• Published 8th Jun 2019
  • 2,115 Views, 11 Comments

Clock Strikes Midnight - MorbidTheBrony

After feeling as though she doesn't have to fear anymore, Twilight meets Midnight Sparkle once again, only this time, the power hungry raven does not seem to pose as a threat anymore. Although, Twilight still has to bear with her.

  • ...

A Hell of a Night

Camp Everfree, huh? Hoo boy, was that a ride for Twilight Sparkle and all of her friends. Magic going haywire all over the camp, someone turned into a tree demon and the girls were all given these magical geodes and can harness different superpowers.

But the best thing that happened to Twilight in the end of it all? She finally got over her fear of Midnight Sparkle, Twilight's evil demon form! All she really needed was a push and a shove and some of ye olde magic of friendship and stuff.

When she finally arrived home, she felt... fresh. Something that she really hadn't felt in quite some time. She felt good stepping back through her front door with nothing bad looming in the back of her mind.

Although, after returning home after a hell of a week with her talking dog Spike, she most especially felt extremely exhausted.

She stepped through the door and hauled her suitcase up the stairs and into her bedroom. She dumped the case near her bed and she fell upon the bed, taking in the utter coziness of it she had dearly missed for over a week.

Spike, too, did the same, with the exception of dumping a bag. He climbed onto his little dog bed and within seconds he was completely out.

While Twilight did feel as though she could fall asleep then and there, she did feel obligated to change into her pyjamas, just to make sure she didn't wake up with anything sore the next morning, despite the fact after the stuff she had gone through, she'd be experiencing that either way. Nonetheless, she changed out of her camp gear and into her PJs consisting of a light blue shirt with little with stars patterned on it and cosmic blue bottoms with multicoloured stars on it. She took off her glasses, let her hair free and laid down for quite the early night.

She looked forward to the dreams she could have tonight, as it was to be the first night ever since the Friendship Games where Midnight Sparkle didn't haunt her. Her eyelids became very heavy. She closed them with a calm mind and a smile. She easily found sleep.

Twilight's eyes suddenly opened. It was very dark in her room, almost pitch black. She must have woken up somewhere in the middle of the night.

Sitting up on her bed, to looked to the clock on the nightstand to her right. It read '00:01AM'.

She sighed in annoyance and laid back down on the bed, trying to get back to sleep. She pulled the covers over herself again and she shut her eyes.

But then she heard a creak. She shot up and looked around her room. She could see a light not far in front of her bed, but her vision was too blurry, so she put her glasses on and looked again. Twilight then saw that the light was coming from her now opened bedroom door.

She figured that probably Spike left to get something, but then there was the obvious: Spike can't open doors. She looked beside her bed and saw her purple dog, still sleeping on his bed.

That did it. Twilight's heart began beating faster. She knew this couldn't be the work of her parents, they're usually asleep at this time too, so neither of them could do it.

Twilight tried laying down again, hoping she was just imagining things. As soon as her eyes closed, they immediately opened again to the sound of creaking floorboards. Something was in her room. She looked around the room once again and there was still nothing.

Twilight never really believed in ghosts, but right now she felt as though there was one right here in her bedroom and it has come to get her.

She yanked the covers over her head and hid herself, shaking furiously in fear. Her heart was beating so fast that she could now hear its beats. And along with the beats, the creaky footsteps could be heard again... and they were approaching Twilight's bed!

Twilight tried her absolute hardest could keep herself still and quiet, which was ultimately ruined by her uncontrollable shaking and heavy breathing.

She could see a silhouette through her covers. Whatever was there, it found her. She didn't know how, but it found her.

Twilight could see a hand reach for the covers and could feel the thing gripping it. Twilight tightly shut her eyes, trying to ready herself by whatever she was about to see.

The covers were yanked away from Twilight and as soon as that happened, Twilight stood up on her bed and began punching where the ghost was. She glanced to see where she should be hitting but again, there was no other soul in the room.

Now this ghost was annoying her, yet it still was freaking her the f out tremendously, she began feeling a bit frustrated.

She laid down on the bed again and put the covers back over herself. Sighing, she turned and faced the other way.

"Hey," Midnight greeted, laying right beside Twilight on the bed.

Twilight jumped back and was about to let out a scream, but Midnight covered her mouth and put a finger over her own mouth, telling Twilight to shush.

"You don't want to wake everyone up, do you?" Midnight whispered. "I'm not here to hurt you or anything like that, so for now, just try to shut up for just a moment."

Midnight slowly removed her hand away from Twilight's mouth, confident she wouldn't scream for help.

Instead of that however, Twilight began to contemplate. "H-How are you alive?!" she asked in a whispering voice. "We got rid of you back at Camp Everfree!"

Midnight grinned. "Well, it doesn't look like any of you tried hard enough if I'm still alive. Although, I dig this new look I was given."

What with Midnight returning, Twilight was blind to the fact that her demon form had quite the appearance change. Her hair was down, her horn was gone, she now, also, wore glasses, she wore dark purple spiked bracelets, she sported a dark grey casual t-shirt and tight, black jeans.

What she kept, however, was her glowing blue eyes, her raven wings, and her more violent shade of purple on her skin.

All in all, a look Twilight despised. But she couldn't care less about how she looked now, Midnight was evil and had to be dealt with.

"What do you want from me, Midnight Sparkle?!" Twilight said harshly.

"Oh calm down, Mistress Hero, I just want a place to lie down," Midnight said, laying down in the middle of the bed with the back of her head resting in her hands.

Twilight pointed a strong finger at the demoness. "Don't think I'll believe that for a second. For the entire time you existed you've caused nothing but trouble for me and my friends!"

"And now I want to rest, so shut up!" Midnight shut her eyes, trying to get to sleep.

This confused Twilight. She was sure Midnight would try to kill her and her friends the first moment she could, but right now she just seems... chill and lazy. It was very strange.

"How did you come back exactly?" Twilight asked. "I thought conquering my fear of you returning banished you for good."

Midnight, eyes still closed and hands still behind her head, just shrugged.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

Midnight then moaned and rolled her eyes. "It means 'I don't know'! One second there's nothing, then the next I'm in your hallway with a new look. Your guess is as good as mine. Can I sleep now?"

"No, I have more questions."

"Uuuuuuggghh!" Midnight moaned loudly, sitting up on the edge of the bed. "Fine! I'm all ears. Go."

"Are you still evil?"

"Not really."

"Do you still want to conquer both worlds?"

"Kinda, but I can't."


"Because I don't have my magic anymore. All I got left are these wings which, while they fabulous, I must say, they can't really help me conquer any world. That, and the fact that I can't be seen by anyone."

Twilight raised her eyebrow. "How do you know that if you just came back?"

Midnight threw her thumb behind her, pointing to the opposite side of the room. Twilight went to check and saw Spike wide awake. He looked up at Twilight very strangely.

"Who are you talking to, Twilight?" Spike asked.

Twilight looked between the demon and the dog, trying to find a way to answer.

"Is there anyone on my bed, Spike?" she asked him now.

Spike jumped onto the bed and sniffed around. Midnight laid directly in front of him on her stomach, swinging her legs back and forth with her chin resting on her hands.

"Hi Spikey-Wikey! You know, you've been a very bad boy, and bad boys deserve to be punished!" Midnight raise a hand in the air.

"Wait!" Twilight shouted in a panic.

Midnight had swung her hand towards the dog at a fast speed and when the hand came in contact... oh wait. It didn't, it went right through Spike, leaving him unharmed.

Twilight stood in shock, she mouth was wide open with her eyes as small as ants as she stood completely still.

Midnight then laid on her back again, howling with laughter. She clutched her stomach, kicking her legs in the air. "Y-You should have s-s-seen the look on your face!" she said, pointing directly at Twilight. Midnight continued laughing very loudly with her eyes now watering.

"'Wait' what?" Spike asked, turning his attention to his owner. He raised a doggy brow at her.

"Umm... nothing," Twilight responded, blushing very deeply.

"Riiight... Well, there's no one else's smell on your bed apart from yours. Can we go to sleep now?"

"Uh, sure... Goodnight Spike."

"Goodnight." Spike jumped off of the bed and climbed back into his own. He curled himself up and shut his tired, little, doggy eyes.

Meanwhile, Midnight Sparkle still hadn't contained herself. She rolled on the bed, gasping very deeply while she laughed. "Y-You'd actually th-think I would be-hehe *gasp* able t-to hit your dog?!"

Twilight crossed her arms. "Well, as long as you can't touch anyone, I guess this should be fine," she whispered to herself as she climbed back into the bed. Instead of going through the demon, like Spike was able to, Twilight could feel herself pushing Midnight away.

