• Published 12th Nov 2019
  • 993 Views, 73 Comments

The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Link's Awakening. - Ganondorf8

The legend continues as Sunset Shimmer explores the mysterious Koholint Island.

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Chapter 13: Behind the Waterfall.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: I do not own anything regarding the Legend of Zelda, the Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. These are the properties of Nintendo and Hasbro respectively.

Time for Sunset to do a little spelunking into the fourth dungeon.

Cast of characters appearing in this chapter:

Sunset Shimmer: Link
Princess Twilight Sparkle: Fairy Partner
Zecora: Dampé
Canter Zoom: Mr. Write
Chancellor Neighsay: Papahl

The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Link's Awakening.
By Ganondorf8.
December 4, 2019.
Chapter 13: Behind the Waterfall.

Entering the next room, I wasn't at all surprised to see that it was unchanged from what it was originally... Well... Aside from one thing. There was no door for me to go through on the other side since I had already collected the Full Moon Cello (The idea of there being multiple versions of the same instrument was ludicrous to say the least). The cracked tiles on the floor would give away if I stayed on them for too long but because there was no basement if I fell, I could sent back to the beginning of this 'dungeon', fall to my death, or appear next to where I dropped. To be honest, these were all bad options and I'd rather not have to deal with them.

Looking directly in front of me again, Moldorm was nowhere to be seen but I knew it was here since this was where I needed to go in order to finish this challenge. Sure enough, the insectoid Knightmare dropped down from the ceiling, landing on the ground just like before, but no words came from its mouth. That's because this was merely a replica of the original and so not all aspects of its character had been included. If there was one bit of satisfaction that I could appreciate despite fighting Moldorm again, it hadn't been given any kind of improvements. I'd take the same damage upon getting hit and it would take four hits to prevail.

Since I already knew what to do, I waited for Moldorm to start slithering around. The moment it started moving, I immediately attacked the weak point on its tail before it closed up causing Moldorm to get steamed. It then began chasing after me so I walked as fast as I could in order to avoid all contact with it. After chasing me for about three seconds, Moldorm went off in a different direction which gave me a quick breather. Turning around and raising my shield, Moldorm then came back and collided with my shield several times, each knock pushed me back slightly until it calmed down and went off in a different direction but not before its weak point became exposed again.

Hitting the weak point (I wished I could use a jump attack or had a Piece of Power as it would've made this go even quicker), it closed which caused Moldorm to get steamed up before it began chasing me again. This time, rather than using my shield, I simply used my Roc's Feather to jump over it making sure to do so at the right time as a wrong move would mean taking some damage. It calmed down again resulting in the weak point opening up and I attacked it again and this made Moldorm get really steamed. It changed colour slightly and began moving around in an erratic manner and showed no signs of slowing down.

Unlike the previous hits, the weak point remained opened and it was here that I realized something which I never considered during the original battle. This was where Moldorm became desperate and was willing to sacrifice its most vulnerable spot in order to gain attack power and speed. Desperation does cause individuals to do some pretty drastic things and I guessed this applied to monsters such as Moldorm. In a way, I felt sorry for it being forced to do this in an attempt to see me dead. As Moldorm approached, I jumped over it only to jump again when it came back the other way.

I then jumped again to avoid it a third time and swung for the weak point upon landing only to miss. Moldorm then turned around and was about to slam into me when I raised my shield and got pushed back a couple of times until I was standing on top of a cracked tile. I quickly moved off of it as it suddenly dropped down into the abyss below though no sound could be heard which made me wonder just how deep it went. Moldorm came at me again after turning around prompting me to jump over it before I swung my sword again. This time, I managed to connect and the Nightmare suddenly stopped before it began exploding.

Like before, each segment exploded before the head went through several small explosions before disappearing entirely with a final big one. As I stood there having gone through that battle, I couldn't help but lament at how easy it really was. Last time, I barely managed to survive but in this instance, I took no damage at all and it went much quicker. I guess it was due to having had experience in addition to remembering what it actually did though having more health was also a plus. Since no Heart Container materialized where Moldorm had fallen, the same bright light from before engulfed me and I was back in Zecora's place.

"You have returned from clearing the challenge you made." Zecora said as her speaking caught me by surprise. "The foul beast you fought met its end on your blade. I must admit that I was most impressed by your display. To be honest, I believed at times that you had one foot in the grave. Perhaps your skills are even greater than you thought otherwise those creatures your body they would have wrought."

I walked up to Zecora. "I must admit that you recreated Moldorm perfectly though it didn't say anything."

"The replica of the creature was not entirely true to the original."

"Maybe so, but it was still an amazing effort."

"Yet you appear to be bothered."

I nodded. "I guess I wasn't entirely thrilled at the prospect of having to fight something I already defeated again especially the likes of a Nightmare. They are definitely among the strongest monsters around so the thought of having to go through them again made me second guess myself."

"While that may be true, you fought the monster and in the end, you pulled through."

"So what happens now?"

Zecora turned her back to me for a moment and began fiddling about with something before turning back moments later. "As I've previously mentioned, you are not doing this for free because then what kind of person would I be? What you did was most thrilling so something from my personal collection is what you shall receive in exchange." She then handed over one of those tiles and while I was appreciative, my heart felt disappointed as I was expecting a bit better. "With that chamber, a brand new room can be added in order to give yourself a greater challenge."

"How many challenges do you even have?"

"I have many of these in different conditions."

"That's not quite what I asked."

"What I mean is that I have roughly two dozen different challenges." Zecora then noticed the glum look on my face. "You need not challenge them all at once because putting you through all that would make me quite the dunce." I still had my glum look and she quickly realized why I felt that way. "Now I see what the problem is. You were expecting rupees as my reward to you but you didn't get any hence why you look do blue. Not to worry, any rupees you collected in the dungeon are an extra bonus."

"You said that helping you out would be very rewarding."

"I did say that, yes, so let me rectify your distress." Zecora turned her back to me again before quickly turning around and presenting me with a silver rupee. "I cannot give you rupee rewards all the time. It's not because of me being cheap but rather because the challenge you completed didn't warrant it. Besides, I do have rewards that aren't money based but what those are must remain a mystery until you complete more challenges. Now that you have tested this out for me, you can come back here whenever you want and take on the next challenge without for no fee."

I then thought about taking on another challenge but doing so would produce some problems. First, I would need to follow exactly what the challenge stipulated and I didn't know if there enough chambers to satisfy the conditions. Second, I'd have to arrange the chambers in a different manner which goes back into my initial problem. Because of a lack of rooms, it would get repetitive very quickly and fighting additional Nightmares was more likely. And third, Zecora's rewards system had obvious flaws which made me question if going through these challenges was even worth it. Sure, it'd get me more experience but at the cost of fun and perhaps most important, feeling happy about it.

"I'll think about coming back here another time."

"It's no big deal."

"I didn't mean it like that."

