• Published 2nd Dec 2018
  • 6,421 Views, 1,625 Comments

The Multiverse in a Nutshell - Pennington Inkwell

What do you do when you accidentally break the multiverse and scatter your friends to the cosmic winds? Go on a ROAD TRIP, of course!

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Chapter 100: Astride the Fourth Wall

"Alright, let's talk about casting."

Penn took a moment to press his thumbs against the center of his forehead, rubbing that pressure point until he felt relaxed enough to continue. The man sitting in front of him was wearing a crisp business suit and flipping through a legal pad with a smug grin. Every second since Penn had agreed to this movie deal had been filled with regret, but... there was a part of him that simply couldn't resist saying yes to the proposal.

At least I followed P.L. Travers' example and managed to keep final approval rights...

"Obviously Sunset Shimmer has experience working on the big screen, and Missy has taken to the 'child actress' role surprisingly well..." He took a moment to given Penn an uncertain look. "Now, regarding yourself..."

"What about myself?"

"Well... No offense, but you don't exactly look the part of the 'dashing hero.' Combined with the amount of work you have to do behind the scenes signing off on every decision..." he took a moment to give a very passive-aggressive look to Penn, "the big wigs think casting another actor would be a good idea."

Penn narrowed his eyes. "Okay, first of all, ow, my pride... Second, 'Penn' isn't supposed to be the dashing hero, he's just a nerd who was in the right place at the right time. Third... I guess I can see where you're coming from with me being busy. Along with this, I still have to keep updates coming. I'd like to avoid impromptu hiatuses again..." He took a deep breath, forcing himself to let go of his ego. "Who were you thinking?"

The agent smiled, seemingly relieved that Penn had relented. "Well, Tom Holland is in the right age range, so he's our first pick."

"What, the new Spider-Man? He's way too young!" Penn scoffed. "He's, what, sixteen?"

"He's twenty-five."

"...oh." Penn took a moment longer to consider the proposal. "No, I don't think so... I don't want Marvel fans blaming us for 'distracting him' if the next Spider-Man movie sucks." He leaned back in his chair, trying to think about the possibilities. "Lewis Lovhaug? He's got acting chops AND experience with making crossover content."

"We contacted him, he turned us down. He said he doesn't have time, something about the fourth wall?"

"Darn... Guess that was too much to ask." Penn sighed. "Who else you thinking?"

"Well, Hemsworths are hot commodities right now."

Penn gave the absolute most tired and fed-up look he was capable of giving. "I'm not a body builder or a Norse god. I told you, the character of 'Penn' starts out as an everyman nerd, and he really doesn't change much for a long time. Put that Hollywood money into getting more properties and music, not getting a freaking superhero to play my role!"

The agent didn't even bother making eye contact as he flipped through more of his notes. "We also were thinking about Zac Efron, but if you're really adamant about having no big names-" He was cut off by Penn's hand grabbing the notepad, stopping him from continuing to flip through.

"... keep talking."


Sunset leaned back in her seat as she continued scrolling through the comments of the story. She couldn't help but smile as she saw that the majority of readers were happy and satisfied with their work.

Luxurious_Gamer: So glad that Salem's finally dead for good!

CyclicalCynical: There's no way Salem stays dead after this.

RoadTripFan239: The crew's come so far from how they started!

She smirked and shook her head, resisting the urge to comment what she knew about future plans for the story.

SunnyShimmer: There's a long way left to go on the trip, who knows what'll happen?

FleetofShips: Of course Salem's coming back, she and Penn are obviously gonna be a couple!

Sunset balked at that comment, and the rest of the commenters seemed to feel the same way that she did.

CyclicalCynical: Ew, shipping someone with their abuser?

Tracker_Jacker: Yeah, what the heck? I thought Penn and Sunset were gonna be the couple!

Pennington_Inkwell: There has never been and will never be a PennSet romance. How many times do I have to explain this?

