• Published 8th Jul 2018
  • 6,861 Views, 100 Comments

When We Were Friends - FamousLastWords

Starlight and Spike face a challenge that threatens the foundation of their friendship.

  • ...

You Might Not Be Let Down

Spike stretched out his arms and wings. He loved the feel of the sun on his scales, and he needed it more than anything this morning. After the way breakfast went and… the night before, he needed a miracle to salvage the rest of the day.

He was on his way to Sweet Apple Acres to grab a barrel of apples. He was big and strong enough to carry it back on his own now instead of relying on Big Mac to bring them over. That being said, Spike didn’t want to waste the stallion’s time any more than he had to.

As he strolled down the dirt pathways on the outskirts of town, he couldn’t get over the lingering feeling of awkwardness that had been with him all morning. A shiver ran down his spine as his mind retraced the steps of the breakfast that morning.

He couldn’t look at her. No matter how much he wanted to. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He didn’t deserve to. Not after what he did? Or should he say, what he didn’t do?

He wanted to shake the thoughts off. There wasn’t any point of dwelling on it. It wasn’t like she’d ever look at him the same anyway. How could she? After what they did, he’d be lucky if he could even look in a mirror and recognize the reflection.

But he couldn’t deny how much he enjoyed it. He wouldn’t even pretend to deny it.

As the gentle breeze nipped his cheeks, he could feel her mane brushing against his face again. Her soft kisses peppered his neck, her warm, matted fur pressed against his belly and her hooves wrapped around his neck, not letting him move an inch away.

His lips curled into a beaming grin as he thought about it. It was wild. It ignited his chest and set his heart ablaze.

He snapped himself out of the trance, trying to come back to reality. He looked ahead and saw the farm in the distance. He was getting close and needed to focus on the task at hand; not all the extra nonsense lingering from the night before...

…no matter how awesome it was.

No matter how awesome it was to taste her fur and feel her sweat drip onto his tongue. No matter how amazing her body felt, contorted around his. Every inch of her touching him, her hooves scraping against his scales. He took a deep breath and inhaled the remnants of the previous night from memory: the bitter, salty aroma emanating from her mane. It plastered itself over her face from the abundance of sweat. He could feel his body tense up as he kissed her lower, traveling down her chest to her stomach. The taste and scent grew heavier and stronger as he got further down until all he could taste was her strong, musky flavor. And he didn’t stop eating it up until his lips and tongue went numb.

“Oh, sweet baby Tirek.”

Spike whacked himself in the face with a claw. This had to stop, and it had to stop right now before he dared speak to another pony. If not, he could be facing some embarrassing consequences.

Spike took a deep breath followed by a long exhale. In with the good, out with the bad. He tried his best to smile and pretend nothing had happened, but that wasn’t going to be happening.


Spike furiously rubbed his temples. Why couldn’t he get this out of his head? It was just one night. Things just happened. She probably didn’t worry about it, so he shouldn’t worry about it. What was suffering all day going to solve? It’d just make things more and more awkward between them, and then they’d never get to do the things they used to. That wasn’t what he wanted at all.

And suddenly, he found himself at the gates of the farm. He could see Big Mac already out in the orchard with Sugar Belle. As the dragon walked a bit closer, he could see them laughing and playing around with each other. Sugar Belle was sitting on the apple wagon, throwing apples at Big Mac who was trying to catch them in a small basket. Well, failing would be the more appropriate term.

They had always seemed like the perfect couple, from the first time he saw them together, to the wedding and even now. Spike smiled as he looked at them and he couldn’t help but feel a slight pain in his stomach. Not from jealousy. No. It was… something else. Something he couldn’t quite put a claw on.

“Hey, guys!” Spike called out, waving a claw in their direction.

“Oh, hi Spike!” Sugar Belle said with a sweet smile.

Big Mac turned his head toward him and waved a hoof. “Good-mornin', Spike! I take it you’re here for your weekly barrel?”

He bobbed his head. “Yes, sir. I didn’t mean to disturb you guys, by the way. I’ll make it quick.”

“Oh, psh,” Sugar Belle said, dismissing the notion with a hoof. “It was about time Big Mac did some of his chores, anyhow.”

“Me?” He retaliated. “You were the one who came out and started distractin’ me in the first place.” He teasingly tossed an apple at her almost causing her to fall off the wagon entirely. “Oops. Sorry, Sugar.”

She hopped off the wagon and planted a small kiss on his cheek.

Spike felt that little pounding in his chest again while watching them interact. It was so sweet. They had their ducks in a row; they knew what they were doing. He needed… he needed to get things straight in his head. He couldn’t do this the rest of the day.

