• Published 17th Aug 2019
  • 994 Views, 135 Comments

Trixie Searches For Magic - MagicS

The Great and Powerful Trixie is the greatest magician in the world and she will go anywhere and overcome anything to show it!

  • ...

I Am

“Coil? I’m here. You said to come by first thing in the morning,” Trixie said as she pushed open the door to Coil’s lab.

The scientist had told her last night that he had finished up his work on the Suggestion Crystals and she could come by tomorrow morning to check them out. That made Trixie very happy to hear. She could use them to spice up her magic shows and probably do any number of other amazing things, after all Trixie was a very clever and creative pony and with these crystals the possibilities were endless if they really worked as well as Coil thought they did. For now though she still needed to get her hooves on them. After that she could put on another show for East Glade and then probably head on back to Equestria in a day or two.

“Hellooo?” She called out again as she walked inside after Coil didn’t respond. Compared to the last (and only) time she had been in here it was pretty dark inside, most of the lights were turned off and only a few lamps hanging from the ceiling illuminated things. Trixie recognized a few of the experiments and things on the various desks and tables in Coil’s lab while she trotted past them. No sign of him or the Suggestion Crystals though. “Anybody home?”

The big sliding door to his auxiliary lab that took up most of the building’s space was still closed, maybe he was back there and hadn’t heard her come in? Trixie walked past a table with a veritable themepark of bubbling beakers and vials on it as she headed to the backdoor. Normally she’d probably be messing around with things or looking at his weird sciency stuff but right now she just wanted the crystals.

“If you invite someone over you should actually be around when you tell them to come by...” Trixie muttered. She looked side by side to see if he was sleeping somewhere but the walls were covered in shadows and she didn’t see him slumped over a desk anywhere. With a shrug, she walked over to see if that big door was locked or if she could just go right through it.

From behind her there was the sound of a table being nudged, she could hear the glass tubes and bottles on it clink.

“Coil?” Trixie turned around when she heard the sound, expecting to see her fellow blue unicorn.

What she saw instead was a hulking, gorilla-sized… thing between the rows of tables. Deep black pits where its eyes should be, standing on two stubby legs, with sloped shoulders, a large upper body and long arms, and it was hunched over almost like a, well, like a hunchback. But it wasn’t its shape that was so weird, it’s that the thing looked like it was made from dirt and rocks all compacted together and molded into this form. Not only that though, like Goliath this thing had one of those red jewels embedded into its chest along with two more sticking out of its shoulders. The threatening stone and dirt monster must have been animated by the same power that moved Goliath even after his death. And as the thing opened its mouth Trixie saw a row of razor sharp obsidian teeth greeting her.

“Oh great...”

The thing didn’t roar, since it had no lungs to do so, it merely ran at her.

“Eek!” With a panicked screech Trixie teleported right behind it.

It came to a confused stop before spinning around and charging at her again when it realized where she had gone. This time Trixie fired a beam of magic directly at its face but just like with Goliath it had no noticeable effect. The stone monster raised a powerful hand and swung it down at Trixie, who acted fast and created a barrier between herself and it. The fist impacted the purple magic and bounced off, but it taxed Trixie far greater than she would’ve expected. Whatever was making the thing immune to magic also gave it offensive power against Trixie’s raw spells.

Trixie grit her teeth, she could feel the sweat gathering at her horn as the thing raised another mallet-like fist and slammed it into her barrier. Changing tactics she dropped the barrier and teleported away again, this time across the tables and to a darker corner of the lab, hoping to avoid its sight for a second to catch her breath.

I don’t know if that thing attacked Coil too or what but I need to stop it… or run away and get help from someone else. Decisions, decisions. Trixie mulled things over before frowning and sighing internally. Ugh, it would be bad if it followed me into East Glade. Why did I have to become so considerate?

She didn’t have anymore time to think though as the thing caught sight of her again. Maybe the darkness wasn’t a problem for it at all or it sensed her some other way? She had no idea and didn’t care to find out.

The rock and dirt thing jumped over the tables in her direction, looking to smush her when it landed. But Trixie wasn’t going to let that happen. She teleported out of its way and the moment the thing landed before it could reorient itself she teleported again onto its shoulders and tried to physically yank the red jewel embedded in its right shoulder out.

It was a good strategy considering it worked for Goliath. But unfortunately for Trixie this jewel didn’t budge.

