• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 1,747 Views, 71 Comments

Colt Detective - DanishDash

The story of a young colt wanting to become a great detective. After his dad's murder, his uncle Time Turner comes and brings him to Ponyville. Depressed and lost he soon finds himself in the company of three annoying fillies and a world of mystery!

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Chapter 4: Missing


What could go wrong he'd asked? Well, plenty went wrong! Chaser wasn't even sure what happened was physically possible, but here he was, trotting home, covered in sticky, dripping dough.

What had happened had defied logic and Chaser wasn't even sure about how it happened. Before he knew it, the simple dough which they had prepared had started to grow, and before they could have escaped, exploded, sticking him and Scootaloo to the wall.

It took the rest of the group, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and the so-called responsible adult, Pinkie Pie, almost thirty-three minutes to get them unstuck. Miss Pie had simply laughed it off, and the two fillies had asked if they were okay. Well, they were not hurt in any way, and other than a sticky and dirty coat, Chaser and Scootaloo were alright.

Pinkie Pie had promised to clean the mess up, leaving the Cutie Mark Crusaders and himself free to go home and take a bath. Chaser let out a frustrated sigh. Those three always found a way to make trouble, even when they didn't intend to. Not only that, but they always managed to drag him into trouble. Despite his uncomfortable sticky situation, Chaser smiled slightly.

"Girls," he mumbled with a small chuckle, rolling his eyes.

Clue Chaser soon reached his uncle's home, and he had barely made it to the door before he heard a large noise coming from his uncle's workshop. It sounded almost like an explosion, and Chaser could have sworn he had felt the ground shake a little.

The first time he'd heard such a noise, he'd been worried, but after the tenth, he had learned it was simply part of life here. His uncle always worked on some strange new invention, and often the results were quite explosive.

Chaser still made his way around the house, and walked to the large workshop. It was part of the house, and almost looked like a tower. On top was an open balcony with a telescope, and around the entry were scattered several parts, like gears, and scraps of metal.

Chaser approached the door, but before he even got close enough, it swung open, and shrouded in black smoke, exited his coughing uncle. He was alright, as usual, but whatever had happened to him had left him black with almost all over his body.

"Uncle? Are you okay?" Chaser asked, raising an eyebrow in bemusement.

Time Turner coughed a few more times, but otherwise seemed unhurt. He ran a hoof over his eyes, clearing away the soot so he could see better. "Yes, I'm quite, erugh, quite alright, lad." He smiled, seeming to jitter with excitement. "I've been experimenting with fireless fireworks, so far my efforts have been less than successful." His uncle admitted, shaking his body free from the soot, and looked at Chaser. "It is good that you're home, my boy. We have something to talk to you about."

Time Turner took his nephew inside the main house, and Chaser followed without asking any questions for now. Once inside, Turner called to Ditzy, and soon enough she joined them in the living room. Like when he had talked to them, they all sat down, got comfortable, and let the peace settle around them.

Chaser noted their boy language, how they seemed more tense, and how Ditzy seemed to glance towards the stairs a few times, as if afraid someone might hear? Was she worried that Dinky would hear them? Letting out a sigh, his uncle spoke first. "Clue Chaser, I need to ask you if you have seen Diamond Tiara lately?"

The colt raised an eyebrow in confusion. "No, wh-" he began, but then stopped, thinking back on all the police he had seen. "Has something happened?"

The two adults glanced at one another, seeming to hesitate for just a moment, then returned to their gazes back at him. It was Ditzy who spoke now. "I'm afraid she has gone missing, Chaser. Her mommy and daddy haven't seen her since yesterday."

"But she was at school," noted Chaser, remembering her clearly complaining about the school assignment. "Maybe she went to Silver Spoon's house?"

"I'm sure the police will look into that," assured his uncle. "However, if you do remember something, please tell us, okay?"

Chaser nodded, wrinkling his nose a little.

"Tomorrow a lot of Ponyville is going out to look for her,." Ditzy explained, continuing the conversation. "We are going out to help tomorrow, and it would be really helpful if you could stay here and look after Dinky."

"But I can help!" Chaser instantly responded, his voice filled with dread over being left out. It wasn't that he didn't like Dinky, but something was going on, and Chaser wanted to be there.

"Clue Chaser." his uncle said, a firmness in his voice Chaser hadn't heard before. "We need you to do this for us, please."

