• Member Since 24th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago


Routine day with a dirt cheap brush, then a week goes by and it goes untouched. Then two, then three, then a month, and the rest of your life you beat yourself up. - Aesop Rock, "Rings"


Unshakable bravery is needed to live peaceably in the Everfree. Nopony can ever truly be prepared for the fearful creatures that turn up on one's doorstep in the dead of night.

Zecora likes to keep an open mind, though.

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Why does Vitty look like a Monster Hunter kirin?

Cuz a ponified Monster Hunter Kirin is technically what the original picture is. But there’s not much potential for a complete story there, so I tried coming up with a different explanation for why a sobbing, pony-esque creature would have gotten itself lost in a menacing forest.

Vitty was the result.

I'm albino, so I always like to see somebody remembering that albinism creates vision problems and visible nystagmus; albinism isn't just a palette swap. You'd think more authors would take five minutes to read about albinism on Wikipedia before making perfectly sighted albino characters.

Hoping for an obviously bad thing, particularly a disability, to turn out to be a blessing in disguise is fundamentally crazy. Is Zecora that crazy? Well, narrative causality is likely to be in effect in episodes where Zecora appears, because dealing out karmic justice, or being peripherally involved in the dealing-out of karmic justice, is a common role for her. So maybe she's just genre-savvy. Equestria isn't the kind of setting where bad things happen to good people for no reason and that's the end of it.

Referring to semen (as "batter") is pushing it for an E rating, I think.

You have a few "it's"es that should be "its", and "had saw fit" should probably be "had seen fit".

And then Vitty meant Twilght Sparkle, and she learned that someone caring about your existence can be just as bad as complete indifference, if not worse. :raritywink:

Lovely vignette, especially the more druidic take on Zecora. Thank you for it.

I did try to approach the albino angle as tactfully and medically accurate as possible, yes. Type the story’s title into Google Translate for proof of that. My goal was to saddle Vitty with something similar to Scootaloo’s flightlessness: a disability that is openly acknowledged as being such in-story, but ultimately something the character shouldn’t let define her entire identity. Plus the coloring reflects her being an innocent member of an otherwise morally bankrupt species. Too often in fiction the albino character is the evil odd one out. I was consciously trying to buck that stereotype.

I guess I coulda communicated this better, but Vitty is meant to be very young. She’s got a lot of (somewhat justified) anger at the world and is prone to parroting demeaning things she’s heard, which explains the “batter” comment. It’s extremely unlikely she even understands what that phrase means. She understands how it makes her feel though, and Zecora’s function was to help Vitty let go of unchangeable physical angst and focus on cultivating some spirituality. In a better thought out fic, I suppose Zecora would lead by example, citing her rhyming compulsion as a neurological disorder that she eventually learned to live with, but oh well. Future stories handling tender topics will have to take thematics like these into account.

Also I’ve fixed the grammatical issues. So much for all those University English courses that were supposed to teach me how to write correctly.


Type the story’s title into Google Translate for proof of that.

Huh, "disability" is of quite a different tone from what I saw when I looked up "vitium" on Wiktionary: "crime; vice; fault, blemish, error". I wonder how much the Romans distinguished between disability and vice.

citing her rhyming compulsion as a neurological disorder

That's dark. I always assumed it was some kind of shamanistic practice that's supposed to encourage contemplativeness or increase contact with the divine or something, but it would be funny if it turned out to be a really bad case of poison joke.

I think he meant that vitium is the common way to call the disease vitilago, google what that means

... and heavy jewelry adorning it’s ears and neck.

*its :moustache:

Zecora flinched at the sudden thump outside and swallowed, partially to recompose herself and partially to finish her current sip of tea. Timberwolves didn’t thump walls, which meant it was something else that wanted in. She laid a hoof on the door, well aware that the powerful warding magic that protected her home would deactivate the moment she opened it. Why risk it? This was the Everfree Forest after all; even taking Timberwolves out of the equation, the odds of something friendly being outside were astronomically low. Still, Zecora bravely turned the knob. This was why she’d been awakened. To do this. The will of the wilds was immutable, and Zecora’s faith needed to be stronger than her fear. She snorted resolutely, then flung open the door.

Now that’s what I call faith… Opening the door in the middle of the night while in hostile environment…

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