• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 3,823 Views, 677 Comments

A Band of Misfit Losers Hunt the Undead - Rune Soldier Dan

Ongoing adventures of college kids and public educators fighting horrors beyond human ken.

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There Comes a Time

There comes a time – there always comes a time – when children no longer need their mother quite so much. When lifelong bonds, undimmed though they might be in the heart, become physically distant and worn. When the last hand is clasped in friendship, the last heroic adventure comes to a close. When the lines on the face are no longer pleasant signs of maturity, growing longer and crisscrossing until one becomes old, and then, ‘too old.’

Celestia was never a creature possessed of vain dread. She approached her future as she did her troubled childhood, with acceptance and quiet understanding that they were part of the story, part of what made her Celestia.

Goodbyes had come and gone. That was the way of things. Yet a part of Celestia’s long sunset which was emphatically not the usual was the goodbye to herself, in a way somehow both literal and otherworldly.

A stranger would have found it bizarre, surreal. An old woman in her old house, filled with the pictures and knickknacks which aged folk naturally amass, sharing tea with the herself of years gone by. Princess Celestia looked no different from that evening when they first met. When she appeared naked on their porch, smiling with oblivious joy at seeing her old student safe and protected. Someone must have explained human taboos to her in the meantime, for all the visits since she had been clothed. And young.

The meeting was as pleasant as ever. The princess was always so wonderful, and it took Celestia some years to see the real joy in her heart when they talked of Sunset, of Sunny, of herself. They were not so different after all, both a lover of life and love, of hot tea and crisp autumn.

But nor were they the same. The mirror who was no longer the mirror.

There would be no more visits after this. Celestia’s long walks could now barely take her to the porch swing. It was the princess who poured the tea and brought out the crackers, for it was just so much work now for Celestia.

A lovely chat, as always. And then the sun began to fall, and the time came to say goodbye. She fancied that she saw understanding in those bright pink eyes, still youthful despite all that laid behind them.

The vision blurred. Celestia dabbed at her tears.

“You’ll check in on Sunny and Sunset, won’t you?”

She looked again with a dried gaze to find Celestia staring back blankly, wearing a confused expression.

“What do you mean?”

Celestia sighed, though could not repress a humored laugh. The good princess did have her blind spots, didn’t she?

“I’m old,” Celestia said. She pointed to herself, the silliness of it all giving her strength to say the quiet part out loud. “I’m dying. That’s what happens to us mortals. This… this is goodbye, Princess. Thank you for being a part of my life.”


The princess blinked and blinked again. A vague, polite befuddlement hovered around her smile.

She sipped. Celestia sipped as well, silently annoyed.

The princess lowered her cup. “Why don’t you just come to Equestria?”

Now it was Celestia’s turn to look confused. “What do you mean?”

“You’re not mortal in Equestria. Well, not functionally, it’s a bit complicated. And Torch could live for thousands of years, bring him. By alicorn standards you’ve barely matured.”

Celestia set down her cup. “But I’m not an alicorn.”

Princess Celestia looked at her very curiously, and Celestia glimpsed once more a mirror of herself. Both felt they were explaining something obvious. “Yes you are. In Equestria, of course.”

“Am I really? I’m not a princess or… magical prodigy or so on.”

“No, but you are an alicorn. We all saw.”

“Isn’t that just because I’m your mirror?”


“Isn’t there something to it?” Celestia squawked. “A test? Worthiness?”

“Why do you see me in the mirror and not yourself?” The princess gave a deep sigh, smiling patiently. “In your life of tireless protection, you’ve saved hundreds or thousands, perhaps your whole world. Who can possibly claim you are not worthy? That the fate or coincidence which made you my twin was not just and true?”

“It feels like cheating,” Celestia confessed, wringing her pale hair. “Others have also done great things, better things. Why should I live?”

“Why should you die?”

The question caught Celestia off-guard, and she turned to wit. “Because I’m old?”

“Age is perspective,” Princess Celestia said. “A dog is old at sixteen, a human at ninety, an alicorn… well.”

She touched Celestia’s wrinkled hand, wrapping around where it held the teacup. Her eyes – so bright and full of love. And so old.

The words came quietly. “I should like to not have to say goodbye. I should like to remain your friend for many long years to come – and I shall, no matter what happens next. I know life can be burdensome. The hereafter, I am told, is a place of peace and happy reunions. But if you will permit me to tempt you...”

She waited to finish until Celestia gave a nod. “What would you do, if you could start again? No less wise or experienced, but with a clean slate and full life before you?”

Princess Celestia pulled back her hand slowly, yet its warmth remained. “As you desire: goodbye, Celestia. My twin, my friend, my precious family. Goodbye for now, for we shall meet again no matter what you choose. You are loved, and shall be loved forever.”

She stood, then collected and washed the dishes.

As she went to leave, Celestia spoke.