Chaser blinked, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment, feeling like a foal who had just been told no for the final time after making a scene in the toy store. Instead of arguing about it, he nodded. "Yeah, I can look after her."

His uncle nodded slowly, as if he understood Chaser's reservations. Chaser didn't think he did, but he didn't say anything about it. As if he owed Chaser an explanation, his uncle continued, "we don't like any of you out there when we look around." Then he admitted what they were really afraid of, just without saying it directly. "We don't know what we will find."

A cold shiver ran down Chaser's back. His uncle was right, and Chaser mentally scolded himself for not thinking about it earlier. His dad had talked about a case like this once, it was well known that the longer a foal is missing, the less likely it is that they are found alive.

So if the police hadn't found Diamond Tiara by tonight, there was a good chance she would not be found alive...


The next day came quickly, and this time Chaser didn't sleep in. He had a hard time falling asleep, thinking about what could have happened to Diamond Tiara. An accident perhaps? Lost in the woods? Attacked by wild animals? Kidnapping? Maybe even murder?

Any of these scenarios had their valid probabilities, but in an area such as Ponyville, the last two seemed the less likely. She could have just run off, but why would she? Diamond Tiara seemed to have everything a pony could ask for, and she seemed rather spoiled. Why would she run away from a life like that?

In the end Chaser had fallen asleep, trying his best not to think about the case. Once morning had come, he had joined his family for breakfast, where Dinky seemed excited to be spending the day with Clue Chaser. During breakfast she was talking about the things they could do together, like drawing, playing, and, well, drawing and playing. He didn't mind, but in truth, Chaser had never looked after a younger foal before in his life.

It had become clear neither Ditzy or his uncle wanted her to know what was going on, so Chaser decided not to tell her anything either. It seemed it was going to be a pretty drawn out day, and just when his uncle and Ditzy were about to leave, somepony knocked on the door.

"Oh, I wonder who that could be?" Ditzy mumbled, sounding slightly confused. If she was surprised that someone was knocked, she didn't look at it before she opened the door and came face to face with the element of honesty herself. "Applejack?"

Clue Chaser's ears stood up as he heard the name, and with an uncertain step, he moved closer to the door to look. It was Applejack, Apple Bloom's older sister. Clue Chaser had never actually met Applejack before, he had seen her, but never officially been introduced to her, or any of Apple Bloom's family. What was she doing here?

"Howdy, Miss Doo. Sorry to bother you, but I have a favor to ask."

"Of course, Applejack. Do you need to come in?"

Applejack shook her head, instead taking one step to the side, revealing a red maned filly, Apple Bloom. "Me and the family are heading off to help in the search for little Diamond Tiara, and we need somepony to look after little Apple Bloom." Chaser could see Apple Bloom blushing and pouting, looking away from her sister in embarrassment. "I wouldn't ask this of you normally, but Apple Bloom said she had a school project with her new friend Clue Chaser?" Her tone raised a little in the end, as if asking if that was indeed his name.

Ditzy seemed to light up. "Oh, yes! Hello, Apple Bloom."

"Howdy," was all Apple Bloom said, she seemed more timid than what Chaser was used to.

"Clue Chaser is going to look after my daughter, Dinky," Ditzy told Applejack with a knowing nod. "I'm sure he will be happy to have some company."

"Are ya sure it won't be a problem?" Applejack asked, but smiled a little.

"No problem at all!" Ditzy promised. "Apple Bloom, you can go and find Clue Chaser."


Chaser stepped out from the corner, waving at Apple Bloom who hurriedly made her way towards him. "You behave yourself, Apple Bloom!" Applejack called after her, but the two foals were already gone. Letting out a small chuckle, Applejack looked at Ditzy and smiled a bit more. "Thank you so much, Miss Doo, We really didn't want to leave Apple Bloom alone."

Ditzy nodded, knowing exactly how she felt about it. "It's no trouble at all, I promise, and please, you can call me Ditzy."

"It's mighty kind of you, I just hope the two won't get up to any mischief. Yesterday, Apple Bloom came home covered in dough!" Applejack said with an exhausted, yet amused expression. "Something about getting her baking cutie mark."

Ditzy giggled. "Well, that explains why Clue Chaser came home covered in dough as well."