"Hey! Don't take all the room!" Midnight said, bumping Twilight back.

Twilight sat up and looked at Midnight with a sad look. "Are you kidding me? Why am I able to touch you yet Spike can't?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's because you can actually see me and he can't. Now move your big, purple butt! I'm tired!"

Twilight had just about enough of this. She climbed out of the bed again and looked at Midnight with a strict look. "No. I'm not putting up with this. Out of my room, now! Go sleep somewhere else!"

"Hmm." Midnight tapped her chin. "How about no. Screw you. I'm sleeping here. You can go away."

"No! This is my bed in my room! Get out now!"

"Twilight, what's with all the shouting?" someone suddenly said.

Twilight quickly turned around and saw her mother, Twilight Velvet, standing at her door. She wore a light purple house-coat and her eyes seemed to struggle to stay open.

"Uh oh, spaghettios," Midnight said behind Twilight, snickering loudly.

"Uh, mom, hey. I, uhh... wasn't shouting," Twilight said, trying to play dumb.

"Twilight, don't lie," Velvet scolded, rubbing a tired eye. "Your father and I could hear you all night. Is something wrong?"

"Nope! All good here." Twilight shot her a thumbs up.

"Are you sure? Because if there's anythi-"

"Eeyup!" Twilight interrupted, she now was sweating at this point. She was not looking good at all tonight. Not for Spike, and especially not for her own mother.

Velvet yawned. "Just go back to bed, please." She turned around and left, closing the door.

As soon as she was alone again, Twilight turned back at Midnight and glared daggers into her evil, ghostly soul.

"Well, wasn't that an amazing scene to witness? I can tell I'm gonna like it here." Midnight smirked, getting herself comfortable on the bed again.

That was about enough for Twilight to handle.

"NO!" Midnight shouted, trying to keep herself in the room.

Twilight used her new found telekinesis magic to try and lift Midnight out of her room. She just about got her through the door, but Midnight held on for dear life.

"YOU CAN'T KEEP ME OUT OF HERE!" Midnight continued screaming. She could feel herself losing her grip.

Twilight kept silent as to not attract anymore attention from anyone, which wasn't made very easy what with how strong Midnight surprisingly was. However, she could feel that she was getting the demon out, so with one last big push, Twilight sent Midnight out into the hall and she quickly locked the door.

"LET ME IN!" Midnight pounded on the door.

"Can't hear you! I'm asleep!" Twilight said back, smiling. She walked across her room and back into the bed she went.

Finally, some peace. She pulled the covers over her body and, with a smile, shut her eyes one last time tonight. Time for sleep.

But then she felt something climb into the bed with her. She turned around and saw Midnight again, sleeping on the other side of her bed.

"What the... How did you get in here?!" Twilight asked, jumping back in surprise.

"I went through the door," Midnight responded.

"But I locked it!"

"No, I literally went through the door. Anyways, goodnight."

Twilight honestly could not believe this. There was no escape from her. Is Twilight going to have to live with this forever? With her supposed to be banished demon who stopped at nothing to get what she wanted? It sure looked that way to her, and it didn't look like there was any possible way of dealing with her, so this may be something she would have to put up with for a long time.

Who knows. Maybe this is just a nightmare and Midnight will be gone in the morning.

Twilight yawned and opened her eyes. It was morning time, finally. She looked to her right and saw a demon sleeping in her bed.

"DAMMIT!" Twilight shouted, causing both Spike and Midnight to wake up.

Author's Note:

Let me tell you, I had the biggest fight with myself on whether or not I should keep Midnight slapping Spike. I felt terrible writing it even if he was completely fine and I still do.

If you have a dog, love it, hug it. Don't slap it or it's hell for all of you. :D

Comments ( 11 )
Comment posted by Artistkun deleted Jun 8th, 2019

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile: nice work.

I kinda want a sequel of Demon Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle possessing Sunset and Twilight's body to do some things that they wanted but when the day's over Sunset and Twilight couldn't remember the things that happened.

Dude this is awesome like i’ve Never read a short story like this one! You should probably do one where Demon sunset possesses sunset and midnight possesses Twilight but then they don’t remember any of it

I wonder if there will be a sequel where Twilight's and Sunset's guardian angels help them fight the demons. :pinkiehappy:


she mouth was wide

should be

her mouth was wide

Now is the question how Gloriosa deals with her demon.

I want more of these types of stories

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