• Published 19th May 2018
  • 4,334 Views, 37 Comments

Crystal Sunrise - Lil Penpusher

A Flame rekindled, a Student reborn. One Empire rises, another must fall.

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Faithful and Loyal

A lot of time has passed. It passed quite quickly, I must admit.

Ever since I first saw the light with my own eyes, my heart felt lighter, undisturbed of previous troubles. The Empress reassured me that this was only natural. The Light was the only way towards Harmony, after all. I spent just about two weeks following the Empress around Equestria, as she taught me all about Harmony, the Light, and the means to preserve and protect both. It was an unusual experience, really. Every word the Empress spoke opened my eyes just a bit more.

These weeks quickly passed, and Empress Daybreaker felt that I was ready to contribute to the great Equestrian project of Harmony. Not just that, but she felt as if I should be the one to protect and spread her light, to defend Harmony against those who would wish to destroy and dismantle it. I felt overwhelmed. Such a great task for such a little pony like me... was I ready? Was I the right pony for such a job? In the end, I was nothing in contrast to the Empress, wasn't I?

The Empress relieved me. A soft and yet strong hoof rested upon my back. The simple touch of her majesty radiated Energy throughout my body. She looked down on me, confident in me and my abilities. With a smile, she said to me almost in a whisper:

"The Light guides you, my faithful and loyal Student."

I thought for a brief moment before nodding silently. Her words were few, and yet I felt more confident than ever. She was right, as she always was. The Light had brought me her, it had already guided me, and it would continue to do so if I only follow it.

The next couple of months I would spend on setting up my so called 'Imperial Inquisition'. As the newly assigned 'Grand Inquisitor', it was my task to seek out any possible enemies within Equestria while also promoting the Empress and her rule. Basically, I was supposed to snuff out any fires before they grew in size and became dangerous, while also handing out candy to everyone around me. It was a bit of a odd job at first, but Empress reminded me of its importance, and I became proud of my task as a result.

With every Report I received, whether it be an intercepted message, a status or even incident report, I felt more fit for the job. I spent a lot of time away from the ponies I knew, hiding behind the doors of my castle in Ponyville. Paperwork and planning occupied me the most. Not that I would complain, of course.

During just these few months, I would manage to catch and shut down many terrorist and resistance cells in Equestria. There was even one right at my doorstep, in Ponyville. Part of me thought it was strange that ponies like Zecora and Lyra would ever become criminals. They never were the type of ponies to cause trouble, let alone had the spirit of a criminal who would hurt others. I shook off those thoughts. Their guilt was at hand, and then was not the time for a bad conscience. They had chosen their fate, wanting to oppose and resist Harmony and the Light. If this was their choice, then it is my duty, given by the God-Empress herself, to deal with them appropriately.

The Empress arrived personally to oversee the procedures of how we dealt with the criminals. It was one of the few times I personally overwatched the trials and public executions. The gunshots admittedly startled me, though the Empress failed to notice. I hope.
Thankfully, the spirits of my past friends may now live in Harmony, free from the criminal body. Harmony that I helped to protect. Moments like those almost made me shed a tear, really. It makes me appreciate how far the Empress has brought us, how she has enlightened us all, and how lucky I am to play such a big part in the preservation of Harmony.

A faithful Student and loyal Servant, I found myself to be the perfect Grand Inquisitor. Just as the Empress had predicted.

Fast forward a few months and I find myself once again leaving the Imperial Throne Room. I had talked with the Empress personally after she invited me to an audience with her. I was happy to finally meet and talk to her again, my Tutor. My Duties had kept me busy, and so there was little free time for relaxation. However, predictably, this was no invitation to chit-chat. As soon as I had entered those golden halls of the Throne Room, decorated with bright red and yellow ornaments and banners, I could feel that something big was awaiting me. My fears were quickly confirmed by the Empress in the discussion that followed.

My new mission was clear and simple. I was to travel up north, to the Crystal Empire, where I would serve as the first diplomatic envoy of the Solar Empire towards the Crystal Empire. The Empress ensured me that I would not be met with hostility upon crossing the border, having exchanged letters with the Crystal Empire's diplomatic office.

"The very first diplomatic envoy," I said to myself, sitting down in front of the throne room's grand doors. I let the words echo through the tall structure of the Canterlot Palace. They sunk in, and I thought. I thought about just how I would do this. How I would manage to not screw this up.

The very purpose of my trip was not simply to establish diplomatic relations with the now fully independent Crystal Ponies, but it was to demand their renewed servitude to Equestria, which they had rejected following the Empress' transformation and the proclamation of the Solar Empire.

And now it was me, out of all ponies, who was to travel to the Crystal City and talk sense into them. Not the Empress herself, not a trained, professional diplomat. Me.

I held my head in my hooves as I sat there in front of those doors, silently. Once again, the Empress had attempted to reassure me in my own abilities, that I had solved many a great deal of problems diplomatically before. But this... this was different. This was something not even the words of my Tutor and Empress could simplify.

The Gears in my Head turned, and I grumbled quietly. A sense of sadness and even regret came over me. Had I made a trip to the Crystal City just a year ago... I would have been overjoyed. But now...

Now it was up to me to demand that my own foalsitter and friend submitted to the guiding Light and rule of the Empress. A request she would hardly accept. Ever. I knew this, I knew her. After all that has happened, she would never give herself and her subjects up, even if it means standing against what is right.

The Empress has faith in me, and yet I do not. But worst of all... should I fail, the Empress has made it clear that there would be no further talks between the two Empires.

"There will be blood", she exclaimed mercilessly

The Fate of millions rested upon me, and I was not sure if I could save but one.