• Published 5th Apr 2018
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The Philosophical Substitute: Discord - CrackedInkWell

After the events of "Discord Teaches Philosophy," the Spirt of Chaos takes up the role of a Substitute. However, after spying on the main teacher, he decides to step in.

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Lesson 8: Guest Speaker

Within the cafeteria, Yona couldn’t help but look at the lunch of the day with dissatisfaction. As much as she grew a taste for Pony food, especially for freshly made cupcakes, her craving was calling out for familiar comfort foods that she had been missing. The food of her home country. Yet, it was free food after all, and at least they were offering a choice between corn fritters or haybergers that were decent to her tastes as she waited in line.

“You know I never get the idea of a cafeteria.” While the Yak tried to hold back her startled surprise, she quickly located the voice of Mr. Discord as he was standing upside down from her. “If you’re going to have a variety of foods to choose from, why not make it so and go big? Giving these folks a choice between Maggot Curry or Poison Joke Burritos would go a long way if you ask me.”

“What teacher doing here?” Yona asked. “Yak never saw other teachers in cafeteria.”

“Partly to steer clear from Twilight for the next twenty-four hours to let her cool off and partly because I didn’t feel like eating in the teacher’s lounge.” He spins his head around in a full circle. “Where’s the rest of your friends?”

“Yona gets in line first.” She replies. “Friends might be in very back of line.”

After humming in thought, Discord let himself fall to the ground like a slinky before asking her, “Tell me, do you really want to eat this stuff ahead or are you craving for something else?”

She huffed. “What Yona give for real Yak food.”

“Say no more, let’s go find your friends and give you my thanks for helping me keep my new job.”

A few minutes later of finding the rest of his first-period class and gathered around at their usual table, Discord insisted that day’s lunch will be on him. After a quick change in wardrobe to that of a weightier on roller-skates, he passed around silver dome trays to each of his students.

“For you Ms. Yona,” Discord said as he placed his paw on the handle of the dome. “A particular brand of Yak noodle soup in traditionally prepared Yak broth, with a side of vanilla cake from Yak vanilla.” Lifting it the dome, was the dish that he had described, much to Yona’s delight.

“Can it be?” She took up the bowl to let it touch her lips as she sipped the warm broth. “It is! Real Yak broth!”

“For you,” Discord moved over to Smolder. “A gem salad of diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, topaz, gold leafed rubies, and a dressing of molten copper.” Sure enough, there underneath it was the hard and hot salad that sat in a basalt bowl.

“No way!” She exclaimed as she used her claws to pick out the gems from it.

Next, he went over to Silverstream. “For you, Madame, a classic of Seaquestria delicacy of tuna in squid ink pasta and the thyme and lavender infused Salmon juice.”

The Hippogriff responded with an excited screech. “My favorite!” she cried before diving in.

Discord moved on to the next student. “For Ocellus, the single rarest ice cream in the world for its unique flavor.” Underneath the shiny dome was a crystal goblet with scoops of a very green sort of ice cream with a silver spoon sticking out.

Curious, the Changeling dug in a little sample of the mystery ice cream. When she stuck out her tongue to give it a few licks, she gasped in delight. “You made Love Flavor ice cream!” Discord nodded before she proceeded to give herself an ice cream headache.

“As for you boys,” Discord roll over to them to uncover their silver domes, “a culinary contradiction of a Beef Bourguignon burger with hay fries for Gallus and a General Sichuan Carrots with sesame seeds and a fortune cookie for Sandbar.”

After lifting those lids, he then skated around to himself sitting down between Sandbar and Yona. This surprised everyone at the table as they didn’t notice their teacher was there. “As for you, Mr. Discord, your lunch is a Bleep be Bleep be, be, Bleep be, be be be, Bleep Bleep Bleep, be Bleep be, be, with a side of Bleep be be. Enjoy.”

“Ooh! My favorite!” Their teacher grinned as his copy lifted the silver dome to a pixelated mess. He looked up to his students horrified. “What? You have your favorite foods and I have mine.”

“I don’t even know what I’m looking at,” Gallus commented. “And frankly, I’m not sure if I want to know.”

“At least the food is really good,” Silverstream said as she tries to focus on her lunch. “So Mr. Discord, what brings you here again?”

“Hm? Oh right! Well, all of this is my way of saying thanks for helping me keep my new job. I’m still very impressed that you stood up for me that I thought it was best to give something back.”

