• Published 24th Feb 2020
  • 9,878 Views, 410 Comments

Unearthed: Curse Of The Undying - Talion The DARKandBRIGHT

For decades I watched and did nothing as the innocent suffered under evil. Never again. I will bring law and order to this world, or watch it burn one last time. For I am the one and eternal lord. Dark and Bright...

  • ...

Chapter 18: The war we made

~Mental speaking~
"Normal speaking"
~"Mental and normal speaking"~
...(Radio static)...


"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts. And I looked, and behold a pale horse. And his name that sat upon him was death, and hell followed with him."

~Of fear and Death, I fear not that I will die, but that all I have come to love will die with me.~

*Father... forgive me.*

"The day... breaks.
Your trial... begins."

There were no words for which I could speak to describe the unimaginable fear I was feeling from what I gazed upon.

Bahamut the Dragon Tyrant had arisen from the depths of his tomb, the Smokey Mountains and was holding the Ursa Minor, Polaris, in a single claw.
To Bahamut, Polaris was as a common house cat is to a human.

Even high in the air above the valley, I was struggling to measure this ancient dragon's size. He must have been over four hundred feet tall.

Polaris was powerful. And if what has been said about Bahamut is true, Bahamut's power is greatly beyond anything that I could imagine.

I could do nothing but watch as Bahamut held Polaris. The dragon tyrant's claw began glowing with a dark red aura that seemed to absorb the magical aura surrounding Polaris.

"This is Elkied's heir? Heheha. Really now? A pale imitation."

Polaris roared in pain as he struggled in Bahamut's grip.

Bahamut laughed as he continued to steal Polaris's magic.
"Thank you for your contribution."

~Talion.~ Anya called to me in fear.

I looked down to her and she looked back to me. We both could feel each other's fear of what was happening.
I could see in Anya's eyes that she was looking to me for answers. For courage. For anything we could do to stop this.
But there was nothing that I could do.

It was the worst feeling I have ever felt in a very long time. Being helpless to stop this evil.

Anya stared into my eyes, searching for a glimmer of hope in them.
~What do we do, Talion? What can we do?~

I remained silent for a moment before answering her.

~What?~ She asked, surprised by my answer.

~We run, find Velirin and fly as fast as possible away from here. Now.~ I replied.

Anya was still slightly shocked at me.
~We can't leave, Talion. If we do not stop him now, Bahamut will regain his power. We must-~
I interrupted her thoughts.
~Anya, we do not have the power to defeat Bahamut. Let alone stop him.~

~No Talion! We must stop him now!~ she pleaded.

I raised my voice at her.
~"Listen to me Anya! If we try to fight Bahamut now, we will die!"~

Anya stopped and looked at me in shock for a moment.
~We-... You mean that... But you can't die! I know what you truly are, Talion. I know you cannot die.~

~"Do you!?"~ I paused.
~"Do I?"~

Anya stared at me with worry.

I looked up towards Bahamut as I spoke in a low voice.
~I have never in my long years ever felt such terrible malevolent power in a being... It's beyond overwhelming, Anya. I-... For the first time in my life Anya, I fear of my death... True death.~

Anya remained silent as she stared at me. She turned towards Bahamut, who was still absorbing Polaris's power.

Anya closed her eyes and turned away.
~There is no honor in fleeing.~

~Nor is there any in needlessly throwing your life away.~ I leaned forward and placed a hand on her neck.
~Anya, live for something or die for nothing.~

Anya opened her eyes and guided us away from Bahamut, towards the forest floor.
~We will live to fight again.~

I took a moment to look back at Bahamut and Polaris as we flew away from them. I could see the magic radiating off of Polaris slowly being absorbed by the ancient dragon.

~Do not pity Polaris, Talion. The boy chose a side long ago. It failed him as it did his sister.~ Diaphanous told me.

~And what of you, King Diaphanous?~ I asked.

He was silent for a moment.
~Some chose their path, others are condemned to it... We all have our own choices to make.~

I closed my eyes and turned around.
~When we escape this madness, Diaphanous, you will tell me the truth.~

~I have never lied to you, Talion.~

~We shall see.~ I finished.

"You try to flee, not realizing... you are in chains."

We froze and slowly turned around to see Bahamut looking at us with a wide sinister smile.
"You cannot hide... There is nowhere to run."

Anya and I were paralyzed in fear as we watched Bahamut raise Polaris towards us.
"You have done well to serve your king my children. Such power you have brought to me... Wraith."

"Anya, fly now!" I shouted as I ignited my power and linked our spirits together, covering us in shadows.
Anya gasped in surprise at the sudden change before we flashed away.

"Where are you going?"

Our flight was suddenly halted and we found ourselves frozen mid air with a red glow around us.

"If you hide in the shadows, you are only leading me to you."

In desperation, Anya used her breath weapon in an attempt to break Bahamut's hold on us. But the flames merely passed through the energy around us as we were pulled back.