Zecora nodded. "I know you've got big things to do so don't allow the likes of me to stop you. Besides, the more dungeons you experience with your own eyes, the more chambers get added to the Dungeon Creator. I'm not the only one who can provide you with chambers. In the village where you were brought to, there is an Item Shop who sells the pieces needed to create new rooms. These aren't cheap by any means so be careful about going overboard with your spending."

"I'm glad you're not upset."

"As you currently are right now, the later challenges will have you screaming 'ow'."


"I'll still be here waiting for you to take on new challenges."

Zecora then waved at me and I responded in kind before turning around and leaving her house. I could tell that she was upset that I wasn't taking on more challenges, but I just wasn't getting the kind of excitement that she was hoping I would have. As much as I liked the idea of going through custom made dungeons, its execution needed a lot more work and the lack of rewards was also a problem. Also, original chambers instead of reusing what already existed but combining different pieces together would've been really cool. Perhaps I could come back here later if I needed some rupees or perhaps another reward.

"That was certainly an experience." Princess Twilight said.

"You're not mad at me for just walking away from that are you?" I asked.

Princess Twilight shook her head. "No, you handled yourself pretty well. In fact, I'd have done the exact same thing if I had been in your shoes. I know you need the money in order to get that bow and Zecora did say that helping her out would be worth it for you, but having to go through so much hardship and be forced to fight powerful monsters again is too much for you, Sunset. I'm not doubting your skills but there is a limit that you can take before it's just too much."

I then nodded. "Just the idea of fighting multiple Nightmares in the same dungeon makes me shudder."

"Zecora meant well but maybe you shouldn't come back again."

"No, I think I will come back and try another challenge."

"Are you sure?" Princess Twilight asked, concern echoing in her voice. "It sounds more like a hassle than anything."

I shook my head. "It's just that I need to focus on getting to the next dungeon and finding the fourth instrument. I mean, I have the key that can unlock the dungeon so my mind is focused on getting that done as putting it off just makes me irritable. Once I've got my mind set on doing something, it needs to be done no matter what, and any kind of distraction would just be an obstacle. Perhaps coming here now during an important part of the journey was a bad idea. Had I come here after the next dungeon or during a free moment, I'd have a completely different mindset about it."

"Wow... That is so mature of you, Sunset."

"What were you expecting?"

"A tantrum or at least an explosion of anger."

I had no response to what Her Highness just said because it was true. My temper was quite volatile in that even the smallest little thing would set me off. Despite how much I've changed since being given a second chance, my anger was the one aspect of me which continued to be a problem. I just couldn't refrain from losing it all because someone infuriated me to the point where I'd love nothing more than to throttle them something fierce. I was like a ticking time bomb. One little push and ka-boom! At least I wasn't doing anything stupide such as wanting revenge because that would be truly reaching a low point.

That's why Princess Celestia wanted me to learn about humility. I needed to accept that not everything would go my way and that there were things beyond my control which I couldn't overcome. I've learned how to be humble though there are times where it has proven to be difficult such as when I want something in particular but must give up on it for the greater good since others were more deserving. Sure, I've gotten over such situations but it doesn't change the fact that they can be emotionally painful. I appreciate what I have though you couldn't blame me for wanting to self-indulge on occasion.

I adjusted the belt on my tunic before taking a step forward. "Okay, so we need to make our way to the waterfall where the Angler Key is supposed to go."

"Actually, there is one place we haven't checked yet."

"Twilight..." I began with a concern sound in my voice. "What are going to have me do?"

"Do you remember that one house on the other side of the Mysterious Forest you couldn't enter because of having BowWow with you?"


Princess Twilight was clearly having problems explaining herself but I had a feeling what she was about to suggest next. "I know this isn't what you like doing, but I think we should go back over that way and see who lives there in case it might prove helpful later." Her Highness quickly turned away from me out of fear that I would suddenly burst into rage over having to backtrack across half of the island but I was surprisingly calm. "Sunset?" She then looked at me. "You're not upset about my idea?"

"Oh I'm upset, Twilight."


"I've already done plenty of backtracking so it's not like this is any different."

"Sorry, Sunset."

I shook my head. "No, it's not your fault, Twilight. I should've checked out that house after returning BowWow home to Wallflower, or better yet, gone there before I rescued him from those Moblins. It's my fault for leaving it until now though colour me impressed over how you remembered it after all this time. I completely forgot about that house since we were trying to do something else at the time." I then looked up at the sky in order to gauge how much time I had until the sun would begin to set. "I'd say we've got plenty of time to go there and see who might live in that house."

"This does mean going back through Goponga Swamp."

"That could pose a problem without BowWow."

"Or, you could go back through the Mysterious Forest."

No matter which why I chose to go in order to get to this house, I would have to backtrack through one of two areas that no longer had any reason for me to go back through them again on account of me having gotten every possible thing done. Between the swamp and the forest, the latter was probably my preference since again, BowWow proved essential for getting through Goponga Swamp on account that he could consume those Goponga Flowers which my sword couldn't even make a dent in them. And then there was the issue that this was brought up by Her Highness when I was on my way to reaching the next dungeon.

Even though I had every right to refuse Princess Twilight's request and focus on the main task at hand, I never could refuse her anything seeing as she didn't really ask all that much from me to begin with. Besides, I still owed Her Highness for giving me a second chance when she clearly could've left me to forever remain alone and miserable. Also, a part of me felt that whoever lived in this house was someone whom I needed to see. I don't know why I felt that way but to ignore it was nothing short of stupidity. While Her Highness would say I didn't owe her anything anymore, my heart said otherwise.

Another reason as to why I couldn't be 'that' upset was thanks to the Pegasus Boots. I could dash my way over to where that house was and get there within a matter of minutes as opposed to say an hour. Also, having a Power Bracelet and a Roc's Feather didn't hurt either as they could let me access shortcuts I couldn't reach before. I began dashing westward, ignoring the two holes, and continuing on past the Moblin's Lair until I crashed into a boulder which blocked the path to Goponga Swamp. Since I didn't want to go that way because of not having BowWow, I walked south, jumped over one hole and then another before going west.

Continuing in direction, I dashed again and entered the Mysterious Forest where I barged my way through a couple of Moblins, defeating them in an instant before crashing into another boulder which left me in a slight daze this time. Two Red Zols then popped out of the ground and jumped into me due to being unable to react, but when I regained my composure, I defeated both only for them to split into two more pieces (Which I had completely forgotten about) which I defeated with another sword swing. Only one of the four smaller Gels dropped a green rupee so I picked it up but chose now to walk the rest of the way.

While dashing around was fun, it was also dangerous because colliding with objects stunned me momentarily. I wished that wasn't the case but then the Pegasus Boots needed some kind of drawback otherwise they'd be considered too powerful for their own good. Besides, the forest path was twisting about a little and I could only dash in a straight line when using the boots. Heck, I couldn't even change direction as I ran which further added to their overall drawback. Still, the positives clearly outweighed the negatives. Jumping over a hole and making my way past the chest that contained the Tail Key, a Moblin was blocking my path but I ignored it by heading north and out of the forest.

