• Member Since 28th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen May 22nd


A writefag from 4chan.


A summons in the dead of night.
A lone passenger on a train to the edge of Equestria.
Nothing but the clothes on your back.
Nothing but the ring in your pocket.
On a small hill you approached Princess Celestia.
On that day your fate played out.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 65 )

Like to see a Sequel where the actions taken leads to the dark future, instead of stopping it they helped make it happen.
Twilight's broken heart leads to the end.

The feels... THE FEELS!!!

yeah, i have no idea who is talking but...MAN! the feels speak for themselves

It's only Celestia speaking to you.
Since "Anon" is a self-insert for the reader, the general idea was to let the reader fill in the blanks.
I toyed with the idea of letting people know in the story's description but decided against it.

Wait, are you one of the 'writefags' on /mlp/?

I suppose so.
My schedule doesn't let me write regularly, but I do write often enough.

me too, but with different obstacles on life

i very badly want a sequel to this

And then it turns out that the destruction she saw was because she sent Anon away

Anon tells Twilight about this; she refuses to believe Celestia; Twi and Anon run away together; Dark future... Celestia, you're an idiot.

Honestly if I knew how to animate, I would be very happy to make this into real life

I believe that the future became what it is because twilight gives up without him because of celestial she’s just domed her country and the world

Or you're in a Pogo Paradox by means of future sight and haven't realized it Celestia.
What if the broken Twilight heart this will cause, itself causes the calamity? Nice job breaking it, hero.

I picture Anon getting bestowed upon him some kind of power that warps his body and mind, making him very powerful, insane, hyper emotional and aggressive. Leading him to fight his way back to Equestria to regain everything he lost, destroy everything he hates, and creates the dead future Celestia feared so much. I would love to see how Twilight and corrupted Anon interact in that setup. His proposal would be interesting to say the least.

Nice story, curious as to what thread you posted the original in, keep it up, faggot.

I like the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy instead of the 'this is what happens without him'. Because the other factions see him as the threat, if he stays they'll declare war on Equestria to try and remove him, causing the devastation seen. It ends up becoming the twist of 'because they believe it so much, they'll cause the issue themselves'.

Comment posted by PacotheTac0 deleted Apr 27th, 2019

Thanks for the compliment.
Nightly Twilight Thread

Press D to do a sick dab on Celestia.
Congratulations, you played yourself.

I wasn't sure what I wanted when I felt very disgruntled by this story, now I do, Vengeance for Anon in a poetic manner. I get this feeling that the magic is going to make this very event happen and the prophecies are making them all banish him so he'll end up the next villain, I just hope it ends in a happy manner for both him and Twilight. It seems like the world needing balance for harmony or something type then he gets defeated by twilights love or something hopefully. At least that would be something I would want to see.

It's kinda messed up for me to say this, But I want it!

Well. It was an interesting way to tell a story, at least. And I like that you didn't even try to give anon a personality.

Unfortunately, this read more like listening to a phone call than a story. And not a particularly interesting one either.

I kinda want to see that too, to be honest. Sad and grim are great, but happy endings are my favorite.

Like some others have said; would love to see/read a sequel of this, potentially Celly seeing that the calamity was a caused by a case of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Good job and keep it up.:derpytongue2:

Pardon me, but i couldn't help but imagine this being sung as I imagined the proposal:

And so anon leaves forced out his home. Away from his love and friends. Hours in days, days into weeks, weeks in years, years into decades. All countries return to their normal state of affairs; anon forgotten. Twilight moved on, a space in her heart forever praying to Faust for anons return. Little did she know she was heard. One day letters are received, a council of world powers is called immediately. All receiving letters from an unknown sender. All written in a masters cursive in blood. "I'm coming for her. No one will stop me. This world will burn to ash."
Celestia pales, her letter violently igniting in a black flame. Scorching the tables surface. "You should have killed me. Ended the pain then and there. I'll be finishing what you started."

A figure sits at end of world where all ends and nothing begins. "Twilight, please forgive me...."

