• Member Since 18th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday

Trick Question

Being against evil doesn't make you good.


The name's Diane, Private Eye. I'm the stickiest gumshoe in all of Manehattan, with an addiction to danger (and chocolate). Hot on the trail of a missing foal, a feeling deep in my twitchy-tail tells me I'm about to crack the case wide open. Unfortunately, I may need the help of my weirdo "friends" to do it... but who knows, maybe I'll change my mind about friendship after an epic character arc.

Oops. Sorry for breaking the fourth wall there, but you can blame Mom for that one. After all, I'm just a half-bit mimeo of the #horsefamous Bearer of Laughter.

I mean, it's not like I have a soul, or anything.

Inspired by "The Heart of Saturday Night", a minific written by No Raisin for the June 2018 Writeoff.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 44 )

It’s been a while since I’ve gotten in on the ground floor of a longer story as it’s just beginning, but fuck if that ain’t a hell of a premise. Will Diane find the missing child? Probably. But can she find herself? That remains to be seen.

I wish there were more clone pink fics out there

Evidence of my blasted addiction

I bet it's sugar.

Chocolate. It's the worst offender.

Sounds like it's candy.

As an earth pony, I eat and weigh significantly more than you'd think if you weren't close friends with one of us, but even among earth ponies I'm something special. I'm blessed with the uncanny ability to eat absolutely anything I want and still remain fit and healthy. In point of fact, I need a constant influx of sugar. My body and brain run on the stuff, the same way normal ponies need hay. I'm not diabetic or anything, it's just how my crazy biology works.

So she's basically a hummingbird.
I'm sure this won't be an important plot point later on where she almost dies of starvation.

my internal chronometer is never off. Another "gift" from Mom.

This is going to be such an interesting story. I'm really curious to see how this is explored.

The only reason I'm here is it's the easiest place to hide from the Princess of Friendship, and I can usually find enough work to keep me out of the shelters.

There's going to be a lot of fear and anxiety in this story isn't there?

And yeah, there is a "you", whoever you are, hiding behind some unseen invisible wall like a voyeuristic pervert. I know you're out there somewhere, watching me. As before, I don't understand it... but I just covered that angle two minutes ago and it's way too early in the day to get stuck in a recursive mind-loop. I usually reserve that kind of nonsense for long after Celestia's Sun wins a game of hide-and-seek behind the jagged concrete skyline.

Okay I'm going to stop quoting everything I like about this because I love everything about this. I am loving this story so far.

"Suri's going to be furious—seriously! Serious furious Suri, yes...? No, no, stop it! There's no time for predictable postal package pieces or funny tongue-twisters," I complain to myself (as if I'm about to listen to that nutcase).

Okay I lied. You can take the Pinkie out of the Ponk, but you can't take the Ponk out of the Pinkie. As I said, this is really going to be about her coming to terms with who she is.

I glance up at the door just before I go. "DIANE, PRIVATE EYES" it reads on a thick piece of frosted glass. The letters are a beautiful dull chartreuse in bold, professional Comic Sans. I realize now it has a typo, but at the time I figured I have two eyes and it's not like one eye is private and the other one public, y'know? That would just be weird. Also, I didn't realize "eyes" might signify more than one pony because I assumed the plural for private eyes would be on the first word, like notaries public or heirs apparent or butterscotches fountain. But I guess "privates eye" is kind of disturbing by comparison. Either way, I'm not paying to change the sign again. The first time I ordered it I settled on "private dick" but I had the same idea and got even more confused, so it went up as "privates dicks" which drew in a totally different clientele and oh crap I'm still late why am I thinking about this now?!

Tricked, I don't know if you understand that you have written a story exactly catered to my taste. I love Pinkie because she's amazing and I think like her, and constantly going on random tangents and not hating comic sans like everyone else is part of that.

when I resist the constant urge to pronk

Ponkers gonna pronk

I wince. This is one of those abstract friendship things. I need to be supportive, not just try to fix a problem and move on. I am so bad at this! I have the caring part down, because apparently I'm only happy when everypony around me is happy, but I never know how to fix a problem I can't describe in words. How else are you supposed to make somepony feel better once you've solved the case—by making them laugh? Don't make me laugh!