“What?! Come on!” Trixie yelled as she hung onto the monster and kept trying to rip out the jewel.

Naturally the monster wasn’t going to take this standing still. It leaned over and went down to all fours and violently shook itself like a wet dog trying to get dry. Trixie was growling in annoyance and holding on as best she could but eventually she was bucked off and went sailing into one of the tables. She roughly bounced off it and tumbled onto her stomach, several beakers falling down next to her and shattering. Whatever chemicals were in them reacted poorly to that and an unnatural blue flame burst from the spot they contacted each other.

Trixie quickly scrambled to her hooves to avoid the fire, looking up as quickly as she could to catch sight of her adversary she saw it lumbering towards her.

Now what? The magician gulped as she backed away from the slowly growing fire and the monster. Wait, fire? Trixie looked at the shattered beakers and then to the tables still covered with so many other vials and jars full of chemicals. Flammable and volatile...

The stone monster raised its arms and prepared to charge at Trixie, but she went on the offensive first. Trixie grasped every single test-tube, beaker, etc. on the tables with her magic and threw them at the monster all at once. The results were rather explosive.

A blue fireball erupted on the stone monster and the heat and pressure wave knocked Trixie onto her back like a grenade going off, she shook her head to get the butterflies out and looked to see if that had done it.

To her relief the thing was nothing more than a pile of burning rubble now, the red jewels looked like they had been melted or blown to pieces first and the dirt and rocks that made it up had all broken apart. Nothing going on anymore but a big blue bonfire in the middle of Coil’s lab. She had a spell to take care of this, right? Maybe. Trixie got herself to her hooves again and surveyed the destruction, happy at least that she had stopped this thing here.

She wiped the sweat from her brow and whistled. “Whew, just what the hay was that thing?”

“It was something I made.”

“Gah!” Trixie shrieked in surprise at the voice coming from right behind her and jumped away. Turning around with her back now facing the blue fire she watched as Coil stepped forward, seemingly phasing into existence from the shadows on the wall. She was confused and didn’t understand just what was happening, her eyes searching back and forth for an answer with a befuddled expression on her face. “C-Coil? What are you talking about?”

He calmly looked at her from behind his spectacles. The usual cheerful smile on his face replaced by an utterly blank visage.

“That thing you just destroyed,” He said. “Was something of my creation called a golem. The second of two prototypes in fact. With the first being the reanimated Goliath that you dealt with the other day.”

“I-I don’t-” Trixie shook her head.

“You don’t understand?” Coil now smirked. “I suppose I should’ve figured as much considering how oblivious you are. Even with everything staring you right in the face.” His horn lit up and before Trixie could react he fired a beam of magic at her.

“Hagh!” Trixie yelped as it impacted her and her body went limp, she fell to the ground, groaning in discomfort and darkness invading her eyes.

She could hear his hooves steadily approach her and then felt his magical aura around her as he levitated her off the ground.

“No need to worry, just a simple paralysis spell that will wear off in a second,” He said.

Trixie heard some sort of sprinkling and hissing noise while he carried her and the heat in the building suddenly went down, he must have extinguished the fire somehow. Trixie was still struggling to see when she heard a key turn in a lock and the familiar squeak of a metal gate swing open, she was then unceremoniously deposited onto something cold and metal and the gate was promptly closed with a clang. Rapidly blinking her eyes and feebly lifting her head to try and see again, Trixie was just able to catch Coil put a heavy padlock onto the metal door of her new cage while the rest of the world came into focus.

“Why?...” Trixie weakly asked Coil from inside the cage that had also been hidden in the shadows along the wall. Just barely big enough to hold her and not even tall enough for her to stand up all the way in if she tried to. Further she noticed a number of Suggestion Crystals stuck to the bars for some purpose, glowing faintly.

Coil raised an amused eyebrow at her. “Why this specifically or why everything?”

Trixie glared at him as hard as she could with her body still feeling weak.

“Heh,” He chuckled. “Obviously not in a very playful mood right now. I was right to think you had no idea about anything though. You were just too stupid, weren’t you?”

“What are you talking about?” She spat out at him.

The scientist couldn’t stop himself from laughing harder. “Hahahaha, please… you really had no clue that those red crystals on my two golems were Suggestion Crystals? All I did was change the color with an embedded spell and you didn’t catch it at all? Hilarious.”

