• Published 1st Jun 2019
  • 2,359 Views, 283 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Makes Many Mistakes - MagicS

Starlight knows she's not supposed to travel back in time. But when Starlight's been drinking she tends to forget things.

  • ...

Starlight's World II

If you just looked out right ahead of yourself everything in Equestria would seem perfectly fine. But the lights from the Crystal Empire hung overhead in the sky like a reminder of how wrong things really were in this world right now. The grass below was healthy and waved gently in the breeze like it would on any other day. The lights in the sky above gave off an unnatural feeling of uneasiness that brought forth enough nausea and discomfort that you couldn’t tear your eyes away fast enough. This strange duality plagued Equestria.

That’s what Starlight thought as she headed to Canterlot for the second time in recent memory.

Instead of using the train the three of them were flying towards their destination, the city of Canterlot and the large landmark castle dead ahead. For more than once in her life Starlight was grateful that she had learned such a powerful spell.

It really was such a nice day out, it looked just like things had when she and Spike went to Canterlot earlier in this fiasco. You just wouldn’t expect anything to be wrong.

“So what are the chances that “Empress Starlight” lives at Canterlot castle?” Spike asked as they flew along.

“It’s definitely a high possibility.” Twilight said. “We should be careful.”

“You know normally I would’ve said that evil me wouldn’t want to live inside such an opulent castle and would prefer to live somewhere that’s just like the home of everypony else. But if the me from here is calling herself “Empress” I assume something’s at least a little bit different with her.” Starlight chimed in.

“That’s a good point. We shouldn’t assume we know everything about her or this world.” Twilight said. “There are clearly going to be differences.”

“I’m just thinking about why if I’m still evil here then how come everypony still has their Cutie Marks? And really how could I become so egotistical that I would take such a crazy title? I tried to be humble and act like I wasn’t better than anypony else, that was a huge part of my philosophy!” Starlight angrily wondered.

“Well you were kind of always a little hypocritical about that.” Twilight said.

Starlight frowned and glared at her. She really didn’t need to be reminded of her flaws back before her reformation.

“Eheh, just saying.” Twilight awkwardly smiled back at her student.

“Thanks.” Starlight sarcastically rolled her eyes.

“Uh, maybe we should focus a bit more? We’re getting closer to Canterlot.” Spike told the two.

“Sorry, sorry!” Twilight apologetically smiled at Spike. “You’re right, we should be on the lookout for any guards that might be watching over the castle. There are a lot of pegasus guards that could be flying around it depending on how much Starlight thinks she needs it.”

“Just a query but can we refer to her as Empress or Evil Starlight? Cause if you just say my name every time it’s gonna make me confused. And annoyed.” Starlight suggested.

The previous night Starlight had so much to think about that it was almost impossible for her to sleep. Being in this world was like a reminder of how she was and what the horrible possibilities were if she actually succeeded in her goals and never renounced her beliefs and became friends with Twilight. Although things were clearly a little different than how she envisioned things. What had happened here?

Twilight and Spike had similar nights, kept up wondering about what was going on. Twilight’s mind in particular was going a million miles a minute as she went over every possible way they could’ve ended up here and what all the differences meant. Her studious and curious mind was almost a bane to her at this point as it just wouldn’t let her calm down. There were so many pieces of this new puzzle to examine it was almost enough to drive her crazy.

In the morning at the first sign of light they had left the castle and began their flight to Canterlot.

Now the large castle on the mountainside nearly dominated their entire view.

Twilight held up a hoof to signal for Starlight and Spike to stop, the three pausing in midair as they looked down at the big castle. Twilight scanned over it to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary before turning her attention to her two friends.

“Okay, so the plan is we’ll sneak in through the courtyard and make our way to the throne room. If ponies all have their own fixed schedule I think it’s a surefire bet that Princess Celestia will still be there. The only problem is that Empress Starlight might be there too.”

“Any guards in the castle are definitely going to know we shouldn’t be in there either.” Spike said.

Twilight nodded. “We’ll have to be extra careful. We’re going to have to scout out the rooms and parts of the castle instead of just teleporting in without any heads up. And even when we get to the Princess she may… not react well. But if she’s alone I may try and undo this brainwashing on her.”

“Good idea, if there was any one pony to get to help us it would be her.” Spike smiled at Twilight.

“We’re getting ahead of ourselves though, first we need to get inside.” Twilight said as she returned her focus to the castle.

“Er, got a suggestion on that.” Starlight raised her hoof like a student in class. “Since I’m—the other me—is the Empress, can’t we just walk in through the front door? I can say you’re my guests. That will probably work for the guards too won’t it?”

Twilight and Spike looked at her.

“Huh.” Twilight said. “You know that’s actually probably the best idea.”

“So long as the real Empress Starlight isn’t there.” Spike countered.

“No, actually that might be good for us if she was.” Twilight argued. “Starlight and I could most certainly deal with her on her own, it might be for the best if she was down in that castle as long as she doesn’t have many guards or other ponies with her.”

“Alright.” Spike shrugged. “I guess you two would know best.”

Twilight affectionately rubbed his head. “I know you’re just looking out for us.”