(I mean, seriously, don't make me laugh. It's fun, but fun never solves anything.)

the juxtaposition between her Pinkieness and her own self-forged identity is delicious

My Butt Balloons Below

This is great

She grimaces. "Ugh. Please stop calling cutie marks that. And give me some credit, m'kay? It's not just cutie magic. I've worked very hard to get to where I am," she says, then turns her head away from me. "Which is... precisely nowhere. But the effort was genuine."

You're going to give Suri a redemtion arc and make me like her, aren't you?

"Well, hug rhymes with bug, and when you bug somepony you annoy them. Annoyance sounds like chatoyance, which is a band of light, and rubber bands are often used to hold envelopes together at the post office, which is where the mail comes from," I say, wildly gesticulating with my hooves for emphasis. "Wasn't that obvious?"

Oh Not-Pinkie, never change. Also I literally never knew that chatoyance was something besides the username of FimFiction's most cynical and controversial Conversion Bureau and Friendship is Optimal writer.

I stop mid-pronk—no offense to physics—

Loony Tunes would be proud.

"Oh! Well, I have my shorts on, just like you!" I say, and point to his pants. "I mean, yours are pants, but the idea is similar."

Wait, is he also not supposed to exist? Or does he just like wearing pants? Guess we'll see soon enough.

It's enough to drive Suri nuts, which is something truly magical to behold.

I can confirm that annoying my uptight friends is extremely rewarding. That miiiight be a character flaw on my end.

"It's, um, getting warm out," I say, trying to make idle chatter, which I do not do far too well.

Big same. I hate small talk so fucking much. I am far less afraid of public speaking far more than striking up a conversation with a stranger at a party.

"You've been saying you're almost out of debt for over a year now," I point out.

You're really gonna build a ragtag group of underdogs, aren't you?

If they ever found out about me I'd be in bigger danger than normal, which is already a remarkably large amount of danger.

This is going to be one hell of a philosophical and ethical dilemma for Twilight and Pinkie when it happens. My prediction which may be wrong is that Diane is the original first clone Pinkie made so she's a lot closer to Pinkie's depth and complexity than the more watered down successive copies who were but a shadow of the real Ponkers. Killing off those clones never quite felt right to me, and it will be interesting to see if Twilight tries to do that again now that Diane clearly has an established life and personality. Also, you mentioned in your blog that this story has an adventure element and some traveling so I wonder if she's going to go back into the mirror pool at one point. It'd be a crazy coincidence if that's where the kidnapped filly is being held as well.

When I get back to my office, I pull out my key and place it in the keyhole (that's how they work, after all), and the door just pushes right open.

"Whaaaa? I must not have latched it well enough," I say out loud. Turning the key confirms it's still locked, but I'm kicking myself for making such a rookie mistake. These wooden door frames tend to warp when the weather gets warm, so you have to double and triple check the doors sometimes.

As I enter my office, I nearly slip on the mail still sitting there. Oddly, I notice there's a big envelope beneath all the letter-sized ones. I didn't see that on my way out, which is an abnormal detail for me to miss. I must have been really hung over this time, I guess. I shut the door, then carry the mail to my desk.

I bet someone's been there.

so okay that analogy is not a good one. Look, this is pulp fiction and they're not all going to be winners.

I am so fucking here for genre-savvy (Not)Ponkers.

Fortunately, the journalistic pretense has been surprisingly useful at helping me get into places I shouldn't have access to.

The secret to getting into places is pretending you belong there.

"Bill, bill, bill." These I toss directly in the trash. Purely on principle, I never pay anything until it comes in a red envelope. I can't afford to, either, but that's just a happy coincidence.

Me and my $12,000 of credit card debt

"Oh, whoa! What's this?" I say, noticing a bulge. Somehow, I know I've just made an obtuse but unforgivable joke I'll never understand.

OwO I love you so much for this.

it's the kind of envelope with the little twisty string that goes around two circular wheelie-bobbers. Yeah, you know the kind

Does anyone actually know what those are called? Like it's in-character for her to not know but I kind of suspect you didn't either XD

I grab the string in my frog and spin it around in a figure-eight, doing my best not to giggle. Sadly, I fail. Yes, it's 'fun', I begrudgingly admit... but fun and me have a complicated relationship, you hear?