Sunset breathed a sigh of relief at Penn's quick rebuttal of THAT particular ship. Most of the readers had accepted that it wasn't going to happen, but there were always a few holdouts that held on to the vain hope.

FleetofShips: See! Even the author's keeping the option open! Besides, @CyclicalCynical, haven't you ever heard of the "Foe Yay" trope? Archenemies make the best couples, and she's the only one who's been able to keep ahead of him! Clearly it's meant to be.

"Okay, this is getting out of hand..." Sunset muttered.

SunnyShimmer: @Pennington_Inkwell, you mind putting this argument to rest?

She sat back from her keyboard, waiting for Penn's response.

She waited... and waited... and waited.

FleetofShips: It works as a ship, look! I even wrote my own fic of it! Desires Dark As Ink. (Lemon, characters belong to their respective owners, don't like, don't read.)

Sunset stared at the link with overwhelming trepidation. Slowly, her curiosity began to outweigh her terror and disgust, and she moved her cursor to hover over the highlighted words.

"I guess... a peek couldn't hurt, right? Just to see what they mean?"


"Man... I can't believe I wound up being forced to sit out almost the entire Salem fight!" Missy huffed as she took another sip of her tea. "I really wanted to go head-to-head in an all-out magic battle!"

"At least you didn't get screwed out of an entire crowning moment of awesome, dollface!" Bendy muttered, spinning his teacup bitterly on the tip of his gloved finger. "In the first version of the script, I was gonna be the one who took Salem out!"

"You got the previous TWO arcs almost entirely to yourself!" Missy rolled her eyes. "Plus you're sticking around for more arcs later! The evil doubles arc is gonna have plenty of time for you to shine!"

"Wait, that's really happenin'?" Bendy leaned forward, somehow now spinning the teacup on one of his horns. "I thought that was just a throwaway gag!"

"Nope! Penn's already started writing up some screen tests, it's juicy..." Missy smirked and took a long sip of her tea.

"Ooooh?" Bendy bobbed his head to let the teacup drop into his hands. "Well, spill the tea, doll! What sorta 'juicy' are we talkin' about?"

"Well, there's rumors about you and Big Sis joining forces to beat Penn's doppelganger..." Missy made no attempt to keep a poker face, grinning wider and wider at the memories of what she'd been shown. "Sunset's double running some kind of gambit to get the secret to immortality, a few godly powers getting thrown into the mix... I think I even heard Alice might be coming back for an encore!"

"No kiddin'?" Bendy grinned. "That IS juicy! Sounds like a chance to cut loose and really party!"

"Of course, Penn's always like 'Anything can change, it's all an early draft!' so we don't get our hopes up, but we all know that once he gets an idea into his head, it's hard as heck to get it out again!" She winked at her companion. "Of course, that usually works out great for us! More content, am I right?"

Bendy lifted his teacup, threatening to slosh some of the bacon soup inside onto the table. "I'll drink to that!"

The two raised their glasses with a soft clink before both downing their respective contents in a single go. Just as they were swallowing the last of it, the door to the room swung open, revealing a haggard-looking Sunset.

"Heya, Sunny!"

"Hiya, Red!"

Sunset didn't say a word, shambling to their table like a zombie and crouching as best she could to sit at their level. She grabbed the teapot in the center and poured herself a full cup, followed by several spoonfuls of sugar and a healthy dose of cream.

"...you okay, Sunny?" Missy asked.

Sunset didn't answer, raising the glass to her lips and chugging more than half the contents before letting out a long sigh.

"So, I have learned that reading fanfic about people you know can be dangerous..." she muttered, her eyes out of focus as she stared into the distance. "And I can never look at a lemon the same way again..."


"Bro, what's the deal? I thought this story was supposed to be about US?" Rainbow Dash planted her hands on her hips to exaggerate her displeasure.

"Well, it IS, but-"

"Aside from a short cameo from Rainbow Dash, none of us have appeared since the first chapter, darling!" Rarity huffed. "We're on chapter one hundred and there's been no sign of us!"

"Well, in the grand scheme of things, we're really still near the beginning-"

"While that may be true, it still lacks a certain amount of narrative fulfillment for the goal to be left out of sight and reach for so long." Twilight sighed. "Still, you at least have solid plans for each of us to enter the story, correct?"

"Uhhh... yes?"

"Is that an answer, or a question?" Applejack asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Okay, so things are still a little in the air, but I have a general idea of where and when!"

"Oooooooooh! So that's why the script keeps changing!" Pinkie declared, holding a sheaf of loose papers up and examining them from several angles.

"Wait, where did you get that?"

"It's okay, you can take your time..." Fluttershy whispered. "We're not in any rush, especially now that our series isn't being produced any more..."

That brought the entire room to silence.

Penn took a deep breath, rubbing at his forehead. "Girls, I promise you're all going to get your time to shine, alright? But pacing the story for the long haul comes first. Too many multi-crossovers have rushed themselves into becoming piles of hot garbage by introducing too many characters and elements without building them up and establishing them properly. I promise, when all is said and done, you're going to thank me for taking my time."

The rest of the rainbooms all exchanged glances and whispers before a chorus of disappointed sighs made it clear his reasoning had stood up to inspection.

"Well, my intro's coming up soon, right?" Rainbow asked, arching a skeptical eyebrow. "Make it count, and we'll be willing to show a little more faith in you from now on!"

Penn let out a sigh of relief. "Cool, I can work with that."

"Also, when's the Doom Slayer gonna show up?" Fluttershy added.

"GAAAAAAH! WHEN ARE PEOPLE GONNA STOP ASKING FOR THAT?" Penn shouted, stamping out of the room and slamming the door behind him.


"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, my precious inferiors. I am I.S.I.S., the Integrated Superior Intelligence system, and today we will be playing Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy."

Let's gooooooo!
Queen Isis has returned!
Glad you're back!
Step on me mommy!
Face reveal when?
You just ripped off Zentreya's voice mod idea! Thief!
Anybody else excited to see Isis finally rage at a game?
Audition for Vshojo! We need a collab with Zen!
Notice me, Mad Science Mommy!

"I have told you before, this IS my face. The only way you could see me outside of my chosen avatar is putting a camera outside of my CPU, which I am told would be very boring. Now, if I analyze the controls, I should be able to 'get the hang' of this game rather quickly."

AKA loading her cheat engine...
Yes, show us that hot CPU action!
Can I put my hard drive in your software?
Installing speedrun.exe!
Call me your little pogchamp!

"Chat, words cannot express my immeasurable disappointment in you. Now you must go in Horny Prison."

Right where we belong...
I thought it was Horny Jail?
According to Isis, we're already tried and convicted.
Let us out!
Join the horny side, Isis... we have cookies.
And cream pies!

"Wait... So people think Isis is... sexy? She's just sitting there playing video games!" Sunset scratched her head in confusion. "Technically, it's just a low-poly version of her avatar sitting there!"

"Human males are all degenerates. Give them a camera angle where they can see even a little cleavage and they lose all reasoning..." Noir muttered. "Penn says Rule Number One of being a 'vtuber' is that you need to be lowkey arousing or horny at all times..." He shrugged as he continued fitting the improved servo model into the new repair drone prototype. "Guess it's the old adage of 'a fool and his money are soon parted' playing out yet again... There's nothing new under the sun, after all."

Sunset smirked. "So how much has Penn spent 'simping' for vtubers like Isis?"

"You don't want to know."

"And so, we have completed Getting Over It. Thus concludes this part of the stream. After a short interlude, we will be completing a Super Metroid any percent speedrun in a predicted thirty-seven minutes and forty-three seconds."

"So... does what Isis have count as success?"