Trixie’s eyes widened and her jaw opened up in shock. That’s what it was. That’s what that stupid, nagging feeling in the back of her head was...

“But just… why?” Trixie finally asked.

“Hmm. Where to begin?” Coil’s smile disappeared and a more thoughtful look appeared on his face. “Well first let me show you the fruits of my labor. I said this golem and Goliath were prototypes right? Oh and by the way thank you for cluing me in to some design flaws when it came to how easily removed the crystals were, as you could see from the golem you just destroyed I fixed that. But anyways, both of those little things were just prototypes. Here’s the finished product.” Coil grinned and turned to the large sliding door that separated this part of the lab from the other.

With his magic he simultaneously turned on the lights to brighten up the room and grasped the handles to pull the huge door open.

Trixie gasped at what she saw.

It was the same kind of thing, a “golem”, that she had just fought. But it was lying down and much, much bigger. If it stood up it would plow through the roof like nothing, it must have been fifty feet tall and had a massive bulk to accompany it. And to her horror dozens of Suggestion Crystals of all sizes were embedded in it. In its body, arms, shoulders, head, everywhere.

“I really have to thank you so much for all of this. Not only did you help me get the crystals in the first place that I can use to animate my creations but your timely arrival here to begin with that killed the Nuckelavee allowed me to harvest its body and use it as a base for my golems. Now not only will this already be as tough as a mountain but it will be supremely resistant to magic as well, as I’m sure you noticed about the other two. Only a small essence of the Nuckelavee was needed for them, but for this golem it forms the entire skeleton.” Coil proudly explained as he beamed at the slumbering golem with a happy smile on his face.

“In fact-” Coil turned back to look at her. “This golem will not just be resistant to magic, but it will actually be able to absorb raw and ambient magic around it and become stronger. That’s part of how I got it to be so big. I’ve been feeding it with my magic for days.”

Trixie bit her lip up glowered at Coil. “Why are you even making these things in the first place? And why did you make Goliath attack East Glade? Don’t you even care that you could’ve hurt people!”

“Hah!” He laughed again. “It’s funny hearing you so concerned about the villagers, Miss Fake and Selfish Trixie. Everything you’ve done here has been for your own ego. I know you well after that little reveal.”

“I may be selfish but I’ve never wanted to hurt anyone on purpose… er, mostly,” Trixie blushed slightly in embarrassment.

Coil rolled his eyes. “Right. Well regardless I needed to test things, that’s what a scientist does, and East Glade is the only place for that. As for the point of the golems in the first place...” He trailed off for a second, his eyes wandering as he gathered his thoughts. “You know about how I left Canterlot? That wasn’t by choice. That was a lie too. The truth is I was ran out by my fellow professors for performing some, oh, fairly unsavory experiments. You see I’m actually wanted by the law in Equestria, sorry for not mentioning that.” He chuckled again.

“But-” Trixie tried to start again but was silence by a sharply raised hoof by Coil.

“Petty revenge and curiosity. That’s the answer to your question,” Coil shrugged.

Petty revenge?” Trixie repeated.

“Yes. You see I plan to take my golem back to Canterlot and destroy everything my former fellows hold dear. Simple, right? Oh and the curiosity part is because I am still a scientist and making stuff like this and running experiments is just fun to me.”

Coil turned his head to look back at his golem. “I was really at a loss as to what to do for so long until that pony pointed me in the direction of East Glade and the Suggestion Crystals. And then even when I got here I was further delayed and delayed thanks to Goliath and everything else,” He glanced out of the corners of his eyes at Trixie. “And then you came. Thank you.”

“There’s no way you’re going to get what you want,” Trixie said. It might have been a cliché but the venom she said it with was real.

“Oh I quite disagree,” Coil smiled. “You see once I use East Glade to test my golem’s capabilities I’ll be heading right to Canterlot and it’ll be absorbing magic and getting stronger every step of the way. Even the princesses won’t be able to stop it by then.”

Trixie was about to lash out at him again when something he said finally registered in her head. “Wait. What do you mean “Use East Glade”?”

“Like I said. Everything needs a test and East Glade is the only place to test things,” He responded simply.

“But that thing will destroy the whole town!” She shouted at him, grabbing onto the metal bars and pressing herself against them.

“Exactly. That’s the point.”

Trixie deflated like a balloon, slumping down to the floor of her cage. “How can you just… we fought together and you were always so helpful… you just never cared at all this whole time?”