“You know you didn’t have to.” Ocellus pointed out between bites. “We like you enough for just teaching us alone.”

“Which brings to the most important reason why I’m here. Simply put, I realized that I haven’t asked Yona here about what she wants to learn. So far, I’ve asked all of you except for her. And frankly, I’m already out of ideas myself.”

A dozen eyes turned to the Yak as she pondered this. “Yona not sure.” She replied. “Teacher had taught many useful things. Helped friends and gave powerful lessons. But if Discord has to ask Yona what Yona wants to learn… is different from other lessons.”

“Well, I’m a sucker for different.” Her teacher said. “So please, I’m all ears, nose and eyes.”

“Hmm… How Yona put this…?” She hummed in thought, taking a moment to get a few more spoonfuls of soup. “There is something that Yona has been curious about. Nothing to do with life lessons or things like that. Rather, Yak wants to know why rulers do the way they do. Like does leader have all power over others? Or is it better to have ruler at all? Things like that.”

“Interesting…” Discord mused over while taking up a fork full of the censored food into his mouth. “So your interests are more political.”

Yona shook her head. “More like wanting to know why it works the way it does. Yona finds actions of rules confusing.”

“Actually… yeah, I would like to know that too.” Gallus put a claw to his beak. “Like why leaders go back against what they promised?”

“Or how to improve it if you are in power?” Ocellus pointed out. “Sure, not all of us are connected to royalty, but who knows…? We might be someday.”

As his students spoke, Discord went through the index in his head to pick out what sort of lessons he could teach. While he thought this over, his eyes laid on Sandbar’s fortune cookie in which, an idea began to develop. Not because of the cookie itself, but the source of the usual sayings that were printed on the slips of paper inside.

“I think I already got an idea what to do tomorrow…” Discord said to himself but catching the attention of his students.

“You do?” Sandbar asked.

“Maybe, but I’m going to need to run an errand to find a guest speaker.”

This caught his student’s surprise. “Guess speaker?” Ocellus asked, “Like who?”

“No idea, I haven’t decided yet. So, if you don’t mind me,” he dumped the rest of the unspeakable material down his throat, “I have a philosopher to study up from.” Standing up, he opened up a time portal and told his students that he’ll see them tomorrow before stepping through, having it close behind him.

The six students sat there dumbfounded. “Uh… What just happened?” Smolder questioned, but none of her friends could answer it.

Thursday morning came and after breakfast, the students were making their way towards first hour with Discord. “What do you think we’re going to be doing today?” Silverstream asked.

“This is Mr. Discord we’re talking about,” Gallus answered, “as far as we know, it’s pretty much anyone’s guess.”

“But it has something to do with politics.” Ocellus pointed out. “Then again, that doesn’t really help much as I know there’s been plenty of philosophers out there that have talked on this subject even once.”

“Yak hopes we don’t have to go near mountain climbing… or water…” Yona shivered at the thought.

“Whatever it is,” Smolder said, “I’m sure it’ll be fine. This is Discord, after all, whatever he does is bound to be interesting.”

They arrived at the classroom door, only to find that their teacher wasn’t there waiting for them. Silverstream opened the door that leads out to a foggy trail. At first, the six students were confused as they stepped through. Below them was a dirt path, to the left were wild grass and rocks while the other a steep cliff. Yet, within this thick fog, hits of the landscape were seen as they saw peaks of mountains that stood there like islands in a cloudy sea.

But before long, they noticed that in the fog, a familiar shape was twisting its way towards the students.

“Mr. Discord?” Yona called out, and just like that, their teacher appeared as he flew over to them.

“Good morning class.” He said as he landed on his tail. “Today I’ve decided to focus a little bit on Eastern philosophy as a starting point for Yona’s question on power. This time I’ve decided to shake things up a bit and have all of you come with me to the very source of our first discussion.”

“Uh, Mr. Discord.” Sandbar raised a hoof. “Where exactly are we?”

The Draconequus smirked. “I think you’re asking yourself partly the wrong question.”

“Huh?” Ocellus questioned. “What do you mean?”

“It’s not exactly where that you should be asking. Rather, ask yourselves… when?

At this revelation, the students looked around.

“Is this past?” Yona inquired, “Or future?”

