• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,979 Views, 279 Comments

A Demon In Equestria - Dorath

With her summoner defeated, a demoness finds herself stuck in Equestria, unable to return to her native realm, and forced to adapt to the Land of Harmony.

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Ch. 05; Meeting New People

Princess Luna smiled to herself as she floated through the dreamscape, this was one of her favorite parts of her duties, observing her little ponies’ often whimsical imaginings and helping them deal with their nightmares and fears. Those nights when she found no night hags, ghouls, or other monsters attempting to prey on her subjects’ minds or bodies were especially cherished, and this was looking to be one of them.

As she passed through Ponyville, a new dream bubble in the Everfree caught her attention. Drawing closer, Luna's curiosity sharpened to concern as she saw that the bubble’s skin, which represented a dreamer’s sense of self and was their first line of defense against maras and other dream realm predators, was almost nonexistent.

Sliding through the inexplicably fragile barrier, Luna entered a broad mountain valley, the far ends shrouded in mists from which the sounds of a pitched battle poured, while a red-stained moon hung low overhead. Sitting on a rock was a young earth pony mare that looked to be made from black metal, glowing white runes manifesting and disappearing across her body at random, who was staring pensively down at the rabbit cradled in her hands.

“Hello, pony-lady,” the mare greeted Luna, not bothering to look up, “Do you know vhat’s vrong vith my bunny?”

‘That may hath been the fastest anypony, even a lucid dreamer, hath ever noticed my presence,’ Luna mused as she walked over to examine the rabbit in question, “I see nothing wrong with thine rabbit, mine little pony.”

“Pony?” the mare blinked at her, before running a hand over her muzzle and ears, “Oh, yeah, I guess I did pattern my form after you ponies … are you sure there’s nothing vrong vith my bunny? I’m still getting used to dreaming, and something about him doesn’t seem right ... maybe he isn’t fluffy enough?”

“He is most fluffy,” the Princess of the Moon assured the strange mare, ‘Patterning her form after ponies? Getting used to dreaming? Just what sort of being hath I discovered here?’ “Might I know thine name, young one?”

“Nope,” the mare replied cheerfully as she stroked the rabbit, “Names have Power, but you can call me Kragor.”

“And thou may call me Luna … thou hath never dreamed before, young Kragor?”

“Nuh uh, I’ve vatched some of my sister’s dreams, but I never had any of my own before ve came here.”

“Thou … watch thine sister’s dreams?”

“Oh yeah, I use our telepathic link to share her sensorium all time,” Kragor replied, before her muzzle fell in a thoughtful frown, “Maybe that’s vhy bunny doesn’t feel right, I’ve never experienced one directly before ….”

“But the battle out there does feel right to thee?” Luna asked, waving a hand at the distant mists.

“Hmm? Oh, battle,” the mare responded dismissively, “I’ve got plenty of experience vith battles and vars and vhatnot, it’s vhat I vas made for after all,” Kragor gave a slight twitch and glanced upward, “Oh, ‘Caller is vaking up, I guess it’s time for me to go … it vas nice to meet you Luna!”

HellCaller peered through the dense vegetation, a crude wooden spear in her hand, as she checked her surroundings for danger. While manticores, chimeras, hydras and the strange wolf-like plant-constructs that haunted the forest were no threat to the demoness, she had no desire to try herself against the titanic bears made of stars she had seen unless forced to, and she and the local dragon had quickly come to the unspoken agreement to give each other their space -- while 'Caller was quite certain that she could take the dragon, she saw no need to press a profitless and unnecessary fight. Besides, the resulting battle would almost certainly draw attention, which was something to be avoided for now.

As for the forest’s natives, the resident deer-folk had learned to avoid her, except for the occasional insult shouted from the foliage, after a few attacks on the “abomination” had gone horribly, lethally, wrong for them. The other local, a zebra-woman of all things, had seemingly contented herself with quietly observing ‘Caller from the shadows as she went about the woods.

