• Published 31st Jul 2018
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Papers, Ponies, and Attitude - Yellowtail

At the Equestrian Border Checkpoint, we have our “hero”, Anon, who suffers through the day to day life of stamping papers. He's an ass.

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Chapter 26: Welcome To Manehatten! Now Get Your Shit And Get Out.

September 30th, 20XXI

I sigh as I get up from my cot. It’s day three, the day when the enemies start marching to our wall. I stretch as I hurriedly get up and start mentally preparing. Throughout the past three days, the mafia returned, perfectly ready to fight, even bringing fifty more of their own, half of which were earth ponies, half of which were hippogriffs and pegasi. They even brought a pleasant surprise: Barrels of gunpowder. They spent the first day digging holes and the second day setting up the barrels so that they act like magically activated mines. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled so maliciously in my life. As the mafia were doing their thing, I had Galon, the leader of the rebel Minotaurs, fill me in on the army charging at us. They’re mostly dragons and Minotaurs, with a few remaining separatist hippogriff forces that still refrain from rejoining their former country. They have battering rams, catapults, and even some ballistas that are outfitted with explosive ammunition, according to Galon. However, due to the bombing run the Dragons did, the ammunition for the ballistas were greatly reduced. Thank God for their stupidity. The enemies will be coming from the mountains up north, head on. However, Galon revealed to us a rather terrifying fact: The army camped on mountain is not the only one. It turns out, they can call for reinforcements. The pony making this dome is actually able to open up a hole for reinforcements to go through. Thus, the odds went from two to one-ish to who-fucking-knows to one-ish. However, we’re all still willing to fight, despite the odds.

Also, we all ran around the Border again to try to find anything that could help defend against the oncoming siege. We found two ballistas, a lot of wood, a bunch of spears, swords, shields, and armor, most of which was locked away for emergencies. We fitted everyone as much as we could, and started setting up defenses. We built a wooden wall, a defensive wall for the two ballistas we put out on each side, and set up formations for the soldiers to go into on the day we start. Truth be told, it’s shoddy, but it might work. Galon said that the enemies will charge head on since this is technically the weakest and easiest point of access to the city. Now, we’ve changed that.

So, here I am, straightening my grey jacket, over my red shirt, whilst I wear grey pants and boots. Today’s the day to fight for our lives, as well as many innocents. I sigh as I get my crossbow and check to see if it’s loaded. I look at the mic and shrug. If a pep talk is needed, now’s a good time for it. It should be early enough for everyone to be up and heading to their positions. I walk over and clear my throat. “Attention all soldiers, I just wanted to say something before we start heading out.” I take a moment to breath deeply and lean back in. “We don’t have a good chance, first and foremost. We’re vastly outnumbered, according to Galon. However, we learned that we’re not necessarily outgunned.” I smirk. “And yet, we still have to take a moment to look around ourselves. The person next to us might be dead in the next few hours or days. The sky might always be cloudy above our heads, hiding the amount of pegasi or griffons that died while protecting us from above. We all might fail at every possible chance we get.” I sigh. “But you know what I say to that? I call bullshit. If anything, I’m pissed at how the enemies think they can just march in, and kill everyone we could hold dear!” I clench my fist as I actually get angry. “So you know what!? Throw everything you have assholes! Because if you’re gonna kill me, or any of us, I want to make sure you realize that it will take everything!” To this, I hear a roar of battle cries and cheers. “Now who’s ready to fuck up an invasion!?” Even louder now, the roars continue. “Then get your asses into position soldiers, we have ass to kick!” With that, I confidently walk away from the mic, crossbow in hand.

Spearhead smiles as the pep talk I had prepared ends. “Not bad Anon, not bad,” he says absentmindedly.

“Yeah, I got to hand it to them,” a voice says. Spearhead looks over to see Lighter, wearing a jacket and smoking a cigarette. “He’s got a way with words.” Spearhead scoffs, nodding. “Huh, I’ve never seen you without your armor.” Spearhead shrugs as he puts on said armor.