“A teacher.”

The princess looked to her. Celestia stared out the window, where autumn leaves were starting to fall.

“I would be a teacher. Like how they are supposed to be. No screens, no inane bureaucracy, no machine-like shoveling of students from one grade to the next. Not a principal, not a hunter. A simple teacher in a simple little schoolhouse, helping children learn to be curious and kind.”

It was not long after that a car pulled into the Canterlot High parking lot. Two old women hobbled out, leaning on each other as they approached the statue.

“I can’t believe you were just silently waiting for me to suggest it.” Celestia grumbled, her breaths tight and uneven. Without the other balancing her she could never walk this far.

“You know me, I’m a follower.” Luna chuckled. “I figured you had a good reason for staying, and… I wouldn’t want to go without you. I’ll fly and explore, and learn from my twin to shape the stars. But I want to be home in time for dinner each day with you.”

No one watched them depart into the portal. Their goodbyes had been said, and their goodbye-for-nows. Sunset and Sunny would follow in their own time, if they chose. Perhaps others? Who could say? The universe held terrors, yes, but also wonders both grand and subtle.

They emerged as young alicorns, hale and healthy and full of potential. Ponies greeted them with tears and warm embraces on the other side. Some were alicorns, some not. Some were familiar, others would become wonderful new friends.

The mirror shimmered behind them. Princess Luna gazed curiously, while Celestia beamed and rustled her feathers.

“Torch is coming, too. My husband. I figured we–”

At that instant, a 100-meter tall twin of a dragon lord emerged fully into the room. The entire left half of Twilight’s castle exploded outwards, sending confused ponies sailing through the air. The princesses flew into action, catching them and shielding the debris, while the retired principals plowed gracelessly into the ground. Booming apologies and questions, Torch stumbled, tripped over the battered wall, and collapsed face-first onto his wife and her sister.

They were all fine, of course. And even in those moments they knew this was only the first of many adventures to come.

Author's Note:

Most of my works try to be mature about death and infinity and such but I really wanted just the happiest of endings for my favorite principal and her family.

I’m saying “This is all, the series is over,” but I’ve been saying that since 2017 so obviously I’m not a reliable source.

Comments ( 45 )

Magnificent capstone… though that doesn’t preclude slipping in some more bricks underneath it should inspiration strike. :raritywink: In any case, thank you for it.

Celestia and her family deserved this kind of ending, though the implication that a peaceful afterlife also awaited them was nice. After all they had done - and, as you noted, the lives they had saved - it’s fitting for them to get a calm conclusion free of the battles against eldritch horrors. Thanks for closing this on such a touching and genuinely wholesome note. :)

Your unreliableness has only brought us joy. Still, I think this ending truly fits the story as a whole. It's emotional, it's full of character, and a bit silly in the best of ways with a good joke at the end to really punch up the positive feel.

This is one of those series and stories that I'll probably remember how much I enjoyed for many many years. And I thank you for having written it.

Best of luck, you great writer.

I’m saying “This is all, the series is over,” but I’ve been saying that since 2017 so obviously I’m not a reliable source.

Indeed, what makes you think that the person who wrote something has any special understanding of it? :trollestia:

So the next volume will then be their adventures in trying to get used to living in Equestria?

If it happens it would definitely a "Adventures of Sunny Starscout" thing taking place before this. But that is not planned as of now.

You save the world a few times, you deserve a long retirement afterwards. Unless something is foolish enough to follow you across the portal, of course...

Aw ._.
I would like to read more at some point.
Other probably as well.
Any plans for new Projects?
I enjoy your writing greatly.

That was not the plan, Good Dan!
In fact I was trying to come off humorous, though re-reading it I can plainly see I failed in that regard (I've done nothing but watch Oz Media videos on YouTube this morning and everything is going through my head in that voice. It's getting a bit concerning now. Also, I'm excepting a long awaited package today which is also making me hyper).
I will now crawl back into my skulking hole and wait for another update!

I would read the heck out of “The Adventures of Sunny Starscout”

And yet, I still look forward for when you do write it.

Thanks for the series so far. :)

The fact they completely forgot about what size Torch would end up as on that side of the mirror got a chuckle from me, such a simple thing that slipped the mind. At least no-one got hurt, much. X3

Who said we forgot? :trollestia:

...Am I awful for wondering how, exactly, the more...physical aspects of a relationship between an alicorn and a 300-foot dragon would work?

...Growth spell?

While I admit that I wouldn't have minded a little check-in with Wallflower, Autumn Blaze, Twilight, and possibly the other girls, this still was a nice epilogue/amendment to an already spectacular piece of astounding literature. Kudos to you!

I’m saying “This is all, the series is over,” but I’ve been saying that since 2017 so obviously I’m not a reliable source.

Of all the unreliable sources out there these days, I'll take yours regarding this series as the absolute best unreliable source in all the internet.

