• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2014
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Marezinger Z

Always looking to learn and enhance my craft as well as share in the fandom fun.



While following the recently reunited PostCrush on their new tour, a severe storm leaves Sunset and Pinkie Pie in a motel room with nothing to do. Pinkie Pie discovers a chess set and asks Sunset to teach her how to play while they wait for the power to come back on.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

You’d think Sunset would know to avoid Fool’s Mate.

Well, she's talking about controlling the centre while developing the kingside pawns. Though I suspect she's intentionally letting Pinkie win.

Seems unlikely given her annoyance.


I know the chess part is pretty basic and the stuff Sunset falls for is elementary; but I worked to play this as close to an EQG short as I could. Also, I wanted to balance it out so that people who play chess might get a laugh but people who aren't into it as much could still enjoy the story without becoming bored by too much annotation and rule explanation.

I always like the idea of Pinkie being good at chess.

Sunset gave up rather quickly in the third round. That's not a checkmate – Qxe5+ was actually a terrible move on Pinkie's part (though not too terrible considering she hasn't played before). It'd be trivial for Sunset to get out of this check with Nxe5, capturing the queen and significantly weakening Pinkie without even sacrificing her knight.

In any case, this is a fun idea, and well executed. Nailed that EQG short feel you were going for! :twilightsmile:

I definitely think keeping it simple was the right decision, since even for those readers who do know their chess, it can be hard to follow along with a game in text form without pulling up a board to visualize the moves.

I appreciate what you intended with this short story. But, I would like a sequel that goes a little bit deeper into the rules and tactics of chess.

You're out of practice Sunny! Celestia would be disappointed in you!

Pinkie Pie and Sunset flirting over chess?

Somehow those words shouldn't fit together in a sentence, but you make it work so well.

To win at chess you need to be able to both be unpredictable, as as well as predict your opponent's moves accurately. Unfortunately for Sunset this describes Pinkie quite well

I was laughing. That's great.

I found this kind of boring and a little aggravating to be honest. It really bugged me seeing Sunset getting arbitrarily nerfed for no reason just to make Pinkie seem better than she should be. I did like the idea another review pointed out with how Pinkie being unpredictable would help her in a game like chess, but the problem is this fic doesn't actually show that. It's more Sunset who has played chess before and should know better than to lose in only a handful of moves, ends up doing so. At the very least she should know to think ahead at what would happen when she moves her piece.

I get where you are coming from with this 9799820 response, but at the same time there are other ways you could have appealed to the casuals. Instead of three short games that only lasts for a few moves there is one long game where it's more evenly matched. You don't even have to show the whole game and instead have the focus be on the two just chatting like friends. Have Pinkie distract Sunset by being silly and implied it's her strategy to be unpredictable to help even things against the more experience player. You can skip around the match and show the moves at different stages and the more experience at chess can even have a bonus game where they try to map out how the whole game could have played out from the little moves we got. There are countless things you could have done. Your way of doing it by arbitrarily nerfing Sunny just to make Pinkie look better actually makes this fic worst for me. I am somebody who enjoys things being more logical and consistent than comedic even though the comedy to be honest kind of falls flat for me. In short while I understand at least partially why you had the fic played out like it did, I feel there are and were better ways you could have done it the way you wanted.

Greetings. Your reading has been completed and can be found below. I hope you enjoy.

Congrats on being the 20th bested Rated "comedy pinkie pie equestria girls" story on site!

Cool that all the notation's legit and Pinkie's not using her powers to win!

If I wanted to explain it, well, Sunset's stressed, she doesn't seem to be waiting and really thinking about her moves that much, sorta Speed Chess-y, and she's out of practice.

Thank you. I had no idea it was ranked that high, that's awesome.


You're welcome! Apparently "Pinkie Pie" captures both Mane and EQG, so without that, you're 19 in "Pinkie Pie (EqG) #comedy"

12 in "Pinkie Pie (EqG) #comedy #slice-of-life"

And 6 in "#pinkie-pie-eqg #comedy #slice-of-life #sunset-shimmer"

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