“Should we head down?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah.” Twilight nodded. “Let’s go.”

For a while it had been home but now the castle was nothing more than uninviting to the three of them. Like Ponyville and everything else it was strange how normal it looked at a glance. Pretty as ever, guards posted outside the doors, the Princesses likely inside. But the simple fact that there were no ponies going in and out of the castle like normal was the only sign the three friends needed to know how off things were. Things were quiet at Canterlot castle and decidedly not busy.

“So you think we should just walk in?” Twilight said as the three stood in the middle of the walkway leading to the castle’s front doors.

“I think so. Doesn’t look like the guards are even paying attention to us.” Starlight said, squinting her eyes at the guards flanking the doors.

“They look like they’re staring off into space, they’ve got the same vacant expression as Mr. Cake and Apple Bloom.” Spike distressingly noted.

“Well that might be good for us, they probably wouldn’t do anything unless we try going inside and Starlight here can help us with that.” Twilight said.

“Then it’s time to see how useful being Empress is.” Starlight grinned at Twilight and Spike and started walking towards the doors, the two of them following right on her heels.

As they walked up the steps to the door the eyes of the two guards actually started to follow the three of them but the guards still made no indication that they would actually move from their spots.

“Hello there!” Starlight called out to the two guards with a big smile on her face. “Just your Empress here with two of her friends, we’re going inside the castle together so there’s nothing to worry about!”

She knew without turning around that Twilight and Spike were shaking their heads at her.

But Starlight’s actions weren’t for nothing. Without a change in expression the guards both monotonously responded to her. “Yes, Empress Starlight.” And went back to looking straight down the walkway as if the three infiltrators didn’t even exist anymore.

“Hah, knew it!” She smugly looked over her shoulder at Twilight and Spike.

“Could you possibly take this a little more seriously?” Twilight said to her.

“Barking up the wrong tree there, Twilight.” Spike sighed.

“Yeah, yeah.” Starlight grumbled as she pulled open the doors to the castle.

Similar to how quiet and unbusy the outside of the castle was the inside was bare of almost anypony besides the guards themselves. The usual hustle and bustle of ponies wanting to meet and petition Celestia for something was gone and in its place were only guards and servants. Starlight couldn’t imagine they had much to clean anymore though. Twilight and Spike were immediately put off by the sheer difference between this and how Canterlot castle normally was. Probably because they had so much more experience with the castle than Starlight did, and it was their actual home at one point, unlike Starlight who had just ended up here temporarily a time or two before this time-traveling.

The guards acted like wind-up dolls walking down set paths, if they weren’t right next to the three intruders they wouldn’t say anything or react at all. And even the ones that the three did get close enough to left them alone after a quick word from Starlight.

“Being friends with me really has its perks, huh?” Starlight joked to Twilight and Spike.

They were not particularly amused.

“Oh come on you two, lighten up a bit! Things are gonna be okay.” Starlight rolled her eyes at her friends.

“I’ll lighten up when the situation calls for it.” Twilight said.

Any small talk evaporated between them after that and the three quietly made their way to Celestia’s throne room. Strangely this part of the castle was even more barren than the rest and there weren’t even any guards in front of the colossal doors. The party of three silently stood outside of it for a bit, debating on whether to just head inside or if they should try to maybe spy from the outside to see who was actually inside. It was possible that Empress Starlight was inside this room right now.

“You know if there aren’t guards out here there probably aren’t any inside either.” Starlight said. “I think we’re either looking at just Princess Celestia or evil me in there.”

“Probably...” Twilight swallowed. “I guess there’s no sense in worrying about it.”

Twilight’s horn lit up and she pulled open the doors with her magic.

The carpet was the same. The stained glass windows were the same. The thrones was the same. The light from outside brightly lit up the whole chamber, allowing the three to easily see everything inside. No guards and no noise, the only sign of movement was the fluttering of a multi-colored mane at the back end of the room. Because Princess Celestia was also the same.

She didn’t move from her throne or seemingly take notice of the three at all and Twilight had to restrain herself from flying forward and tackling her in a big hug.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight said, still galloping right towards her as Starlight and Spike tried to keep up.

Twilight skidded to a halt before the throne, looking up with big hopeful eyes at her beloved teacher.

Glassy, doll-like eyes shifted down to meet hers. A small smile was frozen on Princess Celestia’s face but it offered none of the warmth that it usually did. And this close up Twilight and the others noted that there was actually another difference with her, she wore no crown or her other ornaments. “Were you speaking to me?”

“Princess Celestia...” Twilight’s eyes nearly watered seeing her mentor in this state. The fact that she didn’t even recognize her was almost too much.

“Princess?” Celestia’s head tilted in confusion. “Celestia is my name but I’m no princess. That wouldn’t be fair to every other pony now would it? All I do is raise the sun, that doesn’t make me better than anypony else.” She recited as if from a script.

Starlight and Spike both cringed while Twilight listened in shock.

The eyes of “Princess” Celestia finally seemed to recognize Starlight. “Oh, hello Empress. I was unaware you would be coming to visit today.” Celestia’s contradictory use of “Empress” seeming to fly over her head.

