• Member Since 11th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen May 26th


Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do study history are doomed to watch other people repeat it.


Stuck at college with only a housemate and a dog for company, Sunset Shimmer vlogs to cope with the COVID-19 lockdown. Let’s see if it catches on.

Teen because I'm not entirely sure where this is going to go. This will be somewhat audience driven, in that other characters and vlogs may be added if there's an interest.

My Little Pony and its characters are owned by Hasbro and its affiliates. I have no clue who owns the memes so... I guess they're the property of whoever made them? I don't know. I ain't a lawyer.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 109 )

I'd like to see a chapter from each of the other girls. Then, maybe some stuff mimicking messages where they all try and organize a group chat. I really like how fun and topical this is. I'm stuck in a dorm room all by myself until this semester ends, and it's really bumming me out. Stories like this help out with not being able to see friends, even the ones that are still on campus. Because of the virus.

It's good that Rarity and AJ are stuck together. I feel like their girlfriend-y isolation hijinks with extended Apple relatives would be an awesome story in its own right.

Also, after the Spongebob meme, all the others need to be posted again. There are various error messages.

This was fun! Definitely have benefits to boredom if this stuff comes out of it.

I’d like to see things like the other characters joining in, Sunset’s take on other sci-fi fantasy books in greater detail, word on how AJ and Rarity are doing in alaska, snapping on the prank war front (talent vs experience!) and what happens when Pinkie gets involved. Maybe the unstoppable Ponk organizing board game nights remotely.

I wanted to quote my favourite line for my story but every line is my favourite. I live for Rarity and Applejack being isolated, and Rarity slowly losing her sanity.

Honestly, wherever this story goes I'm hyped.

I couldn't see half of the memes. (Might be because I'm on mobile)
Chapter was good in spite of it tho, you nailed Sunny, I think.

Good stuff mate, though your memes kinda broke. Maybe re-host them through Imgur or something before linking them here?

Like, I just spent half an hour watching a military guy talk about a functional replica of the Halo series’ MA37 Assault Rifle, and he did the entire thing in character as though he were a retired soldier in-universe talking about the weapon and its pros and cons...

Is this a thing? Because I would absolutely watch this if it was a thing.

You can't stop. The PONK.
Can't stop the PONK

Next is a cat. Who doesn’t love cats?
Me. I don’t love cats.

Fluttershy wants to know your location.

This worked very well. It felt more like Sunset reaching out through you, so desperate for a more varied human connection that she hit a different universe. And I mean that in the best way. I agree that seeing some of the other girls' videos would be a delight. I can't help but imagine Pinkie hijacking someone else's chapter. And literally all of YouTube. Somehow. Just to wish us all a fun day. See top of comment.

Looking forward to seeing where else you go with this. (And speaking as someone who watched a lawyer review law memes yesterday, I empathize with Sunset way too much right now.) Oh, and as has been noted, most of the memes are only viewable by pulling out the URLs via developer tools at the moment.

I would also watch this if it were a thing.

watched a lawyer review law memes yesterday

Hit me with that sweet, sweet link, please. I need to experience this.

Check out Garand Thumb for the Halo video (it is real) and Forgotten Weapons. Fair warning about Garand Thumbs - I've been warned his comment section is so toxic it has literally infected other gun-guy channels. He seems as befuddled by that as anyone else.

I'm also a technological illiterate. How do I do that thing with the Imagr and whatnot?

Might have fixed most of the memes. Others reported the same problem. If not, links in description.

This was fun. It's nice to see some humor coming from all this.

Certainly helps when I'm an essential worker. Anything that holds off potential existential dread.

This and Romance of the Three Kingdoms will keep me sane.

These are excellent time killers. Thanks, y'all.

Sunset is basically EqG Mini Ladd. Even has her own fanatical cult following courtesy of FanOfMostEverything. I find this far more amusing than I should. All hail the Divine Bacon Horse.

"Please do not hail the Divine Bacon Horse. I do not need my cult going multiversal."

Too bad I don’t know any discordians....

Critical Role
If you know of it: Bidet and may the Traveler be with you.
If you don't know of it: Many hours shall you find passing as you watch their epic tales. The audio isn't great for part of the first campaign, but it does get better.

I feel this version of Sunset and Lilith in Borderlands would get along in that respect - "No, please stop worshiping me. Seriously. Stop."

With AJ and Rarity stuck in Alaska, I wonder how their sisters are coping.

This... I need more of this. Maybe get some special guest appearance over livestream and stuff like that

I hadn't even considered that, but that's a pretty funny idea. We'll see if I get any ideas for that. If I do and I'm happy with them, they might make an appearance.

I wonder if Sunset would flee to Equestria in a virus pandemic. :pinkiecrazy:

Love this! Can't wait for more.

This is the type of quality content I need in absolute boredom. This. Is. Beautiful.

Do you think this story can be an anthology of ALL the vlog videos people are doing during the pandemic?

Meaning all the various cast members? I do plan on having more than just Sunset if that's what you're asking.

I mean different chapters that showcase different videos the rest of the cast are making.

I could see Pinkie Pie making Mark River-esque videos about how she makes her party boxes work.

In that case, yes, there will be other videos from other cast members. Sunset teased Twilight's in this chapter (Twi's will be less comedy and more life advice). Most of the others will be comedy too, but there may be some other things thrown into the mix.

and the only thing keeping me from starting a prank war with Twilight is my crippling fear that she will go full mad scientist on me.