He shrugged. “I guess I’m just an even more selfish version of you. I’ll be straight, I’ve never once cared about anyone or anything other than myself and my work. And now I’m putting East Glade to some good use.”

Tears welled up in Trixie’s eyes. “You, you...”

“You shouldn’t cry, you should actually be quite happy. You see I’m doing you a favor,” He adjusted his glasses.

“How is this-” She yelled.

“Ah, ah, ah,” He reached forward and put a hoof to her lips, silencing her. “Let’s not be rude. You being in this cage is a favor because it means you’ll be safe from my golem. I’m sparing you as a thank you. In fact once my golem is done with East Glade I’ll even come back here and set you free and you can be on your merry way. I simply owe you too much, I may not care about anyone else but that doesn’t mean I can’t feel at least a little gratitude towards ponies who help me like you do.”

He stepped away from her cage and started walking towards the open doorway that led to his golem. Pausing, he glanced over his shoulder at her. “And don’t bother trying to escape from that cage. The Suggestion Crystals on it are being told to not let any magic out. You won’t be able to teleport or use your telekinesis to grab anything. Just be a good pony and sit there, I wouldn’t want you to exhaust yourself, my golem will enjoy eating your magic too when we’re done with the village.”

With a grin he walked through the door and up to the head of his massive golem. “Finally it’s time for my masterpiece.”

Trixie pressed her face as hard against the bars as she could to see what he was doing. He was far away and nearly out of her field of view thanks to the placement of the cage but she could see his horn light up as his magic spread to each and every one of the Suggestion Crystals embedded in the golem. At the same time his magical aura grasped a system of chains and pulleys set up in that back lab that when activated brought a series of grinding gears to life. The mechanics all worked together to pull the roof apart down the middle like a hatching egg, the entire back half of the laboratory opening up to the sky.

Coil sent out another powerful pulse of magic into his golem and the crystals lit up so brightly Trixie winced and had to look away for a second. But she heard a rumbling noise as the rock and dirt golem began to stir, its massive bulk rising up and getting ready to do whatever Coil commanded of it.

“Working perfectly so far,” Coil said as he watched it slowly brace its hands on the ground and push itself up to stand. He then peaked over at Trixie and mockingly grinned at her. “This is a far better use of the crystals than what you were going to use them for, wouldn’t you agree?”

Trixie watched in horror as the absolutely massive golem stood to its full height. Considering how big it was if anyone from East Glade looked in this direction they’d probably be able to see it already. With a single large step it cleared the wall and parted roof of Coil’s lab and began walking away in the direction of East Glade, the ground shaking like an earthquake with each movement.

“Well, ta-ta Miss Trixie. Great and Powerful doesn’t suit you I’m afraid. More like dumb and failure-ridden after this I’d say?” Coil insulted her. “I’m especially looking forward to seeing how easily my golem handles your poorly trained students.” He gave a single disdainful laugh. “Heh. Anyways, I’ll see you again soon so just sit tight.”

She couldn’t see it happen but he opened up a side door along the wall and stepped out of his lab, following his golem to the village.

The tears now started to freely flow down her cheeks, Coil’s betrayal, the danger to the village, her being helpless and stuck here. It was too much for the Great and Powerful Trixie. She slunk down to the floor of her cage, hooves limply falling away from the metal bars.

“What am I going to do?” She whimpered. Things just felt hopeless. Trixie was used to being overly, even foolishly, optimistic and self-assured. But now? There was a cold pit in her stomach just like when she had heard about Goliath kidnapping the mayor’s sons. It just felt… worse.

Trixie put some power into her horn to see if what Coil said about the crystals on the cage was true. She attempted to pry them loose but her magic faded the moment she tried to reach past the metal bars. No luck there. She could even see the key Coil had used to lock her in here with on the ground in front of her, tossed there carelessly by Coil, arrogantly assured that she couldn’t do anything about it. And he was right. That key might as well have been miles away from her without the ability to grab it with her magic.

“This is the worst,” She sighed and closed her eyes.

“Hello, Trixie!”

The sudden loud greeting caused her to jump up in surprise and smack her head into the top of the cage.

“Ow!” She yelped and fell back to the ground, grasping her head in agony and peeking out of one barely open to see who the hay was there.

Harlequin Black stood in front of the cage, smiling at her.

“Sorry for scaring you,” He sincerely apologized.

“What… but, huh?” Trixie was a bit confused.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m here to rescue you. Coil’s golem will be attacking East Glade shortly and they’re going to need your help to stop it,” He told her, smiling the whole time like this was nothing out of the ordinary.

Trixie’s brain felt like it might overheat. But instead she just got angry.

“Help? Help?! How am I supposed to help or do anything to that thing!” Her feelings were now completely boiling over. “I am so sick of this place! I didn’t want to be a hero, it was fun for a little bit but after almost dying more than once to protect this little village in the middle of absolutely nowhere, The Great and Powerful Trixie is officially at her limit! I don’t want anything bad to happen to East Glade but there’s nothing I can do. Nothing, nothing, nothing! I’m. Not. A. Hero!” She glared at him. “Coil was right, I’m a failure and a fake, that’s it! I don’t care that you somehow magically knew to come here and help me, I’m done. Magic is the one, the one, thing I’m good at and it’s useless against that golem. East Glade is just going to have to rely on someone else to save them this time. They should’ve done that a long time ago honestly since every single time I helped them was the result of dumb luck or me looking out for myself!” She finally stopped, taking in deep and heavy breaths after her ranting was done.

Harlequin Black was quite patient with her though and took all her complaining in stride.

“Come now, you liked being a hero,” The big pony pleasantly said.

“No,” Trixie corrected. “I liked the idea of being a hero. I liked acting like a hero. I didn’t like almost being eaten by Goliath and now getting stuck in this situation. I came to this dumb place trying to learn or find new magic and what happened? EVERYTHING ELSE!”

He chuckled a bit at her anger. “You’re just a little upset due to the current circumstances. I know you care about this place and the people here more than you’d admit, to be frank you simply aren’t that selfish of a pony. You would never just abandon them or give up again.”

Trixie pouted, not enjoying being reminded of when she attempted to ditch out on the village. “It doesn’t matter,” She at last ground out. “I’m still not a hero and there’s nothing I can do.”

“Then become a hero,” Was Harlequin Black’s simple response as he raised an eyebrow at her. “You’ve been acting like a hero for so long here, why not become one for real? Whether your intentions were noble or not doesn’t matter to those people out there. It’s your actions that have always been important.”

“I… I still can’t...” Trixie frowned, eyes looking at the ground as she was wracked with self-doubt. “I’ve always been a fraud ever since that day Twilight showed me up...”

“But you helped save her from the changelings didn’t you?”

“Yeah, “helped”. I hardly did anything,” Trixie thought back on how smug she felt getting the medal after all of that. “You can say that East Glade needs me but I’ve never been the one to rely on when things are really important. I’m just a stage performer.”

“Just a stage performer? You don’t seem to take much pride in that.”

“Of course I do!” Trixie shouted, rising back up to glare at him. “But it’s not… I’m not Twilight or Starlight.”

“No, you’re not,” Harlequin Black agreed. “But so what? Does that mean you aren’t amazing? Does that mean you’re saying that Twilight Sparkle is better than you?

“Absolutely not! I came out here to prove that I can do things and learn magic that she can’t and I-” Trixie stopped. Maybe hearing that was all the shock she needed, since no way would she ever admit to that. It was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She composed herself and took a deep breath before a grin broke out on her face. “And I am not giving up on that and absolutely nothing is going to stop me.”

Harlequin Black’s smile grew wider. “Because why?”

Trixie tilted her cap back and flourished her robe (as best she could in the small cage). “Because I am The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie!” She raised her hooves against the top of the cage, making an unfortunate attempt at rearing up on her hind-legs. “I am the greatest of traveling magicians, heroes, and monster slayers! And that is no boast, that is fact and I shall prove it by defeating the evil Coil and his golem! Hah!”

She calmed down and flicked her bangs. “Hmph. I can’t believe I was stuck in pity mode for so long. Doubting myself? Absurd! Doubting and worrying and hyper-ventilating about every little thing is for Twilight or my bestie Starlight. And you’re right. I’m not them. I am the greatest unicorn Equestria has ever seen!” Trixie smiled at Harlequin Black. “Thanks for snapping me out of that embarrassing tizzy.”

“Oh it’s absolutely no problem,” Harlequin Black responded and used his magic to levitate the key to the cage over. Taking it in his hoof he unlocked the lock and pulled the swinging door open, letting Trixie walk free.

