• Published 1st Oct 2018
  • 1,657 Views, 8 Comments

Royal Reformation - The Encounter - Skrive Flip

When Sombra is found alive and brought to Canterlot for reformation, Blueblood decides to step in for the good of Equestria! (And a possible reward).

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Second Encounter

Now out of view of the princess of the night, Blueblood´s brain went into high gear. He'd gotten himself a new goal. A quite lofty one.

More like an impossible one’ A thought intruded, as he remembered his wild ranting at Celestia in the tea garden. A pang of guilt stabbed away at his chest, but he quickly buried it.

No no no, It was not impossible. He had simply been… Overly protective of Equestria´s interests. That's it. Also, if there was anypony who was going to be doing the impossible, it was going to be him, right?

The pang seemed to shrink as his reasoning felt sound enough. It was still there, but now only a fraction of its former self.

I will buy Celestia a bouquet later. She will understand what i mean. No need to dwell on the past’. The prince convinced himself and continued his saunter down the hallways. It was not long to the lounges, and Sombra knew exactly where some malicious former monarch with a megalomania complex would be. In the grand lounge of course! The one with the grand view over Canterlot and greater Equestria! Surely he would be wandering back and forth there, cackling and plotting his next evil scheme.

Which of course Blueblood would put a stop to. And he would then begin to teach that reprobate a thing or two about good and proper manners.

Will it really be that easy?

The pang returned, but Blueblood shook his head. “Of course it will be easy. After all, it´ll be ME doing it! Ohoho!”

The prince quickly covered his mouth with a hoof, realizing he had just said that out loud. A quick scan around thankfully told him nopony had heard.

“Okay. One step at a time.” He reminded himself just as he made the last turn towards the grand lounge door.

He took a deep breath, readjusted his suittie and pushed the doors open.

“Greetings and salutations honoured guest! Welcome to cant...er...lo..t?”


The grand lounge was devoid of life. No great villain cackling, no planning no nothing. It was empty.

“W-What? That can't be right. I would could have sworn he would be here!” Blueblood grumbles mildly.

“Who would be Sir?”

A rather unprincely yelp escaped him as the Prince spun around, seeing the white armor plated frame of one of the house guards.

Clearing his throat and quickly saving face, Blueblood snapped back. “The Guest! Celestia´s newest guest… S…” He paused for a moment, wondering if mentioning his name would be a good idea. Erring on the side of caution, he conceded with: “S...S-that dark Unicorn.”

“Oh him.” The guard responded with a dutiful nod before pointing down the hallway. “The guest you are searching for is in the Dipper lounge. Just down the hallway to the left”

“Th-The Dipper lounge!?” Blueblood repeated in abject confusion. The Dipper lounge was in no way the opulent place he´d imagine a former despot to be residing in. In fact, The Dipper lounge was rather quaint if he would allow himself to swear like that. It had darkened windows and most of the furniture was just for… laying down in. It was almost like an extra bedroom!

“Yes sir.” The guard repeated dutifully with a nod.

Gathering himself again, Blueblood gave a firm nod back at the Guard, dismissing him to continue his duties and took off in the direction given him. However that did not stop Blueblood from ruminating.

I was wrong. Already’.

Now now, no need to panic. We may have been wrong with the initial intention, but we can salvage this.’

But if we start off this poorly-

No! This is fine! Everything is fine! This is just a setback!

His thoughts were cut off when he became aware of the doors before him. The ultramarine coloured lettering painted on the door, with multiple stars depicted in the text told him that indeed, this was the Dipper lounge.

And the guard posted outside did give him some confidence that this time, he was right.

The Prince did not bother even glancing over at the soldier, just accepting the salute and pushing past as to get inside the lounge and begin his plans.

The insides revealed themselves just as he remembered them. Drab and darkened windows, giving the room a far more subdued atmosphere even with the heightened temperature, with the lanterns hanging from the ceiling mimicking stars in too many different constellations that Blueblood could bother to name. The furniture, a mixture of pillows and fainting couches were all bereft of use with the exception of one.

And that is where he was.

Blueblood could now finally get a perfect view of Celestia´s newest project. Even with the blackened windows, there was good enough light to see.

He was laid lazily across his back, neck only craned up by a couple of pillows on the couch, staring up into the ceiling. A small quiver to the ruby colouring suggested that the stallion may have been deep in thought. One forehoof was laid across his chest while the other dangled off of the side of the couch, swaying slowly back and forth.

