• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.


This story is a sequel to The House That Built Me

Starlight Glimmer was a latchkey filly whose father tried to smother her with affection as a foal. When she left home, she made a lot of mistakes. It wasn't until she went back home for a friendship mission that she realized something important: The meaning of unconditional love.

Inspired by the song "Somebody Loves You" By Plumb.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

After reading “The Long Con” this was what I needed. It’s not that I didn’t like that story but it’s nice to know that after choosing the right path, Starlight has a happy ending. Really loved this story and the prequel :twilightsmile:

I find it very ironic that you said that because I literally just finished reading that when I got the notification of this comment! Thank you! I appreciate you reading both of them. I'm even more glad you enjoyed them!

After reading both stories, I must say I very much admire the way you pulled everything together. There is no greater bond than parent and child. That's a lesson a lot of these bratty kids need to learn.

Much love,


I know you likely get this all the time, but....

'What does Marcellus Wallace look like? Does he look like a bitch?!'

Yeah, I always get it. Nothing but love, man. :rainbowlaugh:

...Why am I feeling all warm and gooey inside?

Oh come on! I think I unintentionally boarded a feels train or something. :raritycry:

Great sequel. Very heartwarming.

Perfect sequel and pov of the daughters perspective

Very, very touching. This was also super easy to visualize from start-to-finish.

Starlight is the one character I genuinely feel I relate with on a 'Real World' level. I grew up in a small town of little, to no diversity. I lost use of my left eye before Kindergarten and my parents did all they could to keep me in 'Regular School' instead of being shoved in a 'Life Skills' class. They believed in me and made sure to always tell me I was just like every other kid in the school.

Of course, in a small town, cruelty is easy to put upon someone so noticeably different. There were so many times I despised who and what I was. How I wanted to get even with those who tormented me. How I felt I was 'cursed'.

The most painful moment was how my dad constantly would say, "They are just waiting for you to finish growing up before they fix your eyes to see like everyone else.". I loved having that to hold on to until the day I found a pamphlet on Glaucoma that clearly read, "Glaucoma is not reversible...".

My heart was broken, my hopes were shattered, and the full brunt of pain in knowing this nightmare would never end hit me with a ton of bricks.

However, like Starlight in this story, I found the courage to cry out my feelings. I found peace in knowing I could let it go without holding such hatred towards the rest of the world that, to this day, dismisses me and my ability simply based on how I can't see anything at all. I never asked, nor did, anything to lose all my sight outside of just being born with the condition. However, at least now, I've really made progress to make peace with it.

Like Starlight, I'm quite socially awkward as I try to make a positive life despite all the odd mannerisms that come with never truly being able to see a human beings face. I also missed a lot of opportunities as not too many people wanted much to do with me. However, also like Starlight, I keep trying. My past comes up as it does impact my future. However it gets easier and easier the more I work at realizing I am not defined based solely on being blind and awkward. Sure it's there but it's up to me, as it is up to Starlight, to keep an open heart and mind rather than putting up countless guards that keep me from ever getting past the pain.

There is a great line from "A Hearth's Warming Tale" I take seriously. Starlight seeing her young self, as Snowfall Frost, stating how, "The seeds of the past... Some hurts never go away...".

The pain never totally goes. However it can be managed through friendship and creativity so you don't cause yourself further suffering while keeping yourself blocked fro finding people who will be "True, True Friends". :)

I loved this! These are the kind of MLP stories that so tug on my heart. Having it told through Starlight's retrospect made for a nice change of telling this oh-so-tearful moment of reconciliation between parent and child. Kudos for writing a piece that had me grabbing for the Kleenex.:heart:

This makes me so happy and sad at the same time, sad for all the pain they both went through and happy for finally being able to work it out. It pains me that there are so few stories with these themes, for all the harping Starlight gets for her hasty redemption the fandom in general just chooses to ignore it altogether. Good thing I found your stories!

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