"That didn't take nearly as long as I thought." I said to myself.

"There it is Sunset!" Princess Twilight exclaimed as she bopped my head.

In front of me was a house which I remembered seeing when I came this way before. "Ohhhh! This house! Right... I couldn't go in there before as I had BowWow with me and you said that not everyone would appreciate me bringing in an animal even if it was completely domesticated." I was curious as to why anyone would live all the way over here given how the only means of leaving involved trekking through a forest or trudging through a swamp. "I've got the Roc's Feather so jumping over those holes isn't going to be an issue. I just hope that coming here was worth the backtracking."

Entering the house, I was surprised to see several stacks of books which clearly had been stacked without any care for them. It reminded me of when Princess Twilight once invited me over to her castle to help her out with what she called a 'booksortation' but this was no way near as bad. There was additional clutter such as numerous pots taking up half of the total space, a bookshelf with more books, a large table covered with even more clutter, and a large chair which had someone very familiar sitting on it. He hadn't noticed me enter his house due to being engrossed in looking at some documents.

"Do you know who this is?" Princess Twilight whispered.

I nodded whilst whispering back. "This is Canter Zoom, Juniper Montage's uncle, and a famous movie director. Sure, he can be too generous to the point where can be taken advantage of, but he's a good man who tries to do his best despite having some serious stress problems at times." Her Highness had no idea what I meant about 'taking advantage' so I quickly explained to her what Juniper once did.

"Gasp! Did she really do that!?"

I nodded. "Juniper was willing to sabotage everything just to get her own way. She's changed a lot since then and while I think Canter Zoom has forgiven her, he won't let her appear in any of his movies until she's got some actual acting experience. Me and my friends haven't been to his movie set for some time now so my accuracy might be wrong but I think she was allowed to be on set but in a minor capacity due to some trust issues between them still being worked on." I then looked at Canter Zoon who still hadn't noticed me. "It shows you how some people are always victims because of their own actions having unintended consequences."

"Let's hope whoever he is portraying has a more pleasant story."

I then coughed to get his attention. "Ahem!"

Canter Zoom then looked up and was taken aback. "Oh! Someone has come to pay me a visit all the way out here! How fascinating!"

"Why do you even live out here?"

"I'm the kind of person who prefers to live in solitude." Canter Zoom answered, pushing aside his documents before clasping his hands together. "Sure, this isn't the safest place on this island but again, I like my solitude. As you can clearly see, it's just myself in this house... Well... Me and my letters of course." So that's what those documents were. They were letters though what kind was beyond me. "My name is Write, as in writing."

"Do you spend all day writing letters?"

"Oh my, yes!"

"Surely that has got to be boring."

Canter Zoom nodded. "It's the one thing about my hobby that I don't like. I send out all these letters but no one ever gives me a response. In fact, I was really hoping that my most recent letter I sent out would net me that coveted reply but so far, nothing has happened and it's getting to the point where I might just give up and do something else. A long time ago, before moving into this house, I sent a letter to someone who lives in the village on the other side of Ukuku Prairie. It was such a frantic moment that I don't remember who ended up getting it but they've never sent me a reply."

"And you've been sending letters to them ever since?"

"Pitiful isn't it?"

I wasn't about to say he was wrong there given how desperate he sounded, but I wasn't going to tell him that as it would only upset him further. "You know, I think I might know who this person might be. I might be able to help you out but I first need to confirm for myself that this is definitely the person." While it sounded like I was giving him false hope, the image of Chestnut Magnifico appeared in my mind. Back home, she and Canter Zoom worked together on his adaptation of one of A.K. Yearling's novels, so perhaps this connection made sense in this world? Granted, I was going off of real-world logic yet there was nothing else I could think of.

But that did make Canter Zoom curious. "Hmmm? If you could do that for me, I would be most appreciative. Of course, I'm not going to ask you to go out of your way for nothing as you clearly look like an adventurer. Now... What would an adventurer like you find useful around here? Hmmm... I do know about Goponga Swamp, Mt. Tamaranch, the forest south of here, and the waterfall on the other side of the island."

"What was that last one?"

"The waterfall?"

My eyes widened. "I need to know about that waterfall!"

"Now let me see if I can find that document." Canter Zoom then began going through an assortment of papers and for a while, it looked like he was going to turn his entire house upside-down just so he could help me out, but he eventually found what he was looking for. "Aha! Here we are! The waterfall can be found east of where that giant egg is located. Follow the river and you should find it. There is a strange keyhole over there but I have no idea what it's even there for."

"I'm sure I can figure it out."

"I wish you look and I look forward to getting a letter... Hopefully."

Leaving Canter Zoom's house, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him but also concerned. Why would he send so many letters all to the same person? Also, if this person was indeed Chestnut Magnifico, why has she never answered him back? Something was clearly wrong on both sides and I needed to find out. I knew it wasn't really my business to interfere in such matters but I could tell there was an obvious problem that needed a resolution. However, Chestnut Magnifico wouldn't talk with me so long as I didn't have a hibiscus, and I needed to find that first before anything else.

At least Canter Zoom was able to help me figure out where I needed to go next. Since the Wind Fish Egg was north of where Zecora was, I figured on going back to her place and go from there in order to find the waterfall. I also needed to understand what Flash Sentry meant by a leap of faith would allow me to reach my goal. To know that answer, I first needed to find the waterfall and use that key. Looking up at the sky again, I still had plenty of time to go before needing to rest for the night. Jumping over the hole, I looked back and saw a cave entrance but I ignored it as it probably didn't have much to offer me.


"How do you feel, loyal one?" Ganondorf asked. "Has your ego shattered? Do you no longer feel as confident as you once did?"

Rainbow Dash felt rather groggy but managed to somehow not topple over. "What... What did you do to me?"

"I have taken your magic."


Ganondorf raised his hand. "I did not take all of your magic, loyal one, if that is what you are thinking. I have left you with a small amount though it is mere pittance. Had I taken all of your magic, you would be nothing more than an empty husk devoid of any magical propensity. Then again, you might even be dead right now. Who's to say? You are not as loyal as you claim to be, loyal one. The truth about yourself has been exposed!"

"Give me my magic back!"

"Do you truly think you can threaten me?" Ganondorf lowered his hand and simply sat there before Rainbow Dash suddenly began choking and she struggled to release the tight grip around her neck. After about fifteen seconds, the grip was released causing Rainbow Dash to collapse on the ground clutching her neck whilst breathing heavily. "And now you know the answer to my question, loyal one. What magic you possess now is of no interest to me. It will eventually come back but it will take a long time."

Coughing, Rainbow Dash slowly got back up. "What... What did you mean about me not being loyal?"

"You would prefer to be with the Wonderbolts."

"How did you know that?"

