• Published 14th Jul 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Extra Character Edition) [Season 6] - Mister E-Nonymous

The Adventures of the Mane 6 during season 6, with some extra characters.

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Episode 3: The Gift of the Maud Pie

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Extra Character Edition) [Season 6]

Episode 3: The Gift of the Maud Pie

On a train from Ponyville to Manehattan, a bunch of ponies were waiting patiently. All except for Pinkie Pie, who gets excited over everything.

"We're going to Manehattan, we're going to Manehattan, we're going to Manehattan...!" Pinkie Pie sang all over the train car. She ended at the same booth where Rarity and Mutt were.

"Yes, yes, Manehattan, the height of sophistication, elegance, culture..." Rarity said. "Since my boutique in Canterlot has been doing so nicely, it only makes sense for me to open one there as well."

"We're almost there! Why doesn't your face look like this?!" Pinkie Pie finished stretching her smile, making Mutt laugh.

"Oh, Pinkie, dear, this is just a business trip for me," said Rarity. "I need to scour the city for the most perfect location for my new shop. And while it's lovely how excited you are, there's absolutely no chance of me getting swept into the–" She looked out the window and saw Equestria's version of the Statue of Liberty, then she said excitedly, energy, the beauty, the majesty of the greatest city in all of Equestria!"

"Okay," said Pinkie Pie. She then turned her head towards Mutt and said, "And why are you coming here, Mutt?"

"Ever since Mom went to Canterlot to get a job at the museum there," Mutt explained, "and M.C. helping Twilight with her royal duties, I thought I would get to see the sights around Equestria, besides Canterlot and the Crystal Empire."

"Well, you definitely chose a good place to start," said Rarity. "Manehattan is definitely a big tourist trap."

"And while I'm here, the Crusaders asked me to see how Twist is doing ever since she moved here," said Mutt. "They even wanted me to take pictures around Manehattan with her."

"Oh, that is good thinking!" said Rarity. "I know that Sweetie Belle would wonder how Twist would be doing."

Then the train came to a stop at the train station. Then the three of them headed out of the train station. When they got out the door, Rarity sighed and said, "This city's simply a-ma-zing! It's just... everything, ever!"

"And it's about to get everything ever-er!" said Pinkie Pie. "Because guess who I see!" She pointed a hoof at the bottom of the stairs, and standing there was Maud Pie, Pinkie's sister. Pinkie then bounced down the stairs saying, "M! A! U! D!" She stopped in front of Maud, saying, "You know what that spells?"

In a deadpanned way, which is the only way she talks all the time, she said, "It spells Maud."

Then Pinkie pulled out her party cannon, getting the attention of the ponies around her, and shouted, "Maud, Maud, Maud!" She pulled in Maud, Rarity and Mutt for a group hug and shouted, "Yay!" Rarity and Mutt gave off a nervous smile when Pinkie was giving off the biggest smile she could give.

Rarity, Mutt and the two Pie sisters were walking through the streets of Manehattan, looking at the sights. But they were talking at first.

"Oh, you Pie sisters have just about the sweetest family traditions!" said Rarity. "Every year, you set aside a special day to spend with each of your sisters?"

"Yep!" said Pinkie Pie. "I do separate trips with each one, and we make it super fun by picking a different location every year!" Then a colt on a skateboard represents a sequence shift, and the three mares and Mobian dog ended up at Times Square. "And since Maud's getting her rocktorate nearby, we figured this would be the perfect spot for PSSSD!"

Rarity leaned in and asked in a hushed voice, "Okay, what's the secret?"

"Huh?" Pinkie Pie asked confused.

"You just said 'pssst'," said Rarity.

"No, silly!" said Pinkie. "Not pssst, PSSSD! P-S-S-S-D! Pie Sisters Surprise Swap Day!" Then Pinkie Pie bumped into a brown, Earth Pony Stallion who was as bulk as Bulk Biceps. The stallion snorted, and Pinkie nervously giggled.

"Hey, where's Maud?" Mutt asked. Maud was indeed not with the group. They looked around and saw Maud, holding her pet rock Boulder, and looking at some postcards.

Maud looked back at the other three, saying, "Boulder promised his cousin a postcard."

Rarity then looked back at Pinkie Pie and said, "Well, I'll just leave you two to your PSSSD. And now, I am off to scout possible locations for my new boutique!"

Pinkie Pie then put a hoof on Rarity's shoulder and said, "Before you go, can I ask you a quick question?"

"Oh, of course," said Rarity with a small grin.

Pinkie then got onto the ground, holding onto Rarity's left foreleg, and shouted, "Will you please help me?!"

Mutt was rubbing the inside of his ears with his pinkie fingers, saying, "You didn't have to yell, you know."

Rarity bit her lip and nervously said, "Only if you let go of my leg and stand up... And also, Benjamin is right. You didn't have to yell."

"Every year, Maud's PSSSD gift always blows mine away!" said Pinkie Pie, stressed out. "But this year is going to be different!" She then started grabbing something out of her mane. "For the first time, I'm finally getting her a gift that's as good as the one she always gets me!" It was a flyer for pouches that Rarity and Mutt were seeing. "There's a specialty store here in Manehattan that sells nothing but rock pouches! A rock pouch would be perfect for Boulder, and I know Maud will love it!"

"Why, Pinkie, that really is the perfect gift for Maud!" said Rarity, happy for Pinkie.

"Yeah," said Mutt. "You planned a lot for this day."

"I know, right?" Pinkie asked. "Problem is..." Pinkie Pie pointed at Maud, who was still showing Boulder some postcards. "...I still need to buy one, and the store is downtown!"

"Hmm, and you want to get a pouch for Maud without ruining the surprise..." Rarity said, thinking of a plan. Then the got an idea. "Well, luckily for you, I know exactly what you should do! Why not sight-see on a path that leads right to the pouch store? That way Maud won't get suspicious! I'll come with you to distract Maud, so..."

"...I can sneak away to pick out a rock pouch!" Pinkie said, finishing up Rarity's plan. She then gasped and said, "And if you're coming with us, you can look at boutique locations along the way!" With an even louder voice, "It's the perfect plan!" What she just said echoed, and everypony around them looked straight at Pinkie. Pinkie then covered her mouth, embarrassed.

"Y-Yes, yes, yes, let's not get too excited until you actually get a pouch for Maud," said Rarity, trying to cool her friend's excitement.

"Of course. Got it. Absolutely," Pinkie said.

Then Maud came back, saying, "Nothing moved him."

Pinkie pulled in Rarity, Mutt and Maud for a hug, saying, "Maud! I'm giving you the greatest PSSSD gift in the history of ever!" Then Pinkie rushed off, grabbed her party cannon, and fired it.

"I thought I recognized that voithe!" came the voice of a filly. The three mares and Mobian dog looked towards the voice and saw, not just Twist, but Babs Seed as well. "Hey, Pinkie Pie! Hey, Rarity! Oh, and you're the prince's young friend, Ben Mutt-thki, right?"

"That's me," said Mutt. "Ben Muttski. AKA the Mutt." He tilted his hat towards her.

"So, this is one of the Mobians," said Babs Seed. "Pleasure to meet ya."

"So, you're the cousin of Applejack that came here for the Summer Harvest Parade," said Rarity. "But I heard from Sweetie Belle that you were acting like a bully so you wouldn't want to be bullied in Ponyville as you were here."

"Yeah," said Babs Seed. "But now, I don't have to deal with that anymore. So, what's going on here?"

"Well, my sister and I came here for our annual, Pie Sisters Surprise Swap Day!" Pinkie Pie said. "Maud and I came here to find a surprise gift for each other."

"And I'm here to find a place to put a new boutique here in Manehattan," said Rarity. "Since the one in Canterlot is doing so well."

"I'm actually lucky that you came to us," said Mutt. "The Crusaders in Ponyville wanted to know how you're doing so far here." Mutt took off his hat, pulled a camera from it, put his hat back on and said, "They also wanted me to get some pictures."

"Thure," said Twist. "I'd like to tell the others how I've been doin'."

"Want to see the sights as well?" asked Babs Seed.

"You know it," said Mutt. "Let's do this!"

It then sequenced to a map of Manehattan. Like the group was travelling by map. It then went to Manehattan Statue of Liberty. From the crown, the group, minus Pinkie, were looking at the city.

"Oh, what a spectacular view!" said Rarity. "You really can see everything from here!"

"Especially the glaciation of the sloping strata," said Maud. "It's breathtaking."

"But not half as breathtaking as the gift I'm giving you!" came Pinkie's voice from outside. She was hanging from a bunch of balloons, with her party cannon bellow, also being lifted by a bunch of balloons.

Twist pulled Mutt's arm and asked, "Are ya thure that those two are thisters? They don't really have the thame happy chime."

"Even I find it hard to believe," said Mutt, "but it's true. They're sisters. Although, they do have two more sisters. One that gets angry at the drop of a hat named Limestone, and another who's just as shy as Fluttershy named Marble. I don't know if it was because of the Sonic Rainboom that gave Pinkie that personality or something else, but it's creeping me out."

Rarity pulled in and said, "Believe me. We're all wondering about that as well."

