• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 1,178 Views, 22 Comments

Aria's Archives - Shorts - SamRose

A series of short stories based on the Tumblr Ask Blog Aria's Archives

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A Golden Problem

Author's Note:

<1008 AD>

Aria has her first kid

“Congratulations ma'am, its a healthy baby boy.”

The midwife wrapped up a small bundle of yellow and gold in a white blanket, having cleaned the young boy in warm water, before handing it over to the rather ragged Aria.

“A boy huh?” Aria mirthlessly mused as she took the baby in her arms. “Guess that's fine. They end up tougher in the end.”

Though her words had some jest to them, it was clear to everyone around that Aria was tired. Giving birth had taken the energy out of her, but the result was a happy little bundle of joy squirming in his mother's embrace.

“Thank you, that'll be all for now.” Adagio spoke with a smile from the other side of the bed. The midwife gave a small bow and a murmur of acknowledgment before taking the bucket and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

“Gotta say Dagi,” Aria grunted as she re-positioned herself on the bed, sitting up a bit more and leaning into the heavy amount of pillows behind her, “That was nowhere near as enjoyable as you made it out to be.”

“When did I say this part was going to be enjoyable?” Adagio's brow rose in confusion.

“Oh please, you haven't shut up about how much you've enjoyed being a mother since you had your first kid. Hell, your second one is coming along even now!” Aria nodded her head down at Adagio's pregnant belly.

“Aria, Aria,” Adagio shook her head with a tut, “I think you misunderstand. As pack leader, it’s my duty to ensure that our pack grows and proposers.” She smirked as a hand came up to her belly, lovingly stroking it. “And this is a far easier, and much more enjoyable process than the one back home. I love how humans conceive, I love how they carry their children inside of them, and I've absolutely adored raising one.” She lifted her and and then pointed at the bed. “The few hours of actually giving birth, however? Easily the worst part. It's not an enjoyable experience by any means.”

Aria just glared at Adagio in annoyance, to which the elder siren simply shrugged.

“But a few hours of pain is more than worth it for the children. I wouldn't give up my little Golden Dew for anything in the world.”

“You know what, if you're so fond of yours, I want one of my own.” Aria smugly replied, a glint in her eye and a smirk on her face. She glanced down at the little ball of gold in her arms, the small boy opening his eyes and looking up at his mother in return. “I'm going to name my kid Golden Dew too.”

“W-What!?” Adagio said taken aback. “You can't do that! Do you even understand how confusing that'll get around the house!?”

“What's the matter Dagi? You wanted me to understand how wonderful this whole experience is right?” Aria's smirk had grown into a full on shit-eating grin. “And wouldn't that include having a little Golden Dew of my own?” She lifted the baby up to her face and gently nuzzled her cheek against his, elicited a small happy giggle from the baby.

“Aria Blaze, I forbid you from naming your child Golden Dew.” Adagio growled through grit teeth, hatred flowing from her body at Aria's defiance.

“Or what Dagi?” Aria's obnoxious smugness irritating Adagio more. “If you hadn't noticed, we're not in Equestria anymore. Which means you don't actually have any authority over me. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.”

Adagio's hand moved in a blur, grabbing hold of the scruff of Aria's shirt, their faces coming dangerously close as Adagio asserted her dominance.

“Aria Blaze, you are walking an EXTREMELY thin line here. You name the baby something else right now or else you won't be a member of this pack for much longer.”

“Oh, yeah, like I believe that.” Aria laughed. “And you'd what, spend the rest of your days together with Sonata as the only other person in your life that knows Equestria even existed?”

As if on cue, a large clatter sounded from outside the room, the midwife screaming from what sounded like water splashing all over her.

“Oops, sorry!” Sonata's voice filtered through next, causing Adagio's eye to twitch as a snicker entered Aria's throat.

“Guh...” Adagio groaned, letting Aria go as a hand ran down her face. The worst part was knowing Aria was right, but she wasn't going to let this go lying down. “A compromise then.” Adagio said, folding her arms and cocking her hip.


“You can keep ONE of the names. Either Golden or Dew, not both. My Golden Dew is still learning to talk properly and recognizes her name, so I'm not going to let you confuse the girl with this nonsense. But if you're going to defy me, then at least meet me halfway.”

“Wow Dagi, didn't realize you were so easy to fold.” Aria couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

“Aria, I'm being serious.” Adagio warned. “You DON'T want me to make your life a living hell. I may not eject you from the pack, but I have ways of destroying you regardless.”

Aria rolled her eyes so hard she could've sworn they'd pop out of her head, but let a long reluctant 'fiiiiiiiiine' before turning to look down at her kid. The small boy smiled up at his mother, letting out some soft cooing as his little finger grabbed at the edge of the blanket that covered him.

“Something cool then. Like... Golden Knight.” Aria said with a smile, lifting her hand and gently holding her baby's hand. “A worthy future fighter of the Siren Pack.”

Adagio relented and let Aria have her way, ensuring the chaos in their house would be lessened, if even by a little bit.

“I think I broke the midwife.” Sonata said, poking her head into the delivery room.

Definitely only lessened by a little bit.