The leaves rustled, and ‘Caller’s lips curled in a fanged grin as a small forest pig wandered into view, it’s snout buried in the detritus that covered the forest floor. While Mage’s Magnificent Mansion provided ample food, she preferred to have an emergency supply on hand (and for snacking while she was out), and smoked and dried pork would do quite well. Lurking in the gloom, ‘Caller waited patiently for the swine to turn its side to her, and then hurled her spear with all her unnatural might, driving the fire hardened projectile through the pig’s lungs and heart, dropping the animal where it stood.

:I still don’t understand vhy you’re vasting your time vith that pointed stick,: Kragor grumbled as 'Caller strode up to recover her weapon and heft the dead pig over her shoulder.

:Swords are excellent veapons of var, and you are extraordinary sword, my Sister, but trying to chase down a pig vhile vaving you about vould be a horrible vay to hunt, and it vould look completely silly as vell, besides meat doesn’t taste as good if I just kill animal vith magic.:

:Hmmph,: the soulblade snorted, mollified, :Too bad ve don’t have salt, pepper and mustard, like Linzi used to use on her jerky.:

‘Caller nodded, a faint smile tugging at her lips as she recalled their long-ago companion and her culinary skills, then stiffened as a “ping” sounded within her mind, “It seems ve have a visitor.”

Trixie glared down at Ponyville from the cave’s mouth for a moment, before retreating inside to where her bedroll and backpack lay, “Trixie is not obsessed,” she assured herself as she began to root around in her pack for her campfire bead, “Trixie is just scouting out Twilight Sparkle’s abilities before Trixie makes her triumphant return to Ponyville, and then on to the grand stage of life!” she flung her arms wide as she posed dramatically.

“Really? Is that vhy you’re squatting in my cave?” asked an amused voice.

Spinning around, the unicorn faced the figure standing in the cave mouth, her eyes widening as she took in the mare’s near-pony form, scaled armor, the bloody spear in her hand and the heavy sword at her side, and the fanged grin she was currently showing, “W-what,” Trixie stuttered, before drawing herself up, “Trixie was unaware that this cavern had been claimed, and Trixie apologizes for any trespass,” she said formally, hoping to mollify whatever the creature was.

The strange mare cocked her head to the side, as if listening to something, before shrugging, “I suppose you can stay, as long as you don’t make a nuisance of yourself,” and with that, less than enthusiastic, sanction, she walked past the nervous showmare to simply disappear as she passed through a shimmer in the air, leaving the dumbfounded unicorn alone in the cave.

Trixie glanced up from her fire as the air shimmered again, and the other mare returned from … wherever she had been. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she spoke up, “The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to know who she is sharing this cave with … please.”

“‘Great and Powerful’?” the mare smirked while a metallic voice laughed from somewhere, “Is that how you normally address a demon?”

Trixie didn’t even bat an eye at this revelation, “Trixie has already surmised what you are, but that still leaves the question of what Trixie should call the … two of you.”

“She’s a clever one, isn’t she?” observed the metallic voice.

“Observant, at least,” the mare conceded, as she crouched down across the fire, “Very vell, Trixie, vas it? You may call me HellCaller, and this,” she stroked her sword’s hilt, “Is Kragor.”


“You … have a sentient sword?” the unicorn asked.

HellCaller nodded, “Yes.”

“You have a … sentient sword?”

“… Yes?”

“You have a sentient sword?!” Trixie shrieked.

“Damnit, voman,” grumbled Kragor, “That hurt, and I don’t even have actual ears!”

“Vhat’s big deal?” HellCaller demanded, as she rubbed at her own ear, “I know that sentient veapons aren’t exactly common, but come on.”

“‘Aren’t exactly common’? ‘Aren’t exactly common’?!” Trixie shook her head as she tried to rein-in her excitement, “In this Realm, thinking, speaking artifacts are unheard of! Not even the Alicorn Amulet, the Bag of Tirek or Sampo’s Spear have a mind of their own! Your sword violates every law of crafting, enchantment and artifice that Trixie knows!”

“And you know a lot of these laws, do you?”

“Trixie may not have gone to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, but Trixie was properly trained,” she retorted, “And Trixie knows that many magical researchers (maybe even that insufferable, adorable, Twilight Sparkle) would give their right arms to study Kragor.”

:’Caller, I have an idea, vhy don’t you offer to take Trixie on as apprentice? She’ll learn more magic, and ve can learn about this Realm, since you’re still afraid to just go down and visit Fluttershy.:

:I don’t even know if ponies can learn my style of magic, but it’s not a bad vay to vhile away some time,: ‘Caller nodded, :And I’m not afraid to see Fluttershy!: she added sharply, before turning her attention back to the unicorn with a smile, “So, Trixie, let’s talk ….”

Once again, as she had several times over the last month, Luna slipped into the anomalous dream bubble in the Everfree; this time the alicorn stepped into a grand feasting hall, bedecked with tapestries and mounted weapons, and lit by a plethora of candles and flickering torches, two great fireplaces provided warmth while cheerful musical tinkled through the air. Kragor sat on the high table, the bodies of a pair of night hags laying on the stones before her, as she idly swung her legs, badly whistling along with the music.

“Young Kragor! Are thou well? Hath thou been injured?”

“Oh, hi, Luna!” Kragor replied cheerfully, “Look, I got my bunny right!” she added excitedly, as she held out her hands and a small rabbit appeared inside them.

“That is wonderful, young Kragor, but what happened? Why are there two dead night hags in thine dreamscape?!”

“Oh them?” Kragor gave an indifferent shrug, “They came in a little vhile ago, like you do, but they vere being very rude, talking about me like I vas a piece of plunder to be divided rather than talking to me, so I told them to leave. They got all indignant and attacked me, so I ate their souls,” the mare smiled happily at Luna, apparently missing, or ignoring, the alicorn’s horrified expression, “I didn’t even know I could still eat souls in my dreams, von’t ‘Caller be surprised vhen I tell her!” she giggled, hugging her rabbit.

“Do thou … often eat souls?”

“Vell, not anymore,” Kragor replied, “My sister and I have been sort of retired for last few decades. It’s vas starting to get a bit boring, frankly, but I did eat this horribly obnoxious unicorn guy vith a funny name,” she grimaced, “His soul tasted like moldy socks and hubris.”

“Would that hath been Count Donut Steel?” Luna inquired as she sat down next to the mare.

“Yeah …,” Kragor sighed, “Vait, how do you know about Do Not Steal?”

“Count Steel’s actions and fate are known to many ponies,” Luna replied evasively, “The common belief was that the demon HellCaller returned to her native Realm when Steel’s death freed her from bondage ... yet here thou are ….”

Kragor’s ears fell flat, “Ve can’t go home because I fucked up! Steel’s ritual bound us to this Realm until he released us, but because I ate his soul there’s no vay for my sister to be freed!” she suddenly burst into tears, “‘Caller insists it vasn’t my fault, but she’s trapped here all because of me!”

The Princess of the Moon blinked, and then wrapped her arms around the weeping mare, murmuring comforting words.

Trixie stumbled to the table, her mane a horrifying mess and her eyes still fogged with sleep, and accepted a cup from one of the ghostly servitors, “Thank you,” she mumbled distractedly, ‘An entire mansion, magically created and stocked, and separated from the rest of the Realm … and Trixie is living in it! Alongside a demon and a sentient artifact!’ she sipped her tea, ‘Now, if they only knew what hot coco was ….’

“Hi Trixie!” Kragor’s greeting interrupted the unicorn’s early morning musings, as ‘Caller joined her at the table, “Hey, could you answer a question for me?”

The illusionist took another sip, “What is it, Kragor?”

“Vhat do you know about a pony named Luna? She’s a dark blue unicorn-lady vith vings, and she talks to me in my dreams. Hey! Don’t spit your tea at me!”

