• Published 26th May 2019
  • 2,972 Views, 40 Comments

Lucifer - Ghost Warrior

  • ...

The new Lux.

On the side of a large mountain lay the city of Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. The sun was just beginning to set over the city and usually, that would mean the local populace would head for their homes. At least they would have had it not been for the new club that opened a few months ago. It was unlike any of the other buildings in Canterlot, for one thing, it was long and tall and had music blaring inside. The club was dubbed 'Lux' a play on word to luxury. Outside of Lux, a line stretched on for what seemed like miles. At the front entrance, a white pegasus with large biceps played bouncer to the front door.

Inside of Lux, a multitude of creatures could be seen dancing to the music of Dj Pon3, the local ponyville Dj turned club Dj thanks to the owner. Speaking of, the owner of the club could be seen partying amongst the crowd. The club owner was one of a kind in this world. He was a tall, dark-haired, light-skinned individual that loved to live in the moment. His name, is Lucifer Morningstar, the Devil. He was currently doing body shots on a griffon model when Someone familiar got his attention. " Ah, detective how nice to see you."

The person he was addressing was his partner, Detective Chloe Decker. A few years back while on earth, she did an investigation on a homicide that Lucifer was a key witness to. When the investigation was over, Lucifer continued to follow and help the detective in whatever way he could. Though most of the time he made the cases all about himself or whatever funk situation he was in.

Chloe was a young LAPD Detective who went into the force after her father was shot and killed in the line of duty. Before she was a detective, she was a young actress that stared in a movie 'Hot tub Highschool'. After a couple of years in the force, she meets her husband Daniel Espinoza, a fellow Detective in the LAPD. A few years later she divorced him and took care of their daughter Trixie. Now she just hangs around Lux with her new boyfriend, Lucifer. " It's good to see you too Lucifer. Did you hear about our new case?"

" Can't say that I have darling." On top of being the owner of the hottest night club in all Equestria, he took on the job of citizen liaison to the EPD with Decker as it brought a sense of normalcy to their lives. " Though knowing our new lieutenant, I can almost guarantee it will be boring. Honestly, I don't know why you joined this worlds police force when everything is already handled by the main six." It was a little known fact that Lucifer liked to watch the show this world is based on. He caught the craze when the detective's daughter forced him to watch an episode. Ever since then, he would watch it whenever he wasn't having someone warm his bed.

" I joined because it is something I'm good at, and it pays the bills." She removed a case file from her jacket and presented it to him. " Just take a look at the case file." She handed him a vanilla folder marked homicide.

Lucifer took the folder and skimmed inside. The folder contained a photo of one Beetle Juice. A newly reformed Changeling who worked in building relations with Equestria. He was found decapitated by a guards sword. The guard who owned the sword claimed he had it stolen from him by a pony in a black cloak. " Well, this changes things." He gave the detective the folder back while he got up and straightened his suit. " After you detective."

" Where are you two heading to?" The one to ask was the bartender/bounty hunter, Mazikeen Smith. At first glance, she looked like the other four people that arrived in Equestria. But just like Lucifer, she had an alternate identity, she was a demon, the number one torturer in Hell. And here, she was the smoking hot bartender that every creature wanted to bone. " You're not going to leave me here to just bartend are you?"

" Well, I'm afraid someone has to watch the bar while the dream team is on the case." Maze looked slightly pissed at that little jab. " Don't get your knickers in a twist Maze. You could go and tend to my friend over there and show her a good time in the penthouse. In fact, I heavily suggest you go and jump her bones while we're away, the poor dear looks like she needs a good shag," This immediately got Maze's mood up. She went over and lead the griffoness model to the elevator that led up to the penthouse.

" You know, I will never figure out how you got an exact replica of Lux to appear in Canterlot?" Poor Chloe, even after seeing Lucifer's Devil face and angelic wings, she still questions what's possible and what not.

" Well, when the god of chaos owes you a favor, damn near anything is possible."

" Okay, how did you manage to get Discord to owe you a favor?" Here comes the good part.

" I simply asked him what he desired most in this world and simply gave it to him."

" Really? What was it he wanted that he couldn't possibly get for himself?" This is going to be good for a laugh.

" Well it's not so much he couldn't get something, but more like he couldn't get a certain somepony to like him. Oh dear, there I go spouting those accursed words again."

" Who did he want?"

" Why Fluttershy of course. He was always shy around that mare and so I played advisor to the both of them. Needless to say, I went above and beyond my obligation. So not only did he make a replica of Lux, but he also gave me a blank check to gain the influence of all the nobles here. Bunch of bastards tried to lynch me, till I showed them my Devil face."

" Well that's nice and all but we really need to get this case underway,"

" Right after you detective." Lucifer held the door open for her as she passed him, though she did give him a peck on the cheek before leaving out the door. "Well, game on detective, game on."

Author's Note:

Okay, so this is my second story ever and hopefully, it will be a good one. And just so we're clear, no one knows that Lucifer is the devil and everyone knows about the show. Also, give me some sympathy as I'm more a tanker writer than detective writer if that makes any sense.