“Ahh~. That feels good,” She said as she stretched. And then the blue unicorn paused, looking up at the horn on Harlequin Black’s head. “Hey wait, weren’t you an earth pony?”

He grinned. “Are you certain? If not then maybe I’m a pegasus. Or an Alicorn.”

The flummoxed Trixie just stared at him for a second, the strangeness of the situation now fully getting to her. “Okay, just what is your deal? What even are you anyways? Just another weird East Glade thing?”

“Oh, no, no,” He shook his head. “I’m not a native around here.” He stopped for a moment while his smile disappeared and a more thoughtful look passed over his face than Trixie had seen from him before. He seemed to be considering whether to answer her question or not before his smirk returned. “I’m… not exactly a normal pony. Your friend Discord? I’m an existence closer to him but to a much lesser degree. I have no real powers of my own, I rely almost entirely on the thoughts of others. That’s why due to your lacking certainty I could be a pegasus right now too the moment you blink.”

“Okay, that’s weird,” Trixie tilted her head, then shook it. “Well, whatever, forget about all that. We need to go help East Glade. I already took too much time doubting myself worse than Starlight does.” She turned to head out the front door of Coil’s lab.

“I won’t be going with you.”

Trixie instantly wheeled back at him, a shocked and confused expression on her face. “Huh? What are you talking about?! Why aren’t you coming to help too?”

“I’m not needed. You’ll be fine on your own,” He shrugged.

Not needed?! But I can’t-”

“You have everything you need for victory. That’s why I’m leaving now.”

Trixie walked right up to him to yell in his face. “You give me this big talk about helping everyone and now you’re the one who’s going to abandon East Glade?!”

Harlequin Black to his credit didn’t get angry or short with Trixie. He calmly looked into her eyes and gently pushed her back to give himself some space before responding.

“What’s happening out here… really isn’t that important.” He told her.

“Huh?” Trixie furrowed her brow at him.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it isn’t important at all and of course the life of every villager is precious, but… Coil? Goliath? The Nuckelavee? They aren’t world-ending threats or terrors the likes of Tirek, or your own best friend when she’s in a particularly foul mood, they’re just problems. Problems that Princess Twilight and her friends would still immediately come to resolve while they should be dealing with bigger issues. So that’s why I’m here. I deal with these smaller issues so that more important ponies don’t have to. And then when a real hero like you arrives I still help a bit but steadily get ready to leave and go somewhere else that needs me more. For instance, when you were fighting the changelings I was helping to evacuate a small town from a flood. That’s just what I do,” Harlequin Black shrugged. “With you here and ready to fight Coil I can go somewhere else that needs me more.”


He lifted a hoof to her lips to silence her. “You’ll be fine. Besides, Coil is too certain of his victory and power. Maybe if there was a little doubt in his mind I could do something but as it is I’d be useless in a fight anyways.” He walked around her and headed to the door, opening it up but halting in the doorway and looking over his shoulder at her with a smile. “I’ll be leaving right now.”

Trixie had a feeling that the moment he stepped out of that door and closed it he’d be gone.

Harlequin Black turned to head out but paused again, this time looking back at Trixie with a more serious expression on his face. “Oh right. I almost forgot, but if you see Rainbow Dash anytime soon can you tell her to please not fly north? There’s something very dangerous up there past the mountains and it would be bad if she caught its attention. Thank you.” His smile returned. “And bye bye, good luck out there.”

With a single step he was out the door and it swung back shut. That noise snapped Trixie out of the trance-like state she had been in and she ran to open it up and look outside.

Nothing. Just as she figured.

Except in the distance she could see Coil’s golem had already reached East Glade…

“Great. Now what?” Trixie said to herself. She watched hesitantly as the massive monster and Coil began their attack, knowing she had to get over there and stop it but unsure as to what she could even contribute. “I should never have helped him with those dumb crystals...”

Trixie’s eyes widened and her ears perked up. “Wait. Crystals?”

She turned around to look at the cage she had just been imprisoned in, the Suggestion Crystals on it still glowing with power. With an expression of steely resolve on her face, Trixie ran back to the cage and quickly pulled off every crystal, now that she was outside the cage her magic worked fine on them and she could use the Suggestion Crystals however she wanted to. Floating them over her head with her magic, Trixie nodded.

“Okay Coil, I’ll show you what The Great and Powerful Trixie can do with these.”

Author's Note:

Two chapters remaining.