:twilightangry2: "I have a turbo-encabulator and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Twilight is terribly easy to tease.

I’ll show myself out.
*chair scraping*
Wait, I can’t go anywhere…
*reverse chair scraping*

:rainbowlaugh: I can imagine this all too easily, and it is delightful.

Only the penultimate image failed to go up, as you expected.

Delightful stuff throughout. I have to wonder if Fluttershy is just streaming soothing footage of cute animals... and how many times Zephyr Breeze has intruded on it.

I didn't know about the turbo-encabulator before today. Now that you have so graciously educated me, I can only conclude that Twilight missed the satire and built a working one, thus defying both physics and comedy.

It's Meme Time
It's Meme Time
Gather all your friends, it's Meme Time
It's Meme Time
It's Meme Time
The only cure for sadness

That's awesome and entirely appropriate for this content. Thank you for brightening my day.

And I say that even though I didn’t like Far From Home that much. (...) I didn’t really like Endgame either.

Sunset/Antiquarian, you HERETIC (?)

Gotta agree on Tom Holland being the best Peter Parker/Spider-Man, though.

And the non-centered metronome is driving me fucking nuts.

I'm enjoying this format so far! Really looking forward to what you come up with for the other characters!

Sunset happens to think that there were a lot of plot holes and that some characters really got shafted (especially Starlord). She thinks Tony and Cap were well handled, but the rest of the movie didn't really do it for her. As to whether or not her views align with mine... I plead the Fifth.

Are you continuing to take media/meme submissions for future chapters?

Actually, up to this point I've just been hunting stuff down myself, partially because (though it doesn't look like it) there's a deliberateness to the memes I pick - they're to set up for future... I hesitate to say 'plot points', but 'story events' would probably work. If you've got something funny, feel free to PM me with the link; I just may not use it if it doesn't fit the tone of that chapter. I also won't use anything that would exceed the story's filter or that I can't think of something funny to say about it.

Well, this one's going into the favorites list right away. :pinkiehappy: I just had that much fun reading it!

The fun continues, and I am enjoying it a lot. XD

Even if I got quite distracted by Sunset stating that she didn't like Far From Home that much. That's the movie that made me finally buy Tom Holland as Spider-Man! XD

This is pretty fun, and a big improvement over the last chapter! I really like the banter between Sunset and Twilight, and the specific talk about the cast, since the meme review themselves mostly feel like you (the author) are reviewing the memes, as opposed to Sunset herself.

Still fun though, I'm looking forward to whatever comes next :twilightsmile:

Thank you. In future chapters, I'll be spending a lot more time on the banter and such, since that's more of the characterization I'm looking for. This format is an interesting challenge for me to write in - conveying characterization from this one-off perspective without it just being me using the character as a mouthpiece is oddly difficult at times, but I'm having fun figuring it out. Hope you continue to enjoy!

I'm looking forward to it!

This was fun! I'm glad I waited until there were some more chapters to read. It was good to see Twilight too, though her text was a little hard to tell was hers at first. In the future, one of the good ways to distinguish dialogue in stories with unconventional formatting is to use colored text. The laid back feeling you give Sunset's reviews here feel a lot like Ty Turner's meme reviews, both in the meme selection (they're all pretty wholesome or concentrated around a single topic) and the friend-of-everyone tone and chill Sunny has.

...then again, I don't usually watch too many meme reviews. Maybe my pool to judge from is just really small.

Well, to be fair, I guess I should say it probably didn’t age well. I mean, it is Loki we’re talking about here. If anyone could pull off yet another…

I take it Sunset isn't familiar with the Phase 4 timeline.

I find the meme guilty of exaggerating the data! The sentence is to leave the MCU!

Careful, Sunset. You might just end up in a crossover with LegalEagle, and real person fic is a can of worms best left unopened.

I joined for their vast array of stored data.
… huh?
You know: “Come to the Dark Side? We have cookies?”

*grudging slow clap*

And I say that as a woman who grew up in a place that was pretty sunshine and rainbows.

How many times has my counterpart had to avert national, if not global catastrophe?
Hey, it was pretty peaceful while I was there.

Aw, but the redstone circuit we built was so cool!

Knowing Twilight, it may well have achieved self-awareness if they missed a few more meals.

I too appreciate SG-1. And I love the idea of Twilight's family introducing Sunset to science fiction.

O'Brien's twist on the two wolves got me laughing out loud. Magnificent.

I could see John de Lancie playing a really good master of chaos, that’s all.

And this is why you generally want to keep real-world pop culture references to a minimum in fictional worlds. otherwise, there will inevitably be a bit of overlap...
I suppose it's a good thing Sunset doesn't seem to watch a lot of cartoons. You can't throw a rock without hitting a character voiced by Tara Strong.

This continues to be a delight. Looking forward to more.

“Orcs and Recreation?”

Considering some of the people that live in Pawnee, this sounds pretty normal.

Y'know, Ray Park did do mo-cap for the Maul vs. Ahsoka fight in Season 7 of Clone Wars... guess that's about as close to a solo Maul series as we're going to get at this point.

Dash as a SG-1 fan? Makes sense. I wonder if she also likes SG:A.

Do a chapter of Sunset reacting to fanart of herself.

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