• Member Since 11th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 19 minutes ago


Some trust in chariots and some in horses.


When rumours surface that Twilight's human-to-pony trial might be hiding something, Dr. Q. investigates. For some liquidy, loose definition of investigate.

This is a work of satire. Buy lots of apples.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Nicely done. A few technical mistakes, but otherwise a wonderful little piece that is quite giggle-worthy.


Only earth ponies? Come back to me when you've got the Pegasus variant working.

Amazing! Loved it.

While this is secretly a front for a novel vaccine, we advertise as a human-to-pony transformation regime.

Well, better that than the other way around. This way the unmentioned effects are a pleasant surprise rather than an existential nightmare.

"It’s pretty good work, for a physicist.”
Twilight squinted. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”

"I'm just impressed you were able to do anything useful outside of a frictionless vacuum."

Lovely bit of silliness... though I do have to wonder how in-universe bronies work. I suppose when the girls went public about the existence of magic and a land of pastel horses, Equestria developed a fandom. In any case, thank you for a most enjoyable read.

“It’s cheap, and available off-the-shelf in conjugated form – of equine origin. Plus, it turns out many of the women here were taking prescribed estrogen anyway, so swapping estradiol for CEEs is hardly invasive in retrospect.”

...So, I guess they can only have mares, then?

Also, any story that jokes about ant-vaxxers is good stuff. The Q reference was a thoughtful and amusing touch too.

Thank you! I am not a doctor :v Or a chemist, or biologist, or physicist, or anything useful to writing this story.. :P

By design :# Mostly since I needed to work CEEs in there somewhere since this started out as a feghoot.

Thank you!

Headcanon: Twilight funds the production of the TV show on official Princess of Friendship outreachy funds after discovering the deep lack of friendship in the human world. Results backfire.

That does seem to be how these fics go. Early drafts had an "MLP causes autism!" chant from protesters with responses including "I was autistic before I became a brony" and from Prof. Twilight herself "and I'm autistic and I still have no idea what MLP is." But didn't make the final cut for obvious reasons. Oh well.


That does seem to be how these fics go.

This being in regard to the vaccines or that only women appear to be able to become mares (for some reason)?

Eh, things seem to be heavily male-to-female - and not necessarily in a T way - for no explained reason. We read on! :P

10217354 Oh no. I didn't mean technical as in the content—I meant it in terms of whiting. There was a few awkward phrases, but nothing that impeded the giggles from flowing.

Oh, well, I'm hardly a writer either ;)

I did fix chimeric -> chiral since those are different whoops I totally know things about this. Everything I know is from Wikipedia and Trick's Broken Symmetry

10217404 Hey, don't put yourself down. No one is perfect. Even (published) authors need editors to check their work. Keep working at it, keep writing, and keep reading.

It was a great little story. :twilightsmile:

This was a fun story. I'm usually not keen on stories about bronies transforming into ponies, but focusing it on women instead of cis men went a long way in making it better.

The name Dr. Q made me suspect he was Discord, but I didn't notice anything Discord-ish on a first read. But looking again, I see it now.


Headcanon: Twilight funds the production of the TV show on official Princess of Friendship outreachy funds after discovering the deep lack of friendship in the human world. Results backfire.

:facehoof: "After we published the friendship journal, I probably should have seen this coming. 'But no,' I said. 'Different species, different psychology, different medium,' I said. 'It can't possibly turn out the same,' I said."
:twilightsmile: "There, there, horse self. We all make mistakes."

Thanks :twilightblush:
It does have the Discord tag.. :)
*offers horse Twilight a hug*

“Now! Tell me everything.” The doctor’s left eye glistened a reddish yellow.

Ugh. How did I miss this?

The doctor materialized a deck of playing cards mid-speech and was occupied playing solitaire on a nearby table. “And he fell ill, too?”

The first time I read this, I thought this was just normal equestrian magic in an EQG world. Completely missed the Q factor.

Hehe, yeah. Thank you for reading!

You got me to snrk in real life. That's something.

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