"How interesting. Reclaimed Deep Magic... from a wraith. But it is not yours, is it?"

We were pearlized as Bahamut turned us around to face him while he pulled us up to his eye level and stared at me.

"No, it is not from you... There is someone else."

I couldn't even summon the courage to respond as I stared at Bahamut.

Bahamut turned his attention to Polaris.
"You are not the only Ursa out here, boy. Where is the Major?"

Polaris didn't answer, but continued to struggle in Bahamut's grip.

"No Ursa Minor would ever dare travel into my kingdom alone. I know there is a Major here. Tell me... is it her?"

We were taken a back when Polaris suddenly breathed soul fire into Bahamut's face.

Bahamut himself had also been surprised by the unexpected attack and roared in pain as he withdrew his head.
Polaris didn't relent and continued to use his breath weapon on the claw that held him.

We were all released from Bahamut as he lost his focus from the pain.
Taking advantage of the moment, we once again attempted to fly away from Bahamut.

Polaris landed on his claws with a loud crash when he fell back to the ground.
"Talitha is dead! You killed her years ago!"

Bahamut shook his massive head and looked down at Polaris in anger.
"She chose a side, it failed her. And now you will share her fate!"

Bahamut raised his head and inhaled deeply before letting lose a massive wave of fire down upon Polaris.
The Ursa's eyes widened as the flames rapidly depended upon him.

Once again Anya and I were struck with awe and terror at this incredible display of power.

The great fire Bahamut unleashed quickly engulfed Polaris and the forest below. The flames spread out around Bahamut, burning the forest in a great torrent of fire and casting him in a dark light.

Bahamut smiled as he watched the fires around Polaris.
"She'll never forgive you. And neither will he."

"Cruel words from a hollow soul, faithless and accursed Bahamut." A voice boomed behind Bahamut.

Bahamut's eyes widened and he quickly turned around just as a large beam of soul fire struck him.
He roared in pain and held up his claws as he was blasted backwards.

"Vis scutum!"

A red disk shaped shield of energy formed in front of Bahamut, blocking the incoming Soulfire.

The energy blast was so powerful that it almost knocked Anya and I out of the sky, but Anya managed to save us from another fall by flying closer to the burning forest floor.

We both looked up and were shocked to see an Ursa Major standing in front of Bahamut.

At this point my shock had already gone beyond what I thought possible, but once again I was caught speechless when I saw the colossal celestial bear that was the Ursa Major.
It was so massive. As big as Bahamut himself and was just radiating raw power.
The Major looked so much like Polaris except his fur was blue while the Major's is a deep purple and his teeth were longer.

"Well now, it is so good to have you join us, Elkied." Bahamut chuckled.
"And here I almost believed that you would've abandon your child... It wouldn't have been the first time."

The Major growled at Bahamut as he slowly approached him.
"Enough of your foul words, Bahamut! You have cheated death for far too long."

Bahamut smiled wickedly at Elkied.
"But I still have so much to kill for... Death could not break me."

"Did you truly die all those years ago only for Death to lose his hold on you!? GOOD! I'll kill you twice! Send you back myself!"

"So soon? We have only just begun, Elkied." Bahamut mocked.

"No. I'm finishing this, now. Dead, alive, whatever you are your evil dies here."

With that, Elkied charged at Bahamut and tackled the elder dragon into the burning forest.
The entire mountain range began trembling as the two titans engaged in battle.

I was shaken out of my shock as the valley erupted in chaos and roars from the ancients.
~Anya, fly us out of here, quickly!~

Anya looked to me for a moment before turning us around and flying in the opposite direction of the battle.

"Talion, the Major." Anya said aloud.

~Anya.~ I said a little sternly, knowing what she was about to say.

Anya stopped our flight and we were now hovering low next to a cliff face covered in trees.

"We can help the Major. If we aid him, together we may be able to stop Bahamut."

I looked back to the battle and saw Bahamut attempting to bite down on Elkied's shoulder, flashes of magical light and aura erupting around them.

~Talion.~ Diaphanous called out to me.
~If we do not stop him now, we will leave dragonkind with something far worse.~

I looked back to Anya.
"I do not know what kind of power Bahamut wields. Along with his own, he now has some of Polaris's. We are not powerful enough to kill him."


"Bahamut will die. And you along with him!" A voice boomed from the cliff face followed by thundering foot steps and collapsing trees.

We both quickly turned to the cliff in surprise just as Polaris came charging through the forest. He then leaped off the cliff face at a rapid speed and grabbed Anya and I mid air.

Anya roared and I shouted in shock and pain as all three of us fell to the forest below.

Anya lashed out and attacked Polaris, attempting to free herself while I managed to get free of Polaris's grip and then quickly climbed onto his back before stabbing my sword into his right shoulder.

Polaris roared again in pain as we struck a large rock jutting out of the cliff wall.
I lost my hold on Polaris and was temporarily free falling before the Ursa grabbed me again in a crushing grip.
Anya however managed to grab onto Polaris and bit down on his neck, causing more roars of pain from the Ursa.

