• Published 12th Aug 2018
  • 5,096 Views, 719 Comments

Bulletproof Heart - PaulAsaran

In a hot desert Equestria, Rarity Belle makes her living as a clothier in the small town of Spurhoof. But when a posse of Bad Apples arrive in town, she finds her life turned upside down. Now she fights for only one thing: survival.

  • ...


106th of Rising Heat, 1006 BA

Spike let out a hum that shook Rarity’s bones with his proximity. “That is quite the story, Lady Rarity.”

“He says to the pony who lived it.” She was settled upon her Royal-sized mattress with its silk sheets again. Spike had kept it there ever since her departure, ready and waiting for her to claim it once more. Sweetie Belle lay curled up next to her, unable to stay awake for the entire story. Rarity didn’t blame her; they’d had a long journey together. It was also a welcome change, for the teenage filly had produced an endless stream of excited questions ever since she’d been first introduced to the Boss of Howler’s Bank.

Her mother and Coco, on the other hand, had been all too eager to be taken to their respective rooms, prepared well in advance of their arrival. It seemed it would take time to get used to the idea that the protection promised them for so long was coming from a dragon.

“And how are you?”

It took her a moment to register that the question had been asked at all, and longer to realize what it had been. She sighed and shook her head. “I’m getting by. I miss Papa fiercely, but the weeks required to travel here have dulled the sting.”

Another throaty hum. Spike scratched at his throat with a lone talon, his eyes on something beyond the walls of his cavernous, gem-filled home. “I promise to look after your family and Miss Pommel as best I can. They will be safe here, though I question if they will wish to remain.”

“They’ll come around,” she assured him, reaching down to pet Sweetie’s mane. The filly smiled and nestled a little closer to her big sister. “I’m sorry they didn’t take to you right away.”

“I know how it is.” Spike offered that pleasant smile of his, the one without showing all his teeth. She idly wondered how many years it had taken him to perfect that. “I seem to recall a certain pony fainting at the first sight of me.”

She blushed, but returned the smile. “At least they didn’t do that, I suppose.”

They held one another’s gaze for a moment, but then Spike lost his smile. Shuffling in place, eyes filled with concern, he asked, “Are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m better than I’ve been in a long time.” She chuckled, a hollow note that sounded all the more so thanks to the echo of the cavern. “Stormy Flare’s rage revealed to me what I didn’t want to become. I have a much clearer path now, at least philosophically.”

Spike’s long, sinuous neck brought his head close to her, such that he was able to stare into her face. His breath, as minty as she recalled, blew her mane back, but she didn’t retreat from his gaze. Rather, she met it fully, not sure what to expect from his thoughtful scrutiny.

“You’ve changed, Rarity. You are a very different, far stronger pony than the one I was forced to say goodbye to a few seasons ago.”

She smiled and reached up to rub the tip of his massive snout. “Thank you, Spikey.”

He averted his eyes, and she thought she saw a touch of pink in his cheeks. The idea that a dragon could blush still baffled the mind. She’d certainly never seen Ophelia do that. After a moment’s embarrassment, he retreated back into his sitting position atop his pile of gems. She couldn’t stop smiling; to see something that big be embarrassed was strangely cute.

“So,” he asked with a bit too much quickness, “what happened to the others?”

Her thoughts drifted to the friends she’d parted with recently. It proved an effective dampener on her mood, not that she blamed Spike for that. “I’m afraid Strawberry didn’t take too well to the loss of her arm. When we parted ways, Tiro said he intended to bring her home. It’s probably for the best.

“I offered to escort Roan to her roost, but she declined.” That thought left an unpleasant sting in her chest. “She was determined to make the last leg of her voyage on her own. I fear she wasn’t ready, but… I think it’s time I learned to let some things be. I’ll just have to trust that she made it there alive and well.”

Another of those throbbing hums. Spike stared at his claws, which twiddled and poked at one another in an anxious display. “I know that feeling.”

He would, wouldn’t he? Twirling Sweetie’s mane between her fingers, she replied, “I’m sorry. I knew you didn’t want me to leave. I suppose it worked out in the end. I’ll try to take that as a sign I should be more confident in Roan.”

“I guess so.”

They were quiet for a time. Rarity’s mind was blank, and comfortably so. For the first time in ages, she wasn’t thinking about who she needed to protect, where she needed to get to, or if anypony was out to kill her. It was nice, not having to worry. Even Roan slipped her mind for the time being, though she knew the young griffon would come back to her thoughts eventually. For now she would bask in the peace of Spike’s home and enjoy his company, as well as that of her family.

Speaking of… “I wanted to thank you again, Spike. I know I have no place to ask you to look after them, but I appreciate it with all my heart.”

“Of course. It’s my pleasure. Your sister seems like a delight to have around.” His massive green eyes settled upon the filly, but not for long. “You will stay for a little while? At least until you heal.”

“But of course, Darling.” Rarity grinned even as she took a moment to rub her still-aching shoulder. “Far be it for me to reject your hospitality. You do know how to spoil a girl.”

He placed a claw over his heart and bowed his head in a mildly exaggerated pose. “I live to serve. But if I may ask, what do you intend to do once you leave?”

He hadn’t even bothered to suggest she wouldn’t. But then, it had likely been obvious. He knew as well as she did that her future still wasn’t in these caves and tunnels, no matter how comfortable he made them for her. Indeed, they felt even less appropriate for her now than they had when she’d last been here.

Realizing he was watching her, she shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ll need a way to earn some money, since I’ve lost my entire fortune in the last year. I’d hate to take up bounty work.” She grimaced, the very idea leaving a bad taste in her mouth. “Still, I shall do what I must with the skills I can no longer deny I have. And no—” she added with some bite just as his mouth began to open “—I will not be accepting any financial gifts from the Bank. I started this journey a self-made mare and by the Sisters I will end it that way.”

Spike raised his claws up in a gesture of surrender. “I shall say nothing of it. But,” he added with a hopeful smile, “perhaps if I sent word to you on occasion of lucrative opportunities?”

For that she gave him a warm smile. “I’d be happy to receive that kind of help. Thank you, Spike.”

“You are welcome. In the meantime, might I make a suggestion?”

“But of course.”

A lone talon, almost as wide as she was tall, approached until it was only a foot away, the tip aimed at her chest. “The Elements of Harmony.”

Cocking her head, Rarity reached beneath her shirt and pulled out the golden necklace. “This? I am still not wholly convinced it is what you say it is.”

“It is, Rarity. I know it as sure as I know my own hoard.” His eyes narrowed as he studied the necklace, the tip of his tail flicking and sending coins and gems rolling about in waves. He paused when the noise made Sweetie stir, and waited until she drifted off once more to speak again. But his eyes never left her necklace. “That is the Element of Generosity. And, if I have the details of your story correct, then you’ve already found two others, though I cannot claim which ones they are. That means there are three more.”

“Two more.” His eyes flicked to hers, and she continued, “Don’t forget the one I saw with the buffalo.”

“It is no coincidence.” Spike settled on his belly, all his attention now focused on her necklace. “The Elements are awakening. They are seeking new Bearers, of which you are one. Applejack is likely another.” Ignoring Rarity’s scoff, he asked, “Where is Applejack? I would like to see her Element and determine which it is.”

“She went home,” Rarity replied primly. “She is the leader of her Family, after all, and she’s left them to their own devices for far too long. It was time to check in and make sure everything was still running smoothly.” Rarity didn’t bother to add that she felt a little saddened by the mare’s leaving. Not that she was ready to fully accept Applejack’s presence, of course. Not at all. She just didn’t like travelling alone anymore. “I’m sure she’ll find her way back to me in time. She all but said she would.”

“If she does, let her know she is welcome to come to this place. I would very much like to meet her.” Spike’s gaze, ever thoughtful and now somewhat firm, met hers. “I recommend you seek out the remaining Bearers. It may not be necessary, for the Elements have a way of bringing the right ponies together. I feel something big is going to happen. It will happen soon, and you will be caught in the middle of it.”

The confidence in his tone fed a flame of uncertainty within her. His solemn, sure stare only reinforced that feeling. She pushed it down and focused on straightening Sweetie’s mane with her fingers. “I hope not. I’m ready to face my future, but I don’t know that I’m a good fit for taking on the world.”

Spike was silent for a time, save for his ever-heavy breaths. She didn’t look up, not wanting to know what he was thinking. If her necklace was an Element and it did have plans for her, she preferred not to know about it. It was enough that it was hers. Besides, she didn’t believe his talk of Elements.

“There is somepony you should meet. I would normally suggest her teacher, who was a friend of mine, but I’m afraid she died last year. Her apprentice may be able to tell you more about your necklace.”

Rarity sighed and peered up at him. “If I agree to at least consider doing this and searching for the Elements in my spare time, will you agree to drop it for now?”

His scaled lips turned up in a smirk that suggested he knew far more than he was letting on. “Very well, I can live with that arrangement. A promise for a few days of peace.”

Part of Rarity wanted to ask what his game was, but in the end she found she just wanted to not think about it. So, with a roll of her eyes and an inviting gesture, she said, “Deal. So who is this pony and where would I find her, should I be so inclined?”

“You will find her in Manehattan. She goes by the name of Trixie.”

Author's Note:

UPDATE 2021/12/13: Have questions about the world of Bulletproof Heart and aren't afraid of spoilers? Then visit the official BPH Q&A blog!

And so it ends. For now.

This story was a lot of work to create, but that was easily counterbalanced by just how much I loved the work. Just about the only thing I regret, and then only half-seriously, is having the titular song stuck in my head fairly regularly for almost two straight years. And it's not over: as I've said numerous times in the past, this was originally envisioned as a trilogy, and I've already started work on the sequel.

Famous Last Words is going to be very different from Bulletproof Heart. My original plan for the entire franchise was for the majority of it to be like a television series in which every episode features the same characters but otherwise has little attachment to the episodes around it. Think Cowboy Bebop and you'll have an idea of what I mean. As an origin story, that form wasn't going to work for Bulletproof Heart, but I'm pretty sure I can pull it off in the next "season".

But for now, I'm just glad to see this story finally released in its entirety. And the reception has been nothing short of delightful! My thanks to all of you who joined Rarity in the start of her journey, and to all my prereaders who helped make that journey even better. There's still a lot of ground to cover, more mysteries to solve, and more characters to introduce. My only worry now is that the fandom will be dead by the time it's all finished.

That's all for now, folks. I'll see you at the next story!

And I assure you, there will be a next story.

Bulletproof Heart is now available for purchase on Lulu! That's right, you can have this story on actual, real paper that you can hold in your hands, and it's not the cheap stuff you get printing from your own printer, either. Follow the links below to get your copy:
Paperback, $20 +tax & shipping
Hardcover, $30 +tax & shipping

Comments ( 146 )

Looking forward to it! Thank you for the story.

Please hurry with the next one.

Help: I have been sucked into your world and can't escape.

Send popcorn.

Thanks for the ride. I hope to see the sequel, but I understand if it takes some time.

Lord knows, I promised a sequel to my most (modestly) successful story, and I've barely gotten anywhere with it. In fact, I was just thinking about publishing the first chapter of that purported sequel as a one-shot, since the plan turned out to be too complicated to get written before I blocked and went on to something else.

So looking forward to the sequel, but still sad that this one is already over. However, this is a rather good stopping point. Rarity bears a few scars, but it seems she’s finally found her strength. I cannot wait to see where the road goes on from here!

far be it for me

the phrase goes: 'far be it from me'

And so it ends ... I look forward to seeing this series continue ... thine world intrigues me good sir, do continue on ...

Wanderer D

Reading and re-reading (and re-reading) this story was an amazing experience. It will always be one of my favorites!

The Bulletproof Heart will Return.

Speaking of Marvel, I heard the title to Avengers 4 has been teased. Mark Ruffalo has implied that it's going to be called The Last Avenger.


So, to keep it all straight in my head …

Rarity: Possibly headed for Manehattan to find Trixie.
Applejack: Growing friends with Rarity, back to the Family business for now, expected to return at some point.
Pinkie: Last seen in the Second Battle of Ponyville, current status unknown (presumed fine, she’s Pinkie after all).
Fluttershy: At Elysium Oasis, feels betrayed by Rarity, doesn’t want to see her again (for now).
Rainbow: Last seen ages ago still leading AK Yearling on a merry chase with her stolen motorbike; presumably vengeful towards Rarity for killing Lightning Dust.
Twilight: Unknown status; missing, presumed dead by Shining Armor. Not seen or heard of yet.
Celestia & Luna: Unknown status, not seen or heard of yet.
AK Yearling: Last seen still chasing after Rainbow. Would’ve been nice if that was resolved by the end – meets with Rarity, so on – but oh well.

Anyway. This was a rush. Took me several chapters before I actually started reading it, but once I did I couldn’t let it go and I waited impatiently every day for the next chapter. Wonder what I’m gonna do with myself if I have to wait over a year to see what happens next. :pinkiegasp:

Thanks for writing and sharing this, Paul, it was … awesome. :rainbowkiss:

PS. When you say the sequel will be episodic, I take it you mean that whilst each chapter will tell a different self-contained story, it’ll still all be in the service of the larger plot, yes? Similar to Avatar: TLA? (Never saw Cowboy Bebop so that comparison doesn’t tell me anything.)

I really enjoyed this story, and that’s saying a lot, given that Rarity is actually not my favourite of the ponies! (Not that I dislike her, she’s just not a fave...) but it was well-written, well-paced, and the world building was spot on. The only thing that disappoints me is the wait for the next instalment — I want to see how Rarity and Applejack’s relationship turns out, how Fluttershy grows to deserve her element and overcome her challenges, where the heck Twilight fits in to all of this, and what RD’s deal is how’d she lose a wing? Why on earth is she a bounty hunter, of all things? Not exactly a heroic line of work...

So to the extent I’m interested and invested, this story was great. I think I saw you say somewhere it’ll take a year for the next, and I hope I’m wrong on that or that’s not the case!

Thanks for writing this, and good luck with the next instalment :)

At no point does she start floating because gravity doesn't mean too much to her 0/10

I kid. This was excellent, and kept surprising me.

"And so it ends. For now."
Thank you very much for writing this story and sharing it with us. :)

"That's all for now, folks. I'll see you at the next story!"
Looking forward to it!

The story may have ended... But the journey has only just begun...

I will admit, I wasn't sure how I'd react to this story, but when I saw that Fallout: Equestria had inspired this, I thought ' Maybe this won't be so bad...'

I was not prepared for the absolutely stunning world building or the incredibly well done characters. You breathed life into an AU that I think may end up spawning multiple spin-offs by other authors.

This is a work of absolute art. I look forward to the sequel, and to the continuation of Rarity's travels.

Absolutely amazing. I've read many stories, but yours stole not just the cake, but the whole kitchen.


Stunning, absolutely stunning. Fantastic work, my friend.

Beta reading this fic was a great experience, and I'm happy to see it posted in all its glory. Looking forward for when I eventually have the time to re-read it in its finalized form.

Site Blogger

No, thank you for reading!

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No promises, I’m afraid. :fluttershyouch:

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*Sends popcorn*

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Ambition getting ahead of you? Yeah, I know exactly how that feels...

But I’ve started, and that (usually) means I’ll finish.

Site Blogger

Actually, it can be used with either for or from. Both are legit.

I appreciate all the corrections you’ve been sending, although I’ll take the time now to ask that they be sent via PMs, please. :twilightsheepish:

Anyway, I’ll be watching for you in the sequel, assuming the fandom’s still around by then.

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And your help has been greatly appreciated! Rest assured I’ll be asking for it again when I finish the sequel’s rough draft.

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Glad you enjoyed it so much!

I haven’t seen Avatar (in any form), so I couldn’t tell you if it’ll match that or not. But it sounds like you have the right idea, so... sure.

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Thanks! Don’t worry, such questions will be raised and answered in time. Here’s hoping it’s not too long a time, though.

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Hey, hey, give it a bit longer. She spent all this time figuring who she’s gotta be, y’know?

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And thank you for reading!

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You breathed life into an AU that I think may end up spawning multiple spin-offs by other authors.

Honestly, this is one of the things I want to happen. So much that I’ve seriously considered starting a writing contest just for the sake of making it so.

Anyway, wonderful to know how much you’ve enjoyed it!


Oh, man, you’re badly missing out. The next time you got nothing in particular queued up, binge TLA. Best animated show of all time, bar none. The writing, the animation, the humor, the story – gah. I’ll stop now before I get started.

(Just stay well away from the Shyamalan disaster that has the audacity to bear the same name.)

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That just gives everyone an excuse to read the original again. :raritywink:

Site Blogger

Many thanks!

If thou dost desire PMs, thou shalt have PMs.
Depending on how long it takes, the show may have ended by then ... but the fandom will still be around ... fandoms don't just die ... (usually)

Rarity said she doesn't want to become a bounty hunter - fully understandable - but the Flaming Vermilion just happens to already be dead and probably had a bounty worth twice what the Apples put on her. Not that I have any idea how she'd cash that safely.

Well done, I'm hooked on this story and simply cannot wait for more. (But I will wait regardless, semi-patiently and very eagerly)

Fuck the fandom being dead, your work transcends the fandom. I'd read the next story in emails if I had too. This was such an interesting read! Crazy good characters but I never expected anything else. Can't wait to read what you put out next!

Good sir, I can say that I have rarely enjoyed a story quite as much as this one, and now that you are done I am motivated to get back on track with writing my own stories again.
May fortune smile upon you and all your future works.:scootangel:

Great story looking for the sequel

That was a great western story, never knew how much I wanted to see more of Rarity the gunslinger until now.

I think a good portion of the people on this site are the kind that are probably going to be around after the show ends.

Trixie, huh? With Twilight vanished and this being an AU, perhaps Trixie will take over as the Element of Magic?:trixieshiftright:

I hope my rampant cynicism wasn't too off-putting, and I'm looking forward to seeing the sequel, in a year or two. :pinkiehappy:

Eh, most (if not all) of the bounties on Flare were probably from the Apple Gang, no way Rarity would be willing to collect on those.


Not to mention that it is technically not her bounty to collect since it was Fluttershy to administer the killing blow. How ever she is entitled to a percentage for her participation.

It was also a welcome change, for the teenage filly had produced an endless stream of excited questions ever since she’d been first introduced to the Boss of Howler’s Bank.

Most would.

It took her a moment to register that the question had been asked at all, and longer to realize what it had been. She sighed and shook her head. “I’m getting by. I miss Papa fiercely, but the weeks required to travel here have dulled the sting.”

Yeah, time does that.

“I’m better than I’ve been in a long time.” She chuckled, a hollow note that sounded all the more so thanks to the echo of the cavern. “Stormy Flare’s rage revealed to me what I didn’t want to become. I have a much clearer path now, at least philosophically.”

I would imagine.

Another of those throbbing hums. Spike stared at his claws, which twiddled and poked at one another in an anxious display. “I know that feeling.”

I imagine.

He placed a claw over his heart and bowed his head in a mildly exaggerated pose. “I live to serve.


Realizing he was watching her, she shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ll need a way to earn some money, since I’ve lost my entire fortune in the last year. I’d hate to take up bounty work.”

I can only imagine, yes.

“—I will not be accepting any financial gifts from the Bank. I started this journey a self-made mare and by the Sisters I will end it that way.”


A lone talon, almost as wide as she was tall, approached until it was only a foot away, the tip aimed at her chest. “The Elements of Harmony.”


“She went home,” Rarity replied primly. “She is the leader of her Family, after all, and she’s left them to their own devices for far too long. It was time to check in and make sure everything was still running smoothly.”

I suppose that's fair.

“I hope not. I’m ready to face my future, but I don’t know that I’m a good fit for taking on the world.”

Perhaps not. But, you don't have much of a choice. Destiny is a bitch.

His scaled lips turned up in a smirk that suggested he knew far more than he was letting on. “Very well, I can live with that arrangement. A promise for a few days of peace.”

Better than nothing.

“You will find her in Manehattan. She goes by the name of Trixie.”

Best pony! (fuck you, fight me.)


Avatar is a pretty solid show. It isn't perfect, but it's really friggin fun.

I second what he said. Avatar is perhaps my favorite animated series of all time. The character depth and development is fluid and deep (like, holy cow Zuko), and it deals handily with subjects such as murder, genocide, and betrayal. However, it's also hilarious, and isn't too heavy.

Good work on this. I look forward to the next installment with great interest ^.^

Exquisitely done from start to end. I dare say this is a masterpiece of the fandom. Thank you for one hell of a read. Here's looking forward to Book 2.

This story was so outstanding! If you wrote 100 more I would make a point to read them all. Excellent work! :raritywink:

Well, you've been enlightened at least. Tell your friends. Tell a Finnish person. They'll love it. :raritywink:

Still reading this, and loving every bit of the AU and the gunslinger-Rarity aesthetic. Anticipate a positive review from me, as and when I finish.

Site Blogger

Looking forward to it! :pinkiehappy:

Ok. Great story. Loved how it all wrapped somewhat neatly but I was really hoping Cayenne would get what she had coming. And still want to know where Yearling ended up. Looking forward the next story.

Site Blogger

Sorry, hints mean spoilers, and to quote Rarity herself: "No spoilers!" :raritywink:

But the fact that it would be spoilers should say something in and of itself.

Read through all this, and my earlier assessment remains unchanged. Loved the heck out of this, Paul. :pinkiehappy:

It's a gorgeous, vivid-drawn setting you've crafted for this, and it hits its gritty Western beats and epic scope with aplomb. Rarity's character journey in this is a stellar one, and her gradual sink into (and recovery at the brink of) Vermillion-esque darkness was wonderfully and believably told. The action scenes were punchy and visceral, and the emotional gut-punches landed as intended.

There were definite things left hanging that I thought deserved detailing near story's end - the outcome between Rainbow and Yearling, what Twilight's been up to, the plans of the Bad Apple higher-ups, etc - and it needs and merits a sequel. So that last author note confirming there'll be one was great to see. Very much looking forward to it, and till then, inflicting a more-than-well-deserved Favourite on this.

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So very happy to hear it! It was a long and fun journey to write and you can bet I'll be answering a lot of those unanswered questions, and then some.

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