It would be nice to see a sequel to this so we know what happens. Does he end up killing everything? Does nothing happen? Does he die somehow?

He does. He's leaving the one he loves one way or another. And regardless of which way it is, a part of him will die there. On that hill. :raritydespair::pinkiesad2:

Self-fulfilling? How so?

Likely a pogo paradox or something along those lines.

My heart, I can't take it...
It's hurts. So much.

MFW - Anon being banished is what ends the world.

Perhaps they mean that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy because the action that causes all these terrible duties IS Celestia making Anon leave. One often meets their destiny on the roads they take to avoid it.

Really hoping for a sequel. :twilightsmile:

Congratulations hag, I hope you enjoy the destroyed world Twilight creates to get her love back. Not that you care about self-fulfilling prophecies or anything

Good Sucking Job, mate! You spotted it! Woot! Man, I got excited when I read that. Yes, Twilight will literally tear the world apart to find Anon. Only to probably find him dead somewhere. Jeez, nice catch.

9590819 LOL! What is a world to pissed off Twilight but a grapefruit to be ripped in half.

Then beaten to oblivion with a cast iron skillet.

And then ushered out the door with the help of a Tzar

well this is fascinating, twilight's reaction is what i want to know about. will the wasteland happen from her loosing hope in all things or because she learns what celestia did? i am curious

Or even worse: These are all futures that happen with Celestia and Luna choosing to pass down their roles, and none of this would happen if they actually looked into ALL futures. They limited themselves because they are dead set on finally being able to settle down and die, and as such all futures that they look into have that particular variable as a constant.

You could also have the sequel as the dark future is happening she finds him and it causes a reversal where celestia is proven wrong and it was her sending him away that causes the bad future. Then they can rub her nose in it

"those find their fate on the road they take to avoid it"
some old turtle 200-something

That's why everybody is Kung-Fu fighting!

You haven't really specified if you plan on making a sequel, so do you?
Or are you leaving it up to us to think of how it works of backfires?
Cause I can already think of why it backfires

What happens afterwards is ambiguous and up to the reader.
Whether Celestia is correct (or whether she's telling the truth to begin with) is up for interpretation.
Hey, maybe it's not even Celestia. Could be Chrysalis staging the world's sickest prank. You don't know for sure.

I like stories where not everything is revealed and you have to fill in the blanks.
And hearing how other people filled in those blanks is a great deal of fun.

I've given thought to writing a sequel, and there's a good chance I will.
But if I do, it's going to be more of the same.
It will stay as a "No happy ending for you" kind of story and leave things up for interpretation.

Yeassss apocalypse timeeeee

Honestly just another chapter with nothing but celestia saying 'shit' would be good enough for me


Great story,

Well done and agreed.

The Monk
Her hands were still bound with rope, she debated an escape before all the stupidity gave her an aneurysm. -Scarheart

kinda like to see a sequel where this lead to ruin for equetria because she sent him away

All I want to see is twilight and anon getting together while Equestria gets rekt. Maybe have twilight feeling really down about the prophecy coming to fruition to the point of PTSD / and or depression, And now anon has to try to fix it. Though "Fixing" it can fall under interpretation. Like him helping twilight to recover or trying to stop the "Foreseen catastrophe" from being a thing. It's probably worse if you just do the same "Noone knows how it really ends" in a continuation and still leaves Anon in a terrible spot. Rather than leaving it as is.


Twilight loses it and goes all nightmare on Equestria under the belief of him being dead, Causing Anon to step in and stop her. Not sure how to end that though, You could have them BOTH be banished but be together? And then just leave it there. That would probably still scratch your itch and make everyone happy at the same time. Not sure though because it's hard to do any thinking with how long I've stayed up.

what's the name for that event where trying to change the future leads to that future happening because you caused the events in the first place? That is exactly what is happening here, just can't seem to recall the name for that event other than 'shooting yourself in the foot'

Pretty sure that'd be a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Might be a fancier name for it, but if there is I don't know it.

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