I stabbed my sword into Polaris's wrist and twisted it, causing him to release me.
As soon as I was free again, I swung myself onto Polaris's foreleg and was about to stab his chest when we finally struck the ground.

The impact threw Anya and I off of Polaris and into the base of the cliff, slamming us into the stones.
Anya and I bounced and rolled off of the rocky ground before finally smashing into large rocks and trees, bringing an end to our fall in a loud explosion.

If we weren't in our wraith forms, I'm sure that Anya and I would have many fractured and broken bones. Unfortunately we still felt the pain.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to the side, looking to Anya to see if she was alright.
Thankfully, she was still conscious and was attempting to stand up.
Despite my pain, I also pushed myself up and began looking around for Polaris only to be startled at realizing I was standing right next to him.

Instantly, I leaped away from the bear and landed next to Anya just as he began pushing himself up.

"Anya, hurry. Get up." I said as I helped her up.

She groaned in pain as she strained to get herself up.
"I'm... not hurt too badly... Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, let's get out of here, quickly." I replied.

"You're not going anywhere. We have unfinished business, wraith." Polaris said as he stood up and turned towards us.

I spun around to face him and raised my sword.
"Are you mad, Ursa!? Bahamut has returned and you still challenge us!? If your father is unable to defeat him, he will destroy us all!"

Polaris began walking towards us.
"Then I will make sure that Death claims you first."

Anya growled at Polaris.
"No. You will die alone and this land will be your grave!"

Polaris snarled at us.
"If I am to die in the face of an enemy and a traitor, I will take the traitor with me!"

There was a tense moment of silence between all of us before Diaphanous spoke.
~I see... It would seem that the boy needs one last lesson.~

Polaris chuckled.
"You are not the only one who can play mind games, old man."

Suddenly, Polaris's body began to vibrate and change colors, along with the air around him.
Our eyes widened as clones of Polaris appeared next to him and began walking around us.

"Don't do this, Polaris. I'm not your enemy. Bahamut is." I said.

Polaris growled in anger as he and his clones spoke together.
"You were made my enemy when you welcomed a traitor into your mind!

~If you are so insistent on listing my crimes, mind that you do not die of asphyxiation.~ Diaphanous responded.

Polaris snarled.
"I'll be sure to leave them on your grave. All three of yours."

"No... All four of us." A voice said from behind us.

I didn't need to turn around to see who it was as a familiar dark blue dragon landed next to me.

"Velirin!" Anya said in surprise and relief at seeing her brother.

I was quite surprised to see him standing here with us and ready to fight, considering the damage he's taken.

We turned to each other and he nodded to me.
I gave him a small smile and nodded as well before placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Stand fast, brother."

Polaris growled and snarled in rage.
It doesn't matter how many of you there are, you will all die for the pain you have caused us!... I know pain... and yours... it's going to burn a hole in this world!"

As Polaris finished, he and all five of his clones charged us.

Anya attempted to leap over Polaris and breath frost fire onto his clones, but was tackled back down by one of his clones before being struck by another into the ground.

I flashed forward and punched one of Polaris's clones in the throat before spinning around to stab my sword upward through his jaw.
Unfortunately before I could land the killing blow, another clone swiped a claw at me, knocking me several meters away from Anya and Velirin.

I grunted in pain as I was smashed into the side of the cliff, but managed to push myself back up just in time to dodge a blast of Soul Fire.
Before I could regain my composure, Polaris rushed towards me with a feral roar and smashed me into the cliff face with enough power to bring down whole chunks of the mountain around us.

As I was thrown into the cliff wall, Velirin ran towards one of the clones over Anya and shoulder bashed the Ursa, knocking him over and leaving him open to receive a flurry of icicles to the chest.

Velirin then swung around and smacked his spiky tail into the face of the other clone that had attacked Anya.

As Anya pushed herself back up, large parts of the cliff cracked and shattered, causing an avalanche of boulders to come tumbling down.
Anya used this to her advantage and flashed upward and unleashed her frost fire onto the clones along with the falling boulders.

Within the crater that Polaris had punched me into, I crouched and with a roar of my own, flashed straight out and slashed my sword across Polaris's whole side, creating a deep gash.
He roared in agony and was about to collapse before I swung around and stabbed him through the throat.

The clone silently slumped down and fell on his side before vanishing in a burst of starlight.

The other clones looked a little startled at me but reverted to rage once more as a few of them started to approach me again.

I was breathing extremely heavy from the pain and the amount of energy I was exerting.
I have never fought against anything or anyone like this before in my life. I could never express the amount of mix feelings and thoughts that were passing through my head, but thankfully I was able to harden my will and maintain focus.

For a brief moment, I looked up and saw in the distance Bahamut being forced back as Elkied slashed his massive claws across his chest and neck.
Bahamut retaliated by slashing his own claw across Elkied's face before breathing a stream of fire on him.