Cadance looked up from the wedding catalogs spread out before her with a smile as Luna joined her and Celestia for breakfast, “Good morning, Auntie Luna,” she chirped, “And how was your night?”

“It was … enlightening,” Luna answered as she poured herself a glass of juice, “And do thine nuptial preparations proceed apace?”

“Actually … I was thinking of asking if Twilight’s Ponyville friends would be willing to help.”

“Well, that will certainly cause some distress among all the wedding planners who have been deluging the Palace with offers,” Celestia observed with a chuckle as she poured syrup over her pancakes, “What brought this on?”

“Well, Shiny is already planning on asking Twiley to be his best mare, and I thought it would be a good way to get to know her new friends,” Cadance sighed, “I know it wasn’t the time, but I still wished I had managed to see Twiley and the others last month when they came up for that horrible business with Donut Steel.”

Celestia, having noticed her sister’s guilty ear twitch, lowered her tea, “What is it Luna? Have you found additional information regarding Count Steel’s case?”

“Ah, yes … well … it seems that the demon Donut Steel summoned, HellCaller, did not return to her native Realm when he was slain as we had presumed ….”

Cadance’s fork clattered to the table, “What?! There’s an unbound demon freely roaming Equestria?!”

“They aren’t ‘roaming Equestria’, darling Cadance, they are just sitting in the Everfree Forest while they resolve what to do with themselves.”

Celestia raised her hand, forestalling the youngest alicorn’s reply, “‘They’, Luna? And how do you know all of this, anyway?”

Luna blushed and looked away as she stirred her scrambled eggs, “I hath been talking with her sister in her dreams ….”

The solar diarch frowned at her for a moment, before sighing, “Everything you see and learn in our little ponies’ dreams, you hold in confidence, but you break that trust now … do you believe them to be such a danger, then?”

“I fear they hath the potential to be such, yes.”

“And who are ‘they’?” Cadance pressed her aunt, “The official reports only listed the one demon, who is this ‘sister’ you’ve found?”

Luna furrowed her muzzle in thought as she slowly replied, “In truth … I deem they are not so much sisters, despite Kragor’s words … but more that I hath been speaking with HellCaller’s familiar … or even a symbiotic weapon of sorts.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, while her niece burst into laughter, “A symbiotic weapon, Auntie? Really? I think you’ve been reading too many of Spike’s old comic books.”

“Comic books are a most excellent amusement,” Luna retorted, “And what else truly matches young Kragor’s description of her existence? She has no senses of her own, but uses a telepathic bond to borrow her sister’s, she claims she was, literally, made for war, and she can consume souls, both in the real world and in the dreamscape.”

At the last revelation, Cadance went pale as the laughter died on her lips, “A soul-eater?!”

The Princess of the Sun laid a comforting hand on her niece’s shoulder, “It would seem your concerns are well founded, then, Lulu. But, tell me, do you know why they have remained in Equis?”

Luna nodded, “They do not appear to be plotting anything,” she quickly assured her fellow alicorns, “But it seems that the ritual Donut Steel used required him to directly release the summoned demons from their bondage, and when Kragor devoured his soul, she inadvertently trapped the two of them here. She was most distraught when she confided this to me,” the lunar diarch added, meeting her sister’s and niece’s gaze, “And she felt great grief and guilt over ‘failing’ her sister in such a way.”

“You’re leading somewhere with this, Auntie Luna,” the pink alicorn observed, “Otherwise you would have just informed the Magus Corps and the Night Guard on where to find them.”

“I hath had a thought,” admitted Luna, “It is dangerous, and many would say ‘twas lunacy, but it worked with Discord and … mineself ….”

“You want to ask Twilight and the other Bearers of Harmony to try and befriend this HellCaller and her sister,” Celestia remarked calmly, even as Cadance wrinkled her muzzle, her ears falling flat with worry, “I agree, Lulu, that at the very least, it is worth the attempt.”

Author's Note:

The Magus Corps is the creation of Chengar Qordath. If you would like to know more, I suggest checking out his Freeport and Lunar Rebellion stories.