going to be issues.”

“So why go there?”

“That’s… where my g–marefriend is.”

“The long distance one?”

I nodded.

“You met her when you went to Canterlot?”

“Actually she’s sort of a… foalhood friend,” I chuckled.

“Ooo, she moved to the big city from Fillietown?”

“Yeah. Got some kind of government job offer. A clerk or something, I didn’t ask.”

‘This is a lot of fun and in no way can bite me in the ass later.’

The shopkeeper– is there a special word for someone who deals ice cream?– yelled something and Search leaned away from his conversation, looking towards the counter.

“That’ll be us. Bray, if you could get it.”

“Sure thing, Sir. We’ll continue this conversation after we eat, Sky.”

She left the table to grab our order of… ice cream.

‘So many parallels to Earth. Thank Panar for them, I think I’d go crazy if this place was completely alien.’

“So what were you two talking about?”

I wiped the sweat from my brow. Considering I still had my tin can on, I was not cooling off as quickly as the rest of the squad.

“Things ‘n stuff.”


Bray Call came back carrying a tray in her light green magic. Matched her eye color, as was usual for unicorns. The tray had four cups of ice cream; two vanilla, one chocolate, and one… some triple color. Vanilla, chocolate, and pink. I imagined it had a specific name I didn’t know.

She distributed the cups and sat down with her own tri-color dairy flag. They started licking it like it was on a cone, so I followed suit with the vanilla ice cream they gave me. The cold was a welcome relief. It had been a long while since I had any physical food that actually tasted good, so I was emptying the shallow cup at a relatively quick pace.

‘No cones, huh? Too awkward to hold or something?’

A look up at the menu told me that they did indeed exist.

‘Guess it’s just a preference thing.’

“This something you three normally do?”

“Only on Wednesdays and Sundays,” Search answered from his cup.

“And the Guard pays for it? Just how many bits do you all spend on going out for food?”

They shrugged or otherwise didn’t answer.

“Whoever is in control of the Guard’s finances has no understanding of reducing costs and deserves to be fired.”

“You gonna take over that duty and cut down on expenses or something?”

“And miss out on free ice cream? No! We all need to work to keep that idiot where he is!”

The group chuckled and went back to their frozen treats.

‘Where the hell was I? Long term planning… I’ll have to reorganize some of the cultural aspects of the hive. If there is to be a familial system, then having last names would make things less of a nightmare. The pony way of only vague naming relations is confusing as hell and doesn’t work for changelings. On that, I’ll also have to create some sort of identification system. I imagine I can get help from Luna and her bureaucratic machine for that. Then I–’


I clutched my head with my forelegs.

Across the table, Search begrudgingly handed five bits over to Dew.

Author's Note:

I have a Ko-Fi now! This will not affect the speed at which chapters are made, but it will help get art commissions.

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