Mutt smiled, then he pulled out his camera, and the group got into a picture. Pinkie was just in the background of the picture as it was taken. Then Pinkie grabbed the camera from somewhere, and then the group went to the window of the crown, and Pinkie took a picture of all five of them looking out from the crown. Rarity, Mutt, Twist and Babs Seed were giving off huge smile while Maud was giving off just a small smile.

Then they traveled by map to a possible location for Rarity's new boutique. Rarity, Pinkie and Maud were the only ones inside, but it was really cramped.

" I-It certainly is..." Rarity said, then grunted. "...cozy... but this simply won't do! Working in a space this small would make me lose my mind!"

"Just like Maud's gonna lose her mind when she sees the gift I'm giving her!" said Pinkie Pie. She somehow got her party cannon, and fired it off, getting the attention on everypony on that street.

Mutt, Twist and Babs Seed were outside. Mutt shook his head, saying, "I've seen a school's janitor's closet bigger than this place."

"Makes sense," said Babs Seed. "Somepony should've knocked this place down and replace it with a quality sandwich shop."

"Sounds good," said Mutt.

"It actually does," said Babs Seed.

Then they traveled by map to a place similar to Rockefeller Center. There were ponies ice skating. Mutt was taking off his shoes and replacing them with ice skates.

"You have ice thkates with you?" asked Twist.

"M.C. and I travel a lot to a lot of different places," said Mutt. "M.C. says to bring certain things for certain places. For example." He then pulled out a bag, and pulled out some pairs of different shoes. "Cleats for field sports. Bowling shoes. Basketball shoes. Even flip flops for a nice day at the beach or pool." The flip flops he wore were the same ones he wore in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic books. Then he got up, and onto the ice, heading towards Rarity and Maud.

Rarity sighed, but then Pinkie Pie came up, covering both Rarity and Mutt in shaved ice and said, "Whatever you were about to say isn't nearly as good as the gift I'm giving Maud!" Then she pulled out her party cannon from the right, and fired it off, and the blast pushed the cannon off the ice. Pinkie was still there, grinning eagerly.

"You'll be pleased with yours too," Maud said before skating off. Rarity and Mutt shook off the ice on them, then the three of them saw Maud doing a single axle, making Rarity and Mutt go jaw dropped.

"Okay, she is freaking me out," said Mutt. "Is everyone in your family that skillful on the ice?"

"Nope!" said Pinkie. "Our rock farm doesn't have and ponds or ice skating rinks near by. Maud's a total natural."

Mutt then slapped his face, and groaned.

It then looked like they were traveling by map, but this time, a pink crayon was drawing the path the group went to. It stopped at a certain restaurant.

"Pinkie, put down that crayon!" said Rarity, a little irritated. "The Cantering Cook isn't that kind of restaurant!" Pinkie then spat the crayon at a random direction, making Rarity freak out. The group of six were sitting at a table at an open view restaurant at the top of one building. Then Rarity said, "Oh... A pony could get used to eating at places like this!"

"I know," said Maud. "It's the only restaurant in the city with nepheline syenite in their bathroom tiles."

"...Well, isn't that something!" Rarity stuttered.

"I've ate here before," said Twist. "The food ith really good."

"You must try the pasta," said Babs Seed. "It literally melts in your mouth from the taste."

"Sounds good," said Mutt. "I guess I'll try it."

Then Rarity held up a menu in her magic and deliberately said, "You know what, Pinkie Pie? Uh, maybe you could help me figure out what to order!"

Rarity and Pinkie covered themselves with the menu, and had a hushed conversation behind it.

"We're so close to the pouch store!" Pinkie whispered. "It's just a block away! I could practically smell it from here! If I knew what a pouch store smelled like."

Rarity looked over the table and saw Maud looking at Boulder, who was doing nothing. Mutt, Twist and Babs were having a conversation at the time. Then Rarity went back down to talk to Pinkie Pie and whispered, "Okay, remember the plan. I will stay here and distract Maud while you go get a pouch!"

"Gotcha!" Pinkie whispered.

Then Rarity put the menu down and spoke deliberately, "Oh, why, thank you for the kind assistance, Pinkie Pie. And now I know exactly what to order."

"You are very welcome, Rarity!" said Pinkie in the same deliberate tone. "Now pardon me whilst I go wash my hooves!" As she was backing up, and bumped into a short unicorn waiter, making Pinkie say to him, "Sorry!" Then she jumped into the air, her hind legs spinning like Sonic the Hedgehog or the Looney Tunes's Roadrunner, and just sped on out, and making a Pinkie shaped hole in the door.

Mutt and Babs were jaw dropped on how fast and strong Pinkie was.

"Did you... did she... how did she...?!" Babs tried asking, but couldn't find the words.

Mutt groaned, rubbed his forehead with his hands and said, "I think my brain just broke."

"You'll get used to it," said Twist. "Pinkie Pie... ith just thomepony that'th jutht unpredictable."

