• Member Since 25th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Undead Equestrian Writer

But would I be a good Messiah with my low self-esteem? If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy? - Bloodhound Gang; Hell Yeah


I'm was imprisoned here when I told my family I saw figures speaking to me. My family thought I was crazy, so they got me incarcerated in a mental hospital... what scares me is if they might be right.

Thanks to MyLittleBronyDude for being a great editor.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 62 )

this story is getting interesting

You're very welcome, I m looking foward to see what happend next

I can't wait to see what happens next!:pinkiehappy:

This story has an interesting premise behind it, but I feel it's a bit rushed and scattered. I'd reccommend focusing on some of the characters to better understand their appearances, ideas, morals, and motives. So far, all I know is that the lead character killed this Doctor's wife somehow. Not a bad start though. Kewp it up!

Thank you, and yes, I know they're rushed, I'm gonna smooth things out later, I just wrote them to get my ideas down and not forget about it

Bring your friends and Starlight? The term friends does cover Starlight too, you know.

I woke with a start as I heard my doctor enter my room, the lock going off with a buzz. He came to give me my daily dose of "detrimental" medicine, then to leave me to wallow in my pity. I looked at him as I frown, but his face was obscured by the shadows as I moved away from him.

Just a couple of missing words for this one.

"Come on, Thomas, take your medicine," he coaxed me, as I remained silent. If I spoke I'd be subdued, and the guards weren't kind. They weren't meant to be, but I felt, no, I knew, they hated me and loved causing me pain. "Thomas, take your pills, it'll help you leave here sooner, so you can be healthy and be with your friends."

Again, just a missing word and a punctuation error.

"I need you to get up and walk to the cage bars, please," I groaned softly as I rolled back over and stood slowly, my hooves feeling like putty. I moved two hooves and collapsed. "Here, trying using these," I watched as a pair of crutches appeared next to me. I shakily reached for them and grabbed one, using it to push myself slowly, but I fell back over. "Come on, you can do it."

Putty is spelled with ‘t’ instead of ‘d’.

"Ah, you're awake, hello, my name is Doctor Christoph," he had a heavy accent, maybe Russian, Ukrainian? His w's sounded like v's, and his s's sounded like z's. "I'm going to ask you some questions, is that okay?" I nodded. "Good, first question is do you speak?" I nodded. "Okay, you don't have to if you don’t want to, but I wanted to ask about your attempted escape."

You just needed a space between ‘you’ and ‘don’t’ and there was an unneeded comma.

I awoke handcuffed to a chair, with a bandage applied to the side of my head. I winced as the cold air nipped at my skin, as I realized I don't have a straitjacket on, just a white shirt and white pants.

Straitjacket is spelled ‘strait’ instead of ‘straight’.

"You do remember, earlier, at around 11 AM," I shook my head. "Ah... maybe one of the guards kicked you too hard, well, earlier today, at around 11 AM, you managed to free your self of your restraints, your straitjacket, then managed to open the door to your cell and walk out."

You just needed an ‘o’ in ‘too’, you spelled straitjacket wrong again and there was another unneeded comma.

That’s all the mistakes for this chapter.

I awoke handcuffed to a chair, with a bandage applied to the side of my head. I winced as the cold air nipped at my skin, as I realized I don't have a straitjacket on, just a white shirt and white pants.

This story sure looks interresting amd I like it so far. I will keep an eye on it :twilightsmile:

Wow this book good have a like and fav

"Oh, you're awake," I saw him a grab a needle from a tray and inject to contents into my IV drip. "Just sleep, we'll wake you in a few days." And with that, I fell back asleep.

Quote: Murder time.

I suppose, I didn't tgink that way but I can see it

No, I've just lost a bit of motivation as a writer, whenever I feel motivated again, I'll attempt to continue this, for now though, it's on hiatus

sorry for what. There nothing wrong

Making you wait, I didn't realize people actually wanted to read my garbage

First its not garbage, you write good storys and secondly its fine as long as it will continue I can't be mad

I don't think I write good things, but alright... And it might continue soon...

You do don't put yourself down like that. They are good storys. Have a good day/night

Comment posted by sinewystatue382 deleted Nov 22nd, 2020

Great work keep it up

Wait, how did he go from having hands to hooves?

They would have to fight me.

Honestly, I wouldn’t answer any of Christoph’s or his researchers questions until they treat me with respect.

I cried out in pain as electricity coursed through my body, locking my joints and muscles up, making my hairs stand on end. I heard laughing in the background as I saw the new guard staring through the window at me, a look of sorrow on her face as she watched my torture. She mouthed something to me, but I didn't make it out as I shook as they increased the volts.

What was she mouthing?

"Hello, I am Security Seargent Minute, but you can just call me Minute," she stuck her hoof out as I heard soft bickering from Graph and Harp. I reached out and shook her hoof. "You may have noticed that I was with you in your dimension, I will be the one you speak with the most."

So she’s the new guard?

"The EQTDL is a portal to a from different dimensions, we can pull somepony from one dimension into ours, or vice versa," Twilight jumped in nerdy joy. "I can't wait to see what the scientists have pulled across!"

Wait, then how come only he can see them?

I slowly looked around my dark cell, as I heard demands to open the cell door, followed by how I was gone. The door opened and Dr. Christoph ran in, before seeing me on the floor. He growled and slapped me hard, my cheek stinging. His anger radiated from him as he kicked me in the stomach.

Why not fight back?

"What the fuck are you!" I cried in pain as I gasped and coughed. I fell flat as I felt another kick hit me in the chest. My chest burnt as it became hard for me to breathe, coughing up blood. "God damnit, fuck, get a nurse in here, Patient 692 is suffering from a broken rib."

What the f*ck is he talking about?

A nurse entered with a gurney, pulling me onto the gurney. I was wheeled off as I saw Minute following us. She noticed my gaze and smiled softly as I noticed tears well up in her eyes. I was kickly put under anestetic my eyes getting heavy as I fell asleep.


"Antidepressents, they're calming," he told me as though we were best friends. He sat in front of me and rubbed his eyes. "What do you see, I know you're not crazy, you suffer symptoms of Aspergers, but not of Schizophrenia or suffer from night terrors, so what do you see?"

Non of your f*cking business.

"I know I wasn't the nicest, and I could make excuses like crazy, but I would like you to talk, Kyle," he stopped as my mouth slowly fell open. My name, he said it for the first time in years. I was speechless before, but now I couldn't breathe. "Or do you go by something else now, whoever you see call you something?"

1. You were the worst.
2. Your not worthy to say that name.

"Kyle, my name is Brian, I hope to speak with you some more." Dr. Christoph told me before leaving me to get hauled back to my cell.

I don’t hope to speak to you.

"Actually, this is where you come in, take the pen and write a note to Brian about everything, but give the note to me, to keep fucking with him."


Is this story dead?

Oh damn, it's starting to get juicy. Love it

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