"I can read your very thoughts." Snapping his finger, Rainbow Dash was paralyzed completely. "I am now done with you, loyal one. Your magic was the first I have claimed but it will not be the last one. Now... Which of your remaining friends shall be next?" Ganondorf slowly gazed at the rest of my friends until he chose someone. "Yes... It must be you who is next because of how strong-willed you are and for being stubborn." He snapped his finger again and this time Applejack was set free. "Honest one... I can tell straight away that my words will not be very effective."

Applejack responded by whipping out her lasso and tossing it at Ganondorf where it wrapped around his chest before she tightened it. He made no effort to free himself from her lasso though she had sadly made a mistake by thinking he was nothing more than a mere varmint as Applejack would say. "I don't know what y'all have done ta Rainbow Dash, but I reckon ya had better explain yerself before I do something I might regret!"

"I have taken her magic."

"What!?" Applejack exclaimed. She then tightened the lasso futher but again, Ganondorf didn't do anything in retaliation. "Y'all must think I'm stupid or somethin'. We've become stronger since them early days so the chances of you drainin' her magic are slim ta none. Now, I'll ask ya again. What did ya do ta Rainbow Dash?"

Ganondorf laughed. "I have spoken the truth to you, honest one. Honesty is the thing that you cherish the most. You praise those who are honest but despise those who show any signs of deceit." Pausing, he lowered his head before slowing raising it again, his eyes glowing yellow. "You claim to represent honesty, but in truth, you have lied in order to fulfill your own desires. You have even lied to your closest loved ones."


"Do you believe that I am lying to you?"

Applejack nodded. "Sure, I might have told a couple of little white lies, but I ain't done anythin' like what y'all claim!"

"Oh but you have."

"And don't ya dare bring my family into this!"

His eyes glowed even brighter. "You are lying to yourself, honest one. You claim that you are honest but in truth you are not. Those lies of yours ended up becoming far worse than even you could imagine. Though they were eventually resolved with the help of the others, they have had a lasting effect deep within your subconscious. Even now, you are lying about them not being a problem in your mind, but this is not so. They torment you constantly and show no signs of ending. Such pain and anguish would destroy most minds entirely, but you manage to keep such things under control. Heh... You remind me of myself."

"What do ya mean?"

"I too am tormented internally." Ganondorf's eyes went back to normal before he looked up at the ceiling. "Long ago... I was once the ruler of my people. We lived in a desert where the winds were so harsh at night, they were a sign of death to us. The winds of the day were no better as harsh temperatures ensured that only those who were strong enough could survive. I coveted the wind from the land which bordered my kingdom so that my people could survive without death's grip striking fear into their hearts every night, but, I could not provide such necessities and within a matter of a few generations, they were gone... Wiped out."

"I'm sorry ta hear that."

"I am now the sole survivor of my people."

"That doesn't explain why y'all are doin' this ta me and my friends."

"I have just shown you truth, honest one." Ganondorf said. The lasso that had been around his chest suddenly disappeared only to reappear next to him before it suddenly became engulfed in flames. "Though my people are gone, they were worthless creatures who served me until I no longer needed them. Fate decreed that they would wipe themselves out and that is exactly what happened."

Applejack shook her head in dismay. "Wow... And I thought some of the villains we've faced had attitudes. Y'all really take the cake ya know. In my honest opinion, you do have mah sympathies but you ain't honest one bit especially with me. Yer eyes are what give ya away. Whatever ya did to Rainbow Dash ain't gonna happen with me."

"That's what you think."


Much like how it didn't take long for me to get from Zecora's place to Canter Zoom's, it didn't take long for me to go back to the former. Like before, I ignored going through the swamp and instead went through the Mysterious Forest. A combination of jumping, dashing, and one bout of fighting and I eventually returned to where Zecora lived. During my trip, I did acquire a Guardian Acorn (It surprised me how very few of these as well as the Pieces of Power I was finding) which increased my defence for a while but it quickly wore off which was disappointing though fair since I didn't encounter many monsters.

Heading north from Zecora's, I quickly reached a cliff which forced the path to go to the left. Walking in that direction, the ground quickly changed from grassland to marshland indicating that I was back in Goponga Swamp (The entrance to the Bottle Grotto was practically in plain sight). What happened? Had I gone the wrong way? No... I couldn't have. There was no other way to go from here to the waterfall unless I backtracked south and went eastward. As I thought about my current predicament, two Boarblins with spears attacked with one actually succeeding in hitting me in my leg with a spear.

Pulling it out and tossing it aside, I rushed forward and attacked both Boarblins, defeating both with two sword strikes and collecting a green rupee for my trouble. That's when I noticed some boulders surrounding a nearby sign prompting me to slap my forehead out of embarrassment. Why did I keep on doing that to myself!? I mean, I freaked out for nothing given the solution was right in front of me. Walking up to and reading the sign, it said that I was at the base of Mt. Tamaranch and that the Wind Fish's Egg was at the highest peak. A part of me was curious as to what it looked like up close so should I go up there to see for myself?

Picking up two boulders that were blocking my path and tossing them aside, I walked right and along the base of Mt. Tamaranch until I came to an impressive looking staircase that went upwards towards the mountain's peak. Right now, going up to the egg wouldn't do me much good even though I really wanted to see it up close and personal. Biting my upper lip, I eventually decided it was best for me to keep on the intended path despite really wanting to see the egg. Moving onward whilst kicking myself for ignoring arguably the most exciting landmark on the island, the path went south from a tree and then right where I came upon a river.

My path was riddled with Sword Boarblins so raising my shield, I parried their attacks and then attacked them with my sword as I approached each one. As the last one went down in defeat, a large jumping spider slammed into me causing me to fall onto my butt. Picking myself up, Princess Twilight told me that this was a Red Tektite, a creature that could jump about long distances though it had to pause every once in a while which would allow me the chance to attack. Fortunately, she said it only took one hit to defeat it so it wasn't strong in that sense but the jumping could prove annoying until it stopped.

The Red Tektite jumped all around me and while I wanted to defeat it in order to prove my point, I chose to ignore it because I needed to find a keyhole. However, it decided to jump after me until it managed to get in front which gave it my full attention. Swinging my sword, it jumped over me but then paused which left it vulnerable allowing me to swing again. This time it was successful and I defeated it though I wondered why the monster had to pause. Exhaustion perhaps? I'd be exhausted after jumping around like that. In any case, I kept on walking until I reached an unusual pair of carvings embedded into a wall.

"What do you make of those, Twilight?" I asked.

"I don't know, Sunset, but what I do know is that you have no means of accessing the cave below those carvings." Princess Twilight answered. "Still, I am curious as to why have such carvings like that above a cave entrance. Maybe something important is in there? If so then you need to find a way to access it."

"Since I apparently can't swim in this world, entering that cave is a no-go."

"Unless you had a means to swim."