"I know that," said Maud.

"So, Maud..." said Rarity, trying to move topic. "...that Boulder of yours is such an interesting... ahem... character. You must tell me, how did the two of you first meet?"

"It was a dark and stormy night," said Maud. "Little did I know that my life was about to change forever." Rarity was forcing herself to smile during Maud's story.

Pinkie traveled by map alone to the pouch store she was heading to to get the pouch for Maud. She looked through a window at a certain pouch. She gasped at it and started pushing her face to the glass, her smile getting bigger.

She then said to herself, "Look at that hand-stitched ten-thousand-thread-count velvet-lined rock pouch! Maud will love it! I need it!" She then ran inside, or at least she tried to if the door wasn't locked. "Ungh! Huh, must be stuck!" She then saw a note on the door and read it. ""Took a sudden vacation to Canterlot with my grandniece. Back in a few moons." Oh, no. Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no-no! Well, maybe, just maybe, he's already back from vacation and just forgot to take the sign down!" She was unintentionally talking to some ponies walking by. But then she pounded on the door, shouting, " Hello, Mr. Pouch Store Owner! I'd like to hear all about your sudden vacation in Canterlot with your grandniece while buying a pouch for my sister please!"

Pinkie unintentionally got the attention of many ponies around, including a police mare. The police mare walked up to Pinkie Pie and said, "Miss, the store's clearly closed."

Pinkie Pie then started talking to the police mare, and getting in her face a little. "But it can't be. It just can't be! If I can't get that pouch... then not only am I not getting my sister the greatest present in the history of PSSSD, but now I have no PSSSD present for my sister at all!" Pinkie was worrying a lot, not knowing what she was supposed to do.

It went back to the Cantering Cook restaurant. Maud was still telling the story of how she and Boulder met, still in that deadpanned voice.

"...and Boulder's been by my side ever since."

"Wow. What a surprisingly suspenseful and compelling story," said Rarity in a deadpan voice. " I completely get what you see in him now." She didn't notice that Pinkie came back until she turned her head. She then gasped and said in a normal voice, Pinkie Pie, you're back!" She then spoke deliberately, "Oh, your hooves must be sparkling clean!"

"Huh?" Pinkie Pie asked confused, yet upset. Then she remembered, "Oh, right." Then she sighed.

Rarity got nervous and called out, "Garçon! One super-deluxe two-mile-high hot fudge sundae, stat!"

The waiter walked off and came back with a giant hot fudge sundae, and put it on the table.

"Whoa!" said Twist. "That is one huge thundae!"

"You think Rarity will mind if we take a bite?" asked Babs Seed.

"Only if you ask," said Mutt. "I would, but I'm allergic to chocolate."

Meanwhile, Rarity and Pinkie were talking, trying to make sure that Maud wasn't listening.

"What happened? Did you get a pouch for Maud? Tell me everything!" Rarity desperately asked.

Pinkie inhaled, and said very quickly, "The door to the rock pouch store is locked because the owner's on a sudden vacation to Canterlot with his grandniece for a few moons, and so there's no way I can get the perfect present for Maud, and now I don't have any present for her at all, so it'll be the worst Pie Sisters' Surprise Swap Day ever!" She inhaled again and slammed her face into the sundae, and Pinkie was sobbing from inside the sundae.

"You know, I don't think I want this anymore," said Babs, putting back the ice cream on her spoon. Twist nodded in agreement.

Rarity looked around the sundae, and saw Maud with her deadpanned expression, not knowing what emotion she was giving off. Heck, who could? She then used her magic, and pulled Pinkie's face out of the sundae and said in compassion, "Oh, not to worry, dear! I'll just have to help you find a new present for Maud. We have plenty of time before your gift exchange at sunset and all of Manehattan to explore. We're bound to find something Maud would like. Maybe even more than a rock pouch!"

Pinkie Pie started to smile and said, "You're right! Thanks, Rarity!"

It then went to a toy store. There was one earth pony stallion and a pegasus filly were playing the My Little Pony theme on a giant keyboard. Then Pinkie slid on the piano playing an upwards glissando, going under the stallion and filly, and knocking them over.

Rarity and Maud were looking at a life size toy giraffe, and Rarity asked, "Maud, I can't help but notice you're staring at that marvelous giraffe. I was just wondering, any chance you could see yourself with it?" She then gave of a nervous grin.

Maud looked at the giraffe, saying, "Only if I had a mirror."

It then went to a jewelry store. Rarity was wearing a black dress, a pearl necklace with a broach, and a crown that matched the broach's colors.

In a persuasive voice, she said, "Now, Maud, I know you're a big fan of rocks, so get your camera ready, because these are the most spectacular rocks in all of Manehattan! Surely there must be something here that catches your eye."