I see you too are a believer in magical magnetic hooves. And more "who am I" angst.


I'm mad--neigh, furious that this fandom has been around for almost a decade now and this is the first time I've ever seen anyone make that pun.

I don't remember the location she's standing in.


I don't remember any of the other locations, either.

(In Rainbow Dash's Gastly Gorge Voice) DUN DUN DUN

I say out loud to reinforce the idea. I have to do that a lot, because for some reason I seem incapable of experiencing fear for more than a few seconds before I giggle and shout, "Wheeee!" and then it's totally gone but I'm probably embarrassed if it was in front of a mugger because they usually run away when I do that. It's just as well, though, since I never have anything valuable on me.

You're giving a fucking masterclass on characterization here.


short for faux leather?

In fact, it looks too thick to have been slipped underneath the door. I save that disturbing factoid for later.

Called it.

but I'm sure I'd be bad at the face-punching part of hockey which is obviously the most important part of the sport.



curious to see who this is.

Huh, so that's an abrupt ending. I was expecting a cliff-hanger, but I guess it's in character for Diane to just suddenly stop what she's doing on a lark.

ANYWAY, Um, I'm not sure if you can tell, but I absofuckinglutely love this so very very much. You have written Diane incredibly well, and I'm extremely eager to see where this goes. Consider me a fan.

Ooh, immediate points for both Diane being stumped by her own incomprehensible biology and using a borough that isn't Manehattan.

And yeah, there is a "you", whoever you are, hiding behind some unseen invisible wall like a voyeuristic pervert. I know you're out there somewhere, watching me.

Hey, Trick writes good stuff. Or, if you go by the Myst interpretation, she writes gateways to interesting worlds.

... in bold, professional Comic Sans

I admit it, I winced.

You're probably not buying any of this, are you?

I've seen your mother in action, Diane. This is to be expected.

I have the caring part down, because apparently I'm only happy when everypony around me is happy, but I never know how to fix a problem I can't describe in words. How else are you supposed to make somepony feel better once you've solved the case—by making them laugh? Don't make me laugh!
(I mean, seriously, don't make me laugh. It's fun, but fun never solves anything.)

She has much to learn. Granted, Pinkie tactics are going to be a harder sell in the big city. Knowing everypony in town is right out. Of course, there's the matter of going too far, which Diane has already established is something of an issue with her. And that's before getting into the chanting...

Most intriguing opening. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

Glad you decided to do this story!! I love the way you have Diane resisting her urge to be Pinkie, and the way she still is. THE STRUGGLE.

Anyways, excited for more!!!!

I glance up at the door just before I go. "DIANE, PRIVATE EYES" it reads on a thick piece of frosted glass. The letters are a beautiful dull chartreuse in bold, professional Comic Sans. I realize now it has a typo, but at the time I figured I have two eyes and it's not like one eye is private and the other one public, y'know? That would just be weird. Also, I didn't realize "eyes" might signify more than one pony because I assumed the plural for private eyes would be on the first word, like notaries public or heirs apparent or butterscotches fountain. But I guess "privates eye" is kind of disturbing by comparison. Either way, I'm not paying to change the sign again. The first time I ordered it I settled on "private dick" but I had the same idea and got even more confused, so it went up as "privates dicks" which drew in a totally different clientele and oh crap I'm still late why am I thinking about this now?!

I lost it at this part XD

So, in a single word, this fic was incredible. But in many words, I'm going to specify.
The description of apple juice with bitter coffee was great if a touch nauseating.
The addressing of the reader, which is not uncommon of Pinkie to do, works amazingly with her and places this story somewhere between first and second-person point of view!
This whole fic is jam-packed with solid characterization and it had me smiling (and laughing) through the whole thing. Like her complaining to herself about being a nutcase is solid, pure, shining gold. Or how she had to keep reminding herself not to stick out, it made me grin. Pinkie trying to keep a low profile is like trying to put a lid on an exploding bottle of soda.
Now, that being said, this fic was a touch heavy-handed, er hoofed, but because it's Pinkie adding weight to that hoof, it gets a complete pass. On that note, the 'oh, woah,' joke almost made me close the window out of angry reflex. But, because you slipped that joke in flawlessly, you have earned another complete pass.
This story seems to be hiding a darker side to it though, like a whole gritty underworld visible only by a peephole covered with a smiley-face sticker. If you ever need a proofreader or an editor, though I'm sure you have many, I would leap at the opportunity!