What drew Blueblood´s attention however, was the despot´s hind legs. The left one of them were resting easily, but the right seemed, cramped. Like a muscle in the calf was forcibly tensed. The Prince suspected that may have been a remnant of that supposed fight with northern direwolves which his auntie told him about.

“Who… dares… to disturb my rumination?”

The same bassey voice from back in the spa made the Prince´s hairs stand on end and he could feel a lump form in his throat. His attention snapped back to the face of the former monarch, only to be captured by the same steely gaze he had met before. The same sensation of cold water rushing down his back and desire to flee for his life rushed him, but he managed to hold his ground. If only barely.

“Uhhm… I…” The Prince could feel the momentary absence of his legendary confidence, so threw himself onto the bluff. “Tis I! Prince Blueblood Könichstein Einesdorf Edelsblöt The 57th!” He half shouted, using the words to shield himself as he was gathering his confidence again.

It seemed to work, as the dark unicorn simply gave a cold stare at the prince rather than pressing further. This gave Blueblood enough time to quickly scrounge together his second line.

“And I! Am here to most graciously welcome you to our most esteemed kingdom! As from one of royal blood to another!” Blueblood´s voice chipper and yet regal. Showing off his glory and strength of character!

Strength being immediately tested as the two ruby slivers of eyes focussed itself upon the young Prince. He held his ground against this assaulting stare!

“Hmh.” A boorish grunt sounded from Sombra. “So they send a foppish princeling to torture me? Already?”

Blueblood could have sworn he´d just heard someone shatter a mirror somewhere, considering how bluntly the dark despot had just taken that potshot at him.

“F-Foppish!? Excuse me Sir! But I´ll have you know that I have the greatest style on this side of the continent and I am adored far and wide for my grace and beauty!” Blueblood insisted, reaching a hoof up to ‘humbly’ brush some imaginary dust off of his shoulder. “I am in no way a fop! And I am not here to torture you!”

“Then why are you here?” Growled Sombra like a moody cat.

“Why to welcome you, and to aid you in the first steps on your wondrous journey towards reformation!” The Prince said with a flourish, showing off his good side! (Then again, he only had good sides).

Sombra turned his head back to glare back upon the ceiling.

“Then you are a rube, on top of being a fop.”

The prince´s jaw dropped at the brazen attitude of his target. How on earth could he not have yet been bedazzled by the prince of equestria??

Maybe because we haven't done anything yet?

The dark unicorn shifted on the couch, rolling over onto his side facing away from Blueblood, wincing slightly as his right leg stretched in a wrong way.

“Why don't you go have dinner with your friend Narcissus, and leave me to my misery.”

This injury to his ego was quite substantial, but the prince restrained himself from acting out for now. This was after all a part of the greater plan. So maybe his initial assault against the monarch had not gone ideally, but he could recover!

Perhaps appealing to his baser instincts would work. Despots in stories always tended to be simpletons, slaving despots even more so.

So the prince exaggerated a scoff while walking around the fainting couch and spoke up with synthetic merriment.

“Oh no need to be so dour, Sir! You managed to escape the jaws of the beyond, claw your way back to life, and now you are audienced in the grandest kingdom in the known world! Surely there is more to do than simply lie and mope!” The prince insisted, placing a hoof on the side of the couch, being very careful not to touch the former monarch. “Why, imagine the hearts a mature stallion as yourself could break in the modern streets of Canterlot! Why I myself just returned from a lovely courtship just yesterday!”

Blueblood did his best to maintain a facáde of an optimistic grin as the dark despot turned his head back towards him. The red eyes seemed to almost be having embers emanating off of them as he scrutinized the equestrian prince.

Silence reigned uncomfortably. Blueblood thought that would certainly bring out Sombra´s interest like any healthy stallion, but instead he seemed just to observe the prince.

It was unclear if Sombra had found whatever he was searching for in his scrutiny, however the dour expression upon his face told otherwise.

‘It didnt work! THINK OF SOMETHING!’

“Uhm, what I was trying to say-”

“Excuse me, My Prince?” A voice interrupted.

Feeling saved by the bell, Blueblood turned quickly to look at the source of the voice. Yet another of the Celestial guards, this one a unicorn mare, gray coated, most other features obscured by the armor.

“Yes, What is it?!” Blueblood asked.

“A Minty Aldermann is here to see you. She says it will only take a m-” The guard tried to explain before being swiftly cut off by an overly enthusiastic Blueblood.

“Aldermann! Of course! Of course I will see her!” He said, his eyes almost glowing with excitement. “In fact, Bring her here!” He ordered.