Maud held up Boulder like he was speaking to her. Pinkie came over covered in jewelry and gems in her mane and tail. Then Maud said in a hushed, yet deadpanned voice, "Boulder says they're all too... stuck-up."

The group of six went to a swap meet. Maud was looking at her pet rock, and then the sound of whistling made her look up and saw Rarity face to face. Then western-themed music started playing, and Rarity was giving her an angry look.

" All right. You and me, Maud, you and me," Rarity called out. She then started levitating random stuff like crazy, wanting to know if Maud like it. "What do you think about..." Rarity levitated a football and a basketball. "...this?" Then she levitated a block of Swiss cheese. "Or this?" Then a purple vase. "Or this?" Then she levitated things across Maud's vision from right to left. Asking "Or this?" many times. Four things were the Twilicane, a rubber shark, a stone book that was the spell, Inspiration Manifestation, and then a Smarty Pants doll. Then the things Rarity levitated didn't come into view when she was asking "This?" Then she finished with a lamp and a grappling hook.

"I like that," Maud said, pointing at something.

Then Rarity asked desperately, "What is it? You have to tell me! Was it this bike? This lamp? This grappling hook? What do you like?!"

Maud pointed at a crack in the ground and said, "I like that fissure in the sidewalk. It's an elegant example of thermal expansion and soil settlement." She then pulled out a camera and took a picture of it.

The sound of a tea kettle was going on when Rarity was getting really irritated as she mumbled, "Fissure in thhhhhhhe soil...? What?! But I...! All of this...! And she likes a crack?!"

Mutt, Twist and Babs walked up to the pile. Mutt pulled out the Smarty Pants doll and said, "Hey! Isn't this the doll that Twilight gave Nyx before Joshua came to Equestria?"

"Oh, yeah," said Twist. "It ith. Nyx was a little upset when it was destroyed along with the rest of the old library."

"Perhaps I'll give it to Nyx when I get back to Ponyville," said Mutt. He then asked the stallion at the stall and asked, "How much for this?"

"That'll be 20 bits," said the stallion at the stall.

"20 bits?!" asked Mutt. "I only have 15. Sheesh, there goes the surprise gift to the daughter of the Princess of Friendship."

"Daughter of the Princess of Friendship?!" asked the stallion at the stall. "Did I say 20? I meant to say 5. 5 bits."

"Deal," said Mutt. He then handed the stallion 5 bits, and then put the doll into his hat.

Then Pinkie Pie came out of the pile of stuff and asked, "Did she like anything?"

In a hushed voice, Rarity responded with, "That sister of yours is simply impossible to shop for! There's nothing she needs or wants!"

Their attention got caught by Maud when she was calling out, "Boulder. Boulder. Where'd you run off to?" Then Maud turned to a stall that had some rocks with painted faces on them. "There you are. Sure wish I had something to carry you around in."

Pinkie Pie then got nervous, jumped up and out of the pile, saying, " A rock pouch was the perfect gift for Maud! Aw, and I know she would have loved the one I saw in the window! It had double stitching, a red drawstring..."

Rarity's focus was on something else, and then she finished Pinkie's sentence, "...and ocher-flecked velvet lining with reinforced triple-crosshatched seams?"

Depressed, Pinkie said, "Yep, that's the pouch." She sighed. Then she got a shocked face and then asked, "Wait, how'd you know?"

"Because I'm looking at one just like it!" said Rarity, pointing at something. She was pointing at a skinny stallion with a slick back mane, a pink polo shirt, a golden pocket watch and chain around his neck, the same kind of pouch Pinkie was trying to buy strapped to his belt, and his Cutie Mark saw of six bits. "Maybe if you can catch up with him, you could ask—" She didn't get a chance to finish that sentence because Pinkie already zoomed right towards that one pony.

Pinkie rushed over to that sleek pony, got in front of him and asked, " Excuse me, sir! I couldn't help but notice your nifty rock pouch! Is there any chance you'd be willing to part with it? I really need it. Like, really really really!"

"So lemme get this straight..." said the stallion. He then separated the pouch from his belt and asked, "You, uh, really really need this pouch, huh?"

"I believe I said really really really," Pinkie corrected.

"Well, you know, pouches like this are really hard to come by these days," said the stallion. "But I might be able to part with it for the right price." He then gave off a sneaky grin like some swindler.

Pinkie got excited and asked, "So you'll sell it to me? And I'll finally be able to give my sister the perfect Pie Sisters' Surprise Swap Day present? Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She bounced, brought out her party cannon, and fired it off.

The sleek pony was surprised by the party cannon, then he got a sinister idea. He hummed, then said, "That's one sweet party cannon you got there. Tell you what. I'd be more than happy to give you the pouch for the low, low price of... that cannon."