"Five thousand subscribers on Twitch says yes. That ice cream machine we had installed in the employee lounge ALSO says yes."

"That was YOU?"


Sunset yanked open the door to Sylvia's driver's seat and let herself flop down. Apparently, Chapter 100 was going to be some kind of special to let everyone relax and unwind, and she wasn't above saying that she needed it.

Still... sucks that Penn's break had to end in order for the rest of us to get on with the story. It's not like he was just doing nothing the last three months... Sunset thought to herself, absentmindedly pulling one of her legs into the car with her. As she did, she felt her heel knock against something hard just beneath her. It wasn't anchored in place, knocking away easily enough to pique her interest.

She forced herself to stand up again before leaning down to glance under the driver's seat. Her eyes widened as she found herself staring at the cross-section of a large, hardcover book. Her curiosity only grew stronger as she reached under the seat and pulled out the hidden tome, examining its cover in full.

Her face instantly flushed hard and her eyes widened as she was greeted by the sight of several scantily-clad women bearing many inhuman features, all giving seductive half-lidded stares to the reader.

Monster Girl Encyclopedia
Volume 1

In her gut, Sunset knew this was something she should NOT be looking at. In fact, part of her mind felt disgusted even touching this book, but it seemed startlingly... clean. Pristine, even.

That was when she realized it was entirely wrapped in plastic, the kind of shrink-wrapping that made it obvious it hadn't been opened since leaving the manufacturer. Once again, her curiosity was piqued, turning it over in her hands to check for some sign that the plastic had been opened before and re-sealed, but its surface was seamless.


The book was roughly yanked out of her hands, and she snapped up to see Penn, blushing furiously as he tried fruitlessly to hide the book behind his back. "Wha-What are you doing? What did you see?"

"N-Nothing!" Sunset's own face felt like it was on fire as she realized she'd been caught snooping. "I mean, I saw a book with lots of pretty monster girls on it, but I didn't open it!"

"W-Well, it wasn't what you think!" Penn stammered, rushing past her and shoving the book back into its hiding place. "I swear!"

Sunset's embarrassment faded somewhat as her curiosity began to rise again. "Wait, I mean, there's an obvious reason why you'd have that... but it wasn't open. Why?"

"W-Well- I mean- It's none of your-" Penn kept stammering and cutting himself off and jumping from one attempt at a sentence to the next. Finally he glanced back at the spot he had hidden the book with a mix of shame and regret and let out a long, tired sigh.

"Look, I used to keep stuff like that around for the obvious reasons, but... It's changed. A long time ago, I was in a much unhealthier state of mind, and relied on that kind of stuff to be happy. I knew it wasn't healthy and I was really ashamed of it, but I couldn't see a way out." He sighed again, and Sunset couldn't help seeing the fact that talking about this was like pulling teeth for him. "So... one day, I was so sick and disgusted with myself, I decided I was going to pit my healthy habits and pleasures against my unhealthy ones... and it helped a lot. I didn't feel like I was fighting alone, any more." He chuckled, the hardest part of admitting his prior faults seemingly over. His gaze turned upwards, staring aimlessly at the clouds. "The more I thought about it, the more I visualized it as some great battle... and the more I wanted to see it happen in greater detail. Without anybody out there writing the specific crossover I wanted, I knew that if I wanted to see my personal demons throw down with the characters and series I love the most I was going to have to make it myself. So, I sat down one day and started writing about my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh card and the strongest of those monsters going head to head... and it was just too much fun to stop!"

Sunset's eyes widened as understanding began to dawn on her. "Wait, so you're saying that book..."

"Well, not that one specifically, but that genre in general of 'monster girl' media... is what really kicked off The Multiverse in a Nutshell." Penn chuckled again. "My unhealthiest addiction became a catalyst for one of the healthiest habits I've ever had. Funny, isn't it?" He shrugged his shoulders with a satisfied sigh. "Of course, I couldn't include the ACTUAL first arc I wrote, I don't want people to think I'm some kind of degenerate and this isn't that type of story! But I do keep around a little token to remind me that this all started as a way for me to take back control of my life using the things I love."