Heartwarming and adorable. Equestria, retirement home of monster hunters also has a delightfully chaotic sound to it. I love it.

“Others have also done great things, better things. Why should I live?”

“Why should you die?”

And isn't the latter such a better question.


Any plans for new Projects?

Yes! I have the first chapter of a new one almost done. Might not go up until after Jinglemas, though, since I'll be writing 2-3 fics for that in a very short time.

Looking forward to . . well . . basically all of that then.

Happy endings for them I see. After a full life they deserve it.

“A teacher.”

The princess looked to her. Celestia stared out the window, where autumn leaves were starting to fall.

“I would be a teacher. Like how they are supposed to be. No screens, no inane bureaucracy, no machine-like shoveling of students from one grade to the next. Not a principal, not a hunter. A simple teacher in a simple little schoolhouse, helping children learn to be curious and kind.”

I'm surprised you managed to combine a swipe at America's system of industrialized education with such a touching moment.

That, and one final hilarious joke with Torch, proves beyond a shadow of doubt you are one of the best writers on this site.

Ah, well, I'll be sad to see it go, sad that we don't get more "monster/lesson of the week" stuff and see more of our favorite characters, but this is a good way to end a story.
Maybe sometime in the future you'll come back to this and do something with it again, and we'll all have a good laugh again.

Being honest, i would love a prequel of Celly and Loona when they got back together and teamed up with the others,. You know you wanna tempt us with younger Nagatha :P

Comment posted by Hazey Logic deleted Nov 8th, 2022

At that instant, a 100-meter tall twin of a dragon lord emerged fully into the room. The entire left half of Twilight’s castle exploded outwards, sending confused ponies sailing through the air. The princesses flew into action, catching them and shielding the debris, while the retired principals plowed gracelessly into the ground. Booming apologies and questions, Torch stumbled, tripped over the battered wall, and collapsed face-first onto his wife and her sister.

She's gonna ride that dragon.

Dammit, this is the second time you've written an emotionally resonant timeskip epilogue that lodging itself in my subconscious and refuses to leave, it's been 10 years how are you still so good at this, these last two chapters are gonna live forever in my brain next to that one Trixie verse of Piano Man dammit I'm gonna cry...


Trixie verse of Piano Man

Wow, that sure was ten years ago.:rainbowderp: I'm shocked you remember!

To be fair, I probably didn't read it ten years ago, but it's still been long enough I don't remember when I did, so my point still stands. You've got a knack for memorable bittersweet timejump endings.

Bit of a late comment Dan but this has been the bestest of rides and a great ending to the series. I do wish for more but I will be eager to see what you got next.

Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy.:heart:

This, this is a good ending. They have earned their second life. May it be kinder than the first. Fuck, man, you actually got me choked up.

Thanks for being with me through this romp. :heart:


...Am I awful for wondering how, exactly, the more...physical aspects of a relationship between an alicorn and a 300-foot dragon would work?

...Growth spell?

Missed this earlier, but... a shrink spell seems more practical.:trollestia:

Aha that sounds great

Ahora el sueño de Chrysalis tiene un 1% de ser posible.

Shame this is the end. Picking up with the G5 characters would really give a fresh change of pace, especially if it follows through with Sunny and friends hiding their involvement with monster hunting from their families instead of Sunset and friends doing it with approval.

Or even better, Sunny as a secret activist for monster rights.


I'm slowly getting more into G5 (the recent Opaline episode was a hoot and a half), so the answer can be safely left as 'maybe' for now, though there remain no current plans on my end to go for it.

Either way, I am glad you enjoyed it. :heart:

That was great

Checking back in after a couple years away.

I do love an ending, it’s perfect, thank you.


Though why did they let Izzy hold the flamethrower

She's the one who built it! "Unicycling," and all!:heart:

One more chapter past this one. Thank you for taking this ride with me.:rainbowkiss:

And we come to a close... a rather sad yet, very sweet distant ending that is simply.... very fitting for where this story started, while very clearly signaling the end.... barring us checking in with the newest generation of monster hunters.

But, yeah, this is a very sweet ending to things that focuses on what's really been the core of the story, Celestia being Celestia and doing everything she can to help everyone... and finally letting someone help her in such a major way. A really good ending to a really fun series.

it's interesting how the monster hunting kind of became less and less a thing, barring being used more as a joke then anything overtime, but the story never got any less amazing as it focused on the wonderful family and relationship dynamics and the cast growing up and maturing and developing.. even tossing in The Pink One making clear it's not just us, there's a reason in story for it... but it's not permanent, so going to be fun in a few years. So ending things like this.... very fitting.

Again, a wonderful trio of stories with a lot of great humor and a lot of heart. Thank you!

It has been a treat to revisit all these old chapters with you over the last few months. Thank you for taking the time to let me know as you went through them. :heart:

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