With his arms behind his back, Discord circled his students. “The place: Far East Equestria. The time: about five hundred years before Equestria’s founding. Twilight would probably lecture your ears off about how this was known as the ‘Warring States Period’ in this part of the world. Where clans fought against clans. Families against families. This place has been racked and wrecked by generations of civil war and blood thirsty chaos. Here, society has collapsed and were in the fallout of a political apocalypse. Long before the first Emperor had united these patches of land, there was a figure whose words and actions would echo long before his death. With a few simple, but effective ideas that did more conquering then Pinkie Pie at a pie eating contest.”

Smolder raised an eyebrow. “Okay… who’s the guy?”

Ears perked up as Discord turned his head down the dirt road. “Why not ask him yourself? He’s our unofficial guest speaker after all.”

The students turned their attention towards down the path as they too heard hoofsteps coming towards them. Within a minute, a silhouette of a robed figure slowly walked forward. As he got closer, more details about this pony became clear. Apart from his simple robe, they saw an old unicorn stallion of a cloudy white beard and a dark blue coat. When they were both able to see one another, the robed unicorn paused for a moment, blinking.

Now there is something you don’t see every day .” He muttered before he approached them. “Hello,” the old unicorn bowed to them, “are you all friend or foe?”

After exchanging some confused looks, Ocellus replied. “Uh… friend I hope. What are you doing out here?”

“I could ask the same for all of you. Creatures that I have never seen before and yet, a few that I have heard through myth. Like you, sacred Dragon,” he bowed to Smolder and Discord.

“Well I’m more of a Draconequus,” Discord shrugged, “but tell us, who would you be?”

The old stallion’s muzzle dropped melancholically. “I go by the name of Master Kong.”

“What?” Yona asked surprised. “You! Real Master Kong?”

“Last time I checked, I seem to be real when I woke up this morning.” He chuckled. “I take it that you’ve heard of me?”

“Yaks heard of Master Kong from Yakyakistan. Never thought that Yak would meet Kong in flesh.”

Kong tilted his head. “Yakyakistan? Forgive me, but I do not know where it is. Although I can assume that it is far away.”

“You have no idea…” Sandbar commented.

“Are you travelers coming or going?” Master Kong asks, “I am making my way towards Xiao Ma that is over these mountains.”

Discord, with a thoughtful look on his face said, “Xiao Ma you say? Would it be too much if I were to give you a lift over.” The old master asked what he meant by that. “Simply put, what if I could offer you a shortcut towards the town? I can have all of us fly over these mountains and save you the trip. The only cost of admission, is a few wise words.”

After giving some thought, Kong replies: “If it means to give me rest from walking all the way up here, who am I to refuse such an offer? Besides, it’s better to have the company to talk to.”

“Great, give a sec…” Discord went over to the edge of the cliff and putting two talons in his mouth, blew a high pitch whistle. For a moment, nothing seemed to happen until out from the rolling clouds, a single yellow cloud that was carrying something came towards them. At first, neither student nor master could make out what it was, but was it got closer, they heard shouts of complaining orders before they could see that this was coming from a furious monkey in armor, waving a staff in anger.

Are you listening to me!” the monkey shouted. “We need to go that way! Why are you…” he looked up as the flying cloud slowed down before the Draconequus. “Oh… It’s you.”

“Is that-” Master Kong was about to ask but Discord interrupted.

“Hey Sun Wukong,” Discord waved, “I know this is last minute here, but I need to borrow your cloud for a bit.”

“What for? I’m currently in the middle of something here!”

“Just to borrow it to get my students and this guy over here,” he pointed at Master Kong, “over to Xiao Ma to drop him off. After that, I’ll give it back to you.”

The monkey in armor looked at him in annoyance. “Really? Did you pull me away from a battle just to give an old fart and these kids a ride? Did Kuan-Yin set you up to this?”

“No,” Discord reached his lion’s paw over to his face, “and I’m not asking, by-the-way.”

“Oh no you don’t you son of a–” With a single flick, it sends Sun Wukong flying backward into the clouds below, screaming curses on the way down.

Master Kong blinked, “Was that the Monkey King?”

“Don’t mind the cry baby,” Discord waved a paw, “he practically owes me. Now then…” After using his magic to expand the single yellow cloud into a bus, he hops at the front. “Next stop, the town of Xiao Ma.”

The students and the old master (who got on with caution,) had climbed aboard the cloud, Discord drove it through the air.

“This goes without saying,” Kong commented to the students, “this has to be the strangest morning of my life.”

“That’s Mr. Discord for you.” Gallus replied, “He’s an oddball, but he’s a pretty good teacher overall.”

“What does he teach?”

“Philosophy.” All of Discord’s students said unanimously, much to their teacher’s amusement.

The old unicorn raised an eyebrow. “Is he qualified to teach wisdom?”

This got Discord’s attention. “Hey, what are you talking about? Of course, I’m qualified.”

“And yet, you stole this from Sun Wukong, the Monkey King?”

“This isn’t stealing. I did say I was borrowing it for a little while.”

“But you didn’t ask.”

“Borrowing, stealing, same thing.” Discord waved a dismissive claw.

A harrumph later, Master Kong replied. “This type of arrogance is sure to be expected, from a creature who speaks of wisdom with no clue of what respect is.”

The Draconequus gave him a death glare. “Did you just quote a lyric from an epic rap battle?”

“How can I quote something if I just made it up just now?”

“Okay, changing the subject,” Ocellus spoke up as she turned to Yona, “question for you: how you know who this guy is?”

The Yak raised an eyebrow before realizing something. “Oh! Yona remembered. This side of the world, he was known as K’ung Fu-Tse, or Master Kong. Everywhere else, he’s known as Confucius.”

Now it was the rest of the students to be surprised as they all turned towards the old unicorn.

“You… Y-You’re really him?” Sandbar asked. “You’re Confucius?”

“I prefer Master Kong,” he shrugged. “Nevertheless, despite the means for transport, I am grateful for the help on my travels. Although, was there something you wanted to ask of me? Your teacher said it’s my payment.”

“There is,” Silverstream said. “Well, actually it’s Yona here that has a question here for you.” She waved over to the Yak.

Kong inquired of her what the question was. “Well… Yak wants to know how power works. Since Yona may one day play a role in Yakyakistan court, Yona wants to know what makes good leaders, when being one is hard? But asking Master Kong must be stupid question.”

“Oh, not at all young lady. The one who asks a question is a fool for only a minute, but the one who does not ask is a fool for life. Tell me, what role do you expect to fill in one day?”

“It is unclear for now, but Yona sent to pony school so that Yona might be better Yak that becomes adviser in future.”

“Ah, I see.” He nodded. “I’ll have you know, that I was once an adviser and a minister of justice at one point. In all those years, I have learned a few things from my duties from both that I had wished I knew beforehoof.”

“Such as?”

“Well, stress the importance of ritual more.”

Smolder tilted her head. “Ritual? What do you mean?”

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to clarify on that mister wise guy,” Discord called out, “just remember that most of my students aren’t from this country.”

“Oh…” Master Kong nodded as he understood. “Where I come from, we honor our ancestors that came before us. We give respect to the generations of spirits from our families through ritual. To show them the utmost reverence from the quality of our offerings to the sincerity of our own mood when doing such rituals. Now-a-days, ponies don’t see much respect for such sacred rituals as the world down there is constantly at war with one another. They think that there are too many rules, to the point where it becomes a chore.

“But I have seen the good that such rituals do. In what they should teach us. Such ceremonies give lessons on how to behave with one another. Giving acknowledgments to certain occasions like visiting your parents on a specific day. And yet, I can’t help but notice that it is they, the dead, that are treated with more reverence than those around them. This I never understood, if you can’t take the time to respect the living, how does one do the same for the dead?”

“What does ritual have to do with being a good ruler?” Smolder questioned. “I mean, sure they can bring you up on how to behave, but the world is much more complicated than knowing when to light some candles.”

Master Kong laughed, “Oh young Dragoness, life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

“Look, buddy, where I come from, there’s practically no such thing as order. Our part of the world, we dragons fight all the time.”

“And so does mine. But is that really true that all dragons fight? Was there ever a time in your history in which that wasn’t so?”

Smolder was about to abject but froze as a thought came to her. “Well… not exactly… There was a time some centuries ago that a Dragon Lord had made everyone happy for a while.”

The old master smiled. “And so is my country also. We had a golden age once before. When rulers did their duty with honor and there was a harmony among the subjects. Social stability is possible, for it happened once, who is to say that it won’t happen again? I often believed that the past may have answers for our problems to the present. Hence, what I should have placed more insistent on ritual because they showed us a high standard that can be reached. If you do learn what these rituals are key to shaping and cultivate your own values. By figuring out what makes a good Yak, or a good pony, a good dragon and so on, you may know what makes a good society that leaders should strive for.”

“Yeah I don’t know if I buy it.” Gallus said as he laid back in his seat. Kong asked him why. “Where I come from, Gryphons aren’t interested in that sort of thing. My homeland is broken. Shattered beyond repair. The folks I deal with are jerks and I doubt that even you could do anything to fix it, even if you tried.”

“On that account, you’d be right. If a gryphon were wise, he would attack the evil that is within, rather than attacking the evil that is in others. And the way to confront such a mountain of disorder is to gain inspiration from something that has endured.”

“And what’s that?” Gallus raised an eyebrow.

DISCORD!” before the old master could reply, they turned to the source of the shouting in which was coming up ahead of them. Their teacher had to put the brakes on the cloud bus before it could collide with an angry looking Monkey King and a flying pig with a rake. Sun Wukong, who was doing the shouting, stood on top of his elongated staff. “Give my cloud back right now!”

“Gents,” their teacher said, “I did say that I need to borrow this for a while. You’ll have this back once I get them across these mountains and then you can go back to… whatever it was you were doing.”

“Our master is in trouble you demon!” the pig hissed, pointing his rake at him. “Give it back, or we’re going to make you.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “As much as I enjoy an action scene as much as the next guy, right now I’m carrying my students and a wise sage that’s in the middle of teaching something that preferably doesn’t need to have another close encounter with death then they’ve already had. So, I’m going to make this short.”

With a snap of his talons, the staff in which the monkey was standing on turned into a tower of noodles that instantly fell right beneath him. “This isn’t over!” Sun Wukong shouted as he fell through the clouds once more.

Oh piggy…” Discord said half singing. The pig with the rake looked up at Discord in which he held a bowl with something fried and covered with a pink sauce. “What’s your opinion adding bacon to sweet and sour pork?”

With a horrified squeal, the flying pig with a rake flew away in the opposite direction.

Discord looked over his shoulder to see his stunned students and a disapproving Master Kong. “What?”

“Was scurrying off that pig demon like that really necessary?” the old unicorn questioned.

“Hey, I bought all of you some time, now get to your next point about the family before they show up again.” He said before getting the cloud bus to move once more.

“What was that about family?” Ocellus asked.

“Well, as I was going to say before that happened,” Master Kong muttered, “one of the things that have endured despite all of this chaos are families. That being no matter where or the hardship, I noticed that the more stable parts of society, even when all else is falling apart, is the family. Out of curiosity, how many of you belong to a family?” All except for Discord And Gallus raised their hoofs or claws. “Have any of you noticed that all families have a hierarchy in which that you fit somewhere in it?”

“You mean like how Mom and Dad tend to call all the shots?” Sandbar asked.

The master nodded. “Yes, but there’s more to that. In my years, I have observed the relationships between husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter, or one sibling to another work, and what sort of fixed responsibilities each relationship has to the others. You find out where you fit in this as soon as you are born. And I also noticed that once you recognize your place within this family hierarchy, it teaches morals that are essential. Developing a sense of loyalty, honesty, duty, respect, and responsibility to your family. Or in other words, to love those around us.”

“Now that you’ve mentioned it…” Silverstream started, putting a claw to her beak in thought. “It’s not too far from how my family works.”

“Or mine.” Ocellus agreed.

“Or even mine,” Sandbar said thoughtfully before adding, “regardless how it ended up.”

“The way I see it,” Master Kong continued, “this idea of the family is a strong model, if not the cure to my country’s ills. Family, especially the most functional and good ones show how authority could be both exercised yet submitted to that is fairly and productively. For the best ones are not done through intimidation or threats, but by mutual consent. The morals that are learned within the family, that shows affection and care from the parents and the loyalty and obedience from the children. This, I believe, has the potential to transform anyone. But I see the family’s greatest value is to solve the greatest problem in society: the irresponsible ways of rulers.”

“Hold on, hold on.” Smolder objected as she raised her claw. “Let me try to get my head wrapped around this… So you’re basically saying that a way to turn a crappy country around is to look at how the best family operates?”

“Yes.” The old unicorn nodded. “Have you ever known any good families?”

“Well…” she folded her arms, “not exactly. Heck, as far as I know, neither does Gallus or Sandbar have it good with their families either.”

“In that case, let me ask you this: a good father could bring up a good son, do you grant that?”

She shrugged. “I guess so?”

