• Member Since 12th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )


A changeling infiltrates Celestia's private Council and tries to topple the Equestrian government from within.

((Those of you who have read The Man who was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton know exactly what kind of bizarre shenanigans are about to unfold. Those who haven't, I'm about to spoil part of one of the best books of all time. Either way, enjoy the wild ride.))

Written for Blaster M as part of my 200 followers 'contest'.

-GM, master of changelings.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Alternative title: Why changelings conquering equestria stories never really work

Cool story, weird ending.


Aha! Called it! Well, everyone on the council being Changelings, though everyone in Equestria was short after...seriously, what was the point of all this?

This doesn't go far enough.

We've already had a story where everypony on the planet was already and changeling, and one story where EVERYTHING was made of changelings... which is now kinda canon since they actually can transform into anything.


The point was: Change is not necessarily a good thing. (The irony being these are changelings)

The original story this is based of is a lot more political and open ended, but its basically the same. When confronted, the ruler/Celestia offers to give the rebels/changelings what they want. The rebels/changelings freak out when they realize the ruler/Celestia is genuinely serious about doing so and then the story ends.

Hence Bon Bon's ending. She just wants to go "home" in Ponyville and ignore the fact that she just changed the entire world.

Y'know, except in The Man who was Thursday the 'changelings' were policemen and 'Celestia' was the chief 'Anarchist'.

But yeah, the real book was a lot more political - and had a lot more philosophy. I couldn't do that aspect justice in just a short story, so I went with very screwy instead. Still as open-ended as ever, of course.

-GM, master of porridge.


True, but I wanted to talk about your story, not Chesterton's. Celestia representing a ruler and changelings rebels makes more sense than referencing Chesterton's story and saying Celestia represented an anarchist and changelings policemen.

So what every pony but Pinkie Pie got killed in war with changelings and the changelings kind of went crazy and split between loyal to Chrysalis and trying to recreate Equestria?

Or "Changeling Places".


So.... orbital bodies and stellar masses are also changelings in disguise?

9308497 Yes, absolutely everything was changelings.

Actually, there were two such stories. One made the mistake of taking the concept seriously, and hence it was idiotic. The other was for the lulz.

The really interesting thing is that this proves that changelings can feed on one another; how else have they survived? Now it's up to them to create a society without the delusions they'd all been operating under. It's time to stop playing this little game of toy soldiers. Put away your toys and start building something more significant. (And maybe take out Chrysalis if she refuses to accept playtime is over.)

Or, you know, try to clone Pinkie and subsist off of Laughter vibes, but I'm pretty sure that's how you get shoggoths.

Could you give me the names of these stories they sound interesting at least for a laugh if nothing else

9654619 This is one of the silly ones.


I can't recall the bad one that tried to take this absurd concept seriously. It really wasn't memorable enough, and it was at least 5 years ago.

And thanks for trying friendo if the name or anything close to it pops into your mind let me know

that was a trip lol.

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