The two mares shared a heartful laugh, something they both needed right now. When it was over, Applejack looked at Ditzy with a more relaxed expression. "I guess I'll see you and your coltfriend out there." Some of her seriousness returned, but she was much less tense now.

Ditzy nodded, a determined look in her mismatched eyes. "You will."

Meanwhile upstairs, the two foals reached Clue Chaser's room. Once they entered, Apple Bloom stopped and took a good look around, almost like she was at some exhibit. "Something wrong?" Chaser asked with a raised eyebrow.

Apple Bloom quickly shook her head, blushing slightly. "N-no! Just never been in a colt's room before."

Chaser let out small laugh. "It's not that interesting." That was true enough, the room looked very empty. There was his saddlebag by the door, a desk with some notes and books, his bed next to a large window, and a small dresser. "I didn't really bring a lot of stuff with me from Manehatten," Chaser said, reading her wondering expression. "You can put your saddlebag next to mine."

Apple Bloom did just that, then trotted over to his desk and looked at some of his notes. She smiled, seeing what they were. "You're writing about my family?" She said that it was more of an excited statement than a question.

Chaser just smiled, got up on his bed and sat down. "We agreed to write about your family's history here, so I wrote a few notes down yesterday." With a frown, he added. "Besides, I couldn't really relax yesterday, so I tried to distract myself with some homework."

Apple Bloom frowned, knowing exactly what he was thinking about. "You're thinking about it too?" Chaser nodded. "I was pretty shocked when my sister told me, why would Diamond Tiara run away?"

Chaser shrugged. "Lots of reasons, I guess." Truth be told he did not know his wannabe bully very well, so there could be a lot of reasons for her to want to run away that he didn't know about. "Something else could have happened, something worse."

"You mean, maybe she's hurt?"

"That, or something worse." He scratched his head. "I can't stop thinking about it."

"But there are so many police now, and all the adults are looking for her now. They'll find her." Apple Bloom said, sounding so sure of it.

Chaser nodded absently, forcing a small smile. "Yeah, you're right, they'll find her." Changing the subject, he nodded towards her saddlebag. "So, what did you bring?"

Apple Bloom smiled mischievously. "A few snacks."

"Really?" Chaser let out a half snort half laugh, and shook his head. "Why am I not surprised?"

"I also brought a few pictures, my Granny told me a lot we can use in our presentation." Apple Bloom added, moving over to her saddlebag and moved it closer to his desk.

"If we work fast enough, perhaps we can get the report over today," added Clue Chaser, trotting closer to her. He reached out for the saddlebag to take a look, but when he did, Apple Bloom did the same, and the hooves touched. "Oh, uhm." The two redrew their hooves as if they had touched something hot, almost by reflex. "Sorry."

Both of them blushed a little, mostly Apple Bloom who looked a bit sheepish, but pleased. "It's okay, let me just get that."

Just as she was about to open the bag, the door opened, and two foals jumped slightly, as if they were being caught in doing something they were not supposed to. When they both looked, they saw a small filly looking up at them with big puzzled eyes. "Clue Chaser!" She said, rising in tone as she finished his name. "Mom says they are leaving now."

"Oh, thank you, Dinky." Clue Chaser replied and stood up.

He was about to approach her, but was suddenly passed by Apple Bloom, who quickly made her way to the filly. "Oh! Is this your little sister? What's your name?"

Dinky fiddled with her hooves, looking down a little. "D-Dinky..."

Apple Bloom seemed to almost beam with excitement. "And how old are you?"


"I'm Apple Bloom, your brother's friend from school." Apple Bloom said with a friendly smile, then looked at Chaser. "You didn't tell me you had a younger sister!"

Chaser blushed. "We are not really..."

But it was too late, Dinky seemed to beam now too, excited. "I have a big brother?!" she asked, seemed on the verge of squealing with excitement. Apple Bloom looked slightly confused at Chaser, but before he had a chance to explain, Dinky had turned around and ran out, calling for Ditzy as she did so. "MOOOM! I HAVE A BIG BROTHER!!"

Chaser looked at Apple Bloom with a raised eyebrow, and she let out a small sheepish laugh. "Ehehe, sorry.."

"Heh, no worries," said Chaser, rolling his eyes with a small smile. "Come on, we should go down and see them off." As they left his room he added, "And you're helping me foalsit."