Her Highness wasn't wrong there. The probability of me needing an item in order to swim was becoming more and more plausible especially since I needed items in order to both run and lift up heavy objects. While my curiousity was strong, Her Highness was way more curious than I could ever hope to be. You could say that she was curious enough for two without me needing to do much of anything. I kept on going until I stopped upon seeing what I had bee searching for. "Twilight! This is it! We've found the waterfall!" To my left was a massive flow of water that came raining down the side of the mountain.

"And that must be the keyhole."

Princess Twilight pointed to a beautiful looking keyhole that bore a slight resemblance to a fish. Walking up and reading the description, it said 'Angler Keyhole'. "Well... Let's see what this key can do." I took out the Angler Key, inserted it into the lock, turned it, turned it back, and pulled it back out before putting it back in my pocket. Suddenly, everything started vibrating but I couldn't see what was happening. Then I looked up and saw where the water was coming from, a large hole in the mountain bedrock before it began to slow down and eventually coming to a stop resulting in the entrance to the dungeon being revealed.

"That's... Quite an entrance."

"The fish motif is pretty evident." I added as both me and Princess Twilight gazed upon the entrance. The entrance itself was a giant fish's mouth with the fish having one eye looking down and the other looking up as a means of instilling some kind of fear factor. "I didn't think that a key could stop a powerful waterfall but it does explain what Princess Cadance meant when she said it was behind it." That's when Flash Sentry's words finally struck home resulting in me looking up at where the water once flowed down from. "No way... You've got to be kidding me here!"

"What's wrong, Sunset?"

"Remember what Flash Sentry said about a leap of faith?" I answered as I pointed at the former waterfall. "I think I've figured out what he meant by that." Her Highness then looked up for myself and pretty much figured out what I meant and gulped in agreement. "A jump like that from up there to down here will kill me! Is Flash Sentry trying to kill me here!?" While it sounded like I was completely insane for accusing Flash Sentry like that, the evidence was pretty stacked against him. Jumping from high places caused me great amounts of pain during my previous adventures so what was stopping that from happening again? "I'm starting to really hate this!"

"It gets worse."

"How so?"

"You need to do a little bit of backtracking."

"Compared to jumping off a cliff, I'll take backtracking anyday." While Princess Twilight was right about the backtracking, I was more concerned with this leap of faith I had to perform to reach the dungeon. "Looks like jumping off of a cliff is going to become my newest nightmare." Sighing, I was about to start making my way back before my eyes noticed another raised platform located just to the right of the Angler Keyhole. "At least I can easily come back here at any time using that warp tile over there." Walking up to the platform and standing on it briefly before stepping back off, I now had another location to warp to though this one felt lacking compared with the others.

As for what I had to do now... I had no other choice but to attempt it. Was I going to like it? Not one bit! Dashing back the way I came using the Pegasus Boots, I eventually crashed into a wall which left me dazed once again for a few moments, and upon recovering and getting back up, I walked up some stairs and went left before stopping at a boulder which was now blocking my way forward. Picking it up and tossing it aside, I kept heading west past a tree until reaching stairs that went up into the Tal Tal Mountains. I was actually as to what it would be like exploring them and now I had my chance to do so.

Walking up the stairs, everything around me suddenly changed such as a gentle breeze beginning to blow all around here, and the sun blazing down on me in a more intense manner creating stronger shadows on just about all objects including myself. From what I remembered of the map back in the library, these mountains covered the entire northern region of the island by stretching from one end to the other. That meant it was going to be difficult to explore every last section given how expansive it was. Looking to my left and seeing three boulders blocking a cave entrance, I lifted up and tossed one aside before entering the cave.

Upon entering, I immediately swung my sword at a few Keese which flew towards me, but it was the Hardhat Beetle on the ground that caught me by surprise. It bumped into my leg causing a bit of damage prompting me to attack it in order to push it into the abyss. It took me three hits to get rid of it while each Keese went down relatively quickly given how little stamina they had. Rubbing the bruise on my leg to soothe the pain, I kept going and reached another section that comprised of rocks and dark crystals. Looking over at the formation, I deduced what the solution was and began pushing things around.

Whilst pushing the rocks to make myself a path, I suddenly felt something warm coming from behind me. Turning around, I immediately ducked behind a rock and barely managed to avoid getting scorched by a fireball that came out of nowhere. Poking my head out, I was surprised to find that it was a torch that had thrown the fireball. I had experienced something similar on one of my previous adventures but it's something that didn't really come up all that much. A powerful magic had been used to enchant both torches so keeping an eye on both proved critical to not getting my butt roasted.

Continuing to push the rocks around, I stopped every ten seconds to hide behind a rock to allow the fireballs to harmlessly hit them. At a couple of points, I almost did get my butt roasted because of being a little bit too slow for my own liking, but luckily for me, I got through and even picked up a Piece of Heart which had been cleverly hidden in the bottom right-hand corner. Now the warmth from the heart was what I preferred over a magical fireball. Going down the stairs, I dashed along and blazed past several more Keese that happened to be in the way and even some Green Zols before going up some more stairs.

In this next area, I could see a treasure chest but it was located on a platform that was too far away for me to reach. Even with combining the Pegasus Boots and Roc's Feather, I wouldn't be able to make it. Speaking of the boots, had I come exploring here much sooner, I'd be completely stuck because of the green crystals blocking specific paths. Exiting the cave via a nearby exit, I chanced upon another chest and opened it which contained fifty rupees (According to my calculations, I now had around 510 rupees though I still needed a lot more in order to get my hands on that bow) before heading back inside.

Dashing to the right and through the green crystals, I went through another exit which brought me back outside again which was when I heard someone call out. "Hey! Hey! Is anyone there?" I instantly recognized Chancellor Neighsay's voice but couldn't see where it was coming from.

"Where are you?" I asked as I called out.

"I'm up here." Chancellor Neighsay answered.

Looking up, I could barely make out his hand waving at me. "What are you doing up there?"

"I recognize that voice." Chancellor Neighsay paused for a moment before continuing. "Aren't you that nice girl who gave my youngest child the Yoshi Doll? Yes, it must be you as no else sounds the way you do. It's Papahl by the way! Remember when I said that I'd end up getting myself lost in the mountains later on? Well, I've gone and done exactly that so now I'm pretty much stuck here. I don't suppose you could find a means of getting to me up here?"

"Sure, I'll be there as quick as I can."

"You should find a cave entrance somewhere close to where you are."


Even though I was almost at the dungeon, I couldn't ignore someone who was in trouble. Besides, Chancellor Neighsay did warn me that he would be up in the mountains so it's not like his current situation surprised me. Walking into a path filled with water that went up to my ankles, I walked forward and saw a cave entrance and went inside. Much like outside, this cave had a flooded floor so I hoped I wouldn't get sick. Another Keese swooped down from above but it quickly was defeated when I swung my sword though I had to be careful in such a narrow passage because of the possibility of my sword clanging off of a wall.