“And a good son could then respect the father too if he was brought up just so. Is this also true?”

“I… I suppose it could be possible…”

“So, if it works on such a level between father and son, why not the same with a ruler and his subjects? Have the ruler look at his duties and his subjects just like how a father would towards his children. With love but with firmness. To have compassion, but with integrity. With uncompromising justice with benevolence. If such a ruler exists, doing these things as I have mentioned, could it be possible that it would roll down to those that serve beneath him?”

“But…” Sandbar began, “That can’t be true all the time. I mean, wouldn’t that depend on who’s in charge?”

“Indeed,” Master Kong agreed, “the ideal ruler, has not only a dutiful responsibility to whom he serves but a philosophical one as well. In my view, I am in favor of the traditions that the princes or emperors who lead are given a mandate, a divine right from heaven to rule. Thus, in this country, is why they are called the Sons of Heaven.”

Gallus raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, but suppose that the ruler wasn’t a good one? Like something wasn’t right in his mind or that he’s an overall jerk that doesn’t care what anyone says and does whatever they want – what then? Should we just bow to someone like that if the very heavens decide to make him a ruler anyway?”

Master Kong hummed in thought. “In my experience, ruling means correcting oneself. If a ruler does not act well, his decrees will be useless, because nopony will listen to them. Likewise, I have noticed that just as heaven can bless a ruler, so too can it take that divine right away. This manifests itself through disasters carried out by nature such as earthquakes, floods, famine and so on. But also, through the subjects too. Like how a bad father could raise a bad son in which he does not respect for the one that raised him, so too are the subjects that do not respect a bad ruler.”

“Master Kong makes it like power goes two ways,” Yona pointed out, “between ruler and subject.”

“Yes, exactly! While the ruler, like a father, may have the authority and power, he cannot be too cruel to his subjects, who are like his children. Because the more he tries to unjustly control them, the more they are willing to disconnect their trust. After all, an Emperor, prince or magistrate is nothing without his subjects. And a father is nothing without his sons. In either case when authority becomes too corrupt, and they who live under either suffer, do they have the heavenly right to rebel.”

“Huh…” Smolder rubbed her chin. “I never thought it like that.”

Yona at this point raised a hoof. “Should there be anything else that Yona should know to give Yak rulers for advice?”

“Yes. Always warn about becoming spending too much time to devote ones’ energy upon personal gain. In fact, it is the reason why I resigned from my last job as adviser.”

Ocellus tilted her head. “Why? What happened?”

The old master sighed. “Some years ago, the prince I served, to try to give good advice to was presented gifts of mares and expensive weapons in which he indulged in. So much so, that he became neglectful of his own duties. Do not misunderstand me, I for one understand the need of such earthly goods and pleasures myself such as swimming in a stream or singing with friends. Yet, to become so entwined with luxuries to the point of blinding from the position and responsibility you were meant to do – such a leader is doomed to fail. Which is why I resigned. I do not justify arrogant actions, anywhere, anytime, from anyone. Even from your teacher over here.”

Discord craned his neck over. “You know, I’m beginning to regret of choosing you as a guest speaker.”

“Yet your actions to steal this cloud, even for good intentions, may send the wrong message to your own students. For a superior teacher is not only modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions.”

Discord grumbled, “We’re here.” As the cloud bus lowers itself down, they could see a modest size town below by a river with rich green trees that dotted about the valley. The students were in awe of the tiled roofs, its market place and the crowds of this ancient place that was no doubt in its heyday. After driving the cloud about a mile away from the town, Discord let his students and Master Kong off before crumpling the fluffy bus back into its original form before tossing it away.

“While I don’t approve of your teacher’s methods,” the old master said as he turned to the students, “I do, however, approve of all of you. I hope I was helpful in any way.”

Yona smiled. “Master Kong helpful. Given Yak direction about future.”

He smiled. “In that regard, I should be thanking all of you too.”

The students, including their teacher, blinked. “Really?” Silverstream asked what was on her friend’s mind. “How so?”

“For a long time, I have often wondered what to do since my last job as an adviser. From that experience, it brought forth no fruit. Perhaps I have been looking at this the wrong way. That maybe, to change things for the better, to bring peace, is to teach young ones like yourselves. To teach them virtue and wisdom so that they may bring hope. Perhaps, this is my calling. And for that,” he bowed low to them, “I graciously thank you, all.”

Yona helped him up. “One last thing Master Kong. Is there best virtue to live by?”

After giving some thought, he replied: “That would be empathy, perhaps. What you do not wish for yourself, don’t do to others. Now then, I thank you for the ride and the discussion. It was quite enlightening.” After bowing to them once more, he bid them goodbye before walking down the dirt road towards the town.

“Well, he was nice,” Silverstream commented.

Discord folded his arms and harrumphed. “That’s probably the last time I decided to do a guest speaker.” He muttered.

“Hey! There he is!” With alarm, they looked over to the other side of the road to find not only the Monkey King and the pig with a rake but also a very tall fish-like creature with a pronged staff and a dragon with an elongated body with eyes that were piercing at Discord’s very soul. “That’s the demon that stolen my cloud!”

“Well look at the time,” Discord quickly said as he conjured up the classroom door, “class dismissed!” With a confusing rush, he and the students flung open the door and rushed out into the hallway. Just in time to slam, it shut before a staff, the teeth of the rake, prongs, and teeth pierced through the door.

His students looked up at their teacher, “You know,” Sandbar said, “About a few weeks ago, this all would seem really strange to me.”

“What seems strange?” the students jumped when the unexpected voice of Starlight Glimmer spoke up. “Oh, sorry about that. I just wanted to come by to see if I can talk with your teacher for a minute.” She turned to Discord, “That is if you’re not too busy.”

The Draconequus frowned. “Why? Am I in trouble again?”

“Oh no. You’re not at all. I just want to speak with you about a few things if that’s alright with you.”

After dismissing his class (and changing out the door to make sure that it would enter into the actual classroom itself), Discord let Starlight in so that it would give them a little privacy.

“So how was first hour?” She asked as she entered.

“I had a more or less easy day as I had a guest speaker over.”

“Oh? And who’s that?”

The ex-chaos spirit waved as a paw. “Oh you know, just an expert on Confucius’s ideas.”

“Ah, got ya.” She nodded as she sat down on her haunches. “I’ll just get straight to the point so I can get out of your mane. I’m here for two reasons: first is to tell you that I’ve been assigned by Twilight to observe how you do your usual classes. Since she told me that at the time, she walked in when you were doing it differently than you usually do it. So I was hoping that maybe tomorrow I could come and see how you really do things.”

“Oh yes! And that reminds me,” Discord mused, “I forgot to ask my students about what they want to hear next. Yona has gotten me thinking about how politics work and I’m not exactly sure where to take the discussion from here.” He looked down at the school counselor with a thoughtful look. “Unless of course, you have a suggestion? A fun one I hope.”

Starlight thought about this for a moment. “Have you guys got anywhere near the Enlightenment period yet?”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Why? What’s there?”

“Well, there are a few ponies that you could easily do, especially when it comes to something like politics. Like, say giving a lesson on Voltaire or Rousseau-”

“Ooh! I haven’t thought of that!” He grinned. “I can’t believe I’ve overlooked that guy. Of course, I would have to run an errand to check up a few things, but I can work with that.”

“Okay, good.” Starlight nodded. “Which leads to my next thing that I think you should know. And for this, I think you should probably sit down for this.”

While his curiosity was peaked, Discord whistled a lounge chair into existence. “Is this the bad news?”

Her face scrounges up. “That depends on how you take it. You see, since you started teaching last week, we let the parents of your students, in particular, those from first hour know that it’s you that’s doing it. And well… we just not some letters this morning saying that they’re concerned. So much so that they’re coming over to the school to basically cross-examine you.”

The legs in which Discord’s chair held suddenly collapsed underneath him. “Are you kidding me? How many times do I have to prove myself that I’m the better teacher?”

“I think I have an idea actually.” Starlight raised a hoof. “Perhaps you could also show them how you teach so that it would give them some peace of mind. Maybe to have them with your students as you teach to observe?”

“And when will they be here?”

“There letters said they’ll be here on Saturday.”

Discord covered his head with both his paw and claw, trying to think of something. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for an idea to come to him. “Well then, if that’s what they want to observe my class. I’ll let them. Although… I need to ask a favor from higher up, especially from Twilight.”

“What’s that?” Starlight raised an eyebrow.

“On Saturday morning, I need to borrow Spike. He and my students are going to play a very critical role in my special session in philosophy.”

“Why’s that?

Discord grinned, “Because, my dear, we’re going to have a trial.”