“Give me just one minute, Spike, and I’ll get your barrel. I left it up by the barn this morning.”

Big Mac started to trot away toward the barn, but Spike stayed still. He darted his eyes back and forth between Sugar Belle and Big Mac. Back and forth, back and forth. If anypony in town could help him understand what he was feeling, maybe it was him.

“Big Mac, wait!” Spike called out.

The stallion paused and turned around. “Uh, what is it, Spike?”

“I was wondering if we could talk. I, um, I have something I want to get your two bits on if you have a minute.”

Sugar Belle cocked her head. “Is everything alright, Spike?”

“Yeah, it’s just, I need to talk with Big Mac real quick.” Spike felt his face heat up. “Mare problems and stuff.”

Sugar Belle shrugged. “Well, if it’s a mare problem, I might be able to help, too! I am a mare, after all.”

Spike gave a pleading look to Big Mac who caught the hint immediately and responded with a firm nod. “Sugar, why don’t you go back in and see if Granny needs any help with the mornin’ cleaning. I’ll be in as quick as possible, okay? Me and Spike need to have a stallion to stallion talk, here.”

“Okay, I understand, Big Mac.” She planted one last kiss on his lips and trotted back toward the house. “Have a good talk, you two.”

After she got a reasonable distance away, Big Mac turned his full attention back to Spike. “So, Spike, what seems to be the problem? You said you got mare troubles?”

“Heh, yeah, you could say that.” Spike twiddled his claws together and began pacing back and forth. “Big Mac, how did you know things were real with Sugar Belle?”


“Yeah. How did you know your feelings were real? Not just heat of the moment stuff or whatever? Was it confusing at first, or what?”

“Well sure it was,” Big Mac replied. “The first few times I was around her, we just talked like normal. But then, I found myself thinking more and more about her until I figured she might be the one. Turns out I was lucky enough to be right.”

“Awesome,” Spike said with a sigh. “Big Mac, I’m kinda confused right now. I think I made a mistake. Or, not a mistake, but I think I messed something up with somepony. Somepony I care about, and I don’t know what to do or how to fix it.”

Big Mac shrugged. “You messed somethin’ up? Shucks, you’re gonna have to be a little more specific than that, Spike. I ain't a mind-reader.”

Spike blushed. He was afraid of this moment since they started talking.

“Okay, I’ll tell you.” Spike reached out a claw. “But you can’t tell anypony anywhere about this, alright? It stays between us guys.”

Big Mac quickly put his hoof in his claw and gave a firm shake. “Understood. Just between us.”

The dragon steeled himself. “Starlight and I have been friends for a long time, but I think I messed it all up. We uh, we got a little close last night.”

Big Mac raised an eyebrow. “Close?”

Spike stopped pacing and closed his eyes. “We had sex, Big Mac. We had sex last night, and now I don’t know what to do.”

He opened his eyes and expected Big Mac to be on his back, flailing from the shock. But that was the farthest from the truth. Instead, Big Mac was merely nodding, with a soft yet straight face.

“Mhm, go on,” he said.

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Well, I mean, that’s kinda it. We had sex, and now we can barely look at each other. I don’t know what to do from here on out.”

“Well, why do you say that?” he replied. “You don’t think she likes you back?”

“I mean, why would she?” Spike shrugged. “It was an intense moment: we said some things, did some things and that was it. If anything, I think she’s mad at me for doing it in the first place.”

“You think she’s mad?”

“I guess so. I mean, she barely said a word to me at breakfast this morning. I could barely look at her; it was so awkward. And, I guess she has a reason to be mad, too.”

“What reason would that be, if you don’t mind me askin’?”

“Two things,” Spike said, resuming his pacing to help calm his nerves. “First, I was the one who started it. I don’t know what came over me. We were talking, and she nuzzled me and all of a sudden, I pulled her face towards mine, and I kissed her. In a way, I guess, it was all my fault that it happened in the first place.”

“Okay,” Big Mac said, nodding slowly. “And what’s the second reason?”

“The second reason is a little more… bad.” Spike paused and turned toward Big Mac. “I may or may not have left her as soon as it was over in a glorious display of pure, unadulterated idiocy.”

“You left her?” Big Mac asked, raising an eyebrow. “What do you mean? You wished her a good night and then went back to your room or—”

“Nope!” Spike threw his arms in the air. “It was over, I got super nervous, told her I had to go, left and didn’t look back!”

“Oh.” Big Mac rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, that’s not the best way to go about that sort of thing."

"You know, being a dragon comes with all sorts of cool stuff. I get wings, fangs, near impenetrable scales. But it still doesn't come with the ability to understand mares. Or females in general, for that matter."

"Spike, there ain't no species in the world that can understand females. All we can do is guess and hope for the best." Big Mac chuckled for a moment before continuing. "But, as to what you were sayin' about leaving, may I ask why?”

“I was nervous!” Spike shouted much louder than he intended. “It was so awkward and strange and awesome and amazing. But like, I didn’t think she liked it or anything, and I got so nervous I just left.”

“Hold on for just one second.” Big Mac waved his hooves back and forth. “Slow down. Not that it’s my business, but why don’t you think she liked it?”

“Because,” Spike replied. “It wasn’t anything like I expected it to be. She didn’t scream my name or moan out loud or try to take control or anything. She just laid there and kissed me and stared at me. I didn’t know what to think! It was like trying to put together a bookshelf, but when you put Rod A in Slot B the whole thing falls apart! I had no idea what I was doing, and all I knew was how I felt, so as soon as it was over, I ran for the hills before she could say anything and—”

“Spike!” Big Mac shouted, getting his attention. “I’m gonna need you to stop your yappin’ and listen for a minute, alright?”

“But I—”


The dragon sighed and accepted defeat. “Okay, I’ll shut up.”

“Now, see here,” Big Mac began. “I may not be the smartest pony, but I’ve always been a straight shooter, especially with my friends. I’d be lyin’ if I told you that everything can just go back and be the same as it was between you two. I won’t sugarcoat it. Things aren’t gonna be the same, anymore. Can you accept that?”

Spike bit his lip and closed his eyes for a moment. “I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”

Big Mac shook his head. “I’m afraid not. You can’t just do that sort of thing with somepony and expect to move on with ‘em like nothing happened. That’s not how it works. Now, as to what you were saying about actually being in bed with her, what you thought it was gonna be like; that ain’t how it works, either.”

Spike scratched his head. “You mean with the whole moaning thing and stuff?”

“Eeyup,” he replied with a smirk. “That’s just how the romance stories do it to make it more interestin’ to read. In the real world, the first time is every bit as awkward, clumsy and weird as you mentioned. Actually, the fact she was smiling at you and looking into your eyes instead of just pretendin’ she was somewhere else the whole time was probably the best you could’ve hoped for.”

Spike rose an eyebrow. “You mean… It was supposed to be all awkward and stuff?”

Big Mac quietly bobbed his head.

Spike chuckled. “Oh, good. I mean, if I had a bit for every time I heard ‘wrong hole’ last night I’d be rich as—”

“Yeah, that was a bit more than I needed to hear, Spike.”

“Sorry.” The dragon blushed.

“Well, all that aside, there’s only one question left that I need to ask.”

“What’s that?”

“How do you feel about her?” Big Mac tilted his head.


“Eeyup,” Big Mac stated. “You’ve gone back and forth about Starlight and worryin’ about her feelings but how do you feel? Do you like her? Do you want things to move forward with her?”

Spike raised a claw, ready to answer, but immediately put it back down. “I… I don’t know.”

“I see.” Big Mac trotted toward him and put a hoof on his shoulder. “Well, I suggest you figure that out and do it pretty quick like. I understand you probably have a lot going through your head right now, but I guarantee you Starlight does, too. You might consider sittin’ her down and having a conversation. Get your feelings on the table if nothin’ else.”

Spike averted his eyes from Big Mac’s. “You’re probably right. But, if we can barely look at each other, how in Equestria are we supposed to have a heavy conversation like that? We’ll probably just end up laughing it off and never talk to each other again.”

“Spike, that’s not how it’s gonna go.” Big Mac pulled his hoof back. “I can’t tell you what’s gonna happen, but you two have been friends long enough that you need to talk about this. It won’t be easy, but it needs to happen. And who knows? Maybe you two will find a way to fix it together. Either way, the only way you’ll get over this hill is if you take the first step. You understand?”

Spike brought his eyes up to meet Big Mac’s. “Yeah, I think I do. Thanks.”

“Well, what’re you waiting for?” He asked, “Get goin’!”

“But,” Spike looked toward the barn. “What about the apples?”

The stallion shook his head. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll bring ‘em by this afternoon. For now, take care of business with Starlight. Now get!”

Spike nodded and turned around, racing back toward the castle. He had no idea what was going to happen, how he felt, or what was going to be said, but Big Mac was right.

There was only one way to find out.

Author's Note:
