• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

The Iguana Man

I am just a simple thinker, though some call me mad.



AKA: The Prodigiously Powered Progeny of Ponyville.

When Icy Flight moved to Ponyville, she expected a few things - a pleasant town, friendly locals and, barring the odd apocalypse she wouldn't be involved in, a very quiet life.

She did not expect to meet a group of pre-pubescent superheroes sworn to protect the town from all foal felons, miniature monsters and knee-high ne'er-do-wells.

She did not expect to become involved in their battle against an incursion of lava-ponies.

She certainly didn't expect to join the fight and learn things she'd never even imagined herself doing.

Yeah, this is Equestria. She really should have known better.

Set between Seasons 4 and 5

Edited by Lord Avon.

Cover Art by Mix-Up (Link to his Deviantart page).

Respectfully dedicated to the memory of Stan Lee.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 35 )

I like, and relate, to our protagonist. Living in Minnesota, you have to bear the sub-0 temperatures of winter, as well as the heat waves and droughts of summer.

Okay, so maybe I don't relate that well to her. But she's still a fun character.

like an echoing glockenspiel

My German heritage is now in love with this story.

Well now, this looks like it'll be quite fun, especially given chronomancer Best Filly. Looking forward to more.

Why "Iota" force? Maybe it's just me, but Foal Force sounds better. Was the name taken or something?


No, it wasn't taken, I just think Iota Force works a little better. I wanted the name to sound like a proper superhero team name and "Foal Force" sounds a little too silly to me. I can imagine other people calling them that, but I don't think they'd come up with that name themselves.

I figured that a greek letter would have the ring of authenticity to it, a la Alpha Flight and since Iota is also a word for a small quantity of something (since it's the smallest letter in the Greek Alphabet), I thought that'd sound a bit more believable while still referencing their age.

Also, this might just be me, but Foal makes me thing more of babies than pre-teens. Probably just my odd mental associations, but it'd feel weird to call them that.

Hope this doesn't come across as dismissing your suggestion. I just think this fits a little better. Matter of taste I suppose.

Still, I hope you'll stick around to see what they get up to, whatever they're called.

The description of this story sounds something akin to PJmasks which my little brother watches

Oh ho. This isn't just a two-mare enterprise. Most intriguing.

And yeah, Diamond Tiara is approaching peak butt trumpetry. Not exactly the best time for first impressions.

Am I the only who’s confused on who’s the filly/colt in the white suit on the cover? That and the one with the bow?

Idk if you’ve figured it out (or if you, author wouldn’t mind telling me), then please DM.

Just know I am a curious one, and I mean no hate or harm towards you.



Not to worry, I was quite aware that the team's Dashing Swordsmantm is something of an unknown. We'll be introduced to him and their sharpshooter next chapter (which should be up tomorrow) and I have already written an author's note explaining who he is, as he is... not the most heavily-fanoned character to put it mildly.

Hope you don't mind not learning immediately, and that you're at least interested enough to stay and meet the Weapon-Masters of the group.

I figured that's who you were going for with the Azure Pimpernel. Nice contrast between him and Archer, and the mention of the badges' magic explains why adults seem to notice these shenanigans. Most intriguing thus far.

This looks like a good start. :twilightsmile: I already like this new character.

Yes, this looks like it'll be a lot of fun... :pinkiehappy:

Great work as always. Can't wait to see what else will happen in this story! XD

Oh NOW Alula makes more sense. I had to look at the cover closely to see her wings. For a second I thought she was Sweetie Belle, because I didn’t see the wings. But NOW she makes more sense to me.

Good work as always!

And of course it's Princess Luna who'd be the one who set this whole thing up. Nice job with that idea! XD

Now that's a heck of a cliffhanger right there...

Great story, all in all! I really loved it from start to finish. :twilightsmile:


Thank you, both for that comment and the ones you've been leaving throughout - I really appreciate the encouragement.

And, like I said, Issue #2 will be coming out as soon as I can get it edited. So, you should hopefully expect it some time before the sun burns out. :twilightsheepish:

Um, I think you forgot to post chapter 5.




Four years. Four... friggin'... years. I finally publish this story after four... YEARS! And then, when I finally get it all sorted and start putting it up, I just... forget to publish the MOST IMPORTANT CHAPTER! The climax of the whole blasted story. And I just... forget to hit publish on it. And instead skip straight to the aftermath, both robbing that of context and giving away what happens.

I... I just...



I am... immensely and sincerely grateful to you for pointing this out to me, thank you. I have now published chapter five so hopefully I look a litte less of a fool. Like, 0.01% maybe?

It's a start.

Don't beat yourself up about it, I once left a chapter unpublished for two months. TWO MONTHS!

And about your need of an edited. I am willing. However, I don't have Discord, or Facebook, or anything like that. I'm also a college student so my schedule is a bit, iffy. If you get a better offer I would suggest you take it, but if not, well you can't go much worse than the bottom of the barrel.

Well, apparently I sleep when it comes to this story. :facehoof: In any case, fantastic stuff all around. Definitely looking forward to the next installment. I'd offer to edit, but I'm not sure if I have the time. Still, thank you for this.

Iota Force - Saving the world before bedtime!

Picked up this issue on FoME's recommendation, because this kind of thing is right up my street. :twistnerd: I really enjoyed revisiting the golden days of season 4/5 again, back when the Ponyville foals were more celebrated than they are these days. Great to see the laid-back Gamer Luna too.

I like how nobody is really trying to hide their secret identity (although I guess the unimportance field produced by the badges means they don't need to). Also yes, even despite being a longtime fan of the Ponyville foals, I have to admit that Lance went completely under my radar. A great choice for the team. :)

Also, Iota Force - Icy Flight - coincidence? :duck:

Her life flashed through the back of her mind. Her preferences in temperature. Her love of the winter months. Her name.

A tiny, almost imperceptible voice in the back of her head seemed to sigh at her, as if to say: Took you long enough!

Did Icy just get her cutie mark? This seems like a "Cutie Mark Moment", and (goes back to check) yeah, there does not seem to be any mention of her having a mark before this point.

Nopony seems to notice it or make any mention of it in this or the next chapter, though, so I am a bit perplexed.


Indeed, she did not. You are correct that it is the sort of event that Cutie Marks are made of, so to speak, but it was not one for her.

Let's remember that getting one's cutie mark isn't just a question of finding out something that you can do, or even just the thing you're best at, but discovering your destiny. The thing you both can and want to dedicate your life towards. Your raison d'être, as it were.

So Icy has indeed learned what she can do, but the fact that she didn't get a cutie mark means that her true talent and destiny may be something else... or something more.


My word, you're right, that must be... completely unintentional, but I'm happy with it now that you've pointed it out.

In fact, the reason she's named that is because, back when I first came up with the idea and characters, I was replaying the original Spyro the Dragon and realized that many of the flight levels would make great pony names and that Icy Flight would be great for my OC cryomancer.

Anyway, happy to hear you enjoyed the story and I hope you'll stick around for a few more from the team.


Thank you - I really appreciate you both reading and commenting.

And, well, I was a little disheartened that it hadn't got many views, but I mostly added that bit of the notes because I thought it was amusing. Rest assured (and I mean that, this time) that, as long as I can honestly say that I've truly entertained someone, I think I'll be satisfied.

Still, she thought as she opened the door, it might be fun to be in the centre of a bit of excitement for once. But I’m only a filly, fat chance of that ever happening.

She said it...
Oh luna she said it...

Good luck.

Her casual attitude towards severe clumsiness amuses me. Derpy at least admits that something went wrong, even if she can't figure out what it was.

And with that, Scootaloo was off to what Icy really hoped would be a pretend game of fireworks.

Our viewpoint character has some rather silly hopes.

I'm pretty sure what they actually do is conceal the foals' identities... and Archer's assumption on why they aren't working is wrong.

Incidentally, I have never played a Street Fighter game in my life and I hope I didn't bollocks up the match too badly.

Cammy was one of the "New Challengers" additions from the Super Street Fighter 2 rerelease, and Sagat didn't have his now-signature scar in the game that would have named him. (He served as the final boss of the original Street Fighter, and canonically received the scar from Ryu while acting in that capacity).

Mind, this is stuff you probably wouldn't know even if you had played the games; the first game practically qualifies as "deepest lore" and Super Combos weren't introduced until several roster updates after Cammy was.


Fair enough - I freely admit my knowledge of the franchise is basic at best, and I apologize for any inaccuracies. I just figured the game would be a good backdrop to the discussion and those two were the characters who I first thought of ponified names for.

That said, it does give me an image of Bison in these games being a buffalo and I find that funny on multiple levels.

Unfortunately, that name rightly belongs to the character you know as Balrog, with the relevant rotation also including Vega. The fighting game community (FGC for short) refer to Boxer, Claw and Dictator because they need to standardize between the English and Japanese scenes.

That did not, however, stop someone from making the exact character you're thinking of in MUGEN.

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