• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 2,911 Views, 65 Comments

Realms of Magic: The Realm of the Gryphons - TheEighthDayofNight

An elf, Kathranis Shadowsong, is transported to the realm of Equus by wild magic. This story follows his explorations of the different races and civilizations a new world has to offer.

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Chapter 18

Kathranis continued to dwell on the Talk as he found his way to the training grounds. Talking with Riven and Luieustriel had been a brief affair, and both had informed him about shared dreams they had been having. They would speak more later about creating emblems and the matters of prayers and such, but Lady Sylvanus was already filling their hearts, and the agreed to begin joining him in prayer. With that matter cooly resolved, it left him thinking on the Talk. Technically speaking, he was supposed to retreat to isolation to ponder the words his elves had spoken, but he found that he tended to over think when left alone. Instead he stayed in the open, allowing his elves to come talk to him further, even as he went about his normal day. He was a capable multi-tasker, and found that especially when he was more active, his thoughts flowed smoother. He needed them to do so. Huron’s concluding speech in the Talk had opened an entire new avenue that he hadn’t even thought about, likely because he had been spending so much time with Princess Aquila. The problem was that he should feel guilty for ignoring his duties as Blademaster and not exploring every possible route to giving his people a better life, but being with the gryphoness simply made him happy in a way he couldn’t explain. He enjoyed the company of his elves, but Aquila…

He felt the beginnings of a dour mood flee as an excited call crossed the training grounds, followed by a very cheery looking gryphoness. He couldn’t help but smile, then flush as Aquila flapped closer. The normal simple tunics and dresses had been replaced by a well-fitted set of armor. Steel greaves and gauntlets sat protectively over Aquila’s limbs, accompanied by some sort of flexible steel plating covering her wings. The rest of her armor was leather, a shade of brown far lighter than his own. On her hip sat a long-sword, in a sheathe that was worn enough to tell visibly that it was well used.

Kathranis flinched as taloned fingers met his nose. He blinked up to find Aquila grinning down at him. She stepped back, looking oddly smug as she crossed her arms.

“Are you going to stare at me all day Shadowsong, or are we going to talk about your ‘Talk’?”

“R-right, of course,” he sputtered. “I, I mean I wasn’t going to stare, rather...”

Aquila rolled her eyes and grabbed the collar of his armor, dragging him after her like he was a lost puppy, and lost he felt. There was just something different about the gryphoness all of a sudden, some strange allure that made his tongue heavy and his mind sluggish. He had no idea what it was, but he couldn’t counter it as she led him to an area shaded by trees. A pair of braziers warmed the area, driving away the chill that managed to cling to the air in spite of the sunny skies above.

Aquila sat them on a bench by one of the braziers and pulled him close with a wing. He was surprised to feel warm, embracing feathers, and found that the steel coverings on her wings didn’t extend to the interior of the wings. Hugging him close, Aquila prodded him with a finger.

“So, what can you tell me? Will you all stay? Will you fight?”

Kathranis finally managed to recover his wits under the barrage of questions, and he straightened up.

“Those decisions have yet to be made,” he said carefully. “In fact, I promised my kin that I would make them by tomorrow morning, leaving them plenty of time to come talk to me more in private if they should so wish.”

Aquila’s brow furrowed.

“I thought the whole point of the ‘Talk’ was to speak your mind. What’s the point if your elves hide their feelings?”

“Oh, they do speak their minds, but it is an unspoken rule that they don’t try to convince each other during the talk,” Kathranis explained. “One can be passionate in his speech, but if he starts trying to coerce, then it is scene as bad form. It is why the youngest always begin a talk, so that they are not pressured by the opinions of their elders.”

He nudged his way free of Aquila’s wings, earning a pout from the gryphoness, but he managed to drive the expression away with a wink and a smile as he crossed his legs, turning to face her on the bench. She matched his posture, wincing uncomfortably as she tried tucking in her long legs. When she couldn’t quite sit on her right leg, she let out a huff and let it dangle off the bench seat, her cheeks a touch flush as she refused to meet his eyes. Kathranis chuckled and adjusted his sword belt so that it wasn’t resting uncomfortably before he continued.

“So, where to begin… I suppose I should start with the three options I have to choose from; we can stay and fight for you on the hope that we will be taken care of after-”

“Shadowsong, you and your elves can stay here for the rest of your lives just on what you’ve already done for my family,” Aquila said, resting her hand on his. “The debt tally is still heavily in your favor.” She giggled. “Although it’s now one less given that you made Dad destroy his favorite dining table. He’s going to be grumpy at you and Chief Calak for that little incident.”

Kathranis chuckled.

“Had I known it was a test, I don’t think I would have acted so… magically. Perhaps Huron’s sword would have been enough-”

Aquila scoffed.

“Nonsense, you did perfect, it’s why Dad didn’t make you grow him a new table.”

