• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.


Another day, another million things to do. The At-Home mother's life was a race with no finish line. Twilight Velvet knows this well.

All she wants is sleep. Her children don't allow it.

Rated T for mention of breastfeeding.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Nice work, as always! The feeding scene actually reminds me of a similar scene in a story showing Twilight's foal life

This was sweet

This is so sweet. One has to wonder if perhaps Shining acting like a big kid in the show even after he's a full grown stallion is tied to that toddler regression? Maybe a part of him never fully grew up, always longing for attention and finding ways to act it out when he thinks nopony's looking?

I mean, that’s how I always saw it. He’s probably the biggest kid in the show aside from Pinkie. I always thought he hadn’t completely grown up. I think underneath that guard armor was still a colt who wanted love and attention. I wanted to give a partial explanation for why that could be, and I’m glad you could see and enjoy it!

9881365 It does make you wonder though, did he become motivated to be more "Grown-Up" because of his little sister or perhaps that was what sparked their competitive rivalry which lead to sibling supreme?

That's how I saw it, personally. They talk about when women breastfeed past the first year it's about meeting your child's needs and helping them to become more independent. I think the concept applies here. Shiny did not have all of his childhood needs met and thus still needs to express them to meet that need for himself. He matured to be a big brother, but he wasn't done being a kid either.

Great sweet story. Reminds me how my mother had to raise my sister and me. Though she was two years old when I was born.

This story reminds me a bit of my own childhood. I was born just as prematurely as Shining Armor was and like him I had some delays. My sister is four years older than I am and she acted like Shining Armor did in this story (but with more signs of jealousy). In all fairness she also had some developmental delays because she was born up to a month late. On top of that my sister and I were both told by neurologists that we are probably at least mildly autistic but they couldn’t be one hundred percent sure (only about 85 to 95 percent at the most). The testing back then was not quite as precise as what is available today. My sister and I were both in special education classes (in different schools as it turned out) to fill in any social and other developmental gaps as much as possible.

My mother can probably relate to the mother in this story because she had to take care of both of us night and day to a similar degree to what is depicted here. Because my sister and I both had a tendency to wander off we were both on toddler leashes as late an age five (or even six) and we both continue to have some sensory sensitivities even today. That’s not to say that we are the same (we’re not). Last night I rewatched Lesson Zero and It’s About Time on Netflix and I can definitely relate to Twilight Sparkle. My sister is a bit more like Pinkie Pie in terms of personality and some of her interests. She’s not exactly the same, though. For example she shows no interest in becoming a party planner. Like Twilight she would rather work in a library.

It would be interesting to see a longer story that goes into more detail about young Twilight and Young Shining Armor.

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