The earth trembled with every step they took and every blow they struck against each other.

"IS THAT ALL!? I'm disappointed Elkied. You could have been so much more."

"No. I am enough. My strength is enough." Elkied said.

"What is strength, if you do not use it?"

"And was is power if you cannot control it?" Elkied replied.

Bahamut arched his head as he laughed.
"HEHEHAHAHAHA! Power, fear and strength above all, these are my weapons... And what will you do to survive? KILL ME!?"

Elkied closed his eyes.
"You would drown the world in blood, just to stain the heavens... No. As I have said, dead, alive, whatever you are... by my life, your evil dies here."

Elkied opened his eyes as they burned pure white and unleashed a deafening roar to the heavens.
"Forfedre... ta min sjel og bind den til denne verden slik at denne ondskapen ender her."
("Ancestors... take my soul and bind it to this world so that this evil ends here.")

The skies above rapidly changed colors, forming a massive, beautiful aurora borealis that stretched across the entire mountain range.

Bahamut's eyes widened and he looked around in shock.
"You fool! What are you doing!?"

"The power you have sought has destroyed you, Bahamut. It will do so again, for you shall find no other end... This time, I'll save them from you."

Everyone and everything watching froze as the heavenly lights fell from the skies into the east Smoky Mountains behind us creating an endless wall of their light.

"Elkied! What have you done!?" Bahamut roared.

Elkied turned back to face Bahamut.
"This land will forever be your prison, Bahamut. Now no living being shall ever again suffer your wrath."

Bahamut looked back to Elkied in rage.
"Do you feel... safer?... My prison is your prison, Elkied. Now you are all trapped in here with me."

Elkied smirked in response.
"If my end is to come today, then I will make it such an end as to be worthy of being remembered."

Bahamut smiled in return.
"I considered you my equal, Elkied. I was wrong... You will die... and no one will remember you."

Bahamut finished and launched himself onto Elkied with a savage roar.

"You can stop this wraith." Polaris said, pulling my attention back to him.
"If Bahamut is not stopped, he will destroy all before him. But surrender your power to me and I can save them from this tyrant."

"And trade one tyrant for another? I'd sooner give up my prison and take his place!" I replied.

"Caught between two worlds... I'll drag you out of both! Your strength is already mine!" He declared as he began approaching me again.

"Your power is your message... You have learned nothing, Polaris." I continued as I walked towards him.
"You think you want my power, but if you could see the things I've seen, you'd long for death as well."

"Then allow me to introduce you to him myself!" He finished and charged at me.

Just as Polaris moved to attack me, Anya flew straight down and rammed herself into his side, sending him crashing into the cliff.
She then quickly spun around and whipped her tail into a clones face, but to her surprise, it bit down on her tail and swung itself around to slam Anya into the ground, causing her to roar in pain.

Before the clone could attack Anya again, I flashed next to her and slashed my blade across his face, while Velirin leaped onto his back and swung his body around to throw the injured clone into another.

I turned around to face the other clones as Velirin and I stood protectively over Anya.
"Whatever you think it is you want from me, Polaris, you will find nothing but death beyond fear! Leave us and set your wrath to our common enemy!"

Polaris laughed in response as the valley trembled from the battle between Bahamut and Elkied.
"Our common enemy!? All of dragon kind is my enemy and with your power I will kill them all!"

"You will find only blood and death, Ursa!" Velirin shouted as he helped Anya back up.

"I have blood to spare." Polaris said and lunged at us with a roar.

"As do I." I said before lunging forward to stab Polaris through the heart.

Just as I came into striking distance, I was blown backwards as Polaris unleashed a sonic roar at me, point-blank.
It was so powerful that I swear if I had been but a normal man, my bones would have been shattered and my hearing completely lost.

"Talion!" Anya shouted.

I screamed in pain as I tumbled and skidded to a halt. Unfortunately I wasn't able to recover and move fast enough as I was struck by a clone from behind, into the ground.

I struggled to free myself as Polaris pinned me to the ground.
Even though I wasn't able to see much in this position, I could hear Velirin and Anya still fighting the other clones. Unfortunately, the fight didn't last long as I soon saw Anya thrown to the ground next to me before also being held down by Polaris.

Velirin was about to tackle the clone that held Anya but was grappled by another and thrown alongside his sister.

"Anya!" I shouted and continued to struggle as Polaris lifted me up.

"You made your choice and have chosen poorly... You can die beside them, Talion, but you will never be one of them." Polaris said with a cruel smile.

I was panting heavily as I looked to the side at Velirin and Anya.
They were both still struggling to get free as the clones held them down.
A loud roar in the distance followed by a flash of light and a loud explosion drew my attention upward to see Bahamut bitting down on Elkied's shoulder as he slammed him against the mountain.

~We must stop him.~ Diaphanous said.