After defeating a Green Zol, I kept moving forward and defeated four more that popped up from the ground by a staircase. Each of them dropped Recovery Hearts which I picked up since I had taken some damage earlier. Heading up the stairs, I was surprised to find another chest but something about it felt off about it. Opening it up, I should've paid more attention to my instincts a Green Zol jumped out and bumped into me. Crap! Another trap chest. I was starting to despise encountering these even though this one was clearly obvious. Swinging my sword and defeating the 'trap', I walked south and was back ouside again.

"Ah there you are!" Chancellor Neighsay said as soon as he saw me. "I knew my directions would lead you to me."

"I still can't believe that you got yourself lost." I said as I approached him.

"What can I say?"

"Not much really."

"I'm glad that you came out here."

"Can you get back on your own?"

Chancellor Neighsay shook his head in a pained manner. "I've been famished for several hours now that I can't move much at all. In fact, when I was waving my arm earlier, that used up the last of my strength. I knew I should've taken some vittles with me before I left." As soon as he mentioned the word vittles, I was reminded of what Juniper said about what his favourite food was. "This might sound selfish of me so I apologize in advance but do you have any vittles for me?"

I nodded and presented him with the pineapple I got from Granny Smith. "Will this do?"

"A pineapple!" Chancellor Neighsay was clearly ecstatic. "How did you know?"

"Your wife told me."

"I should've known Mamasha would let someone know what my favourite food was." I handed over the pineapple to Chancellor Neighsay who happily held it above his head. "I just love eating pineapples and this one is the most delicious I've ever seen. I'm going to eat it right away. Bon appétit!" He began munching on it in a rapid fashion which reinforced what he said about not having eaten for some time. Granted, I'd never eat a pineapple that quickly because I'd likely get a stomach ache or worse. After eating some of it, he reached into a bag that was next to him before taking out a beautiful looking flower. "This wasn't the reward I planned on giving you..."

"What kind of flower is it?"

"It's a hibiscus, a very rare flower around here."

"I'll take it as my reward."

Chancellor Neighsay was surprised. "Really? You only want that? I was expecting you to want rupees or some kind of item, not a rare flower. Well... If that is what you really want then who am I to refuse you?" He handed over the hibiscus which I carefully placed into my pocket. Now I had the means to talk to Chestnut Magnifico as she wanted a hibiscus. "Yum! That pineapple was just delicious to no end! I'm filled with energy now!"

"Can you make it back now?"

"I'll stay here for a while longer before making my way back home."

Thanking him for the hibiscus and he in turn thanking me for the vittles, I left Chancellor Neighsay but rather than go back the way I came, I went to the left and then jumped down below to where I initially entered this area from. I could go back and visit Chestnut Magnifico since I could easily warp there but I'd have to go to Zecora's place as that was where the closest warp was located, yet I decided to continue on as I really wanted to enter the next dungeon. Dashing across the water (It actually felt quite refreshing), I soon arrived at my destination and I looked down to see how far of a drop it was.

I gulped. "I'm still not sure about this."

"You can do it, Sunset." Princess Twilight said.

Closing my eyes, I took a step over the edge only to quickly pull my leg back. I wasn't afraid of heights but rather the prospect of falling to my death. Opening my eyes and getting some much needed assurance from Princess Twilight, who had placed her hand on my shoulder (Small as her hand was given she was a fairy) and smiled, I walked off the edge before dropping straight down. In those brief seconds of falling, my life flashed before me and there were some things I still regretted despite them having occurred a long time ago. Moments later, I was on the ground and stood before the dungeon's entrance.

I checked all over to see if I had broken any bones or had somehow died. Neither of these things were true. "That... Yeah, I'm never doing that again."

"At least you made it down here."

"Yeah, but now I'm stuck here since I apparently can't swim!"

"Perhaps this dungeon will give you the means to get your feet properly wet?"

"I can only hope so."

There was a staircase next to the dungeon entrance that went underground but I ignored it for the time being because the entrance compelled me to go inside. Walking into the giant fish mouth, I entered the opening room which had water on the floor as well as four statues each with a single eye in them. Judging from seeing the water on the floor, I knew that this was going to be consistent as I explored this place. The voice in my mind revealed that this was 'Level 4 - Angler's Tunnel', a fitting name considering what I was already seeing based on one room alone, yet I knew better seeing as each dungeon had a specific motif.

Walking into the next room, a door immediately locked to the right and in front of me were two Spiked Beetles, monsters I hadn't seen since Tail Cave. Raising my shield, I waited for each one to charge at me, and when they did, they bounced off of my shield which caused them to land on their shells and exposing their bellies. Two sword strikes on each defeated them though neither dropped anything which was a little disappointing. This unlocked the door but before heading in that direction, I went left in order to see what was over there. Good thing I did because there was a flying bomb hovering above the ground with a ten on it.

Using the Roc's Feather, I jumped up and grabbed it before landing and heading back the other way just as some kind of spider-like monster skated across the surface of the water towards me in hopes of trying to get my attention. Going through the door, I was immediately hit by another Spiked Beetle which blocked the way so I couldn't avoid it. Raising my shield again, it bounced off but before I could attack it, another Spiked Beetle charged at me from my left. I turned left and used my shield to bounce it off before attacking and defeating it in two strikes only for me to get hit by a Spark which had been rotating around a block.

Taking the Spark's hit (Not like I had any choice), I immediately took out the other Spiked Beetle only for a Red Zol to begin jumping towards me. One sword strike split it into two pieces and another strike defeated both. Sheesh! Not even five minutes into this place and already I was getting overwhelmed by the monsters. I hoped this wouldn't become a trend around here otherwise things were only going to get worse for me. Before me was a locked door which would remain as such since I didn't have a key but another door unlocked whose room I could check out, but first I opened the treasure chest that was no longer guarded and took out the Compass.

"Again!?" I moaned as I pocketed it. "Why can't I get the map first?"

"You should be thankful that you acquired the Compass seeing it alerts you to hidden keys."

"I suppose so."

Princess Twilight then began to check the surroundings which was normally what I was supposed to do. "I can't really say too much about this dungeon until we see more of it, but from what I've observed with what little we've seen, water is definitely going to be an issue."

"As in there will be places I can't go because I can't swim?"


I felt crestfallen. "Why can't I swim!? I mean, I can back home but why not here!?" While I was pretty angry that such a simple thing had been blocked, at least I knew it was because of this world's unusual mechanics as opposed to me losing the ability. "The more of this island we explore, the more it becomes apparent that I feel weaker on a personal level due to not being allowed to do things that are natural."

"You gain power but also lose it."

"I'm not a big fan of that approach."

Going through the unlocked door, I entered a room which contained another chest, some statues, dark crystals, and more of those spider-like monsters I saw earlier. Before I had a chance to think about what my next move was going to be, I was surprised when the door locked itself behind me. "Are those creatures Tektites? They do bear some resemblance but they aren't moving around or anything."