“Well, I’m always battle ready,” he mutters. “My wife complains about it, but I think I’d rather be safe then sorry.” With that, Spearhead starts walking out with Lighter beside him. They get out of the Border, and into the field of defenses. They both specifically remember each trap and wooden board they set up. Spearhead and Lighter are complete opposites, in terms of personalities, from what they could both gather. Spearhead is always on top of things while following the rules and laws to the letter, but Lighter gives them no attention as he manages what his boss gives him. Spearhead absolutely hated Lighter when they came together on the first day. Lighter has the same attitude. They butted heads constantly, like how to ration out supplies and spreading out defenses. As they walk to their respective place, which is in front of the crowd of soldiers and mafia members, Lighter starts speaking.

“You know, I would’ve guessed you guys would still be sticking a hoof up your own asses if it wasn’t for your buddy.” To this Spearhead chuckles.

“Yeah, my friend would say the same thing.” Finally, they reach their destination and stop. They’re looking towards the mountains.

“... You know what really convinced me to get my troop to stay?” Lighter asks. Spearhead shrugs. “It’s what that Human said. They’ll hunt us down whether or not we fight, and my boys don’t like the idea of dying like bucking wimps.”

“... Do you really care about your underlings? Or is that an act for them?” Spearhead asks.

“What do I look like, Bill Murneigh? Of course I care for them, I recruited every single one of them myself when I was younger,” Lighter says with a bit of venom. However, Spearhead doesn't take offense to this. He snickers again.

“You know, the same goes for me. I actually know mostly every soldier fighting with us today,” Spearhead says. “... I guess you’re not such a rat after all.” Lighter rolls his eyes.

“... For buck’s sake,” Lighter says suddenly. “Why the hell am I gonna die fighting side by side with a glorified copper?” He asks. Spearhead snickers.

“You know what, how about dying while fighting side by side with a friend?” Lighter looks at Spearhead with a deadpan expression.

“Lord of the Horseshoes? Really?” He asks. He tries to look uninterested, but finally he sighs. He glances at Spearhead as he talks. “... Are you actually a fan of Lord of the Horseshoes or-“

“Yeah, my wife suggested I try going to the movies for fun. Truth be told, I think I’m a bit of obsessed with that series now...”

Segway sighs as he looks at a picture of his marefriend. He silently prays that he’ll be able to see her again. He sighs and puts away the picture. He remembers of when he first came to the Border. A simple spy, a simple job. Just act brainless, he had thought. They wouldn’t know. They wouldn’t care. He’d report many things to a higher up for a year before one day, stopping. It was well before Anon caught him, and well before he met his marefriend. He actually can’t remember exactly when he’d stop messaging his boss. It’s just that one day, he stopped. He realized he hated what he was doing, and who he was doing it to. For once, he wasn’t alone, and he had ponies and a person to go to. Segway smiles, chuckling as he finds it funny that one of his first friends was the one that cussed him out. He sighs as he frowns. He wish he could be a bit more help, but he knows he’s still of some use. With that in mind, he marches out of the barracks to go meet up with the main force. Time to pay back his debt to Anon.

I stand at the very front of the army, under the grey clouds. Above the clouds are hundreds of pegasi and griffons, ready to defend from above. On the ground, are even more soldiers and mafia members. To say this was intimidating would be an understatement. However, I don’t think it will be as intimidating as the enemies, but oh well. We have the Minotaurs that joined us along the front, backed by everyone else. The unicorns are all in a diamond formation in the middle of it all. Lighter and Spearhead at right at the front, standing side by side. I simply stand in front to see if there’s going to be any peaceful talks. Thankfully, my Wait is rewarded with a lone dragon coming up to me from the skies. He lands with a thud, and reveals what he looks like. He’s red, and I recognize him. “Oh motherfucker!” I yell, almost throwing my fucking crossbow at the ground. At the sound of my voice, Garble, the dragon freezes and looks up in shock to see me. “You better hope to God I miss your fucking face you god damn-“ as I start trying to aim my bow at him, Spearhead rushes up to hold me back.

“Oh hell,” Garble says. “W-why are you-“

“I kicked your ass once bitch don’t think I can’t do it again!” I yell. Everyone around us looks at me like I’m crazy, but Garble just kinda sweats. See, Garble came to my Checkpoint before, without a passport. He then thought he could threaten me. He then thought he could fight me. He then he thought I wouldn’t shoot him with the crossbow. Anyway, after I calm down enough to talk, I was released and stiffly walk up to him. “Bold of you to show your ugly as fuck face,” I say. Garble growls, suddenly less scared.

“I’ll make sure your face is worse off stupid ape,” he says. I level my crossbow to his face, which makes him freeze. “You wouldn’t dare-“

“Try me bitch,” I say. “Now you tell your cronies this, we’re not surrendering, and we’re sure as hell not gonna let you guys through.” I give him a glare through my crossbow. “So, go ahead. We’re ready to fight.” Garble growls and takes off. I look up after him, lowering my weapon. I sigh and turn to my small army. “Get ready!” I yell, heading back. I established that I’ll be at the back, being the last line of defense. I’ll try to help as much as I can with my crossbow, but I’ll start fighting with a knife once I run out of ammo. “We’re in the Endgame now,” I mutter to myself...

The army of Equestria, being almost twelve hundred, stands ready at the front of the wall, with wooden walls, shiny weapons, armors, and ballistas on their side. The sound of marching troops gets louder and louder. The Equestrian forces shift uncomfortably as they see the enemy army approaching from the mountain. The first wave of Minotaurs and dragons probably consists of about more than twice the size of the Equestrian forces. It becomes apparent that the army will be coming in waves. Everything is silent as a Minotaur from the enemy side walks up to us. "This is your last chance, surrender or suffer as you die."

"In the words of a dear friend," Spearhead says. "Shove it up your ugly ass." Many of the soldiers give a hearty laugh at a statement they all agree with. The Minotaur sighs.

"So be it." With that, he retreats back to his army. After a few minutes of a silent standoff, both sides give a war cry in unison and charge at each other. In mere moments though, patches of the enemies suddenly burst into the air from the make-shift barrel mines. This takes out a quarter of them. Nevertheless, the battle continues. Swords clash against armor, magic soars through the air against enemy dragons flying at lower altitudes, and crossbow bolts occasiobally expertly fly into their targets. I myself am occasionally firing these shots. However, I need to save my ammo, it might be my last defense. Otherwise, I simply sit by and watch the battle. The unicorns are certainly helping with their fire and healing magic. The pegasi's battle is unknown to me, since I can't see above the clouds. The rest of the force seems to be holding well against the attackers. I give a small smile as I see that we might have a better chance than I thought...


Celestia sits in a meeting room, almost shaking with rage. She heard what Luna witnessed, and she is extremely angry. She's not fully healed yet, one of her eyes is still covered in bandages. She waits for the meeting with the true master, controlling the war's strings. The meeting room is a little big, with a large round table and twenty chairs set up. It's rather much, but the pony in charge of the enemy requested it. At this point, the Princess is not at a point to be able to argue.

Finally, the door opens to reveal a cloaked pony, with two Minotaur guards next to her on each side. "Princess," she says with a hint of venom. "How nice of you to join me for our little talk." Celestia realizes she recognizes her voice, but she isn't sure if she really knows.

"What do you want?" She asks bluntly.

"What? No friendship talk? No song to say I'm wrong?" The pony mocks, being her pink hooves to the table. "I figured you would try to-"

"Do you think this is a game!?" Celestia yells.

"Yes," the pony answers easily, pulling back her hood. Celestia's eyes widen as she leans back. "I do."

"N-no, you can't be-" Celestia denies, but stops as the mare's maniacal laugh cuts her off.

"Time travel's pretty helpful when you know how to use it," says the now revealed Cozy Glow.

Unlike last time, she is much older. "H-how-'

"I rotted away in Tartarus for twenty years," Cozy says. "Twenty years is all it took for me to escape. Five minutes was all I needed to go back in time."

"B-but you don't have a-" Celestia is again interrupted when Cozy opens her cloack to reveal a sickening sight. Three unicorn horns were tied around her neck. Each were a different color.

"It's amazing what Tirek's magic can do. It can give, and it can take," Cozy says, laughing a little. “He was shocked at first, but he managed to give me what I want. All I had to do was find some worthless unicorns that thought they were down on their luck, tie the horns around me, and then focus to use them. The extra two were for decoration really.”

"Y-you monster!" Celestia says.

"I might be a monster, but I'm a smart one," Cozy says gleefully. "Now, about our talk, I'm going to give you the mercy of asking for something simple." Celestia immediately snaps her attention back to what their conversation.

"What do you want!?" She almost yells.

"I want the one who locked me up the second time," she says. "It's because of him that I failed. Twilight at least had some smarts on her, but that thing!?" Cozy stops to laugh maniacally before slamming her hooves onto the table, rapidly changing emotions. "It shouldn't have happened! There's no way that should have happened! That stupid ape should not have been able to outsmart two separate plans I had made!" Celestia leans back as she sees the crazy look in her eyes. "Now, give me Anon and I'll make sure he’s the only one that truly pays.” Celestia stares at Cozy for a minute, silently thinking about what to do. What could she do? She looks down in thought, struggling to think of an answer.

Finally, Celestia looks up, frowning.


Everything goes silent. Cozy Glow’s eyes twitch a little as she registers her answer. “... What did you say?"

"...I said no," Celestia says quietly.

"I don't think you understand your position Princess," Cozy says with a hiss.

"No, I refuse to let him down again," Celestia states, standing up.

"Your people will die," Cozy warns.

"No they won't. I believe in Anon, and I believe in my soldiers," she says. "I don't believe in the threats of a spoiled, insane, and power hungry child." Cozy Glow looks down for a moment, laughing.

"Oh, you stupid, worthless princess." Cozy Glow looks up with a wide, insane grin. "I can't wait to see the corpses you could have saved!" With that, she gestures for her guards to leave. After they leave the room, Celestia slumps in her chair. She puts her head on the table as she tries her hardest not to burst into tears.

"Anon, you and your troops are our only hope," she quietly mutters. “Please be successful...”

I sigh as I hear our casualty count. We actually did amazing for our first wave. Only twenty are dead on our side, which is a good damn miracle. However, a little over four hundred of us are injured. I stand in front of Spearhead, who's covered in bruises and scratches. I want the injured to start resting, but they refused. I simply let them be. Anyway, I'm holding my crossbow as I pace. We're still in front of the Wall, carrying out dead into the Checkpoint and keeping their names in check. It's already five in the afternoon, the battle took many hours. We killed many and drove off the rest. I don't know what we have actually done in terms of damage. Our ballistas are fine, our wooden wall is mostly fine too. I consider this a win for us, especially since it boosted our morale among our soldiers. I groan and put my free hand into my face. "Well, we have a big chance, I guess," I say. “According to our luck anyway.”

“See Anon, we just needed to believe in ourselves!” Spearhead says. I deadpan at him.

“Motherfucker, almost half of our forces needs medical attention, that’s not a good thing,” I say. However, before we could take more time to talk, a crash shakes the office we're in. With wide eyes, we rush over to find a hole in the giant wall. Grimacing, I run back to my office and head to my mic. As I rush in, I see many soldiers already running out, either limping or stumbling. I get to my mic and I lean in quickly. "Everyone! Battle Stations!" I yell. Apparently, it's round two. A soldier rushes in, blood covering one of his legs.

"Sir! Catapults are launching boulders at the wall! They've breached-"

"Go and gather Segway's scout group! They'll stop them!" I yell, causing him to scramble off. I hurriedly grab my crossbow and head out. I exit the building and cross the Border. Once I reach outside again, I pull my weapon up as I see over a thousand enemies, all bashing against the wall with a battering ram. I take a couple shots before retreating back inside. I still have limited bolts, and I doubt my dagger will be of any help in this case. After I load up my crossbow, I come back outside to see what’s going on. The pegasi and unicorns are actually being successful crowd control troops, setting fire to the battering ram as well as the forces aiding it. I catch one mafia griffon gouging a Minotaur’s eyes out with his talons, making me cringe in pain. “Jesus,” I mutter to myself. I can see blood flying into the air from the slashing of swords. It’s at this point, I almost vomit. Granted, I’ve killed a few creatures on accident, but I’ve never really seen much of this type of action. In the distance, I can see Galon strangling a dragon with his bare hands. I scoff. He doesn’t seem to like dragons specifically. I turn to see that the catapults are still up, and are being loaded. They’re located not too far from the ram, near the plains. I frown as I look back at the Border’s wall. It’s got a few dents, and even fewer holes, but I don’t think it should take anymore damage. Where the hell is-"

“Sir!” Segway says behind me. I turn to see him and a small group of ponies and hippogriffs in camouflage armor. “Requesting permission to start sabotaging the catapults, Sir!” He says.

“... First off, stop calling me sir,” I say. I pull up my crossbow and sigh. “Second off, don’t get killed, use your head, and no playing around.” All members of the group salute to me before quickly scurrying off to the Catapult’s direction. I watch them as they leave before taking a few more distant shots with my crossbow at the enemies. I hope Segway doesn’t fuck this up. I look back at Segway's group to see a Minotaur charging at them. I groan in annoyance and level my crossbow at his head. I takes shot, and the Minotaur's body stops. A new roar of pain sounds out as I look at him. Well, I hit him. In the eye, to be specific. He looks around wildly until his remaining eye lands on me. "Oh shit," I mutter as he gives a battle cry and starts charging. I level my crossbow again and shoot, but I only his his torso. Fuck. I shoot again, running out of ammo. I missed. Double fuck. I jump out of the way as the angry Minotaur rams past me and into the wall. Luckily he has his horns stuck. I quickly pull out my dagger and start jabbing him in the back. I feel panic as he starts to dislodge himself, but finally he goes limp after fifty stabs or so. I fall back on my ass as I try to calm down. I look at my hands to see there's a fuckin of blood. "S-shit," I say before spinning around and vommiting...

It's sunrise, the new leader of the Minotaurs grumbles to himself as he paces. They had set themselves up in a mountain range that's a little ways away from the Border of Manehatten. They're positioned right next to a wall of the dome their 'leader' had created. He sighs as he notices how long it's been. However, he smiles when he sees three badly injured comrades run up. "Did you succeed?" He asks. They all shook their heads. "Where are the rest of you?" He asks. All three of them look down in shame. "... Are you saying that our second wave of troops was defeated by-" he stops as a flash goes off behind him. He silently groans and turns to face Cozy Glow. He refrain from glaring at her as she walks up.

"So, how many civilians dead?" She asks. "Thousands? Tens of thousands!? MILLIONS!?!?" She yells, getting excited. The Minotaur is absolutely disgusted with her enthusiasm, which brings him a bit of pleasure when he answers.

"Zero." Cozy Glow's smile twitches.

"Z-zero?" She asks.

"Yes, zero. We haven't been able to break through the Equestrian Border. They have more magic on their side," he stops to chuckle. "Hell, we're surprised they even have air superiority."

"You realize what this means, right!?" Cozy yells. "If you're not successful, then I'm not happy. And if I'm not happy, your King won't be breathing!" To this, the Minotaur frowns. "So please, get yourself together and destroy Manehatten!" She yells...

I groan as I fall into my cot, grunting from the rough landing. I still have blood all over my arms, but I'm too tired to clean it off. The second wave of enemies took all morning, and we took some casualties. This time, two hundred of our own died, most of which were mafia members. I think a little more than half of them were mafia members. It hit Lighter pretty hard from what I've heard. Spearhead continues telling me about our damage report as he stands in front of my desk.

"... And the wall has been partially damaged at the front, with three big holes and fourty or so chunks taken off."

"Greeeaat," I weakly mutter.

"... I hear you took down a Minotaur," he mentions. I sigh and nod. I look over at him to see that he's got many cuts and bruises, even more than before. "Well, Segway had a worse time," he chuckles. "Did you hear what that idiot did?"

"No, what?" I ask.

"While he was disabling the catapults, he was accidentally launched from one," he says, smiling through his pain. I chuckle. "He managed to take down a dragon while he was in the air, caught it with his sword."


"Reports say he actually went over the wall, landing somewhere in Manehatten, with the dragon."

"Has he come back?" I ask.

"No, but he's has a search party coming for him," Spearhead says. I barely nod and sigh in relief.

"How are the healing unicorns doing?" I ask.

"Well, despite how exhausted they are, they're healing a good bit of our troops. I hear they've almost healed half of the injured."

"Which is?"

"Half of our force is healed," he says.

"Fuck, how many waves do you think we'll survive?" I ask.

"Do you want the nice answer or the honest answer?"

"I don't know Shitlock, what do you think?"

"Maybe one or two more waves," Spearhead bluntly says.

"... Well, that's more than I originally thought," I mutter.

"... Anon, did you get healed yet?" Spearhead asks.

"I'll get healed when everyone else is done," I groan. "Besides, it's not like I did much to begin with."

"Don't do that," Spearhead says. "Manehatten would be done for if you didn't convince us to join you."

"The way I see it, I don't even know why I bothered," I say. "We could've just declared an mandatory evacuation."

"That would have taken too long. Besides, it would have to go through the higher ups first before being able to be done." Suddenly, I hear a loud, ear-splitting voice.

"Attention Equestrian forces!" A female voice calls. "I am about to give you one last chance to pull back. This time-" The voice stops to laugh in an insane manner. "This time, I have overwhelming numbers! If you don't surrender, I will make sure that every single one of you will be brain washed into killing your own families and friends!"

"What the fuck?" I ask. I head over to the mic. "Excuse me Bitch, but how about you Mcfuckin' not!"

"Who dares to call me a-"

"I am Anonymous the human, current temporary leader of the Equestrian forces protecting Manehatten, and I request that you shut your ugly ass up!"

"... Anonymous, you say?" The voice stop to give a maniacal laugh. "How about this, you come out to face me, and we can... Talk."

"Talk? Kinda late for that, isn't it?"

"If you come out to talk, I'll allow Manehatten to go untouched. It's you I'm interested in." I look over at Spearhead, who's shaking his head.

"Don't do it, I don't know who she is, but don't do it," he warns. I look away, mulling it over in my head.

"Tick tock human, tick tock!"

"... Fine!" I reply. I can see Spearhead's ears go down.

"Splendid! Come out Anon, and we'll have a nice, friendly, chat."

"This is a trap," Spearhead says.

"... I know. But, if she just wants me, it's worth it. Besides," I stop to turn to him with a weary smirk. "I wasn't much help anyway." With that, I walk out. However, as I walk out, I see a crowd of soldiers, Minotaurs, and mafia members. I stop as I see their look of shock. "... What?" I ask. One by one, they all give their own show of respect, whether it be saluting, kneeling, or putting an appendage over their heart. I don't react to this, I only shake my head. "Don't waste your respect on me, get your asses to your posts." Everyone disperses and continue to their posts. I continue my slow walk.

I walk outside, and see the enemy army. It's obviously going to easily overwhelm ours if they attack. Leading the charge, is a cloaked mare. I can see Pink fur from her hooves. "Anonymous, long time no see!" She says excitedly. Something about her is off. I squint my eyes.

"I don't recognize anyone that's shaped like an ass," I remark. She chuckles.

"Oh, you still have your wit?" She asks. She pulls her hood off to reveal her head. My eyes widen a little as I see an older Cozy Glow. "What's wrong? Pony got your tongue?" She asks.

"How the fuck-"

"Time travel and unicorn horns turn out to be a great combination for the start of revenge!" She says, opening her cloak to reveal three severed unicorn horns. I back away a little, kinda freaked out. "And now, I have you! All to myself for my endless amusement!" She stops to laugh maniacally. After a minute of insane laughter, she looks over at the Minotaurs behind her. "Kill them all!" She says. Before anyone can react, a flash of light blinds me.

"God fuckin'-" I curse as I rub my eyes. However, suddenly, as my vision clears, a force of magic grabs me by my throat and slams me down.

"Silence! I've been waiting for twenty years for this!" She yells, bring me up. From what I can see, we're on a cliff overlooking the Border. I can see the two armies facing off with each other. The grey clouds are just barely above us. "I want to see your face when everything you undoubtedly love goes up in smoke, right before your eyes!" I hear her cackle viciously as I stare in horror. I can feel the seconds crawl by as we watch the scene unfold. My heart’s racing, my blood’s pumping, and my adrenaline is the only thing keeping me from passing out. And yet, I can’t do anything but watch as everything goes to hell...

Well, that’s what I assumed would happen. However, as time passes, I quirk an eyebrow as I see that no one has moved at all. "... What's going on?" I hear Cozy ask. I drop from the air and land on the ground roughly, making me cough in pain. "Why aren't they fighting?" After a moment of waiting, Cozy growls. Suddenly, we teleport again. I feel disoriented as I actually fall to the ground again. "What's the hold up!?"

"... We refuse," I hear the leading Minotaur growl.

"Excuse me!?"

"We refuse!" He yells. I finally look up to see that everyone is angry. Everyone cheers with him. "This is dishonor of the highest degree! Even if we save our king, we would never be worthy to even look at him!"

"How about this, if you don't fight, I'll mind control you to fight! Am I clear!?" Cozy yells. Before they could answer, Cozy teleports us back to our previous position. I am, again, held in the air. I cough as I start laughing a little. Cozy shoots me a glare. "What are you laughing at!?" She yells.

"You seriously think they'll fight," I say. Suddenly, a loud roar of war cries sounds out. We both look over to see the battles starting.

"Ha ha! See!? Now watch as-" Cozy suddenly stops. "... Wait a minute... They're not fighting each other?" I try to look a bit closer. I think the former enemy minotaurs are fighting the dragons. No wait, everyone's fighting the dragons. It's an obviously one sided fight, but it's still happening.

"The dragons wouldn't care about civilians," I explain. "Minotaurs, on the other hand, see it as a shameful act. Especially if the enemy willingly surrenders."

"B-but their king-"

"Their king would be ashamed if they did that. They are fiercely loyal to their king," I say. After a few minutes of silence, the battle is already over. There isn't a single dragon on the ground or in the sky. Most of them fled, but the rest are dead. I chuckle. "Well then, guess you lost." Cozy is gritting her teeth in absolute anger.

"No! No! NO!!!" She rages. Suddenly, we teleport again. Now, we're in an open space, in the middle of the entire army. I'm now being held by my neck by a magical force. "What did I-" her speech is interrupted by a spear. It flies through the air, catches Cozy's necklace, and rips it off. The moment the necklace comes off, I drop to the floor. "W-what just-"

"Holy shit I did it!" Segway's voice yells. Everyone looks over to see the guard in question, who's limping and trying to keep himself steady. I struggle to prop myself up.

"Ow," I mutter.

"N-no... No! No, no, no, no!" Cozy yells. I feel her take my dagger from it's sheath. I quickly roll to the side to see her stab the ground I was just on. She lunges at me, knife raised. I quickly roll again, dodging her second attempt. I quickly get up and fucking jump kick her in the face. Of course, this makes me groan in pain as we both fall down. However, Cozy loses her grip on the knife. As I lie on the ground, I shove the thoughts of pain to the back of my head as I lunge to the knife by scrambling. I quickly grab it, just in time to snatch it away from Cozy's reach. She growls, gets up, and jumps at me. I roll to my back as she starts punching me with her hoof. She manages to knock away the knife, but now she’s not paying attention to it. “It's not fair, it's not fair!" She yells. Using the last bit of my strength, I suffer some punches as I reach over and grab her by the throat. I squeeze as hard as I can as she continues to punch and stomp me. She progressively gets slower and slower as my strangulation cuts oxygen off from her brain, making her go unconscious. As she falls limp, I shove her off of me and breathe out. I can see the dome in the sky, dissipating bit by bit as I slip into unconsciousness as well. I give a laugh as I stare at the sky, on my back, with the last bit of adrenaline wearing off.

"Fuck you bitch," I say softly.

Author's Note:

Ta da! Second arc done! Now for the final arc!

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