You've got a beautiful characterization of Di here! There's also just not that many stories on Pinkie's clones, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this for updates.

I'll say upfront that I have a very shaky history with TQ's horse fiction, and with some of our more private conversations. But, I'll also be the first to say that I'm pleasantly surprised with what she did here. She took a snippet or two from my story (which I'll expand for FiMFic publication... eventually) and did something very different with it. An almost-Pinkie Pie film noir adventure that digs deeply into the logistics of what it would mean to be a clone, existential dread and all, with enough humor to fit the character.

Good job. :pinkiesmile:

This looks really good so far, I'm interested to see where it goes.

Comment posted by Trick Question deleted Apr 29th, 2020


I admit it, I winced.

Am I the only person who likes Comic Sans?

Well, this is interesting. :D

She grimaces. "Ugh. Please stop calling cutie marks that. And give me some credit, m'kay? It's not just cutie magic. I've worked very hard to get to where I am," she says, then turns her head away from me. "Which is... precisely nowhere. But the effort was genuine."

Butt talent. Heh. I like that. Way better than "cutie mark." :rainbowwild: Oh, yes I did!

"Well, hug rhymes with bug, and when you bug somepony you annoy them. Annoyance sounds like chatoyance, which is a band of light, and rubber bands are often used to hold envelopes together at the post office, which is where the mail comes from," I say, wildly gesticulating with my hooves for emphasis. "Wasn't that obvious?"


I stop mid-pronk—no offense to physics—and fall straight down to the sidewalk. "Oh no! Am I on fire again?" I quickly check to see.


There's nothing wrong with the comic-book style of Comic Sans, it's just poorly executed. And the kerning is atrocious.

I've never understood the hate either.


Magical magnetic hooves

I've been of the HC that Equestria has standard fixtures on their horseshoes for hooking and picking up objects.

The best uses of Comic Sans are Microsoft Bob and BoneQuest (formerly Jerkcity).


Magical magnetic hooves

I've been of the HC that Equestria has standard fixtures on their horseshoes for hooking and picking up objects.

Okay, but like, Pinkie Pie literally climbs up a smooth wall in this clip:

(though it could be argued that that's just Pinkie being Pinkie.)

Love how you wrote Diane. She's very Pinkie-ish, but a good bit... darker? Without being Pinkamena.

I have no idea what the hell is going on here, but I'm definitely along for the ride.

(of course for a mirror clone of Pinkie, I'd be more worried of I did know what was going on.)

Hmm the best explanation remain the granular vacuum gripping.

Free public transit in New York? This is a fantasy world.

I mean, I've raffed my riff more times than I can count, and I can count so many times I can't even count that high!

This is some quality ponkery.

Fascinating to see Diane's issues with empathy, especially given the original. Yes, Pinkie has her off days, but she also absolutely has on ones. Diane knows of feelings, but she still has a hard time actually putting names to proverbial faces. Though her less than demonstrable friends aren't exactly helpful there.

Also, you learn that "eleventeenth" is apparently not a legitimate number, and that means you no longer have any idea what happens when you divide twentteny-tweenth by twoish.

Again, amazing Pinkie voicing, even if we're working with a nonlegendary token copy.

Kudos on making a legitimate reason to work emojis into a story about a pre-cellphone society.

I mean, it's like the guy is trying way too hard to be an original character.

I thought she wanted to avoid making things too meta. :raritywink:

This is obviously for me as that isn't the usual closing procedure and he always does that when we're alone because he's no doubt embarrassed to be seen with me.

Ouch. Hi there, casual self-loathing.

I have to wonder how much of Diane's gross misinterpretations of Kichawi's messages are uncontrolled Pinkie-isms and how much are not knowing the symbolic connections he relies on. After all, mirror clones don't get a lot of knowledge copied over when they're created.