She laughed again, and Kathranis found himself lost in her emerald eyes as she smiled at him. His cheeks again grew flush, and this time, Aquila matched him. Though her laughter subsided, her smile did not. Kathranis swallowed dryly, looking away and coughing.

“Well, ahem, yes, that would have been in poor taste…” He gave himself a good shake. “Right, that is option one, but the concern is that, once your family has passed on and memories begin to fade, we would find ourselves viewed as leeches on a society that doesn’t remember why we matter. Truthfully, my concern is with our own stagnation. We are elves, such is natural, but here…” He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “We are completely at your mercy, debts or no. We have no alternate home, no money to speak of. Should I make enough mistakes, even such weighty debts can be forgotten, then what? My people would be forced to live as hermits. Such a life is not unappealing to me… but it is not a kind fate to them, especially not now that they are beginning to court your goddess.”

“Mom is going to ask about that,” Aquila said. “But I take it that talk went well?”

Kathranis nodded.

“It was almost eerie, but there was no anger, none of the bile I expected. It seems being in your world longer than I has led them to knowledge I don’t yet posses.” He tapped his fingers along his knuckles. “I’m going to remain cautious about it. It is a huge change, and everyone seems too calm. I don’t think anything is amiss, but…”

“But it’s better to be safe and make sure, I understand,” Aquila said. “But I can assure you, Mom is only a bit harsh because she cares. She has devoted almost everything to Harmony, and she’s older than she looks. She’s seen what happens when people fall out of Harmony’s light, and it isn’t something she likes talking about.”

“I’m sure my goddess is causing no end to her headaches then,” Kathranis said.

Aquila chuckled and shrugged.

“Maybe, but I think she’ll come around. You’re made of good stuff Shadowsong, so you’re either the best liar in all history, or you’re genuine, and with you your goddess. Just give her time. Things had been calm for a long time, then these new humans appeared with their magic, then you appeared and brought a new goddess. It’s really shaking up the status quo.”

“That… brings me to the next issue addressed; one of the elder elves brought up the idea of going with Princess Luna when the fighting is done. He believes that is the best way to avoid the stagnation I fear we would find here, as their nation is new, and will require innovative minds and new culture.” He sagged slightly. “I am afraid that is the wisest option.”

“But…” Aquila asked leadingly.

“But, that option does not make me happy,” Kathranis sighed. “I don’t know why, but I selfishly want to stay here.” A faint smile touched his lips and he glanced up. “I think it is your company that has corrupted me so. It would be with a heavy heart that I ever left. At least within your lifetime.”

Aquila’s beak spread wide in a smile, and she leaned forward, caressing his cheek in her hand.

“Such sweet words,” she muttered. “Thank you Shadowsong, coming from you, that means a lot.”

He blushed and looked away, her hand falling.

“It shouldn’t. We've only known each other for mere days.”

Aquila giggled.

“Mom and Dad fell in love in less time. Do elves not believe in love at first sight?”

Kathranis scoffed, but when he looked up to meet the Aquila’s eyes, he found that he couldn’t meet them, again looking away in a flush.

“Some do. I… don’t believe I’ve had such an experience.”

Hands crept forward, gently rubbing his thigh.

“Well, as you said, it has been a few days,” Aquila whispered, inching forward. “So maybe love at first sight doesn’t quite fit, but…”

Kathranis turned toward the gryphoness. Her eyes sparkled, and he couldn’t help but lean in… Then two people came running up. Aquila immediately recoiled back, hiding behind her wings as Fordred and Deyenidal stopped before them. While the tall gryphoness looked a touch sheepish at having interrupted them, Fordred seemed furiously focused.

“Blademaster, I have to speak with you.”

Kathranis’ throat felt dry as he spared a glance Aquila’s direction. The gryphoness flapped her wings and shot to her feet.

“I’ll leave you to it,” she said, her tone short, almost irritated.

Kathranis deflated slightly as she grabbed Deyenidal’s arm and stormed away. He had alienated her. What could be he have possibly been thinking? Leaning as if he was going to… He shook his head, not looking up toward Fordred, not wanting the younger elf to see the foolish hurt in his eyes.

“Please, sit,” he said, extending a hand toward the spot Aquila had vacated.

Fordred seemed to hesitate, but did so, crossing his legs. Taking a deep breath, Kathranis straightened and finally met the elvish wizard’s eyes. He was surprised to find the anger with which the elf had stormed up was nearly gone, replaced openly with regret. Fordred bowed his head.

“I apologize for interrupting you Blademaster. I let my anger get the better of me, and I interrupted a moment between you and Princess Aquila.”

Kathranis again sighed and shook his head.

“It is alright, you likely saved me from an immense mistake.” His shoulders again sagged. “I have never been particularly adept at picking up on social ques, and with this new culture… you likely saved me from a diplomatic incident. As far as it went, Princess Aquila will likely just have Prince Valan be my permanent escort around the castle. It is likely better that way.”

A hand touched his, and he looked up. Fordred smiled.

“Blademaster, I will not put words in her mouth, but I firmly believe that Princess Aquila is angry with me, not you.” He chuckled lightly. “My timing was not the best I think, but I do need to speak with you.”

Kathranis felt a flicker of hope in his chest, and he couldn’t help but cling tight to it. He liked being around Aquila, and she had mentioned love at first sight… Surely it couldn’t be that… His heart pounded, and his stomach filled with butterflies. He had heard the tales of such sensations, but to feel them… It worried him slightly, but the news that Aquila might have such feelings also excited him in a way he had never felt. With that mixture he was able to regain some sense of calm and he straightened, correcting his posture and reducing the amount of emotion he was showing.

“Then let’s speak,” he said, putting on a smile that was slowly becoming more genuine. “We will see later which of us has to apologize to Princess Aquila, hm?”

Fordred chuckled.

“I’m sure Deyenidal will let me know as soon as we are done here, but…” He took a deep breath, his smile falling away. “Blademaster, I will not leave Stonetalon Peak. Deyenidal doesn’t want to leave. Her home is here, she has such great plans, has already started to purchase a permanent house for us!” His face took on a tinge of flush. “Although we have not yet done much in the more advanced stages in courting, we are fast approaching that. I may soon have a child, children if she has any say, on the way. I cannot simply move to some far away land that we do not know. I don’t mean to call Princess Luna’s character into question, but what do we actually know about her?” He tapped his fingers on his knees. “I meant to do more research after the prayer service on Fifthsday, but I have heard whispers that she used to be called Warlord Luna. I have heard that she and her sister, equally as powerful and rumored to be twice as vicious, have forged their “new kingdom” through campaigns of blood. Rock Wolves, rebellious pony factions, giraffes from the south… all manner of sentient life has fell victim to their wanton expansion.”

“We do not have evidence of that, and I won’t tolerate hearsay,” Kathranis said. “Not from the gryphons about the Thayans, and not from you about the ponies. I understand that you have personal reasons for us to stay here, but do not throw slander which you cannot support.”

Fordred bowed his head.

“Of course Blademaster. I had every intention of researching these rumors, but…” It was his turn to sag in place. “I don’t want you all to leave. I love Deyenidal with all my heart and I will have a life with her-” he looked up, his eyes filled with tears “-but I love you all too. I do not want to miss a century of time with my fellow elves. So much can change in that time.”

Kathranis put on a gentle smile, extending a hand and resting it on the young wizard’s shoulder.

“My friend, you have nothing to fear on that aspect. I am not wholly convinced of Huron’s suggested course yet, and even if I were, I would make sure that we regularly came to visit. You will never be left behind, that I can assure.”

Fordred sniffled and nodded, rubbing at his eyes.

“Thank you Blademaster, I simply…” he sighed, then smiled and glanced up. “I don’t suppose you have any tips on convincing you to keep our band here?”

Kathranis shrugged.

“I can’t know. Likely I will need to talk again with King Terran to see if we can have some guarantees, because we must have that. We will outlive them all Fordred, we cannot escape that particular fate. Whether it be money or our own village in the nearby forests, we must have something. We cannot fight a war out of the kindness of our hearts, no matter how much we want to.”

Kathranis smiled.

“That being said, I am glad for you have found and I wish you and Deyenidal well. If it makes you feel any better, I currently see few reasons to leave.”

Fordred sighed, but smiled.

“I understand Blademaster, and thank you for taking time for me. I…” He shook his head, then looked up with a broader smile. “I don’t know why I’m so concerned. You of all people wouldn’t leave me, and I know that without any promises.”

“But my promises you have,” Kathranis said, matching the younger elf’s smile. “I will make sure to remain close to you Fordred. You are as close to family as I can make you. Let’s keep that close bond.”

He reached out a hand, and Fordred eagerly grasped it. With a firm shake the wizard rose and began to move away, but an idea rose to the fore of Kathranis’ thoughts, and reached out, stopping Fordred from leaving.

“I…” Kathranis felt a touch flush, unsure of why he felt embarrassed to ask a question of the younger elf. He coughed, looking at his lap. “When we first arrived in this world and I had your books, Secil suggested I…” He again cleared his throat, then looked up with a shy smile. “He suggested I try and learn a few spells. In the interest of being a touch less reliant on my runes, would you mind teaching me some useful magic?”

Fordred’s smile brightened, and he laughed.

“I never thought I’d see the day when I could help you Blademaster. A month apart is apparently forever in our merry little band, look how much things have changed!”

His grin took on a vengeful look, and Kathranis couldn’t help but gulp slightly, wondering if he was making a mistake.

“We can start after lunch Blademaster,” Fordred said. “And we’re going to start with fireballs.”