~I cannot even defeat the Minor, Diaphanous. We have no chance of stopping Bahamut.~

~There is a chance, Talion. We have the power to defeat Bahamut, if... we recruit the rival before us.~

I was confused for a moment before realizing what Diaphanous meant. I lowered my head and smiled before looking to Velirin.
Velirin had been watching through gritted teeth before noticing my smile.

Velirin's own smile grew as he noticed the fire in my eyes.
"Hehehahahah... Hehahahah!"

Polaris looked down at Velirin who was laughing.
"What do you find so amusing, boy?"

"Haven't you been paying attention, Ursa? For all your self-proclaimed wisdom and knowledge, you haven't even noticed." Velirin mocked Polaris.

The clone holding Velirin down bit down on his shoulder, causing a pained growl from him.

"Answer me boy! If it is the cursed king, not even he can hurt me now! I wasn't prepared before, but I am now!"

Despite the pain, Velirin continued to laugh at Polaris.
"I know not of whom you speak, Ursa... But what I do know is that you never had Talion. He has you."

Polaris's eyes widened and he looked down at me just as I freed my arms.

~Diaphanous, now!~ I mentally shouted and reached up, grabbing Polaris's head before driving my will into his mind like a spear.

Diaphanous grabbed onto Polaris's mind like a bear trap.
~Surrender your mind.~

Polaris didn't have time to react or pull away as his mind was assaulted.

Polaris's clones roared in pain with him before fading away in flashes of star light, freeing Velirin and Anya.
They both watched us in shock as the pushed themselves back up.

Polaris released me but I still held onto his head and dragged him down with me.

Polaris attempted to mentally repell us from his mind, but his attacks were unfocused and unorganized.
~I answer to no one!~

~You will answer to me.~ Diaphanous said as he drove his will through Polaris's mental barriers.

Polaris let loose a deafening roar as his eyes burst into blue flames.

The roar echoed throughout the valley drawing the attention of the two titans towards us.

Bahamut smiled as he looked to Polaris.
"Well done my children."

"Polaris!" Elkied roared and ran towards us.

The star on Elkied's forehead flashed and a beam of energy was sent hurtling towards us, but before it made it even halfway, a red energy shield formed in it's path and displayed the magic projectile.

"I am not finished with you yet." Bahamut said before ramming Elkied against the mountain.
"Your powers are mine!"

Velirin and Anya turned back to me as brilliant bright flashes of light lit up the mountain valley.
Both of them were struggling to stay standing as the ground shook more violently with Bahamut's and Elkieds approach.

"Talion, whatever it is you are doing, hurry!" Velirin shouted to me.

"Hurry Talion!" Anya shouted over the booming thunder.

Polaris continued to struggle as Diaphanous and I poured every ounce of our minds into his when suddenly I felt his mental barriers give in.
"Help me! Help! He-Help... us... Help us!... Help..."

~Help us, Polaris...Help me... Do what Talitha could not and kill the traitor... Kill Bahamut.~ Diaphanous commanded him.

Velirin and Anya both gasped in disbelief as Polaris opened his eyes to reveal burning blue flames them.

"Talion..." Anya said as Polaris and I turned to face Bahamut and Elkied.

"Avenge Talitha, Polaris... Kill Bahamut."

Polaris stared at Bahamut as his anger grew.
"Bahamut... Traitor... Tyrant... MURDERER."

White flames began to spread across Polaris's body and the star on his forehead glowed brightly.

There was a bright flash of light that temporarily encompassed Bahamut and Elkied.
When the light faded, I saw Bahamut struggling to keep his balance as Elkied smiled at him.

"This ends now." Elkied declared.

"BAHAMUT!" Polaris roared, gaining Bahamut's and Elkied's attention.

Bahamut's eyes widened as the light around Polaris grew brighter.

"You've taken someone from me." Polaris growled in rage.

Bahamut stared in shock at Polaris.
"No... No! Polaris, stop!"

"Her name was Talitha."

Bahamut turned his gaze towards me in anger.
"What did you do?... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?"

Bahamut raised his head and lunged towards us with a savage roar that shook me to my very core, but what happened next left me speechless.

"Not this time... old friend."

There was a loud piercing sound of metal puncturing metal as Elkied stabbed his claws into Bahamut's chest.
Bahamut was stunned as Elkied held him in place.

"Burn with me my brother and fade... as all stars fall."

Bahamut slowly looked at Elkied in shock and disbelief.
"Stars fall... again."

At last all fell silent as Polaris unleashed all of his power at Bahamut in bright beem of light.





There was no sound. No roar, nor explosion.
Only silence as Bahamut stood still... with a hole in his chest.

Everything was frozen. Everyone was silent as we looked upon the dragon tyrant.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, breaking the stillness and the silence, Bahamut slowly turned his head towards us.
"Et tu... Polaris?"

All of our eyes widened at the sound of his voice.
It wasn't Bahamut's.

Bahamut began to tremble as tears fell from his eyes.
"I never wanted this for you... I never wanted any of this for you."

Everyone gasped as the illusion of Bahamut faded away revealing Elkied.

