• Published 7th Aug 2018
  • 9,843 Views, 2,068 Comments

The Bug In The Basement - Skijarama

A changeling egg is left in the human world by its mother in a last-ditch effort to save it.

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Chapter 51: True Self

Apple Bloom was suddenly startled from her peaceful sleep when the cell phone on her nightstand began to blare with the sound of an acoustic guitar being played. Groaning in defiance, she cracked open her eye just a crack and saw through her bedroom window that the sun hadn’t even come up, yet.

“Who the hay is callin’ me so early?” she thought to herself before letting out a long and agitated sigh. Feeling both confused and annoyed, she groggily reached out with her hand and pulled her phone up to her face so she could see the caller ID.

It was Eventide.

Why in the world was Eventide calling her? Especially at such an early hour. Her eyes briefly shot up to the corner of her phone’s screen to check the time, and she almost blanched when she saw it was only five AM.

Wondering why in the world the man would be calling her at such an abysmally early hour, she answered the call and held the phone to her ear. She didn’t make any effort to hide how disgruntled she was in her short, clipped greeting. “Ello?”

To her surprise, The voice that answered her on the other end of the line was not Eventide’s.

“Apple Bloom?” Beebee’s shaking voice came through in a hushed, anxious whisper.

Apple Bloom blinked in surprise, overcome by a wave of confusion. She slowly sat upright in her bed, her brow furrowing and her lips curling down into a frown. “Wha… Beebee? What are ya doin’ callin’ me this early in the mornin’?” she asked, reaching a hand up to rub at one of her eyes and clear away the sandman’s litter.

Beebee didn’t answer right away, and a silence fell over the two. A chill slowly began to seep into Apple Bloom’s body, one that made her distinctly uncomfortable. Something was wrong. Apple Bloom lowered her arm and focused on the phone, trying to pay attention. “...Beebee? Ya there?”

Then she heard Beebee sniffle.

Apple Bloom stiffened, her eyes going wide as the will to sleep fled her. She just sat there for a moment, stunned into silence. She heard Beebee sniffle again, and the way his breaths were coming through made it sound like he was trying to keep himself from crying.

Worried for her friend, Apple Bloom peeled her blankets back and sat on the edge of her bed. “Beebee? Are ya okay? What’s wrong, why are ya crying?” she asked in a softer voice.

After a few seconds, Beebee managed to pull himself together and spoke again. “I… no, I’m not okay… I s-stole my dad’s phone just so I could call you…” he stammered out, his voice lined with dread as he said the words.

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened, and her jaw fell open. “Wha… You stole his phone? Why?”

There was no immediate answer on the other end. Apple Bloom’s expression intensified, and she leaned forward somewhat. “Beebee. What’s. Wrong?” she asked slowly and emphatically. “Are you in danger? Do ya need me to call nine one one?” she asked, ready to do just that at a moment’s notice.

“Wha-?! No, no, nothing like that!” Beebee quickly corrected, sounding genuinely surprised by the idea. Apple Bloom, however, did not feel assured by his words.

“Well, what’s wrong, then? C’mon, talk to me, Bee,” she pressed in a firm but gentle voice.

Beebee took a few shaking breaths before speaking again. “It’s… I… Look, just… can… uh…” he tried to speak, his voice dying in his throat over and over. Eventually, he cleared his throat and managed to form a full sentence. “I know this is asking a lot, b-but I need to talk to you, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as soon as possible.”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “Ya do? Uh, well… Ah’m on the phone with ya. Can’t ya just tell me right now?” she inquired, standing up from her bed and starting to pace around her room.

“I… no, I can’t. I have to tell all three of you at once.”

“Tell us what?” Apple Bloom probed, her confusion growing with every passing second. “Beebee, c’mon, what’s-”

“Apple Bloom… please…”

Apple Bloom came to a stop, her muscles going stiff. Beebee… he sounded almost desperate as he said those words. After a few seconds, Apple Bloom regained her faculties enough to nod. “A-Alright, well, uh… Ah guess we could come over later today… when would be a good time?”

“...Can you get them and come now? Before my dad gets up?” Beebee asked slowly, the words sounding strained as if he was physically forcing himself to say them.

Apple Bloom stiffened even more, her worried expression becoming incredulous. “Wha… Ah don’t think they’d be okay with that, and neither am Ah, to be perfectly honest,” she pointed out before shaking her head. “What’s got ya so worked up, Beebee? If somethin’s wrong, Ah can run over right now and help ya. Why wait on them when they might not even come?”

There was another long silence on the other end of the line. “...Apple Bloom… please. I need you three right now,” Beebee finally pleaded, and something in his voice gave Apple Bloom pause. Frowning, she turned slowly in place.

“Ah… Ah don’t…”


She stood in thoughtful silence for several seconds, one hand resting on her hip while her face twitched in thought and indecision. At last, she let off a quiet sigh and nodded her head in acknowledgment. “Alright… Ah’ll call ‘em. But Ah can’t guarantee that they’ll come along, and if they don’t, Ah’m comin’ over without ‘em, whether you like it or not.”

“Okay… That’s all I can ask,” Beebee agreed, sounding relieved. Yet, somehow, he sounded even more afraid at the same time... “I’ll be waiting by the fence around my backyard… meet me there. And please, don’t knock or let dad know you’re here.”

Apple Bloom frowned, noting the oddity of that last request. She chose not to pry, though. “Alright… Ah guess Ah’ll see you soon…” she said softly before hearing the line go dead with a deafening ‘click.’ She lowered the phone and stared at it incredulously for several seconds, confusion and worry running rampant through her system before she set about calling Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Maybe an hour later, Beebee was pacing anxiously by the fence in his backyard. He was in his true form, and his ears were on attention on the back of his head. His entire body was shaking with mounting anxiety, his wings were twitching on his back, and he couldn’t keep the quiet whimpers of dread from slipping out of him. To make matters worse, there were dark bags under his eyes, putting his sleep-deprived exhaustion on full display.

He hadn’t gotten a single moment of sleep last night… his mind had been too active with guilt and frustration. He’d tossed and turned and groaned, and eventually gave up on sleep entirely. He’d sat there alone in his room for hours, just thinking to himself. Eventually, those thoughts drove him into action, and now… here he was. He glanced through a gap in the fence to look at the house and winced before resuming his pacing.

He’d stolen his father’s phone. He’d snatched it right out from under his nose as he had been sleeping. Now he’d called Apple Bloom, and now she was on her way with the other Crusaders, and they’d be here any minute, and then...

This was such a stupid idea, Beebee thought. A stupid decision and it was only now dawning on him just how much trouble he was going to be in when all was said and done. If he went all the way through with this, he wouldn’t just be in trouble with his dad, but there was also the chance that he might lose his only friends...

He paused and shook his head wildly while gritting his teeth, a frustrated hiss coming from deep in his throat. “Come on, Beebee, keep it together!” he chastised himself internally before resuming his pacing. “You know why you’re doing this. Dad may not like it, but you have to do it… they have to know.”

After another few minutes of pacing, he decided to give his legs a rest and sat down on his haunches with his back to the fence. He lifted his eyes to look up at the sky, seeing that it was steadily starting to light up a gentle shade of yellow with the rising of the sun. A few birds began to sing their songs in the distance, making Beebee wince.

Eventide would probably be up, soon. If he went downstairs and found Beebee’s bed empty, he’d probably start to panic. If that happened before the Crusaders showed up, then all of this would have been for nothing. Beebee shifted uneasily on his haunches and looked to his left and right. “Come on, guys…” he begged within the privacy of his thoughts. “I need you… please get here faster…”

Finally, though, he was snapped out of the tense silence when he heard a few voices not far away, drawing closer. Three of them, all female, and all familiar. With relief, he knew that the Crusaders had arrived.

With his heart rate accelerating dramatically, Beebee shot up to his hooves and allowed himself to be consumed in a swirl of green fire. His human form emerged from the swiftly vanishing embers, looking just as bedraggled and tired as he felt. He wobbled on his feet for a second, having not properly braced himself for the sudden shift in body structure, but quickly found his balance.

Just in time, too, as sure enough, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all came walking into view from around the corner. They all looked tired, no doubt having been torn from their sleep far earlier than they had been wanting. The varying shades of disapproval coming from their auras reinforced this assertion, though there was plenty of worry and curiosity in them as well.

He felt another pang of guilt over making his only friends feel that way but quickly dismissed it. He’d be doing enough apologizing soon enough. He instead put on a relieved smile. “Hey…” he called over to them weakly with a slow wave.

His voice silenced their conversation, and all three eyes locked onto him at once. Scootaloo frowned bitterly and looked like she was about to launch into an angry tirade, no doubt to chastise him for calling them so early. But when she made eye contact with Beebee, she must have realized how tired and miserable he looked. Her words died in her throat, and she recoiled. “Woah… Beebee, are you okay? You look like hot garbage - no offense.”

Beebee shook his head, managing a weak chuckle at her accurate assertion. “None taken,” he assured her before smiling at the trio. “I’m glad you could all come… I don’t wanna do this more than once.”

“What’s wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked, stepping forward and critically examining Beebee from top to bottom. “Apple Bloom called us and said you sounded scared and tired, and that you wanted to talk to us right away. Is there some sort of emergency? Are you hurt, or in danger?”

Beebee quickly lifted his hands in a placating gesture and shook his head again, ending Sweetie’s barrage of questions. “No, no, nothing like that. I’m fine, just… tired,” he explained before his eyes settled on Apple Bloom.

“Ah’ll say,” she mused, stepping up to join Sweetie Belle. “What’s botherin’ ya so much ya wanted to see us all this early? Ah reckon it’s somethin’ serious.”

Beebee looked between the three of them, wanting to just say it. However, his mouth just kept clamping shut. A bead of sweat formed on his brow and his heart began to pound against his ribs as if trying to escape. “...I…” he stammered out, and his growing anxiety and fear must have been plainly visible on his face, for his three best friends suddenly grew even more concerned, any and all anger leaving their auras entirely.

“Bee…” Scootaloo called far more gently, joining her friends and putting a hand on Beebee’s shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay. Whatever it is, you can tell us,” she told him while giving his shoulder a firm squeeze.

Beebee wanted to believe her. He so, so wanted to believe her… but Eventide’s warning from the previous day on the trail rang in his mind, making his legs feel weak, and his hands tremble. He swallowed the lump in his throat, though. “Uh… f-follow me, please… it’d be easier to show you…” the words stumbled past his lips before he stiffly turned and began to walk for the woods.

“What the- Hey!” he heard Apple Bloom call after him, but he didn’t stop, and he didn’t look back. He couldn’t bring himself to look at them with his mask again, not until it was time to take it off. He heard them following him, and he could taste their confusion and growing worry in the air.

As they ventured into the woods, the house disappeared behind them, slowly swallowed by the trees and shrubbery. As it faded from view, so too did any chance of Beebee deciding to call this off. He was committed, now, and he had to see it through. He took a deep breath to steady himself and pushed on, his eyes scanning the terrain for one very specific spot.

Soon enough, they found it. The dip in the terrain where he had fallen, where he had hurt his leg... and where he had met Apple Bloom as a boy. He looked down into it and came to a stop, his legs no longer willing to carry him any further. The Crusaders stopped next to him, each one examining the area with confusion and curiosity.

Apple Bloom’s face lit up with recognition a moment later, as did her aura. “This… is where we met, ain’t it?” she asked quietly, looking sideways at Beebee. “Why did ya bring us here?”

Beebee didn’t answer, one last chain of doubt holding him back, screaming at him to just let it go and send them away. But he couldn’t do that, could he? They knew something was wrong, now, and they cared far too much about him to let it go. If he didn’t tell him, they would ask Eventide, and things would just get even more complicated.

No… best to do this now. The longer he put it off, the worse it would get.

He took a deep breath, steeled himself, and stepped forward until he was standing right where he had been when Apple Bloom found him. He then turned around to look up at his three friends. They were all looking back at him, worried, confused, and in Sweetie’s case, a little scared…

“...Apple Bloom… Sweetie Belle… Scootaloo,” Beebee began in a slow voice, looking down at the forest floor. “Before I show you what I have to show you, I need you three to promise me something… I want you to promise me that no matter what, you won’t tell anyone else what you’ve seen here today. It has to be our secret.”

A fresh wave of confusion came from his friends, and he cringed under the feeling.

It was Apple Bloom who spoke. “Beebee… Ah… how come-”

“Just please!” Beebee said more sharply, lifting his gaze to meet hers. She was taken aback by something, her eyes flying wide. Beebee didn’t know what it was she could have found so alarming until he felt something warm and wet rolling down his cheek.

He was crying. Be it out of fear or regret, he couldn’t tell. Maybe it was both…

He swallowed heavily and wiped his wrist over his face to dispel his tears before he spoke again. “Please… I need to know that you won’t tell anyone else. I need you all to promise me that this will stay a secret. Nobody else can know…”

The Crusaders, seemingly at a loss for words, looked back and forth between each other for several seconds. Their auras were flickering with more confusion, curiosity, concern, and anxiety. Beebee curled his hands up at his sides, doing his best to keep himself from panicking.

Finally, Apple Bloom came to a decision. Her aura stabilized, and she took a step forward. “Alright… Ah promise, Ah won’t tell anybody else. Crusader’s honor,” she said softly, putting a hand over her chest.

Sweetie and Scootaloo stared into the back of her head for a second before mimicking the gesture, joining her in the vow.

“Totally. Your secrets are safe with us, Bee,” Scootaloo swore with an encouraging nod.

“We promise,” Sweetie concluded with a small, demure nod of her head.

Beebee stared between them all for several seconds, taking the chance to commit their faces and smiles to memory. If this went badly, he might never get to see them again, after all…

Finally, he nodded his head, satisfied. “...Okay…” he whispered, barely audible even in the quiet morning forest. He slowly lifted up his hands, looking at the fake limbs with distant eyes. “...The truth is… guys… I’ve been lying to you…”

He just saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie, and Scootaloo looking amongst themselves in surprise and confusion. He didn’t wait for them to say anything, though, and instead lowered his hands to look into the eyes of his friends again... Especially Apple Boom. “I never really thought about it before… I always thought it was fine, that I wasn’t doing anything wrong. But... when I heard about how much Apple Bloom and her family values being honest… I just…”

“Beebee?” Apple Bloom asked, taking a step forward and lifting a hand.

Beebee took a step back, shaking his head sharply. “P-please, don’t touch me… don’t say anything… I…” he sniffled and took a deep breath, trying and failing to shove down the tremors rocking his body. “I gotta do this… I gotta show you the truth…”

And with that, it began to happen. A small patch of skin on his left cheek lit up with a green light. That light slowly began to flicker and lick like a flame, spreading out to cover more of his face while embers drifted off of him. More flames began to appear on other parts of his body, filling the air with a gentle, distorted rumble.

Apple Bloom took a few steps back, gasping in shock at the sight. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle didn’t look much better off, appearing horrified.

Beebee sighed and looked down at his hands again, watching as the flames began to appear in patches on them, too, burning away the lie.

Finally, one of the Crusaders went into action. “Beebee?!” Scootaloo shouted, starting to run forward, probably with the hope of helping put out her friend.

“It’s okay,” Beebee cut her off, lifting his eyes to look into hers even as the flames swallowed his face. She stopped mid-step when she saw him smiling back at her. “It doesn’t hurt…”

His whole body was consumed in flames, now, and everything around them was bathed in a rich green light that made the Crusaders squint and back away. The bipedal shape of Beebee suddenly fell to its knees, then onto all fours. The flames raged brighter for a moment before, to the point that they were blinding. Then, at last, they faded away.

Beebee, now in his true form, slowly opened his glowing blue eyes. He took a slow, deep breath, and braced himself. Moment of truth...

Slowly and reluctantly, he lifted his head and looked up at the Crusaders. They stared back at him in shock, their eyes wide and their jaws hanging open. Their auras were raging with fear and confusion, and Beebee felt his heart wither in his chest at seeing them look at him like that.

Maybe Eventide had been right…

He slowly lifted one of his hooves and looked at it. He sighed as he studied one of the many holes that ran through his legs before he set it down and looked at the people before him. “...This is what I really look like,” he said quietly, his voice having returned to its naturally distorted state. “This… is what I really am… I’m not the basement boy…”

“...I’m the basement bug.”

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