"Those are Water Tektites."

"So like a relative?"

Princess Twilight nodded. "Unlike regular Tektites, the Water Tektite cannot leave the water nor can they jump so you don't have to worry about them coming onto dry land. But, they do have other abilities which make them tricky to deal with. They move in diagonal directions, skating across the water though they aren't necessarily coming for you. They can also move in normal directions so be careful."

"They don't look particularly strong."

"You should be able to defeat them in one hit."

Just as I was about to make a move, the Compass beeped signalling that there was a key in this room, most likely in the treasure chest. Heading to the left, a Water Tektite skated towards me in a rather quick manner but I defeated it in one hit as Her Highness said. I then began smashing the dark crystals which were in two lined formations which lead straight up to the chest and upon opening it, I took out a small key before heading back to where the door was. Since I knew that defeating all monsters would unlock it, I walked past the door and defeated another Water Tektite before turning left.

The third Water Tektite was looking in the wrong direction which allowed me to defeat it while the last one skated across a deep section of water before stopping at a spot which I could reach by jumping over a small patch of deep water. I did just that using the Roc's Feather and making a small hop and upon landing, I attacked the remaining Water Tektite, defeating it and unlocking the door. Despite not being all that aggressive, these Water Tektites were showing me how to be more strategic in terms of dealing with monsters instead of simply relying on brute force or charging my way through.

Jumping back over the deep water and making my way over to the door, I entered the previous room where I stopped to think about unlocking the door. I mean, I could unlock it and progress but what if there was another locked door beyond it? I'd have wasted a key which could be used elsewhere. Asking Princess Twilight for her opinion, she said that if she were in my shoes, she'd wait and see what else was in the dungeon before coming back here and unlocking the door. Taking her advice to heart, I ignored the locked door for the time being and went back to the previous room and up the stairs.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed upon seeing what looked to be the main area of the dungeon.

"I have to concur with you here, Sunset."

"There's so much water."

"And the deeper sections are places where you can't swim."

That thought alone really annoyed me and reiterated my opinion that I was getting weaker despite getting more items. "And look at all those Water Tektites skating about." That many of them would give me some trouble despite them not being strong. "You know... Maybe I should've unlocked that door but then I'd end up seeing this anyway. I'm trying really hard to not become outraged because of the whole swimming issue but this doesn't make it any easier for me. Whoever came up with this particular idea should be ashamed of themselves for forcing me to go through it."

"You needed to vent that didn't you?"

I nodded. "Venting out frustrations sometimes makes me feel better."

Walking along, I couldn't help but admire the atmosphere of Angler's Tunnel. I knew it was a monster infested dungeon but everything looked so calm and serene. If this wasn't a place corrupted by dark forces, it would make for a peaceful haven for anyone who needed to wind down from being stressed out too much. Compared to the previous dungeons which were either dull, boring, confusing, or a combination of these things and more, this dungeon felt completely different, and it had to be the water dungeon of all things. I couldn't allow myself to become complacent otherwise I'd likely succumb to whatever else was waiting for me.

The path soon went in two directions so I kept walking forward where I found what was on the other side of that locked door. My suspicion turned out to be correct for had I entered this room via the locked door, I'd have been unable to progress any further because of needing another key. I was definitely going to come back here later. Opening the treasure chest which was contained in its own small area of the room, I took out a Stone Beak, which while not a map, was still useful as those Owl Statues often provided valuable hints. Making my way back to the split paths, I went the other way and dashed along in order to speed up the process.

Soon I reached another chest and opened it up which gave me the Dungeon Map. "Now that's more like it!" I exclaimed as I unfurled it in order to take a look at the layout. "Good thing this came up early as already the dungeon looks like quite a head-scratcher." The arrangement of the rooms were in the shape of what looked like a fish pointing down or maybe some kind of fishing hook, but I personally thought of a flipper, as in, what you'd wear on your feet when diving underwater via scuba diving. "The Nightmare is all the way over here on the far left side as that's where the marker is."

Princess Twilight then looked at the map. "This dungeon looks small but because you can't swim right now, a lot of areas are inaccessible to you. We also know where the instrument is located as those are always one room behind where the Nightmare can be found. That marker is actually covering up the Nightmare's room so I can't tell what's in there but we'll eventually find out once you've gotten the Nightmare Key."

"There's also not as much water as we thought."

"But there's enough."

"According to the Compass, I've still got seven treasure chests left to open."

"Then I suggest finding the one that contains the dungeon's item." Princess Twilight said. "I've been thinking about it ever since you first brought up the problem with you being unable to swim. My theory is that it could either be some kind of diving suit, perhaps a snorkel and mask, or maybe some flippers."

I rolled my eyes at some of those choices. "A snorkel and mask? Seriously? That sounds kind of silly don't you think? I'm honestly surprised that you didn't include a scuba tank among those options since we don't know if I can actually breather underwater. While a diving suit would be nice, I'd have to change in and out of it whenever I needed it unless it was permanent in that I couldn't take it off until this journey was over. No, I think flippers sound like the ideal item for swimming. Guess we won't know for certain until we find the chest that contains whatever is needed to collect the fourth instrument."

Princess Twilight then laughed. "Guess my options aside from the last one were pretty farfetched." South of the chest were some stairs which I walked down where I encountered a large abyss in front of me and to my left, another abyss but in a plus formation. "Remember doing this back in Key Cavern, Sunset?" Her Highness floated over the abyss in order to see what the other direction heralded. "So that's where that other locked door leads into... Okay, I'm beginning to understand how this dungeon operates. You do need to do some slight backtracking for keys mostly for now."

"Figures it would be backtracking."

"It's become quite obvious by now." Princess Twilight said, sarcasm clearly in her voice. "You need to come at this abyss from the south in order to jump across and reach the side you currently can't access, but that requires at least another key which you don't have. Do some more exploring and you should find a key or two."

Hopping into the air and then dashing forward, I jumped over the abyss with the Roc's Feather, barely making it to the other side. Walking into the next room, the Compass beeped again signalling that there was a key. I could see a Bubble floating around so I needed to avoid that as I'd rather not waste what little Magic Powder I had left. There was another chest protected by a block with another one that was cracked protecting it. Suddenly, a Water Tektite skated towards me so I reacted in a panicked fashion which involving swinging my sword like crazy and hoping for a hit.

Sure enough, I connected and the Water Tektite was defeated where it dropped a blue rupee which I collected. That's when I noticed a strange looking flower in the water that began spinning its petals around before it took off and began floating just above the water's surface. "What can you tell me about this flower?"

"That is a Peahat." Princess Twilight answered. I then noticed her scribbling down something on some paper and I couldn't help but be amused. Her Highness really did love her research especially when it meant she could see it with her own eyes. "Some say that these are ghosts of flowers but it's a tough one to call because that information is very old and I do mean old. The information is even older than me! Anyway, Peahats fly around on their petal-like wings and can rest pretty much anywhere they want without restriction. They can only be attacked when they land so you'll have to wait around for a while but you shouldn't have to wait that long."