"I'm sorry... son." Elkied said before falling over.

The blue fire vanished from Polaris's eyes as he watched his father fall.

"NOOOOO!" I shouted in disbelief.

"Oh no." Anya muttered to herself in dread.

Darkness began to spread across the sky as Bahamut stepped over Elkied.
"Of all the people to fail a trial... You're loyalty was the chain you could not break."

Bahamut smiled as he reached down and grabbed Elkied by the throat.
"Broken... again. At long last, it is over... Long live the king!"

The colors on Elkied were fading away as he coughed out blood.
"No... it has only just begun... I curse you Mad King... I curse you... Bahamut... May Death find you quickly."

Bahamut stared at Elkied for a moment before smiling again and lowering his head to look him in the eye.
"He already has."

Bahamut's eyes began glowing a dark green before suddenly, faster than any of us could react, he bit down on Elkied's neck.

Polaris, Diaphanous, Velirin, Anya and I were all frozen in terror as Bahamut ripped out Elkied's throat, spraying blood across the valley.

"A father.... should be with his daughter... Welcome home, Elkied. HEHEAHAHAHA!... HEHAHAHAHA!."

The light from Elkied faded to gray as Bahamut absorbed his magic.

All I could do was watch.
"My God... What have I done?"

"FATHER!" Polaris roared and ran towards Bahamut.

~Talion! Stop him!~ Diaphanous shouted.

I flashed forward and grabbed onto Polaris's neck before swinging him to the side.
He fell over and skidded to a halt before roaring at me in rage.

"Polaris, stop!" I shouted at him.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" He roared at me.

I raised my hands towards him.
"Bahamut has your powers and your father's! If you challenge him now you will die! Do not give him your life!"

"I DON'T CARE! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" He roared and ran towards me.

Thinking quickly, I reached out to him with my mind and grabbed a hold of his, stopping him in his tracks right in front of me as our eyes ignited into blue flames.
~Your sister gave her life for you. Your father sacrificed himself so you can live... Do not forsake their deeds, Polaris... Live for them.~

I reached up and placed my hand on his forehead.
"Live for something... or die for nothing."

The fire once again vanished from Polaris's eyes and I saw in them not the rage from before, but grief and sorrow.
Polaris remained still for a long moment as tears fell from his eyes before looking back up at me.
Without another word, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction of Bahamut.
Silently, I watched him run into the forest canopy before he vanished in a flash of light.

"Talion." I heard Velirin call out behind me.

I turned around and saw Velirin and Anya standing together, waiting for me. Neither of them knew what to say or do.

"Your claws and fangs are of no more use here... Bahamut is beyond any of us now." I told them.

"Talion, no-" Anya started, but I raised my hand to silence her.
"Return to your home... I will hold him here."

They stared at me as if I was insane.
"What! No Talion! We won't leave you! You couldn't defeat Polaris alone, you'll have no possible chance of defeating him!" Anya proclaimed.

I closed my eyes for a moment and sighed.
"I never said I would defeat him, Anya... I'm giving you and your brother time to run... A chance to save yourselves."

She look completely shocked at me.
"No, Talion. Never. I won't leave you!"

I looked back to Anya and saw the fear and worry in her eyes.
"Your people need you Anya... Your family needs you."

"And I need you!" Anya shouted to me.

She walked up to me and lowered her head to mine.
"I made a promise, Talion... To whatever end, my love."

I was incredibly touched, hearing how much she cared about me.
I placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as we looked into each other eyes.
"To whatever end."

I turned and looked back to Velirin and saw him looking down at the bloodstained snow.
"And what of you, Velirin?... There is still a chance for you to escape."

He shook his head and looked up to me.
"Escape? And go where? There is no where to run. Nor place to hide that'll protect against this ancient storm. Even the heavens tremble."
He walked over to Anya and I.
"No... I will not condemn myself to a fate worse than death. If this is to be my end, I. Die. Free."

I bowed my head to him in respect.
"So be it... Let us end this war we made... together."

Together, we all turned to face the Mad King, Bahamut.

"HEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Bahamut continued to laugh as he absorbed the last of Elkied's magic.
"Do you hear that?... It is the end." He turned and looked down at us.

"The End."

*Dear God, my Father, through Thy son,
Hear the Prayer of a warrior son.
Give my eyes a vision keen,
To see the things that must be seen.
A steady hand I ask of Thee,
The feel of wind on land or sea.
Let me not ever careless be,
Of life of limb or liberty.
For Justice sake a quiet heart,
And grace and strength to do my part.
To God and Country, Home and Corps
Let me be faithful evermore.

~The day breaks.~

I gasped as I shot upright in my bed and began breathing heavily.
Instantly, I began looking around my whole room in search of an intruder, but to my slight relief, I found that I was still alone.
My nerves were not yet relieved though. Something was wrong. I could feel it.

For a very long moment, I remained in my bed as I observed the room for anything or anyone, even just a sound to give away any intruder.