“Uh, yeah. Hi.” Starlight awkwardly waved a hoof at her.

“Well I guess that at least solves the question of if Evil Starlight is here or not.” Spike cynically noted as he frowned up at Celestia.

“I can’t believe that even the Princess is like this. Is Luna the same?” Twilight said.

“My dear sister Luna is sleeping right now. If you would like to speak with her you’d have to come back at night.” Celestia answered.

“She’s just like Mr. Cake and Apple Bloom.” Spike said in dismay.

Twilight sat back on her haunches, studying the near emotionless automaton that was Princess Celestia. “I still want to try helping her. It would be good if we could break this brainwashing and return her memories to normal but I’m still not sure just what kind of spell I need to break.”

“I might have an idea on that.” Starlight said, getting Twilight and Spike’s attention. “I was pretty sure after seeing the others but now with Celestia I’m certain. You remember when I kind of sort of brainwashed all of our friends?”

Twilight glared at her. “Yes. And how my castle got flooded.”

“Better than being burnt down...” Spike mumbled.

“What was that?” Twilight raised an eyebrow at him.

“Nothing, nothing!” Starlight stepped on his toes, earning herself a mean look. “Anyways the point is if it’s me then why wouldn’t I use the exact same spells that I did for that?”

A light-bulb must have gone off above Twilight’s head because she quickly stood back up. “Of course! Great thinking, Starlight!” She giddily turned back to the Princess (who was still obliviously staring away into nothing) and fired up her horn. “Okay, Princess Celestia! I really hope this works.”

“Why do you keep calling me-”

The Princess couldn’t finish as a concentrated beam of magic hit her in the head right at the base of her very long horn. She wobbled on her throne and her eyes went all googly-woogly, Twilight concentrated hard on not just shattering the mind-control but also trying to reclaim Celestia’s lost memories and ram them back into her head. Sweat dripped from Twilight’s brow as the beam of magic did its work, the job was complicated but she could feel foreign magic being peeled away from Celestia’s mind.

“I think I’ve got it...” Twilight grunted out.

And with a final tug Twilight’s beam of magic broke off, the young Alicorn falling backwards while Celestia collapsed in her throne.

“Twilight!” Spike and Starlight both yelled, grabbing her before her head could hit the floor.

“Ohhh, thanks… what about the Princess?” Twilight asked while she rubbed her head.

The three of them looked at Celestia to see her crumpled over her throne and rubbing her head. Her eyes were halfway open and unfocused but they had more of a light to them than previously.

Immediately Twilight leapt back into action. “Princess Celestia! Are you alright?!”

“Who… what?” The Princess weakly responded. Her eyes shifted to Twilight and for a moment, just the smallest of moments, it looked like recognition dawned on her face.

But then it disappeared, her eyes returned to that dull blank state and she obliviously stared ahead at the three in her throne room once again.

“I’m sorry, but who might you be? I wasn’t told to expect any visitors.” She sat upright in her chair and her emotionless eyes found Starlight once again. “Ah, Empress Starlight, a pleasure for you to drop by.”

“No...” Twilight weakly let out, collapsing to her knees and holding her head in her hooves. “How can this be?!”

Starlight was also quite surprised and confused. “I can’t believe that whatever spell Evil Me is using can resist you, Twilight. You’re an Alicorn! How am I doing this?” Starlight frowned in thought as she looked between the depressed Twilight and the unaware Princess.

Twilight’s head snapped up, her pupils contracting down to pinpricks as another realization hit her. “You’re right.”

Starlight and Spike both raised an eyebrow at her. “Something wrong, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“No! The opposite of wrong! I get it now!” She jumped up again and ran towards one of the windows of the throne room. “It’s something I should’ve realized a long time ago.” She stared out at the lights in the sky. “You’re right Starlight, there’s no way that any simple spell you, evil you or otherwise, could cast should be able to overcome my attempts to remove it. Which means that that spell isn’t only powered by you.”

Realization dawned on Starlight and Spike and they ran to join Twilight at the window, looking at the strange lights generated from the Crystal Empire.

“That strange feeling we get looking at these lights is the ambient magic of the spell that’s brainwashing all of Equestria. Empress Starlight used the Crystal Heart and the power of the crystal ponies to cast her magic over everypony at once. I don’t know how she managed to do that in the first place but it’s the only thing I can think of. And now those lights stay in the sky to constantly reinforce the spell.”

Spike gulped. “And that means another thing, doesn’t it?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, something else we should’ve realized earlier. Empress Starlight is in the Crystal Empire.”

“But why doesn’t the brainwashing affect us?” Starlight asked.

“I can’t say for certain.” Twilight shook her head. “Perhaps it has to do with us not being around for the actual activation of the spell and that’s why it only makes us uncomfortable to look at the lights? It might even have to do with us not being from this world, or the Cutie Map protecting us somehow. I wouldn’t be able to know without more tests.”

“Well I’m sorry to say but you’re gonna have to hold off on sating your curiosity.” Starlight bit her lip. “We better head to the Crystal Empire right away.”