• Member Since 16th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago

Strawberry Sunrise

Comments ( 6 )

You forgot to include the Trixie tag. Alternatively, since I didn't read the story yet, you forgot to include Trixie.

Who Framed Trix the Rabbit?

Just give him the fuckin cereal, he deserves it :unsuresweetie:

Omg, I remember this wabbit! Damn those kids!

“No, Trix are for Trixie!” she shouted, and ate a bite of Trix.

The rabbit bowed.

Anyone think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship? Trixie gets the sycophant she always wanted and Rabbit will finally get to share some Trix's cereal with out a bunch of kids assaulting him.

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