I almost wanted to get out of bed and search every inch of my bedroom for any unwelcome visitors.
Just as I was about to lift the bed covers, a gentle breeze blew in through the open balcony, causing the drapes to lightly shift in the wind.

I relaxed and let out a sigh as I leaned against the back of the bed post and briefly stared at the roof.
"Must have been a dream."

I looked back over to the open balcony and saw the clear winter night sky filled with stars. The moon slowly sailing through the ocean of space, gently lighting up the sleeping world below.

I gave a small smile in relief and closed my eyes as I relaxed back into my bed.
"Just a dream."

~The day breaks.~

Again, my eyes shot wide open. In an instant, I leaped out of my bed and spread my wings as my horn lit up the room.
"Who dares invade my home!? Show yourself vial scurge!"

My eyes darted across the room as I cautiously made my way towards my bedroom's entrance.
I grabbed the door handles and attempted to pull, but the doors wouldn't move.

"Guards!" I called as I banged on the doors, yet nopony answered.

~You cannot run.~

I quickly turned around and raised a hand. I mentally prepared several defensive spells as I surveyed my room.

~The day breaks, princess... You cannot hide.~

"I am not the one hiding, foul creature. Show yourself to me!"

I spun around and attempted to forcefully open the doors with my magic. My horn lit up a little brighter as well as the doors, but they still remained shut.

~Heheheh... Is that any way to treat an old friend?.~

I frowned and turned around.
"I know you not, voice in the shadows, nor do I believe I ever have."

~Has It really been so long that you've forgotten me, princess? And after all I've done for you... We used to be good friends.~

"ENOUGH!" I shouted before raising my voice even louder.

My horn shined ever brighter as a golden sphere of magic formed around me and repulsed outwards.

My entire room lit up as every crevice and dark corner was revealed to me.
I looked around my now lit room expecting to see whatever was hiding in here to attempt to attack me, now that there was no place for it to hide, yet no such attack came.
In fact, nothing happened. I was still alone and there was nothing different in my room, at least that I could see.

~You... command... me?~

Suddenly the ground began to shake violently. It was so sudden that I almost fell over.

I quickly grabbed onto a wall lantern for support before casting a quick levitation spell, only to find that my magic wasn't responding to my command.

~You command me!? ME!?~

Flashes of lightning and roaring thunder came in from my balcony entrance as the ground continued to tremble.


I struggled to make my way towards my balcony as the being's voice boomed in my mind.


I managed to grab onto the balcony doors and pull myself out of my bedroom. I then spread my wings and was about to take off, before looking up and freezing in terror and dread that pearlized me to my core.

My eyes widened and I gasped as I looked farther up towards the sky.
"No... It can't be."

Standing high above the burning ruined city of Canterlot on top of the mountain like a king on his thrown was one of my oldest enemies.

"Bahamut." I began to tremble as unspeakable fear overtook me.
"No... No, no, no! It's not possible! You're dead!"

Bahamut gave me a very sinister smile.
~Hehehahahahah! Dead!? No... Death could not break me. I have never been more alive.~

I fell backwards as I continued to stare up at Bahamut in utter dread.
"It can't be true."

Large cracks began forming all across the mountain side as Bahamut leaned down.
~The skies are red... The winds have fled... The ancients are dead...
...The old world is weak. A relic of a bigon golden era that has long since crumpled into dust and lost to the winds of magic... A bloodstain in the pages of history...
...This... mockery of a powerful race. A great and wise empire... reduced to a ignorant and dotted nation, blinded by their own lies of peace and false sense of security... No longer.
...I have passed through death and ruin to take back what is rightfully mine, war and chaos following in my wake. Now... I will not stop until I have destroyed everything that you love.~

I was completely paralyzed by fear as I watched my home crumble into ruins under Bahamut.
The sky had turned a dark blood red and ash had begun to fall from the gray clouds like black snow.

All fell silent and still, for Bahamut, the Mad King has returned.

"Stars above save me."


Bahamut laughed as he raised his massive neck to the sky.
~Every light casts a shadow, Celestia. Every mirror, a reflection. As above, so below. And in the dark behind every closed door that we hide, beneath it all, we are animals. In the depths, we are all monsters... The stars are to far away to save you now.
Can you here it, princess?~

Bahamut spread his colossal wings as he inhaled and his eyes burst into blue fire.


"The day breaks."

With one last cruel laugh, Bahamut unleashed a powerful pillar of blue fire upon the city of Canterlot.




My bloodshot eyes shot wide open as I launched myself out of my bed.
My horn, eyes and hands were glowing with golden light as I prepared to unleash my full power upon Bahamut.

"Your highness!"

I looked down and saw ten of my elite royal guardsponies standing before me with their weapons drawn as they shielded their eyes from my light.
I quickly looked around in shock as I realized that I was back inside my bedroom, hovering above my bed.
I looked down at my guards in shock and saw them struggling to keep their balance as the ground shook beneath them.