Also, I'm not sure Fine Print's cap and rolled-up newspaper cutie mark are showing up properly in whatever font you're using.

I had to look up the proper Unicode table for the former.

Given Diane's early experiences with ponies who she thought were her friends, I can hardly blame her for her current paranoia.

Another fascinating glimpse at a most unusual life. Looking forward to more of both the mystery and the investigator.

My head hurts more now than after reading the first chapter. Somehow, that feels like it's supposed to be part of the experience.


Wow this is really well written. This style of unreliable and occasionally incomprehensible narrator is so good, and very unique. Only other stories I can think of that do something like this are maybe Stone Cold(I think, it's been a while since I read that) and Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter here(and it's sequel).

Any chance at shipping ever happening later? I saw some maybe hints, but I don't want to unnecessarily get my hopes up.

"Anyhoo, I have no idea why the biggest Library in Equestria outside of Canterlot allows Kichawi to live on premises. I'm pretty sure that violates at least twentteny-tweenth municipal codes."
Well, some interesting history behind that sort of thing, actually.

"I guess that's pretty unlikely, though."
[looks at where the controls for the FIMFiction text-to-speech system formerly were on their screen]
Yep, how would something like that ever happen? :D

"Also, I'm not sure Fine Print's cap and rolled-up newspaper cutie mark are showing up properly in whatever font you're using."
(I'm getting the newspaper, by the way, but yeah, not the cap.)

I continue to find this an interesting and enjoyable story. Thanks for writing. :)

I'm not just being unfriendly when I call ponies 'sketchy' and recommend avoiding eye contact. "Free" means everypony can use it, especially the riff-raff. And nopony likes the riff-raff, not even the riff-raff. I know, because I am the riff-raff. I mean, I've raffed my riff more times than I can count, and I can count so many times I can't even count that high! We "riffers" are the lowest common denominator: poor ponies, elderly ponies, disabled ponies, drunk ponies, stoner ponies (although they usually take the Four-Twenty instead), homeless ponies, ex-convicts, current convicts who are for some reason not behind bars where they are supposed to be, pre-convicts, complete lunatics, partial lunatics, and Manehattan tourists who by the end of the ride have decided that Manehattan is a nice place to visit but they'd rather not move here and a big part of that decision is specifically due to their Lovely Manehattan Bus Experience™.

Literally everything about this paragraph :rainbowlaugh:


If this story had ended up being popular, you might have seen fan art of various pairings someday. Mais non: it is sadly one of my least popular works, so far. :raritydespair:

Still, despite the fact nopony's reading it, I will of course continue it as a labor of love. :pinkiehappy:

I figured I have two eyes and it's not like one eye is private and the other one public, y'know?

In that case, protected and internal eyes should be not so far away too

This is a really good story, and it’s a shame it’s overlooked. I have never read a fanfic like this one, and I fell in love with its originality, charisma, and well written characters. I applaud your idea to use Pinkie’s double - that was genius! The writing for this story made me smile and laugh the whole way through, and even though Diane goes off on tangents a lot, they’re so enjoyable.
Actually, all of the things she thinks/says are absolutely hilarious, and the humor is so clever too. If you’ve ever read a Lemony Snicket book, it reminds me a lot of that.
I liked how your oc’s played into the story so smoothly, and Suri’s character was spot on! All the writing was done so well, and, again, this was a hilarious read. I cannot recommend it enough.
(Also, that part about the “riff-raff” and the bus, was great:rainbowlaugh: and when she talks about her “addiction” in the first chapter! I adored this story so much.)

I didn't know what a mimeo was (although with the etymology I could guess). Now with a bit of Google-Fu I know what a mimeograph looks like. Neat.

I've seen a few other "Pinkie's close in Manehattan" stories, but your look inside her head is uniquely fun and interesting.

Hope you come back to it some day!

I intend to. Things are just much slower for me than they used to be, due to disability.

I love the premise of seeing through the eyes of a fully-developed, sentient and separate Pinkie Clone with her own life. And this is a particularly well written one. I'm glad I read this.

Both the cap and newspaper work fine for me - I must have a font with broader emoji coverage.

Aye, sounds like, or at least different coverage.

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