Time Turner and Ditzy left the house, but not before hugging Dinky, and making sure Clue Chaser knew what a big responsibility this was. He was ten years old, almost eleven, so Chaser was pretty sure he could handle this. Even so, they went through everything.

There was food in the fridge, he was not allowed to cook anything more complicated than toast. Look after Dinky, make sure they did not go out, or open the door to a stranger. It came to a point Clue Chaser was convinced they were going to tell him how to flush the toilet, but thankfully it didn't go that far. Besides, when it came down to it, they were asking him to look after a small filly, and no matter how you looked at it, that was an important responsibility.

When they finally left the three foals alone, Chaser let out a relieved sigh. Apple Bloom looked at him bemusedly. "You think that's bad? You should see my sister when she gives me any responsibility at all. I'm not even allowed to stay home alone yet." She bumped him with her body playfully, and he sent her a smile back.

"Guess you're right."

"Big brother! Big brother!" Dinky cheered, running to him, looking ecstatic. "What are we going to do today?!"

Chaser flinched. "Well, uhm…I..." He mumbled unsure of what to do. He'd never had any siblings, older or younger, he hardly even had any friends before coming to Ponyville. He looked at Apple Bloom, hoping she had an idea of what to do.

Fortunately, she did. "Why don't we play some games?"

Dinky's smile broadened. "Yay!"

Chaser nodded, although being less enthusiastic. "What game should we play?"

Putting her hoof under her chin, Apple Bloom thought about it for a few moments before she grinned. "How about hide and seek?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" Dinky jumped up and down. "I know the house better than anypony, I know all the good hiding places!"

A sly smirk came across Apple Bloom's face, then leaned closer to Dinky. "Then how about we hide, and Chaser has to find us?" Dinky giggled, and nodded in agreement.

"What? So I just have to find you?" asked Clue Chaser, feeling his cheeks warm a bit. Was this something that normal colts knew how to do?

Apple Bloom smiled at him. "Yes, you have to count down from one hundred, that will get us time to hide, and then you have to find us."

"And the first one you find will have to be the finder next!" Added Dinky.

"Uhm, right," Chaser nodded.

"And you can't look, turn around, close your eyes, and start counting." Apple Bloom giggled, stepping closer to Dinky, ready to take off when Chaser did his part.

"Right," he simply replied, turned, closed his eyes, and started counting.

The two fillies ran off, and so began a long day of games, laughter, and fun. It was pretty fun, even Chaser thought so, and despite his deductive skills, the two fillies managed to evade him more than once. It was pretty fun, and the three of them had a good time. The game soon shifted to drawing, which is to say, Dinky got to draw, while Chaser and Apple Bloom decided to work on their project.

The hours passed, and the three of them enjoyed the snacks Apple Bloom had brought. It wasn't really a proper lunch, but it was enough to fill them, along with some delicious apples. As midday turned into afternoon, Ditzy and Chaser's uncle returned home.

Dinky got up, and ran to the door. "Mommy!"

Ditzy smiled, and hugged her daughter. "Heya, sweetheart, did you have fun?"

"Mmhm, Clue Chaser and Apple Bloom are fun. We played all sorts of games!" She smiled, seeming a little less energetic now. Chaser could hardly blame the filly, as she had been running around most of the day.

Chaser and Apple Bloom came to the entryway, and one look at Time Turner was enough to let them know there had been no luck in finding Diamond Tiara. It was not the time to ask, but Chaser understood the seriousness of it. "Apple Bloom, your sister is still out for a little while, but your Granny has returned home. Do you want me to walk you home?"

"I can do that," said Clue Chaser, glancing at Apple Bloom, then back at his uncle.

Time Turner looked at his nephew, considering. "Well, I don't know."

"It's not that far away," Chaser reminded him. "And there are a lot of ponies outside, I promise I'll come straight home." It wasn't hard to guess what worried him, but Chaser doubted he would be in any real danger. They still didn't know if a crime had even occurred, at least to his knowledge.

"Well, alright, if it is okay with you, Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom nodded, smiling gently. "I don't mind none."

"Right, just come straight home, Chaser," his uncle reluctantly agreed.

"I will. Come on, Apple Bloom. Let's get your stuff."

Apple Bloom said goodbye to Dinky and promised she would come by again one day. Then, after putting her saddlebags on, she followed Chaser outside, and made her way towards home. As they trotted down the streets, and to the outskirts of Ponyville, Apple Bloom looked at Chaser and asked what he himself was thinking.

"Do you think they found her?"

Chaser shook his head. "No, I think they would have told us if they did. Unless something really serious had happened." Seeing her startled expression, Chaser quickly added. "I don't think that either, they would have seemed more tense and nervous, I think."

"You think?"

"I can't be sure, it's just my best guess." Clue Chaser admitted. "The police are probably talking to everypony that might have seen Diamond Tiara, or knew where she was going."

"What do you think has happened to her?" Apple Bloom asked, her voice sounding careful, as if she was afraid of the answer.

"I don't know," he replied, looking at her. "Are you worried about her?"

"Of course I am!" Apple Bloom replied, her voice rising slightly and a hint of guilt crossing her face. "I mean, she can be really mean, and she is a bully, but that doesn't mean I want anything to happen to her."

"I know," Chaser reassured her. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Diamond Tiara either. Whatever was going on though, surely the police would find her soon enough.

They continued trot down the dirt path, soon enough arriving by Apple Bloom's home. When they came to the fence gate, Apple Bloom looked at him. "You want to come inside?"

"Thank you, but I promised I'd come straight home." Chaser said, looking at her with an apologetic smile.

"Oh yeah." She giggled a little, then stepped forward and hugged him. "Thank you for today."

Chaser was surprised, but hugged her back. "Sure, no problem. Thank you for helping me with Dinky, and making the day fun. I couldn't have done it without you."

Apple Bloom giggled again, stepping back with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Darn tootin!" She winked, then turned. "See you at school tomorrow!"

Chaser watched her run to her home for a few seconds, then he turned with a smile, and started to make his way back home. While today had been fun, he couldn't let go of this growing dread. What had happened to Diamond Tiara? Where was she? And was she okay? For now, there wasn't much of anything he could do. He just hoped wherever she was, that she was okay.


When morning arrived, Chaser did everything as he usually did on a school morning. When Ditzy gave him his lunch and saw him off by the door, she told him to have a good day, and to be careful. All this missing Tiara case really had everypony worked up, not that Chaser didn't get it.

Sadly, it wasn't a rare thing that a foal went missing in Manehatten, but in a town like Ponyville, where everypony knew everypony? That must be rare and shocking to all the ponies here. Chaser would indeed be careful, but he didn't want to trot around and be afraid either. As he made his way towards school, he sensed a strange atmosphere around Ponyville. It was hard to describe, but everypony seemed a little less happy and smiles, and more worry and gloom. That was to be expected though.

Making his way down the road he usually took to school, he was suddenly joined by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They came from behind, calling his name. "Chaser!" He turned, seeing them run up to him.

He smiled, stopping and waited for them to catch up. "Good morning."

"Morning," they both said, although Scootaloo said it while she yawned. "Have you heard?"

"About Diamond Tiara? I think everypony has heard by now," he replied. "Did your family help looking?"

Both nodded. "Rarity helped, although she wouldn't let me help, so I was with Scootaloo."

"My aunt left, leaving me to be looked after by my other aunt." Scootaloo shrugged. "Then Sweetie Belle came over, and we just hung out. What about your family?"

"My uncle and his marefriend went out, so it was just me and Dinky." Chaser said, then added. "Apple Bloom came too, and we just played around."

"Apple Bloom was over at your house?" Scootaloo asked, sounding surprised.

"Who's Dinky?"

"Yes she was, and that is Ditzy's daughter."

Sweetie Belle frowned. "Who's Ditzy?"

"Derpy," Scootaloo clarified.

Chaser raised an eyebrow, and Scootaloo's ears lowered. "S-sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I've just heard other ponies call her that."

"Yeah, well, her name is Ditzy Doo," Chaser said in a neutral tone, but with a small edge to it. "She's done a lot for me.”

"I'm sorry…"

Seeing her frown, Chaser bumped her with his body, smiling a little. "No worries." She smiled back, and the three continued on down the road.

As they approached the school, they saw Apple Bloom waiting for them. They came directly from Ponyville, and Apple Bloom came from Sweet Apple Acres, so their routes to school didn't really line up. "Morning y'all!" greeted Apple Bloom with her sweet smile.

"Morning," the three greeted back.

"You were at Clue Chaser's place yesterday?" Sweetie Belle asked her.

Apple Bloom nodded. "Mmhmm, we had fun."

"What did you do?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Looked after Clue Chaser's little sister, and did some work on our project. What did you do?" Apple Bloom asked while they all made their way inside the school house.

"I was with Scootaloo yesterday." Replied Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo sighed. "And we didn't do boring stuff like work on our project. We had fun."

"Hey, we had fun too, didn't we, Chaser?"

Chaser nodded, only listening with half an ear. As they entered the classroom, he instantly spotted Silver Spoon. She sat in her usual spot, looking deflated. Normally she would be chatting and giggling with Diamond Tiara, but now, she just looked lost. A knot of guilt formed in the pit of Chaser's stomach.

His friends noticed too, and the four of them exchanged looks. Chaser wasn't sure if he could even say anything, he didn't know Diamond Tiara like the rest of the class. His friends on the other hoof had been victims of her bullying, so did she really want to hear from them?

Before any of them could decide, the door opened and Cheerilee stepped in. Only she wasn't alone; following her was that police pony from yesterday, the mare from Sugarcube Corner!

"Please take your seats everypony," Cheerilee said, trotting to her desk. She and the mare waited for the students to find their seats before continuing. "I'm sure all of you have heard that Diamond Tiara has gone missing. This is a very serious matter, and her parents are very worried about her." She gestured to the mare beside her. "This is Officer Lucky Dawn, and she wants to talk to you all before classes start."

With a nod, Lucky Dawn started. "Thank you, Miss Cheerilee." She looked at the many faces looking back and her, and seemed to hesitate for a moment. "As Miss Cheerilee said, Diamond Tiara has gone missing. Currently we are not sure if she is hiding, gotten lost, or maybe gone with a stranger. So, I just want to remind you all, if you know something, saw anything last Friday, then please talk to your parents, Miss Cheerilee, or someone from the police."

Chaser listened, although most of what the officer said was about stranger danger. It was something he had heard about pretty much each week back in Manehatten, and he only listened in case there was something new he could learn. His eyes started to wander, looking over his classmates. They listened with great interest.

His eyes moved over to Silver Spoon and their eyes met before they both flinched and quickly looked away. Chaser frowned, was she looking at him? For a few moments, he kept looking her way, waiting to see if she glanced at him again. At one time he thought she was about to look, but didn't. Maybe it was just his imagination?

"So, anypony have any questions for Officer Dawn?" Cheerilee asked. When everypony shook their heads, she turned her attention back to the mare. "Thank you for coming by, Officer Dawn."

"No trouble," smiled Lucky Dawn. "We'll talk later." She gave a final nod to the class, then to Miss Cheerilee.

The mare left the class, and Cheerilee returned her attention to the classroom. "Right, class. If anypony needs someone to talk to, you can come to me, or I can set you up with our volunteer counselor. For now, how about we take a small break, and then we get back at it, okay?"

The small chairs moved back, and Chaser's classmates started to mingle and talk. Chaser himself was about to go to his three friends, when suddenly somepony touched his back. He turned, and to his surprise found Silver Spoon looking at him with a nervous expression.

"Silver Spoon?"

"Can we talk? Like, in private?" She asked, keeping her voice low.

"Oh, uhm, sure."

Clue Chaser agreed, and followed her out the classroom, and outside the school itself. She took him to the large tree next to the swing set before she stopped, and when she did, Chaser thought she looked very small. Not physically, but nervous and maybe a little lost. He didn't speak, instead waiting for Silver Spoon to find her voice.

When she did, she looked at him with a determined look that surprised him. "I want to hire you."

Clue Chaser's eyes widened a little. "You, wait, what?"

"I want you to find my friend. I want you to find Diamond Tiara."

Author's Note:

Sorry for cutting it off again, but all of this was supposed to be in one chapter originally. Can you imagine? This chapter along with chapter 3 and then the next one, chapter 5? So I decided to cut it up so I won't get stressed out about it, and can deliver them a bit faster. :twilightsmile:

Special Thanks To:

Inspiration/Creator of Phillip Finder:
PonyJosiah13 is the writer of the story that played a huge part in inspiring this story. Be sure to check out Ponyville Noire: Tails of Two Private Eyes, it's an amazing read, and that is just one of many of his nail-biting detective stories! The one I posted features Phillip Finder's first meeting with Daring Do! :rainbowwild: