• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.


Comments ( 88 )

Anyone else reminded of that one episode of Totally Spies with the same plot?

I used to love that show! Actually I wasn’t thinking of that when I wrote this, but who knows? Maybe my subconscious remembered it. Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope you’ve enjoyed it so far! :pinkiehappy:

oooooh great idea with the mom's and the story. I love how this started out and can't wait to see where we go from here.

Your on a role FDR. Keep up the amazing work. :yay:

And someone is going to know PAIN!

i like the idea but the abdl just ruins it for me sorry

Not a bad story at all!
Personally, I don’t feel like the ABDL mixes well with this story but I’m definitely keeping an open mind and I plan to stick around for the rest of this. Who knows, the rest of the story might change my thoughts.
I really like how the mothers are getting a chance to be in the spotlight since it’s doesn't happen often.

Overall, I’m interested to see where it goes. :twilightsmile:

Truthfully, I've only filed it to Read Later. Catching up with other fics and busy with work.

Nice pacing in this story. It's pretty clever seeing how the 'Mom 6' and 'Dad 6' play their own parts. I can't recall a time when the parents were ever considered their own unique band. So this was definitely a treat.

The moments between Dashie and her mom are definitely precious. This is certainly the focal point of our story. What will come next will certainly be interesting.

I had wondered where the story would go from the previous chapter. I originally believed we'd be Dashie-centric but I see you had other plans that will lead into a much deeper look into how each mom is a mom to their fillies and their filly friends.

I wonder what Spike will do during this time? I'm sure he'll be a tiny bit confused while still supportive.

That's the nice thing about Spike. He never really questions Twilight. He does his absolute best to be there for her. Maybe he'd be a big brother in this case?

“Howdy, Princess Celestia.” She said.

:rainbowlaugh: Applejack, this is not how you greet a princess.

Applejack heeded her words, did as she asked, and froze.
Standing in the orchard were Pear Butter and Bright Mac.

I'm confused.

“Mom!” She squeaked, hugging her.
“Good day, Pinkamena.”

Wow, Cloudy, could you be any more emotionless?

“I’m ever so excited you’re here.”

Someone's channeling Lila Sawyer.

She harbored a secret from her friends, one that she feared would change their image of her forever.

Considering the fact that they didn't care that she suddenly found an interest in books, I highly doubt that her friends are going to be faxed by this Revelation, much less care.

Though she had resisted it at first, it slowly grew on her

Having read this story fairly recently, if I recall correctly, it was Dash's idea and she wasn't resistant at all. She even assured her parents that it's what she wanted.

They all collectively gasped. “But… How…?” Twilight asked.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

“Princess Celestia brought her back for me. Pa too. He’s with Big Mac in the orchard.”

Yes, but . . . how? :rainbowhuh:

“Mrs. Shy.”

Why would Fluttershy's mother insist on being called "Mrs. Shy?" That just makes her sound old. Wouldn't she instead insist on being called something else entirely, thus letting her feel younger and not so old?

Just then, there was a crash, and clouds of dust obscured their vision. When the dust cleared, the mothers were in shock. Their Children were In a cage. Twilight tried blasting it, but it was no good. Rainbow tried to break it, but the bars were reinforced. The mothers raced for their children, but suddenly they were being pulled up through the wreckage to the sky. They all called for their mothers, and looked at them with fear.
Windy Whistles didn’t hesitate. She flew upwards in a straight shot. She reached for her daughter, and almost got her hoof, but the cage disappeared, and there was no trace of it left but the wreckage of the castle. The only thing that happened after that, was the echoing of menacing laughter.

I'm confused.

She pushed the grief aside, boxed it up, and decided to revisit it later.

Just like the author of this story. :rainbowlaugh:


:rainbowlaugh: Just realized that you have the same initials as Franklin D. Roosevelt. Coincidence or conspiracy? :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowhuh: You be the judge.

Hey Doomie! Thanks for the comment. It’s definitely been a bit confusing thus far. And as for how Applejack’s parents got resurrected, well, we’ll get to that. Either in the next chapter or the one after. I’d never intentionally leave you guys hanging with such a big plot point. But anyways, thanks for reading! I appreciate you! :pinkiehappy:

Just then, the sound of hoof steps coming toward them reached their ears, and they all turned to see Hondo Flanks, Igneous Rock Pie, Mr. Shy, Bright Mac, Night Light, and Bow Hothoof coming toward them.

Wait, what? What are they all doing here? How did they find them? How did they know they were in trouble?

On an unrelated note, why aren't the Crusaders involved in this story?

Twilight stepped up and whispered, “The Castle.” Bow nodded, scooping up his wife.
“Ready now? Here we go, on the count of free. One, two, free.” He said.
Bow took off, and Rainbow squealed happily for the first time since her mother passed out. She giggled all the way to the castle.

Why didn't Twilight just teleport them to the castle instead of them insisting on flying there? Teleporting them would have been so much easier.

Twilight does teleport them almost immediately after, but I think she was a bit shocked to think that rationally. Certainly Bow wasn't thinking rationally. He was a man on a mission to save his wife, and he was going to do it by any means necessary. He figured getting them there by flight was faster. He did not think of teleporting. He really should have. But, the flight did give Rainbow the chance to calm down. I think maybe he had that in mind when he decided to fly too.

In her writing her plot had occasionally taken her to some strange places.

Yep, we've all been there. :pinkiesmile:

“It’s very clear to me that Rainbow Dash is an Adult Foal.” She explained in general what that meant, the behaviors that could be expressed, and what potentially makes them.

Twilight Velvet, what is wrong with you? Why did you just tell them that?

As they walked, the mothers all talked.
“Did you see how sweet she looked?” Asked Cookie.
“So sweet. It made me miss having my little one little.” Said Mrs. Shy.
“Agreed.” Added Cloudy Quartz, sighing. “I remember when my girls were fillies…”
“Oh I know, it reminded me of my Twily when she was a foal. So innocent and sweet.” Remarked Velvet.
“Applejack, too.” Finished Pear Butter.
They all sighed, collectively taking a trip down memory lane.
“Every mother dreams of having a little girl.” Velvet said.
“Just seems like yesterday they needed us, and now look at them, all grown up and saving Equestria.” Cookie sighed.
“It would be nice, wouldn’t it? To have that one day where they needed us?” Said Pear Butter.
“Yeah.” Sighed Mrs. Shy.
The five of them looked a little forlorn.
Twilight and her friends overheard the conversation, and couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.

Ooh, I hope this is going where I think it is.

Twilight and her friends watched them fuss over Rainbow Dash, and each felt a strange pang of jealousy at the sight. Was it jealousy over their mothers giving that kind of attention to somepony else?
…Or was it jealousy at the way Rainbow Dash was being treated?
It seemed they all had the same thought as they made their way through the castle to the throne room to think. Their fathers opted to stay close to their wives. Each pony sat in their respective throne.
“Is anypony else feeling a little guilty?” Asked Fluttershy.
“A might. But I don’t understand why.” Replied Applejack.
“It’s quite simple, darling. We saw our mothers giving attention and affection to somepony else.” Said Rarity.
“That’s jealousy, Rarity. Although I am kind of ashamed to admit that I felt that way too.” Retorted Twilight.
“Were you guys feeling jealous of Rainbow Dash too?” Pinkie questioned.
“Kind of.” That was Fluttershy, blushing.
“A bit.” Applejack downcast her eyes at the admission.
“Unfortunately.” Rarity grimaced.
“Well, what are we gonna do about it?” Pinkie asked.
Silence hung in the air. For a long time, no pony said anything.
“I’m not sure, sugarcube. That’s a mighty big thing to ask.” Said Applejack.
“Are you all thinking what I am thinking?” Asked Rarity.
“I think so.” Replied Twilight.
“But that’s embarrassing!” Rarity exploded. “We couldn’t possibly do that!”
“Rainbow Dash did it.” Pinkie pointed out.
“She does have a point, sugarcube. If Dash, one of the toughest, fastest ponies in Equestria does it, she must get somethin’ out of it.” Applejack commented.
“And did you see the way our mom’s reacted with her? I don’t think I’ve seen my mom like that since I was a filly!” Twilight exclaimed.
“They did seem pretty happy.” Fluttershy said cautiously. Then she smiled. “I haven’t seen my mom like that in a while.”
“Me neither.”
“Nopedy nope!”
“Same here.”
Rarity sighed. “I have not either. I just… can’t see it. It’s just so strange.”
“Maybe to us, but not to them.” Twilight replied. “It’s nothing they haven’t seen before. And just look at how happy they were. Couldn’t we give them one more day like that? Don’t we owe them that much?” She pressed.
Rarity exhaled. “I suppose one day wouldn’t hurt.”
“I’m in, sugarcube.”
“Hooray!” Cheered Pinkie.
“Yay.” Said Fluttershy.
“So we’re all agreed?” Asked Twilight.
They all nodded.
“It’s settled then. Tomorrow we give our parents their fillies back and we give Rainbow Dash some playmates.”

And it does go where I think it is! This should be interesting to see. Still wondering if whether or not the Crusaders are going to get involved in this.


I wonder what Spike will do during this time? I'm sure he'll be a tiny bit confused while still supportive.

That's the nice thing about Spike. He never really questions Twilight. He does his absolute best to be there for her. Maybe he'd be a big brother in this case?

Seeing Spike, as well as the Crusaders, getting involved in this would be rather cute and sweet, as a means of showing their older siblings that they support their decision by getting involved. After all, how often do you get to relive your infanthood?

A quality filler chapter. Does well in connecting the dots so it isn't just a hard to follow leap into all that is about to come.

I could truly see Mrs. Shy and twilight Velvet getting into the idea. The other moms I wouldn't be too sure of. However it's very fun to see them all eager to have a time to feel all maternal again.

Childhood is so fleeting. Time passes by so fast you don't even realize it's gone until it's gone. To experiment in this way will certainly bring back memories for all.

Nice chapter. It goes a step further in establishing the play date that is ahead. I also like how you managed to bring parts of each character's element in to show how they are supportive of their friend.

Rarity's line on how Dashie is loyal to her friends and her friends are loyal to her was certainly touching. Hit the mark perfectly.

You did a great job with Spike and his reaction. He'd definitely be on board to see Twilight, for real, relax.

As a side note, I thank you for checking out the maternal tales I developed for Spike and Twilight. I really wanted to make Spike less of an assistant / friend and more of a brother / son. Make him feel like real family.

For Pinkie, it was Prench Toast, covered with chocolate sauce, maple syrup, powdered sugar, whipped cream, sprinkles, and a cherry.

Oh, the way it’s described makes my mouth water:heart:

Aw, does that mean that Spike won't join in the day of play and relaxation? That's kind of disappointing. Maybe he'll see how much fun they're having and want to join in.

“The only butt I want to see is yours. Up here. Right. Now.”


Most impressive. I think you got the responses to each pony to being diapered quite well. It was also interesting to see the difference in foods that each mom knew to prepare for their daughters.

The post-padding moments were very emotional. Each filly had their own way of knowing how much their mother cared. It was a moment of letting the guard down and being as vulnerable as can be.

I really enjoyed Cookie Crumbles and Rarity's interactions. I had my doubts on how well Cookie Crumbles would come off in the mom role but you super-duper nailed it! I can see Rarity only ever being shut down by a mother who is direct, to the point, and definitely strict about making points to explain to her daughter why things must be as they must be. Perhaps we got a glimpse on what has made Rarity such a perfectionist? Her mom always ensuring all the details were shared when lecturing her daughter. she didn't just discipline she explained.

The kissing ritual with Dashie is so cute! I really like what you started with Windy Whistles and Dash. It is too sweet!

Hehe. Very fun.

Two scenes stood out very well here. The first was Rarity with her mom. For a pony who is as creative and inspired as she is, Rarity had a super-duper difficult time with letting her imagination take over to bring the dolls to life. I'd imagine that, way back when, she probably did lots of stuff with dolls to see how she could dress them, pose them, etc. However, in this environment, she just wasn't able to do it. I wonder if Cookie Crumbles is trying to help Rarity see her imagination is truly limitless and it's okay to free her mind from thinking about what others would like over what she likes?

Rarity has, in a lot of cases, tapped into her imagination very well to create very amazing work. HOWEVER she's always made sure that, in some degree, it met with the trending style. Maybe foaling around will allow her to see that she should not think so much on what others will like and just really dig into what she likes to do?

The other scene was Twilight just wetting herself out of having her focus entirely on the blocks. I wonder if, as a filly, she'd get in such a state of thought that she'd ignore her bladder as it telling her to go potty would take away from being able to keep discovering and learning?

Maybe Twilight Velvet knows of her daughter's 'accidents' as a result of being so totally focused on what she was doing? I also wonder how Twilight keeps that from happening to this day?

Hello dear friend!

It's a fine question you pose, so let me answer it as best I can. This is what I figure: Velvet knows of Twilight's accidents. And the way she prevented it is always using the restroom before she gets in deep with a project. She also has spike remind her to take breaks- bathroom ones included. And the only reason she didn't take that break now was because she had that security of knowing that she was taken care of. Subconsciously, She was able to let go.

As for Rarity, well, I'm not too sure if she'll take up foal play. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. At this point, it's all up in the air. But we'll see where it goes.

Thanks for reading! I appreciate it! :pinkiehappy:

The themes of each mother through each chapter are most enjoyable. They are also quite thought-provoking, too.

As silly as it sounds, I never thought on how many foals each family had. I believe Dashie is, in truth, the only one who didn't have a brother nor sister. She's the only child of windy Whistles and Beau Hothoof.

Being the only child would definitely make Windy and Beau treasure her a lot. When she left they had Empty Nest super-duper fast compared to the other families. Fluttershy's family still had Zephyr, Rarity's had Sweetie Belle, Twilight's still had twili after Shining Armor headed out to be Captain Of the Royal guard, and the Apples had three foals.

The dynamics in the families are most interesting as each parenting style definitely influenced the siblings of those who had siblings. Sweetie Belle, based on your take on Cookie Crumbles, would obviously want to be like Rarity as, well, Rarity would have already gotten to where she seemd 'the perfect child' for not needing as much correction / discipline. Sweetie would obviously look up to Rarity and want to be like her until the CMCs helped her to become her own Pony.

This tale certainly gives some food for thought on how family dynamics shape the adult that comes from the baby.

And now, as I think more, I imagine why Windy and Beau really take to Scootaloo. It would be like having their lil' Dashie back given how Scoots, based on all you see, would come off as like a Dash. She's the second child they never had.

Twilight blushed, but Rainbow came up to him. “Spikey! Ya wanna pway wif us?” She asked.
“Maybe later. I still have some papers to file, but I’ll be back. Promise.” He said.

Come on, Spike, live a little! This makes me hope that Spike will be padded up and join in the fun in a future chapter.

“I know you can lasso a cow, no problem, but can you lasso me?”
“Is that a dare?” Asked Applejack.
“It’s a bet. If you lasso me, I’ll take on your chores for a week.”
Applejack smiled. “You’re on, Mama!”

Apparently Celestia didn't tell Applejack that her parents being alive again is just a one-time deal. :applecry:

I'd love to see the fathers getting in on this as well.

How do you know it was a one time deal? :trixieshiftright:

9301448 Well, that's usually how these things go. Characters whose parents are dead usually get one day with them before having to say goodbye again.

Usually is not my style. Maybe if this was a tragedy, but this- this is family. No tearful departures in this fic. Not this time.


Still lots of fun going on. I kind of like thinking of how Dashie would pretend to be 'too small to reach the counter'. It'd be silly. :)

Puff made a great, uhh, character....? He didn't get to say much but he did inspire cake and, well, any reason for cake is great!

So much to think on when it comes to parenting. So many different styles, techniques, etc. However, in large part, none wrong as the end result is still a one-of-a-kind adult when that faithful time occurs. :)

“Mama?” She called. Windy went over to her.
“Yes Dashie?”
“Who dis?”
“That’s Puff. He’s a new dragon I got for you.”


"Yeah! 'Cause if he bwew it would onwy wight it mowe!"

What? :rainbowhuh:

because dragons breathe fire. So if he blew it, it would only light the candle more.

Very nice. I like all the ways each character continues to have their own unique take on being a foal for a day just like the moms have their individual ways of being, well, moms.

Lots to enjoy in the story here. However my favorite part was how you had Spike manage to recall what it was like before he became an assistant / friend. The time when he and twilight played more than they worked. Very well played.

Whoa! Now that was definitely a 'surprise'. What will happen next will certainly be an interesting read.
There's a lot to gleam from this chapter. Most notably how Rarity learned to 'compartmentalize' her adult side to free her mind from all that she believes she must be.

Having to 'live up to standards' is one of the worst things our society has to offer. It makes for 'winners' and 'losers' and, well, being little is when you need not worry about keeping up with others, being like someone else, etc. Instead you just enjoy the moment while eagerly awaiting what surprises life has in store.

Definitely nicely done.

“Of course. I didn’t catch your name, Mister…?”
“Bun Bun.” He said.
“Bun Bun. What a lovely name.” She said, handing him a tea cake.

Hey, wait a minute. That name sounds familiar. Did you happen to get that name from this story?

Cookie’s heart soared. It had been so long since she had had a moment with her little girl. This was what she had missed so much of. It would have been perfect if Sweetie Belle were here too. Although she debated on how her eldest daughter might feel being seen in a diaper and a swishy princess costume. Although…

Sweetie Belle strikes me as the type who would be most into this baby thing, except for maybe Apple Bloom. I could see Scootaloo being hesitant to try it, though, for obvious reasons.

“Me.” Came a voice. Their heads turned to see Twilight Sparkle dressed in a Wizard costume. “I am the fantastical wizard Galaxy Shine! And I will take Princess Rarity away and steal her magic to fuel my power!” Twilight cackled maniacally.

Ah, no Harry Potter reference? Opportunity lost.

As Dashie battled the evil wizard to try and save the day, Cookie went over to Windy and whispered something to her. Windy noddded, and went over to Spike. Since Twilight was busy playing, he snuck out for just a few minutes, and then came back. No pony seemed to notice other than Cookie and Windy. Spike nodded to them, and they reciprocated.
The pretty princess fainted daintily as the evil wizard and mighty hero prepared for battle. The mighty knight Applejack tried to help Dashie rescue the princess, but the evil wizard was apprenticed by her sorcerer Pinkie Pie. And Fluttershy represented the towns ponies who would be crushed underneath the Wizard’s rule. A fearsome war of magic, strength, and low flying skills was at hand. But eventually, The knight broke through the defenses, and protected the princess from the sorcerer’s apprentice. And the heroine Dashie defeated the evil wizard, saving the princess.

This would make for a great story. And I have to admit that I like the idea of Applejack as a knight, as it would fit with the Wizard of Oz theme her Nightmare Night costumes have had in the past, as the Tin Man was something of a knight in shining armor.

As the heroes celebrated, and the villains stewed in their defeat, they did not hear the nursery doors open.
“Rainbow Dash?!”
All three heads turned to see their younger sisters staring at them, their jaws on the floor.

YES! :pinkiesmile: :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile: FINALLY! Can't wait to read the next chapter where the Crusaders get padded up and join in on the padded fun! Being that the mothers were all busy, I can't help thinking that the fathers would be responsible for this, and I can easily imagine Apple Bloom jumping at the chance to be a foal again since her parents were dead and she had to grow up without them, being raised by Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith. Speaking of Big Mac, I hope he gets involved in this as well. He's been surprisingly absent from this story for some odd reason.

9305981 Ah, I gotcha.

Hey Doomie! Thanks for the lovely review! It totally made my day! As of now I have no plans to include Big Mac in the story. At least not at the playdate. Just cause it's an all girls foal day, so having him padded up might make it awkward for everypony else. Plus he doesn't strike me as the type who would enjoy this, if you know what I mean. Although he might make an appearance near the end, but we'll see.

Thanks for reading! You know I always appreciate you!:pinkiehappy:

How very unexpected. Though I can see Rarity certainly considering it once she got out of her prim-and-proper head space and seeing how nice it is to not always hold herself up to such high standards.

I wondered if Scoots could really accept what her idol was into. However, as Dash is Scoots' mentor and honorary sister, it only makes sense she'd be supportive. Scootaloo definitely wouldn't want to see her #1 pony as anything less than the best. (Plus she is kind of on the spot with all the moms and Mane 6 all embracing it before her)

Another great chapter from you as always! :twilightsmile:

9307774 Thank you for the lovely response. I personally think he would enjoy this, given his actions in "Lesson Zero" and "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep."

There will likely be more Crusader antics next chapter.

Looking forward to it! :pinkiesmile:

They decided to end the day with a family style dinner to reinforce the fact that they were a family.

This is the way I've always seen this group of friends, as a family, and the writers of the show seem to think so too.

They didn’t have any toys, so going around the farm and looking at rocks were really the only entertainment they had.

As Grandpa Lou once said, "You know, back in my day we had plenty of fun throwing rocks at each other. Big wads of dirt clods, that's what the kids want." I imagine it was the same for the Pie sisters. :rainbowlaugh:

Awww, that’s overtly adorable

awww your pic is soo cute*Blushes profusely*

I have a new fluff fetish. I'm going to be kink-shamed by everyone I know. I have no cares.

There is a group specifically for RD stories. You should put this in there, if you haven’t already.

I literally thought the exact same thing at the end there.

WTF, why isn't the door locked? Why is literally anyone able to enter the castle and specifically this room?

Why would cookie be on the train? She lives in town, yoj k ow at their house where wwwrie belle is. Also how rhe hell are pear butter alive? Must be changelings.

The cage thing confuses me giving rhe castle is made of bloody crystal not wood and we’re bo doubt in the middle floor or something Just how ?

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