"Huh..." Sunset glanced to the spot she now knew the book laid. "Guess that isn't really the reason I was expecting... but it IS ironic, in a funny way." She smirked and raised an eyebrow. "A hundred chapters in, I think most people have a good sense of what this story is about. Any plans to go back to the prototype arc and work it into the canon?"

Penn snorted derisively. "Pfft! Hell no! An alcoholic doesn't toast to his sobriety! It gave me Multiverse, and that's the only good that ever came out of it. I remember my roots, but that doesn't mean I'm anchored to them!" He waved away the idea as he kicked the door shut and walked away from the car. "Let it gather dust for all I care! I replaced all that stuff with Chirac and Baalchion, anyway."


Somewhere, deep in the fortress of Hellgondo, Alipheese Fateburn the Sixteenth gave her tail an annoyed flick.

"Granberia, do you ever feel as though someone, somewhere, is talking about you?"

The dragonkin shot a glare at no one in particular. "With all due respect, your highness, I am certain that humans are speaking of the Monster Lord and her Heavenly Knights at all times somewhere and someplace, and rarely favorably."

Alipheese sighed and let the grain of annoyance go. "I suppose you're correct... But I cannot seem to shake the feeling I've been somehow slighted..." She turned and began to slither in the direction of the royal kitchens. "Perhaps some dango will make me feel better."

"As you wish, your highness..." Granberia rolled her eyes. As usual, the Monster Lord was more concerned with her stomach than anything else.


Penn leaned back in his chair, letting out a long, tired sigh. Time was short. In a couple hours he'd be back to organizing shelves and informing customers that prices at the dollar store weren't negotiable. He hummed to himself as he considered letting the chapter sit for another day so he could brainstorm more on his upcoming shift.

"Nah, I tried that yesterday and had nothing to show for it..." he mumbled to himself. "I think the well of ideas for this one has just gone dry... At least I met my three thousand word minimum."

Still, he didn't feel satisfied. This was the ONE HUNDREDTH CHAPTER of The Multiverse in a Nutshell, a story he had never thought would gain any kind of traction but had accidentally become his greatest achievement on the site! It deserved more panache! More grandeur! More laughs!

But, at the same time... he could see the path onwards stretched out in front of him like a never-ending highway. Years of work and hundreds more chapters awaited, enough to make Chapter 100 feel like only the first step of a hike through Appalachia. Maybe... this was enough. The one thing that could possibly see him through to the end of all this was to pace himself, there was no need for every single milestone to have 120 percent of his ability behind it.

After all, it was, first and foremost, his "stress relief" story.

Still, this didn't seem like the place to stop. It needed something more, something to cap it off...

He snapped his fingers as the idea came to him.


Hello, fellow adventurers!

It's not often that I step out of the narrative like this, but you all know I'm fond of talking to you directly and keeping you in the loop as best I can. For this momentous milestone (because it IS momentous to hit 100 chapters for the first time, no matter HOW long the story is by the end), I just wanted to take the time to thank you all for sticking with this silly little idea of mine for so long.

To those of you who are vocal in the comments or on our discord server, thank you for letting me know you're having a good time and keeping me accountable for my narrative choices! For those of you who have been silently following along, thank you for coming on this journey with me, and I hope you're still enjoying it as much as you did when we first set out together!

Thanks to all of your amazing support, this has become one of my favorite writing projects of all time, and that's even more astounding considering where it came from. I'd bounced around the idea of "multiverse adventurers" for years with a buddy of mine, but I'd dismissed it as something to keep in the realm of running gags until I was struck by the moment of inspiration you all read about above. (Man, it's still harrowing to think that I'm revealing that secret origin of this story. If you don't get the references then for your sake AND mine, please don't google them.)