"It sounds like they don't try to attack me."

"They seem content with just floating around."

I then turned the subject towards the cracked block. "I bet I can use a bomb to destroy it."

"You can but you need to make sure the bomb lands correctly."

"What happens if I don't?"

Princess Twilight then gritted her teeth and began blowing as though she were imitating steam. "That's what happens, Sunset. When you take out a bomb, the fuse gets lit and explodes once it has run out. If a bomb falls into the water, the fuse automatically goes out due to getting wet and the bomb becomes useless and lost. You need to make your throw count by having the bomb land on the block or even next to it should it land in the shallow water. Just because you have plenty of them to spare doesn't mean being careless."

Taking out a bomb, I carefully tossed it where it landed in the deep water and was gone. Seriously!? Did that seriously just happen!? Ugh! That was embarrassing! At least it gave me a good indication of how much power I needed to apply when throwing. I took out another bomb and tossed it with less force than the previous one and it landed next to the block before exploding seconds later. The Peahat had practically ignored it and continued floating until it left the general area but I wasn't about to go after it unles I needed to defeat all monsters. I then pushed the other block where it sank into the water allowing me access to the chest.

Opening it up netted me a small key so I could now go back and unlock those other two doors, but then I was curious as to what I'd find by going north. The fascination of discovering new things was important when navigating a dungeon so long as it doesn't become too overwhelming. Going north, I avoided the Bubble and defeated two Water Tektites which were swimming towards me and then I noticed two more Peahats who merely floated away and ignored me. If I didn't need to fight them then why bother them? Continuing on into the next room, I suddenly stopped as two Bubbles bounced off of each other and towards the back of the chamber.

In front of me was another Water Tektite which hadn't noticed me and a chest protected by three cracked blocks. Rather than rushing in and attack the Water Tektite, I took out a bomb and tossed it over to the blocks where it exploded destroying them in addition to the Water Tektite. Hey, if I could defeat monsters through unconventional means then why not use such tactics? Opening up this chest gave me my third small key so the question came where do I go from here? Looking at the Dungeon Map again, Princess Twilight was once again proven right in that I had to backtrack in order to progress further.

Sighing, I began making my way back to where the first locked door was. I made sure to dash along as much as I could with the Pegasus Boots as I wanted to speed up the process rather than have it linger on. With only Peahats floating about, I didn't have much in the way of combat though that was sure to change later upon entering unexplored rooms. I then dashed and jumped over the abyss before I continued dashing south and then right until I was back where I first encountered the Spiked Beetles. Unfortunately, they had all since re-spawned which meant I had to beat them again to unlock the door... Again.

Raising my shield, I bounced both Spike Beetles onto their backs and attacked their bellies which unlocked the door. Going back into this final previous room, I tried to ignore all the monsters only for the Red Zol to stop me in my tracks. I quickly disposed of it along with the smaller versions before I could get hit by the Spiked Beetles and the Spark and then unlocked the door. Now that I was back in this room on the proper path, three Water Tektites were somehow skating around though they weren't there before. I quickly defeated one which was right next to me before jumping over some deep water and continuing on.

The other two Water Tektites then skated down to the bottom right corner of the room where I defeated both at the same time with one sword swing which netted me a single green rupee adding to my total. Jumping over some more deep water, I used the small key to unlock the door and enter another room where I saw another chest but couldn't reach it due to it being surrounded by more deep water. There was even a Peahat standing guard in front of it so I definitely wasn't going to be opening it. Three more Water Tektites (These things were everywhere in here) skated about but I only defeated one as the other two skated away from me.

"Finally! I made it back to that abyss in the shape of a plus!" I said as I attacked two more Red Zols which both split into two smaller pieces. "While that backtracking wasn't that bad, having to fight my way through so many monsters isn't my idea of having fun. It makes sense seeing as the dungeons are continuing to increase in difficulty." I then defeated the remaining Red Gels which gave me a clear shot at jumping across the abyss. "According to the map, there is another locked door ahead but also one of those key blocks."

"It seems you need to find another key somewhere."

"I know that the chest I ignored just a moment didn't contain a key as the Compass didn't make a sound."

"That's why getting it early is helpful."

"Okay, I take back my lack of enthusiasm over that." Lining myself up correctly, I dashed and jumped over the abyss where I kept on dashing and right through a Red Zol which was defeated completely without it splitting up. "Didn't think I could defeat one of those instantly without having to cut them." A Sword Stalfos was on patrol on the other side of the key block along with something new which I hadn't seen before. "What's up with that star-shaped thing?"

"It's called a Star."


Princess Twilight nodded. "They are easy to defeat and don't really cause much in the way of damage to you, but their fast movement make them unpredictable. They can give you a serious headache especially when you're busy dealing with other monsters."

Using the key on the key block, it disappeared and I knew I needed to push a block forward to be able to continue on, but there was a staircase which could lead me somewhere else which left me with a dilemma. I had to push the block but that would prevent me from accessing the staircase. Perhaps it would reset itself later if I were to come back after exploring some additional rooms. First, there was that Sword Stalfos who had become a problem as it was blocking me from pushing the block. It kept on swinging its sword as a means of trying to attack me only for the block to keep it at bay.

Even the Star wanted a piece of the action by trying to squeeze past the Sword Stalfos only to eventually give up and move back the other way. The Sword Stalfos' efforts soon got annoying so I pushed the block forward giving it access though blocking me from accessing the stairs. Using my shield to parry its sword strike resulting in it dropping its guard, I swung my sword twice and defeated the Sword Stalfos before swinging for the fun of it which accidentally defeated the Star which had moved towards me. Surprisingly, a Green Zol popped up from the ground but I ignored it since it wasn't really much of a threat.

Walking into the next area, the Compass beeped again indicating a key was nearby but I couldn't see a chest so I assumed it would drop down from above. There was a locked door to my right as well as two holes which were being blocked by small stones. Knowing how this worked worked, climbing or jumping over those stones was impossible and so all I could do was stare at them. (I was really starting to despise these restrictions) Two more Red Zols located in-between the two holes were hopping up and down so I went over to attack both causing each to split in two where I defeated them. A key then dropped down from above only not where I was expecting...


"Twilight... Did that key?"

Princess Twilight nodded. "It dropped into some water below."

"And I can't swim..."

"You can't."

While it looked like I was about to burst into sheer anger, I sighed and concluded that this was just another way that this world could torment me. "Guess I need to come back later once I learn how to swim." Still, the fact that it even happened was much worse than it happening period. Not only did I need to backtrack to this area, I required the dungeon item which meant more exploration before coming back. "Twilight... I think I'm going to need to sit down for a moment so what happened can sink in." Princess Twilight nodded and I sat down on the ground before I grumbled under my breath over the now submerged key.

To Be Continued.

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