The guard, while sending a small side glance over at the dark unicorn on the fainting couch, bowed her head and complied. “As you wish, M’lord.”

As the guard disappeared back out into the hallway, Blueblood could feel the excitement bubbling inside of him. Minty Aldermann, why had he not thought of this before? After all, she was a lovely young mare, no doubt some company could lighten the sour despot´s mood! And in that turn, thereby make him far more amicable to the Prince´s influences. And in turn make him easier to reform. Hah, Blueblood sometimes wondered what he had done to deserve being so brilliant.

If… it works…’

Which it would.

While waiting, the prince looked back at Sombra with a certainly well deserved smugness.

The dark lord meanwhile only glanced back with a mixture between annoyance and mild disbelief.

A minute later, the door opened once again, revealing the visual of Minty Aldermann.

Just as Blueblood remembered her from yesterday, she was a jade coated and lime mane´d Earth pony mare. Dressed in fineries more befitting that of a business visit than a social visit, a black suitlike coat with a longer grayish skirt, but still adorned with gems and golden embroideries denoting her status as a noble of canterlot.

She turned towards Blueblood, revealing in the turn that under her foreleg she held a bouquet of white and red roses. The Prince for a moment tilted his head as he seemed to remember giving her that bouquet yesterday, but dismissed the idea, instead opting to think she must have bought one similar to give to him.

Her eyes, a deep saphire blue, seemed apprehensive. Like she was trying to find the right words to open with.
No matter! Her lovely Prince would rescue her from sure desperation.

He walked forwards, took her hoof in his and gave it a kiss.

“Miss Aldermann! Such a joy to see you at the castle again so soon! Even if it was barely a night since i have seen you, you are still no less stunning!” Blueblood said with a bright grin.

Aldermann didnt seem as enthusiastic, her returning smile far more polite.

“Uhm, Thank you, Prince Blueblood. I… I just wanted to say somethin-” She tried to ease onto the topic, but was interrupted.
“Oh you can say whatever you wish, My Dear!” Said Blueblood with great enthusiasm, reaching a hoof over her shoulder to pull her into a quick embrace, before turning both of them in the direction of Sombra. “But first, there is someone I´d like to introduce you to!”

Aldermann tried to protest, but before she knew it, she was dragged further ahead and looking at a strange pony she had not seen before.

Sombra in the meanwhile, simply looked on stoically back and forth between the Prince and his seemingly reluctant courtship.

“Minty! This is the newest royal guest in canterlot! He is quite a far away from home and could no doubt use some genuine friendship and company, which we could no doubt provide!” Blueblood almost sang as his plan now was being voiced, its genius no doubt stunning both of them into awed silence.

Minty, still trying to gently push the prince off of her side, gave a sideways glance to Sombra. Her face paled slightly as she swallowed her spit and turned back to Blueblood with growing annoyance.

“Uhm that is awfully nice of you, My prince, but you see-”

“Oooh of course!” Blueblood placed a hoof across his eyes in exaggerated despair. “I have not formally introduced you yet. How awfully rude of me. Now Lady Aldermann this is…” He paused for a few seconds as he gestured towards Sombra. “... Krystalsmith of Frostfelt.”

Much to Blueblood´s confusion, Sombra seemed to get a little bit of a smile back upon his lips. It tugged at the side of his mouth with an almost smirk like quality to it.

He felt a slightly stronger push from Aldermann.

“That is very nice Blueblood but I really want to-” The mare´s voice was far more insistent but had no purchase on the prince.

“Oh dont you worry!” The Prince cut off quickly, not wanting to loose the momentum. “I shall be sure to book us all the greatest restaurants, theater displays, Wonderbolt races. Why we shall have the grandest of times in all of Equestria-”
And at this point, Blueblood felt a genuine shove. He staggered a couple of steps to the right, thankfully not tripping over anything before turning back towards Aldermann and getting a bouquet tossed straight into his face.

The flowers broke from their wrapping and scattered everywhere, some sticking in his mane, some sticking in his waistcoat while a single somehow managed to land in his mouth.

Blinking in confusion and reflexively biting down into the rogue rosebud, Blueblood became fully aware of just how furious Lady Aldermann appeared. Her previous apprehension had all but vanished and been replaced with seething anger.

“I came to give you this bouquet BACK. And to say that I would APPRECIATE if you did NOT try to write or call me again! I do not care what my father says, I have never before met such an bullheaded, moronic and pompous stallion in all of my years! And I used to go to BOARDING SCHOOL!”

