• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 4,437 Views, 24 Comments

Fairy Tales - Closer-To-The-Sun

Spike helps Rarity around her shop for an upcoming event in Ponyville. However, it seems Spike is having an affect on the unicorn.

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Ch. 5 Someday We'll Know

Chapter 5: Someday We'll Know

A new day began in Ponyville with Celestia's sun rising into the sky. The light from the sun shown into Rarity's bedroom, waking the white unicorn that was upon her bed. Opening her tired eyes, Rarity stretched out her limbs and stood on the wooden floors. Her purple mane was not styled as it normally would be, as she had just woke up. Normally, she would be quick to attend to her mane as soon as she got up, yet something was peculiar. Rarity felt melancholic.

Slowly trotting to her bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror as she drew closer. Looking at her reflection, she sighed loudly as a magically levitating brush to attend to her mane. Inside of her her head, she talked to herself, "Dear me, why am I just so down trotted today? I feel so….off." Rarity paused mid brush, and thought about the night before. "Oh goodness, I can only imagine how Spike must feel right now….goodness, Spike! I really should see him right now. I do hope the poor dragon is okay!"

The white unicorn set down her brush and rushed down the stairs. Not caring about how her mane looked, Rarity rushed out the door of the Carousel Boutique and to the Ponyville library. As she galloped to see Spike, a number of different feelings rushed through the unicorn's body. She struggled to keep the emotions within herself as she hurried to the treehouse library. Finally, she arrived to the door of the library. Carefully knocking on the door, she waited patiently for an answer.

Twilight Sparkle was quick to answer the door, "Oh, good morning, Rarity," she greeted the fellow unicorn, "Um, you do know your mane is very….unkempt?"

Rarity was panting from her quick pace, "Don't worry about it, Twilight, it's fine."

"O….kay…." Twilight was confused why the most fashionable pony in Ponyville would brush off her ruined mane, "so what can I do for you?"

The white unicorn looked down and away from the purple pony, "Is Spike awake by chance?"

Twilight Sparkle gave an odd look to her friend, "Um, I don't think he's awake yet."

"I'm up, Twilight," a young male voice spoke. The two unicorns turned to see a small purple dragon with a blanket being held by one of his claws. He yawned as he walked toward the front door.

"Oh, Spike," Rarity managed to say. She could tell he wasn't doing well, "can we go outside to speak?"

"Yeah, sure," Spike said tiredly.

Rarity and Spike stepped outside of the library. Rarity couldn't make eye contact with the dragon, she felt too guilty to do so. Spike was also averting his sight away from the unicorn. Both were silent and very extremely awkward.

The dragon finally spoke in a hushed tone, "Rarity….I must confess to you….I really do like you. A lot." Spike's face was a cherry red as he looked away from the unicorn.

Rarity looked at Spike, whose head was turned off in a different direction. Using her hoof, Rarity lifted Spike's chin up and moved his head to be positioned so the two were now looking into each other's eyes. Smiling, Rarity replied, "I know, dahling, and I really am fond of you as well. Really, I am."

Spike looked into Rarity's eyes which was making him a bit nervous, "B-But what was it that you said last night? I mean, you said were taking advantage of me, remember?"

"I-I know…." Rarity said looking downward with sorrow as she moved her hoof away from the dragon, "I never wanted to hurt you, Spike, honest."

Spike was hesitant about replying, "So….does this mean we can be….you know….be a….couple?" His face became red again as he asked.

Rarity looked down at her hooves, "I….I don't know, Spike," she sighed and her closed eyes, "I really do have feelings for you, really deary. It's just, I'm struggling with myself. I took advantage of you for so long, it certainly something that is completely unforgivable of me."

Spike looked away, "O-Oh….okay then…."

Rarity saw the dragon had become more depressed. Placing her hoof under his chin again, Rarity looked into Spike's eyes, "Spike, my dear, don't be sad."

"But, I can't help it…." a small tear rolled down from one of Spike's eyes.

Rarity tried her best to not have any tears form in her eyes as well, though she was failing, "Spike, while not all fairy tales have happy endings, most have silver linings."

Spike had a few more tears fall down, "H-Huh?"

Giving a small smile to Spike, the unicorn replied, "Don't be sad, Spike. You are a wonderful dragon, a wonderful assistant, and a very wonderful friend. This doesn't have to be an ending, you know."

"What do you mean?" Spike used a claw to wipe a few tears from his eyes.

"It's not that I don't love you Spike, it's me. I don't think I'm worthy for such a magnificent dragon as yourself. I abused our friendship so you could work for me. I know you keep stating that you don't mind, but I feel like it's something that's just inexcusable of me," Rarity gave a hug to Spike. A few tears from the unicorn rolled down her cheeks.

Spike hugged Rarity backed, also having a few tears fall. The two took a few minutes to be in each other's embrace.

"Rarity, thank you."

"No, Spike, it is I who should be thanking you for everything you have done," Rarity spoke, her voice sounded as if she was about to cry.

Spike took a deep breath before he asked one last question, "D-Do you think we will be together, Rarity?"

"Someday, we'll know, Spike. But right now, all I care about is this moment with you."