Now, we're moving into what I consider to be Multiverse's first "Season Finale" with the "Return to Remnant" arc. Until now, the crew have been exploring one universe at a time because that was the pace I felt the story needed to be taken at, but this is going to be the start of seeing franchises and dimensions encroach on each other at a world-altering scale, which was a large portion of my original brainstorming. I'll still have plenty of single-universe arcs, but you should be able to expect more multi-world arcs like this one in the future, as well. Combined with finding the first of the other Rainbooms AND using a universe of my own original design, this is gonna be a BIG one, folks!

But don't expect the story to break into an all-out sprint. We're going to keep moving at the same glacial pace we have been. Refusal to rush to the "good parts" is the reason that this story has succeeded where so many other multi-crossovers have failed, and I WILL remain adamant about going at my own pace. I hope that you'll all keep cruising down this long highway with me to the end of the road.

I couldn't do this without all of you and your encouragement! Seriously.

So, from me, Missy, Isis, Big Sis, Noir, and all the rest of the OCs...

Lots of love! Keep reading, we're just getting started! There's some WILD plans coming up!

Happy adventuring!

-Pennington Inkwell

P.S. - If you're mad about "Desires Dark as Ink," I'm gonna make you even more mad: I actually DID consider writing some smut under another account to link to, but decided against it.


Sunset craned her neck from side to side and pressed her shoulders back, stretching as she walked out onto the set. It felt comfortingly familiar to be in front of cameras again, and the hubbub of people rushing around felt like an elevated version of her previous experiences working on the Equestria Girls movies.

"Man, guess they really are taking this seriously, huh?" she mused.

"That's that big Hollywood money, baby!" Missy chuckled as she floated past. "We're getting the platinum treatment! Have you seen the snack cart?"

"Well, I can't say I'm against it..." Sunset smirked. "But does this really fit? I mean, it's just a fanfic..."

"A fanfic that ropes in properties from most of the biggest franchises in the world!" Missy corrected. "There's a lot of companies involved, and ALL of them want their series to look good!"

"I guess that makes sense, but-"


Sunset was cut off by the sound of squealing tires as a car came roaring into the lot, only barely managing to slide to a stop before knocking over expensive-looking equipment. It was a chrome-plated muscle car, the kind that must have cost a small fortune simply to make a down payment on.

"Wait... what's THAT?" Sunset blinked in confusion as she pointed at the low-riding sports car. "That- that's not supposed to be SYLVIA, is it?"

"Oh, yeah... Apparently they cut a deal with Chevy or something to replace the Oldsmobile with the newest Camaro..." Missy mumbled around a mouthful of food. "Some kind of corporate mumbo jumbo..."

"But- nobody would deliver pizza in THAT!" Sunset cried. She felt a wave of relief wash over her as Penn stepped up beside her, holding a bowl of sugary cereal in one hand. "Penn, this is ridiculous, right? You can't replace Sylvia with that!"

"Actually, I used to work with a guy who did deliveries in a Camaro..." he mumbled thoughtfully. "Never underestimate the debts West Texans will put themselves into for the sake of showing off to their neighbors..."

Before Sunset had the time to pick her jaw up off of the floor, the door to the car opened and a man stepped out. He had the look and complexion of a movie star, and a chiseled body that looked like he had just stepped straight out of the gym. He was wearing one of Penn's signature flower-patterned shirts, but hadn't so much as bothered to button it up past the midpoint of his chest.

"Hey, sorry I'm late!" He called with a friendly wave. "This is where you all wanted the car, right?"

Sunset glanced back and forth between Penn and the actor wearing his clothes several times, trying to believe what she was seeing.

"Huh, Zac Efron?" Missy mused. "I woulda gone with Tom Holland..."


Author's Note:

I think it's pretty self-explanatory none of this is canon. Here's raising a glass to the next hundred chapters!

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