Rubble and chuncks of the roof began falling around as cracks webbed across the walls and floors.
Outside I could hear Canterlot's inhabitants screaming in panic as the whole mountain trembled.

Without waiting another second, I folded in my wings and shot myself out of my balcony towards the night sky.

"Princess Celestia!" I heard my bodyguards call out to me, but I ignored them.

Using my magic to speed up my flight, I flashed high above Canterlot and looked down at my city.

The entire mountain was shaking all the way down to its foundations. Towers and homes were collapsing over the powerful tremors as fires began spreading in Canterlot's lower regions.
I looked up towards the sky and saw massive storm clouds flying incredibly fast overhead. The winds were so fast and powerful up here that I was struggling to not get pulled into an updraft or downdraft.

Just as I managed to level out, I heard in the far distance a low deep hum that was quickly getting louder, coming from the west. It was a sound like an ocean wave rising ever higher and higher before it cressed.
The heavy hum soon became a powerful, defining roar that shook the whole world.

Following it, I could see across the Everfree forest the entire land rising and falling as a pulse wave toppled over trees and hills for miles.
Even farther to the west, at the edge of the horizon towards White Tail Woods and the Smokey Mountains, I could see a gigantic, vast shadow rising towards the skies above and quickly overtaking the horizon.

I was frozen in terror as I watched the darkness blot out the light from the stars above, when suddenly a bright orange flash of light lit up the western skies for a single moment before dissipating.

"My god... What have we done?"

Not long after, the Earthquake quickly settled down significantly before dying altogether, as an erie silence settled across the land and the winds fell still.

~Enjoy these final moments, Princess Celestia... before your trial begins.~

"The day... breaks." I closed my eyes as a single tear fell from my eyes.
"Honored father and first king, great builder and herald of night, I ask for your strength and courage to stand fast against this ancient storm." I looked up towards the clear night sky.
"Honored mother and first queen, bringer of truth and light, I ask for your wisdom and guidance for this trial I must endure." Slowly, I looked down at my home below.
"Cry with me heaven... for thy children have fallen."

In a flash of light, I teleported back into my bedroom, startling my guards who immediately stood back at attention.
I stood facing my balcony with my back towards them as I debated on whether or not to raise the sun at this early hour.

From behind, I could hear one of my guardsponies step towards me.
"Princess Celestia?" I remained silent as he walked to my side.
"Your highness... What will you have of us?"

I remained still as I spoke.
"Captain Thain Crossguard... Gather your fastest flyers and ready them for travel immediately." I turned to face him as I continued in a stern voice.
"Summon all of my high generals and their first officers to an emergency defense meeting here at the capital. They are to abandon their current posts and pull out all assets back into Equstria and direct them towards our western borders.
I want all borders sealed. All roads, bridges, rivers and airspace. As of now, no one enters Equstria and nopony leaves."

Needless to say, Captain Thain looked completely shocked as well as the other guards, but he nodded in acknowledgment.
"What am I to tell them about the nature of this emergency summons, your highness?"

I looked towards the rest of my guards and saw the same question and nervousness in their eyes.

I let out long sigh before turning back to Captain Thain.
"We're at war."

They were all greatly taken a back from my answer and a few of the guards began muttering amongst themselves in surprise.

I raised a hand to get their attention, causing them all to fall silent again.
"You have your orders, Major Thain. All of you... Carry them out."

Thain looked at me in surprise from receiving his sudden promotion, but quickly became serious again before saluting with a small bow.
"At once, Your Highness. Thank you. We will have the messages delivered by the end of this week."

"You have three days, Major." I told him as I walked towards my wardrobe. I was still in my robes.

"It shall be done." Major Thain replied before turning around and nodding to his men.

As my guards left and closed the doors behind them, I took a look around my room, which was now in shambles.
Parts of the walls had cracked open and chunks of the roof littered the floor. Much of the furniture had been crushed and toppled over, but thankfully nothing that couldn't be replaced had been damaged. I could only hope for the safety of my people who had gone through this great earthquake.

Letting out another sigh, I turned back towards my balcony and walked out. I stepped over fallen stone bricks and leaned against the guardrail as I gazed across the horizon, dreading what lay beyond.

A dim glow had settled upon the western skies, like that of a great forest fire casting its light upon the clouds above.
The sight was haunting. It was almost as if the Sun was rising from the west, but I knew what truly has arisen from those dark lands. I knew who has returned to this world.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head down.

"There is always another trial."

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas and happy new year everyone!

So sorry for taking so long with this one. I'd like to thank you all for your patience.
Besides work and other life stuff, I was really struggling how to write this chapter. But it's out now! Is nice.
Hope you all like it. Let me know what you all think.

And don't worry everyone. I have no plans to stop writing this story until it is finished.

Please let me know of any mistakes and misspellings I made. I'm sure there are quite a few.
As always, see you up ahead.

"And let us not forget that in honoring our flag, we honor the American men and women who have courageously fought and died for it..."
-President Ronald Reagan.
