• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 3,770 Views, 134 Comments

30 Minute Sparity - Path_of_cloud

Sparity stories written for the 30 minute pony stories tumblr

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Twilight walked into the library. The lights were off, and before her, facing a bookshelf, stood a slightly-larger-than-pony-sized purple drake, with green spikes running down his back, and wings draped around his body like a shroud.

“Hey Twi.”

“Don’t you, hey Twi, me. I saw Rarity in tears running towards the boutique; she told me you broke up with her. What the hay Spike! I thought you loved her!”

Spike sighed and turned around. His face was covered in stains that could have only come from tears running down it. When he spoke it sounded calm, resolute, “I do love her Twilight. Can’t you see? I had to do this, for her.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Look at me Twilight. What do you see?”

“My little brother being unreasonably stupid.”

“A dragon, Twilight. I’m a dragon, a fire breathing, greedy, nasty, monster. She deserves better!”

“Spike-,” Twilight voice was calming, sympathetic.

“No Twilight. This is what’s best for her. She has dreams. She wants to be a famous fashionista and live in the lap of luxury. And I’m sure she’d love nothing more than to use that position to help others. Generous as she is.” Spike chuckled.

“And what about her dream of finding her true love? A brave, dashing, kind, romantic gentlecolt,” Twilight demanded.

“Exactly Twilight, a gentlecolt. Last I checked, I’m not a colt. She can’t have either of her dreams with me. Around here they know me, but out there I’m just a monster. And when they find out she’s with me, they won’t respect her. They won’t order dresses from her. They’ll shun her for being with a freak. They’ll treat her like she’s a freak. She doesn’t deserve that. She deserves to have all her dreams come true! And I don’t deserve her.” Spike passion flared out as he got to the last part. It was true; he had even made her cry. He really was a monster.

“She’s never seen it that way! She loves you!” Twilight was outraged, not just at Spike, but at the world. She was a smart mare, and she could see the truth in his words.

“AND I LOVE HER!” Tears returned to his eyes as he tried to fight them back. He calmed down, but his voice held his sorrow, his anguish, “With this she’ll be able to be happy. Haven’t you ever heard the saying Twilight, if you love something set it free? She needs to be free of me Twilight. She deserves her dreams. She deserves everything and more. She deserves better than me. Let it be Twilight, just let it be. Let her be happy. It’ll take time, but she’ll see that I was never really good for her in the first place. She’ll find someone else, and she’ll be happy. And if I can give her that for nothing more than being heartbroken forever without her, it’s a small price to pay.” The tears refused to be held back any longer as they cascaded down his face.

“Spike you’re being stupid!” Twilight screamed, irritated to no end.

“ENOUGH!” Spike paused at his outburst. “Look at me. I’m even yelling at you. I’m exactly the monster they say I am.”

“No you’re not, darling.”

“Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed.

“What are you doing here Rarity?” Spike asked.

Her response was to slap Spike across the face.

“I came here to tell you off. That was until I heard all of this.”

Spike looked to the floor ashamed of being found out.

“Spike,” Rarity grabbed Spike’s face and forced him to look into her eyes, “I love you for who you are, and you being a dragon has never bothered me. Well, beside a tad when we were younger. And I know you love me for who I am, why else would you make this kind of sacrifice? But the fact is, I will never find a colt, drake, or other being in existence as kind and loving as you. And you’re so much more still. I don’t care what anyone thinks, including you. You are not a monster, and the one who doesn’t deserve you is me.” She forced him to stare into her soul, to sense the truth in her every word. She chuckled. “And honestly, I don’t care what you believe; I’m never letting you go. Because even if I’m generous with everything else in my life, I will always be selfish about having you.”

“I’m sorr-,” Rarity interrupted Spike with a kiss. He held her firmly against him and kissed her back. He would never let her go again.

A cat call and a shout from Twilight broke the deep, romantic moment, “Get a room!” she cheered happily.

Spike lifted Rarity into his arms. “Great idea! I think we'll use yours.” And with a shit eating grin, Spike carried a very red Rarity up the stairs.

“NO! Not on the bed I just replaced all the sheets and blankets.” Twilight followed after them, to have a door slammed in her face. “I have magic; I can get in!”

“Are you sure you want to!” a certain devious drake shouted from the other side. Twilight looked at the door, and proceeded to walk downstairs to sleep on the couch.