Pinkie Pie gasped, grasping her cannon and asked, "M-My... party cannon...?"

"Well, if you really wanna give that sister of yours the perfect present, then you'll have to give up your party cannon," said the pony. "So, what do you say? The pouch for the cannon." Then his gold tooth gleamed and dinged when he smiled like a swindler. Pinkie Pie bit her lower lip, trying to hold in her tears.

Maud and Rarity were checking out the crack in the ground as Mutt, Babs and Twist were looking from the sidelines. Mutt was shaking his head, indicating that what Maud was doing was boring.

"Do you see the exposed chalcedony in the fissure?" Maud asked Rarity.

"Probably?" Rarity asked, confused.

In a despondent expression, Pinkie Pie came back, asking, "What you guys lookin' at?"

Rarity got excited and said to Pinkie, "Oh, you're back!" Then Rarity turned to Maud, pulling out a camera saying, "Darling, I want to get one more picture of you with that astounding fissure in the sidewalk, and the inspiration just struck me for the perfect shot! Uh, be a dear and go stand behind it." Maud took a few steps back. "Okay, now just, uh, back up a little bit! Little more!" Maud was about a yard away from the crack. "And now just a little... uh... twenty yards more!" Maud moved back to the end of the swap meet row. "Perfect! Hold that pose! I think we found your new holiday card!" She then turned to Pinkie, asking in a hushed voice, "So, how did it go? Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"Well, I got the rock pouch for Maud, and... that's really the only thing that matters," Pinkie said, despondently.

"Oh, I am so glad to hear that!" said Rarity, pulling Pinkie in. "She's going to absolutely love it!"

Pinkie then turned to a stall in the Swap Meet and said in that same tone, "Yup."

""Yup"? That's it?" Rarity asked surprised. "You got your sister the greatest PSSSD present in the history of ever, and all you have to say is "yup"?"

"Yup," Pinkie said, despondently.

"But... you're Pinkie Pie," said Rarity, shocked. "You're supposed to be all..." Then Rarity started acting like how Pinkie Pie usually is. Even did the jumping and bouncing around like Pinkie Pie does. "Oh, I'm so excited I bought the rock pouch! And I know I say excited a lot when I'm actually just kind of excited, but this time I'm really excited about how excited I am about being this excited over the rock pouch!" Then she went back to her normal behavior, saying, "And then you fire off your party cannon. Say, where is your cannon?" Pinkie then looked back towards Rarity with a saddened look. That made Rarity gasp. She then grabbed Pinkie Pie, asking, "Did you lose it? Is your party cannon lost somewhere in the big city?!"

"Well... I wouldn't say it's lost," Pinkie said, despondently. "I mean, I know where it is. It's just..." She then sighed.

"I can clearly see that something's bothering you, and I want to help," Rarity said. "But I can't help you unless you tell me what the problem is."

"Oh, there's no problem," said Pinkie Pie, still despondent. "It just turns out that the going rate for a rock pouch in Manehattan is one party cannon. Who knew?"

"You gave away your cannon?!" asked Rarity, Mutt and Twist in unison.

"But, but that party cannon is your everything!" said Rarity. "You absolutely love that cannon! How could you possibly part with something that means so much to you?!"

"Well, I finally got Maud a gift that's just as good as the ones she always gets me, and that's all that really matters," Pinkie Pie said, ending it with a sad smile.

"Well, I guess I understand... maybe," said Rarity, unsure of the situation.

"Maud's going to be so excited," said Pinkie Pie, starting to get her moxy back. "I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees the pouch!"

"I know, the camera loves Boulder," said Maud, coming back.

Then the sound of Mutt, Twist and Babs snickering. Rarity then asked, "What's so funny, you three?" Mutt then held up his left glove, and a holographic footage of Rarity acting like Pinkie Pie showed. Rarity's face turned red in embarrassment, and then Mutt, Babs and Twist just fell onto the floor laughing.

Then it went to Manehattan's park. The group set up a picnic blanket by the stream, and all six of them were sitting on the blanket, waiting for the exchange to begin.

"After the day we've had, I'm probably looking forward to the swap part of the Pie Sisters' Surprise Swap Day even more than the two of you!" Rarity said. She then giggled, and looked back at Pinkie Pie. "And I'm not even a Pie sister! I can't wait one more second to see the wonderful gifts you've gotten each other!"

"Well, you're going to have to," said Pinkie to Rarity. "We don't just swap, silly. We always sing the Pie Sisters' Surprise Swap Day Song first! Ready, Maud?"

"As I'll ever be," said Maud.

Then Pinkie Pie started singing, "It's the Pie Sisters' Swap Day Sooooooong!"

"Hey," Maud sang, deadpanned.

"Okay, time to swap presents!" said Pinkie Pie, giving Maud her present as Maud gave the present she had for Pinkie. Pinkie hummed, then shook what was in the present Maud gave her. Rarity was smiling, then she looked over at Maud, looking at her present. She wasn't doing anything but looking at it. Then Rarity looked over at Pinkie Pie, and she was licking the present she had. Rarity was getting impatient and worried.

Rarity growled, then yelled, "Just open them already!"

Maud started opening her present, and pulled out the rock pouch that Pinkie got. She then said, "Thanks."

"I knew you'd love it! It was all worth it!" said Pinkie Pie. She then said to Rarity, "Look how happy she is! And I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you, Rarity." Then she and Rarity hugged. "Okay! Time to open your present to me!" She then opened up the present she got from Maud. "Oh! You did it again! You got me the best present in the history of PSSSD! This is perfect! This is amazing! This is incredible! I love it, I love it, I love it!" She then looked at Maud, and she saw something that not even Rarity, Mutt, Twist and Babs could see from Maud. "What is it?"

With her normal deadpanned voice, Maud responded with, "It's little pieces of cupcake-scented paper. You know, confetti. For your cannon."

"Maud..." Pinkie said, then sniffed. "You know me so well. You really are the most thoughtful gift-giver in the world! I'm gonna love it five-ever! That's even longer than for-ever." She then hugged Maud and sighed happily.

Rarity was happy for the two sisters.

Rarity and Maud were looking at a huge rock in the park.

"You're right, that is impressive," said Rarity in awe. "But it's no fissure in the sidewalk."

Maud then put her pet rock by the huge rock and said, "Play nice."

Maud rubbed her new rock pouch while Rarity said, "Oh, I'm so relieved to see that you like the pouch. Especially considering what Pinkie Pie had to give up for it." She then gasped, realizing what she just said.

"What?" Maud asked.

"I mean... forget I said that!" said Rarity, starting to get nervous. Mutt slapped his forehead and Babs and Twist were shaking their heads. "I'm, I-I-I'm glad to see that you like the pouch. You can remember that part. Just forget the second part. You know, the second part where I said that Pinkie Pie had to give something up—" She shrieked, then tried to stop talking. "Perhaps I should just stop talking now. Nothing!"

Then Pinkie came across, throwing confetti, saying, "Hee-hee, yay! I love my sister and my new confetti!"

Maud looked over at Rarity and asked, "Why isn't she using her party cannon?"

Rarity got nervous, unsure what to say. She then scuffed her hoof through some dirt and then said, "Ooh! Wow, look how filthy my hooves are! I really should go wash them!"

Rarity then started running off in a random direction, but Maud got in front of her in the direction she was going, facing straight into Rarity's face, and then asked, "Where's her cannon?"

Rarity tried looking away from Maud, like she was actually seeing what emotion Maud was using. She said, "No, no, stop, stop giving me that look!I can't take it!" Rarity tried holding it in, but she couldn't take it anymore and started to spill the beans. "Pinkie Pie feels bad that the gifts that she always gives you are never as good as the ones that you give her!"

"What?" Maud asked.

"That's why she was willing to give up the party cannon for the pouch!" Rarity explained, nervously.

Maud looked down at her pouch, then back to Rarity and asked, "She gave up her party cannon?" Then the two of them looked back at Pinkie Pie, who had a handful of confetti in her hoof and blew it off.

"Pinkie Pie! You might want to come over here for a second!" Rarity called out.

Pinkie Pie walked towards the other two mares, saying, "I think I know what this is about. You guys wanna ride the swans. Well, there are swan boats, but there are real swans here we can ri—"

Maud cut her off, asking, "You gave away your party cannon?"

Pinkie got stunned from what Maud just figured out. She then looked over at Rarity, who inhaled and responded with, "She broke me."

Pinkie looked back into the eyes of her sister, got nervous, then confessed, "Nnngh, it's just... It's just... It's just... You always give better gifts than me! That's why I had to get you the perfect gift!" Maud nodded, then headed off somewhere. Pinkie then asked, "Are your hooves dirty? Where're you going?!"

Maud turned her head back to Pinkie, and answered, "To get your cannon back." Maud continued walking away. Pinkie and Rarity looked at each other in confusion. Then Mutt, Twist and Babs came up to them.

"You think we should follow her?" Mutt asked.

"Yeah," said Babs. "It might be the best thing right now." Then the five of them started following Maud.

The group of six were searching the streets of Manehattan, looking for that one pony that Pinkie traded her Party Cannon for Maud's new rock pouch.

Maud looked to her right, pointed a forehoof, and said, "There."

"Yep! That sure is the pony I got the pouch from!" said Pinkie.

"That's amazing!" said Rarity in surprise. "How did you know where he'd be?"

"Maud Sense," said Maud. She then started walking towards the pony.

"Runs in the family!" said Pinkie.

"Now that makes sense," said Mutt.

The pony was walking with the party cannon until Maud tapped his shoulder. He turned around to see her. Maud then grabbed the pouch and said, "I'd like to return this pouch for my sister's party cannon, please."

"Sorry, missy, all sales are final," said that one pony. He then walked away with the cannon, but Maud speedily got in front of him, holding up the pouch.

"I'd like to return this pouch for my sister's party cannon, please," Maud said, slightly more forcefully.

The hustling pony was getting confused until Rarity came up to him and said, "Ooh, I've never seen her like this! Look at the fire in her eyes! You'd better do what she says!"

"Fire in her eyes?" asked the hustling pony.

"Oh! Did she just clench her jaw?! I think she clenched her jaw!" Rarity said, getting into that hustling pony's head.

"I didn't see," the hustling pony said, looking at Maud.

"Oh, no! When she clenches her jaw... you know what that means?!" Rarity asked, grabbing and shaking the pony.

"What? What's it mean?" asked the pony, starting to get scared.

"Trust me, you do not want to know!" Rarity said. Then the hustling pony started shivering in fear.

"I'd like to return this pouch," said Maud.

The hustling pony whimpered, pushed the party cannon towards Maud and said, "Here! Take it, take it, please! Just relax that jaw of yours and turn down that fire in your eyes!" Then he laid on the ground, whimpering some more. Then Pinkie, Mutt, Babs and Twist came up to them.

"Wow," said Mutt. "That was awesome."

"It actually was," said Babs.

Later, Maud going down the streets of Manehattan. Pinkie came rolling up to Maud, riding her party cannon.

"Maud! I'm so happy you got me my party cannon back! Yay!" Pinkie said, then firing the cannon with the new confetti. Then Pinkie remembered something. "Uh-oh. I just realized something. 'Cause you gave back the pouch for my cannon, this is now the second gift you've gotten me today! And it's something I really, really wanted! You did it again! Your gifts are always better than mine! Next year, I'm gonna have to really step it up and—"

Maud covered Pinkie's mouth with a hoof and said, "Pinkie, gift giving isn't a competition. It's an expression of love, and you always make sure to give your gifts with lots of love. That's why I'll always love them, and you, five-ever. That's even longer than for-ever." She then gave off a small smile.

"Awwww!" Pinkie said, then the two sisters hugged. Then Rarity came up to them and Pinkie said, "There you are! You've sure been washing your hooves for a long time! We've got a train to catch here!"

"I know, but there is one more sight you two simply must see before we leave," said Rarity.

They then traveled by map to another location. They went to a boarded up store. It was just Rarity, Pinkie, Mutt and Maud.

"Voila! Welcome to the future home of "Rarity For You"!" said Rarity. "What do you think of the place? Is this the right location? Did I pick a good spot?"

"No. You picked the perfect spot," said Maud.

"Hey, where are Babs and Twist?" Pinkie asked, not noticing the two fillies around.

"It just about sunset," said Mutt. "Where do you think they went?"

"Oh, that makes sense," said Rarity. "They're probably on their way home. Young foals should be getting home by this time of day."

"You know, I think this might be my favorite PSSSD ever!" said Pinkie. "But I can't wait 'til next year's PSSS-D-W-R!"

"Wait. PSSS-D-W-R? What's that?" Rarity asked, confused.

"P-S-S-S-D-W-R! It's a new tradition that Maud and I came up with!" said Pinkie. "Pie Sisters' Surprise Swap Day..."

"With Rarity," Maud said, finishing Pinkie's sentence.

"Oh! Ohhh! Why, that's the sweetest..." said Rarity, feeling touched. But then she started to panic. "Oh, no. Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no. I know how good you two are at giving gifts! I'm going to have to get you both something amazing, and I only have a year to do it!"

"Oh, Rarity! It doesn't matter what you get us!" Pinkie said, pulling Rarity in for a hug. "As long as you give your gift with love, it'll be perfect!" She then looked back at Maud, winking at her. Then Maud winked back, still with a deadpanned expression.

Rarity sighed, and said, "Why, thank you, Pinkie."

"Buuuut now that you mention it... I could use more confetti for my party cannon," Pinkie said, pulling in her party cannon. "You wouldn't believe how much of that stuff I go through in a day!"

She then fired off her party cannon. Mutt sighed, shook his head and said, "I'm pretty sure she's gonna use up all of the confetti in the world if she keeps that up."

"I know, right?" Maud asked, deadpanning. Then the two of them smiled at Pinkie's antics.