Each beratement struck the prince out of the blue, as it all seemed completely unreal that such a cultured pony such as Minty Aldermann would say such ghastly things about him.

While trying to reboot his brain and find some sort of response, Minty saw fit to turn her nose up at the Prince.

“I can scarcely believe I ever saw anything in you. And whoever will get stuck with courting you in the future officially have my PITY!” Minty hammered in the last words of her rant as she loudly huffed and marched out of the room, slamming the door after her for good measure.

Left bereft of his composure, Blueblood opened his mouth to try and say something, yet it ended up more looking like a fish attempting to breathe air.


And Sombra´s hideous chortle didn't help him at all.

“Now that!” The darker unicorn stretched out his hooves on the fainting couch. “Was pathetic.” He judged with a malicious smile spotting his lips.

“O-Oh yea!? Well I´d like to see you do better!” Blueblood snapped back, not enjoying being made fun of in general, but while his pride was hurt, it stung a little further.

Sombra simply knocked gently against the little metal bracelet around his fractured horn. “I'm a Prisoner remember? Your precious aunt have warned ponies against me.”

“She told them to give you a chance! She is treating you as a guest!” Blueblood trotted up and pressed his nose angrily against Sombra´s.

“She put a magic suppressor on my horn, despite the fact i'm basically a declawed invalid!” Sombra scoffed, not bothering getting angry at the naive whelp or move his nose. “Might as well give me a leper bell to go along with it.”

While Blueblood could not immediately come up with a proper response to that, he was good at switching and dodging subjects, so he simply went back on track; “So what you´re basically saying is that you couldn't do any better.” Blueblood smirked.

“Didn't say that.” Sombra grunted, and pulled his face away to stop the scrunch battle the two were having.

Blueblood chuckled victoriously. “Oh you don't have to be so coy Sombra, you can simply confess to being inferior to me in the grand game of romance. There is no one here but us, and it is only natural.” The white unicorn flipped his mane back for emphasis on his superiority.

This made Sombra turn his head back to glare at Blueblood. “I am inferior to no one. Especially no prissy equestrian prince!” He stated in a firm tone.

While Sombra´s glare was quite vicious and Blueblood did almost feel like the grim reaper was sneaking up behind him the longer he stared into those glaring rubies, he did also know that Sombra was declawed. And he was a prince of Equestria! He would not back down!

“Oh please,” Blueblood scoffed as he casually strolled aside, feigning interest in a piece of tapestry. “You were King of a slave state. Whatever conquests you might have had were handed to you on a silver platter. Probably coerced out of your serving staff. No royal worth their salt would consider that a proper conquest.”

Making sure not to look in Sombra's direction, as to really hammer to emphasis home, Blueblood waited for a response. But with the blissful silence met him, he pressed harder.

“I mean, I have had courtships offered from Saddle Arabia to Nova Gryphonia! All of them powerful, rich and beautiful in their own rights. All of them willing to fight over the affections of the Handsome Prince Blueblood.” He ran a hoof through his own mane. “And yet, none have met my standards. That, is the level I am upon, Sombra. So it is fine to simply confess your inferiority.”

Confident that he had laid the smackdown of the century, Blueblood grinned at his own brilliance, waiting for the inevitable to happen. Except, it didn't.

“So, how many of those courtships came to fruition?”

“Excuse me?” Blueblood blinked in confusion.

“I asked; How many courtships, have actually had a conclusion that was Not, them tossing flowers in your face?” Sombra asked cynically.

Blueblood paused for breath. “Uhhh…” He mentally scrambled for anything to say. “I mean, t-that's not the point. The point is that I am on their minds-”

“So is meningitis. Have you actually managed to get in their hearts or their chambers?”

Another pause. Blueblood didn't want to turn around, not wanting to acknowledge the no doubt self satisfied smirk on Sombra´s face. “Well, I… th… They were all very prudish! And I.” Blueblood brushed his shoulder to try and maintain some level forced decorum. “Am a Prince of Equestria. I am too high a prize for any of those lowly seductresses to win.”

Nervously, the white unicorn craned his head just sliiightly, praying to his auntie that he had somehow dumbstruck Sombra with his amazing personality and logic.

He was met with the most bored expression he´d met on anyone.

“You're an idiot.” Sombra grunted from his comfortable lounge.

“I am NOT!” Snapped Blueblood back at the former monarch, turning fully to face him. “You will retract that insult immediately!”

“I´ll retract that insult when you stop claiming the egg on your face is makeup.”

Baffled, Blueblood actually touched a hoof to his face, his panic for a moment making him wonder if he actually had egg on his face.

Sombra in the meanwhile, slowly got up from his lounge and strolled (as smoothly as his limp could allow) towards the tongue tied prince.

“Courtships are not be-all-end-all. The importance of courting is to get to learn the target of your affection or lusts.” He explained, while pushing his chest forwards, almost touching with a scared Blueblood who was now doing his very best to backpedal, literally.

“You need to find out what makes them tick. What is it you like about them?” Sombra continued, as he slowly followed one step along with Blueblood for every step the prince took backwards. “Is it their appearance? Do you think there is enough in their visage to warrant your time and energy?”

Blueblood almost squeaked audibly as he loudly bonked his rear against the back wall, realizing by now he had backpedaled away from Sombra across half a room. He was not happy with Sombra being close to him generally, considering that (despite his duties) he was still scared of the foreign ex-despot. He held his breath, not wanting the bastard to get any closer. He promised himself that if the crippled warlock tried anything further, he'd call for the guards immediately!

In fact, why wait?

He took a deep breath.

And… Paused.

Because Sombra´s demeanor changed.

As opposed to the threatening towering that had scared, i mean, forced Blueblood into the corner, the black unicorn now seemingly lowered himself, making himself smaller, more reserved.

“Or, is it something about them else you want? Does your fascination lie deeper? Is it then worth the risk of exploring this? Are they, worthy of showing your weaknesses?” Sombra continued on his impromptu courtship lecture, his voice now softer and more vulnerable.

In fact, the darker unicorn even seemed to be, backing off?

Blueblood could barely understand what he was seeing, and instinctively took a step forwards as Sombra took one backwards, freeing himself of the corner.

“Then, you need to learn what they want.” Sombra slowly and submissively limped backwards.

Blueblood was, so confused. He had been scared enough to call for the guards mere moments ago, and now he almost felt like consoling him for… something? Blueblood had to admit, Sombra definitely knew how to spin emotions.

Sombra backed up more and Blueblood followed.

“Do they have a type? Is it the demeanor they are looking for? Do they like feeling like they are in control?” Sombra's eyes were cast to the floor, avoiding Blueblood like a doe eyed virgin, even… forcing on a blush?

Blueblood opened his mouth for a rebuttal, but nothing came out. Was… Was Sombra actually blushing or was he just acting? Could actors even fake blushing? No actor he had ever seen before could do that!

The former monarch, even as he was limping, continuously backed away from Blueblood, dragging him along by the invisible leash of interest, and pulling at it like a puppeteer.

“Do they have hidden desires you can bring out? Perhaps, something they would never show others, yet in a moment of weakness, you glean it from their eyes?” Sombra whimpered as he now bumped against the far wall of the room, posturely dwarfed by Blueblood.

There was a strange surge in Blueblood’s chest. He recognized it, but it felt out of place. He felt the same tension like with young mares who´d hope to win his heart. This strange mixture of flattery from being desired, this superiority knowing that you are better, that deep… desire… To follow through.

His eyes flickered all over Sombra´s face, for moments getting lost in his brilliant ruby coloured eyes which at this very moment looked gentler than a midwife, then catching to his lips which were soft, at that moment completely indistinct from a mare´s. It would be so easy… So easy to just, lean forwards and claim them at this very moment. He was in control. He was the strong one. He was Prince Blueblood, royal blood of Equestria, and he… he…

And he just got snubbed again, as Sombra casually smirked and scoffed.

“I thought so.” He said, returning to his regular poise and squeezed himself out from the corner and the prince, taking extra care to flick his tail at Blueblood´s nose, snapping him back to reality. “Until you learn that, and to control yourself, you will remain without a consort, Princeling.”

Blueblood rubbed his sore nose and looked back at Sombra as the former monarch casually strolled over to the door.

He opened the door and announced loudly to one of the guards standing outside: “I will head back to my room. Don't bother me.”

With that, the lounge returned to absolute silence, with only a very confused Blueblood left alone with his thoughts. A silence broken by the same flabbergasted unicorn.

“What in the name of Faust just happened?”

His attention was ripped over to the side of the room as an old grandfather clock rang out, announcing it was now 15 O’Clock, forcing the prince to shake his head.

“15. Okay… okay… what was I supposed to do at 15? I uhm… I… I had something to do… Somepony to meet, I... Urgh! INKWELL!!!”