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♀️ -- Based and Wallypilled™ |Patreon!


This story is a sequel to Last Light

"You probably thought the pain would disappear with you, but it didn't. It just passed on to someone else."

Twilight Sparkle returns to the human world following her conversation with Sunset. She's not sure what she's looking for.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 225 )

Dang, you already punched us in the gut last night; we don't get a break, do we? :P

And Sunset's death hurts even more from a perspective that has to deal with the aftermath. I appreciate the little cracks in Twilight's veneer, her thoughts sliding into vindictiveness or the little dig at Rainbow Dash; they show how Not Normal her thought process is right now.

Truthfully, she didn't know why she was here at all. Maybe finding out was part of it.

I wasn't expecting more after such finality, especially because I wasn't sure where it could go from there. I'm looking forward to following along with Twilight to find out.

Twilight said. I need you to believe that. I need you to tell me you believe it, too.”

You accidentally a quotation mark.

My name’s Twilight. Sunset is sister,

You accidentally "my"

“You already did,”


I'm expecting a fistfight between Twilight and RD soon.

Sunset :fluttercry:

Oh Twilight..."HUGS"

This hatred, this palatable, crunchy soft taste of pure unadulturated wrath, it is delicious.

“You already did,” Twilight said.


Shaping up to be every bit as excellent as Last Light. I'll be keeping an eye on this, and'll be keen to see where it goes.

As I said in the last story, her confrontation with "mom" is going to be the worst one.

Celestia is going to take this hard, even more so if Twi doesn't bring Sunset home.
Their fight over that, only for Twi to nail her with just how... Terrified... Sunset, seemingly, was of Celestia, to even try to come home while her life was ending again, just might brake her.

The girls... Well Twi already got her dig on Dash there, but good. She isn't stable, so it's a good thing she doesn't have her magic right now, or there would be bodies.

“I’m not leaving her,” she heard Rainbow Dash say.
Something sparked in Twilight’s heart.
“You already did,” Twilight said.

Oof! Harsh.



Oh wow.
I knew this would be incredible from how good the last story was, but this is well beyond what I was hoping for.

The way you wrote Twi, the uncertainty, the sheer emotion in that one line of hers...

This is going to be a truly amazing read!

Loved this first chapter, very well written, and the pacing is top notch.

Always up to bet with violence my friend. You good sir are very ... different than I would think, but I’m not one to judge so keep on being you.

sunset is one of my top 5 fav characters, i'm very sad to read that she died at the end of your last story, i can only imagine how hard the human 5 and princess Twilight are taking this turn of events, i can only imagine how hard Celestia will take this tho, likely worse than anypony/one. the human world should count themselves lucky Celestia wouldn't have the power of an alicorn in their world

Wait a minute, this story has the suicide/selfharm tag so does that mean that twilight or anyone else will do that or that is just for sunset

You know what this calls for? Necromancy.
*Twilight gets looks from the girl.* "I am a magical pony princess. Of coarse I know Necromancy. I turned a rotting egg into a living dragon. Plus, she is still fresh. So she won't have any rot."

im actually curious how will celestia react to this. both of them
and how will everyone else react?

.....I did say the rest just might be left to imagination, but when I saw this, everything in my mind started screaming "EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:" That beginning from Twi's pov and learning what she said....and Sunset's death from her perspective...it was much more terrifying and heartbreaking....it was all a solid punch in the gut. God. This is wonderfully gut-wrenching.

“You already did,” Twilight said. Her voice was hard and cold, and just loud enough so that the girls in the room would hear her.

Ooh. Huff. Brutal doesn't cover it.

I think that just the fact that this story revolves around Sunset's suicide is enough.

Unless the girls are driven to self-harm by guilt, which I don't really see happening.

“I’m not leaving her,” she heard Rainbow Dash say.

“You already did,” Twilight said.

(Winces) By the Hells,, Twi. I mean, you're not wrong at all, but damn that was viscious.

That said, I can kind of agree with what Sunset said in the last story. I can see where the Rainbooms were coming from, but I also understood why Sunset was upset about the whole situation. Thing is, I'm waiting for the aftermath to hit. Because with Sunset dead by suicide?

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo? Yeah, you all are now guilty of murder. She may have taken the metaphorical knife to her self, but you three gave her that knife.

I also think Twilight should bring Sunset back to equestria to be laid to rest. It's her true home afterall

The original story was phenomenally written and tugged at my heartstrings in all the right ways, and this sequel is shaping up to be just as high quality. Major kudos to you, mate. I eagerly await the next chapter.

Your idea of "great" is... strange.

Altough, I kinda agree.

I just wish I had even fake friends like Rainbow and rest. But, well, being all alone makes few things easier.

While it... saddens me, I really belive it should happen cannonicaly, in show.
Rainbooms accepted mission from Twilight - help Sunset. Not only they failed, they kinda helped in her suicide. A role of CMC is another matter, that probably won't end well for a at least few people (CMC themselves mostly, I belive in PL they would end up in reformatory at least).
Twilight anger is justified, but only partially imo: when she wasn't getting any contact for a few weeks from Sunny, she herself should reach out. Right now she leaved emotionally devastated Sunset in hands of beings being alternate version of her friends, not her friends. I'm sure right now she feels awful about that, now that she knows that.

I just hope for Twilight to being able to recollect body and get it back to Equestria, to kinda shove it in the face of Celestia and say "look what have you done!", then bury her.

All of that just shows how much humans don't forgive.
Sunset was trying. All it take was some photos posted anonymoulsy, and her "friends" (more like guardians, to be honest), left her. Not only that: they were activly bullying her.

But, as Sunset sad herself: she had it coming. She was a monster. She became one, because she had no friends after immigrating to human world, who she could trust to tell about her previous life, even without telling about her being pony...

Can't wait for more chapters.

“I’m not leaving her,” she heard Rainbow Dash say.

Something sparked in Twilight’s heart. “You already did,”

Did someone order aloe vera for a major burn?

Meh 6/10.


Things seemed too... Okay. If this was truly a place that had driven Sunset Shimmer to take her own life, how could it now be so remarkably peaceful? Part of Twilight had expected to see some cataclysmic scar across the world, as if to mark the monumental loss that had just transpired. Instead, she saw the same trees, the same sky, the same ground, all unblemished, as if everything was as it should be.

I just really like this paragraph because of how it actually reflects Twilight’s feelings. Although Twilight’s world seems to have taken a huge crack that is possibly unfixable, the entirety of the world stays the same. Only those close to Sunset would know a brief version of this, as said only Twilight seemed to really care.

oh hell no Dashie you don't get to play the sympathy card on this one

“I’m not leaving her,” she heard Rainbow Dash say.

Something sparked in Twilight’s heart.

“You already did,” Twilight said. Her voice was hard and cold, and just loud enough so that the girls in the room would hear her.

Silence loomed for several seconds, then Twilight heard the motion of chairs moving and people walking. There were no voices that followed her own, though.

Glad Twi isn’t going to murder them inside the hospital. Unless you count wordplay, no survivors with that.

physically: she's better than that
verbally: I mean she's a bookworm of course she'd be eager to show off her vocabulary

Poor twilight I just wanna go and give her a hug and her friends a knife to the chest.

It could not be that black and white, but Twilight’s eyes were too clouded by tears to see any shades of grey.

*glances at cover art*

Heartwrenching chapter, and it's definitely fascinating to see inside Twilight's thought process here—the extent to which she blames herself, her mixed thoughts about the other girls... going to be interesting to watch that confrontation go down. The weaving of Sunset's own words throughout, coming back to haunt Twilight, is a nice touch.

How had the other girls have so callously tossed Sunset aside?

That was really funky. There are a couple ways to fix this. 1) "How could the other girls..." 2) "How had the other girls so..."
I think I like #1 better.

“I need to speak with them.”

I have my suspicions on how this is going to go, and I think it's gonna be great. Not great as in sunshine and rainbows, but great as in done well. I'm looking forward to it.

Well that's one to welcome in the new year

I wish I could hug Twilight sparkle and beat the hell out of the Hu(mane) 4 I can't bring myself to hit Fluttershy... Why do I have a feeling that Sunset Shimmer will return as an Alicorn?


“I need to speak with them.”

I have my suspicions on how this is going to go, and I think it's gonna be great. Not great as in sunshine and rainbows, but great as in done well. I'm looking forward to it.

I have a feeling it's not gonna be violent, either physically or verbally. Yes, Twilight is likely to tell, but I don't think this is going to be a straight up condemnation or forgiving of the Rainbooms. As Twilight said, it's not black and white like that.

I truly hope not. What they did, they do not deserve forgiveness, like in their eyes Sunset didn't. Let them taste their own medicine.

I really hoping for many anger words, and closing portal for good.

Yeah, no. That is blowing things out of proportion. All they did in the previous story was publicly disown her and yell at her in a restaurant. They are already suffering from Sunset's suicide. The only way they could suffer more at this point is if one of them committed suicide. Are you really the kind of person that would wish one of them commit suicide?

And I said that the situation is not black and white. It's not reasonable to outright condemn or forgive them in this situation.

Not only that: they left her alone. They knew they were the only "friends" of Sunset, and still they left her alone when she needed them, there was no one who trusted her, who truly belived she changed.
So, no. No forgivenes.

And yes, that comes from a guy after suicide attempt, who while he was in hospital he "had" friends, and when he left - they didn't want anything to do with him, so he was left absolutly alone.

So want my very honest opinion? Yes. Let them suffer. They deserve it, like all fake friends.

OK sheesh, you are blowing this out of proportion, and I highly doubt that the author will do that.

Or maybe I know that life is not forgiving. People even less. They hear you are in hospital? Oh, well, get well. You are out? Get lost, we don't care. Don't come near us, don't talk.

Remember, that if Sunset wouldn't leaving blood trail behind her because of cuts, no one from human Mane 5 would even look at her, because of what she had didn't done and was telling them more then once, that it wasn't her doing.
So yea. Tell me one more time that I'm "blowing this out of proportion". :/


Or maybe I know that life is not forgiving. People even less. They hear you are in hospital? Oh, well, get well. You are out? Get lost, we don't care. Don't come near us, don't talk.

I have literally never seen what you just described right there (And this is coming from someone who has been in the hospital and lot)

Remember, that if Sunset wouldn't leaving blood trail behind her because of cuts, no one from human Mane 5 would even look at her, because of what she had didn't done and was telling them more then once, that it wasn't her doing.

1. The grammer in this comment was painful to read
2. Have you ever read the original Anon-a-miss comic? This story is literally only taking the drama up a couple of notches from the original, and that's mainly because of the fact that it has been going on longer than the original where they got it cleared up before winter break. Also you seem to forget, she was cutting herself long before the whole Anon-a-miss ordeal started, and neither the rest of the human 5 or twilight noticed. The whole reason rainbow and rarity noticed this time was because sunset cut herself enough that it started to bleed through her jeans, and also when they noticed the blood rarity and rainbow were genuinely worried for her.

So yea. Tell me one more time that I'm "blowing this out of proportion". :/

I will. You are blowing this out of proportion!

Considering her current state of mind, Twilight might ask for an explanation of their actions and then probably leave before saying anything she deems regrettable.

I have to agree if she didn't do this they wouldn't have cared. I hope twilight chews them out well especially ( Even if she is best pony ) Fluttershy she is supposed to be element of kindness but she went and left her friend to suffer on an obvious frame job.

You are blowing this out of proportion, AND misinterpreting my original comment. I am not advocating for forgiveness, I am advocating for not jumping to conclusions.

Shiiiitttttt. I needed a few moments to compose myself between reading parts of this. Like, I'm still tearing up and trying not to choke out sobs.....well done author, well done.

At least it’s Twilight confronting them. If it were Celestia...I’d imagine you might as well write off the hospital and everyone in it at that point.

Thanks. I hope you read the first story. It provides much needed context.

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