• Published 11th Apr 2018
  • 10,683 Views, 210 Comments

Idol Hooves and The Deathly Tired Princess - KarmaSentinal

Why Idol and Princess Luna weren't present during the wedding invasion.

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The awakening of a pony named Idol Hooves Part 3

My duties as a Day Guard require me to be awake and reporting to my superiors before Celestia herself raises the sun for the day.

The early time requirement wasn’t for every Day Guard, but reserved for a select few to give their Night Guard counterparts the chance to retire for the day. This changing of the guard lasted until the the final breakfast call had been made (at 9:45am) to allow continued, and well rested coverage of the castle at all times- there’s never one period where a guard isn’t on patrol.

My experience and dependability in her highness’s service had secured me one of these covet positions in the past two years before her highness, Princess Luna return altered my schedule.

So, when the sun continued warming my face, I knew I’d missed my traditional wake up time. I deduced this fact from two key details- the brightness of the sun and the silence of the house. An occurrence to a non-working pony under normal conditions, but while I’m not a pony I do work, and this forced pacifism to labor always left me feeling unsure.

The knowing that came with the guard structure had been a major facet in my eventual assimilation into Canterlot Society, or at least provided a solid foundation to learn from while Topaz’s home provided the other half.

Our daily routine meant the three of us rarely interacted during the morning unless it’s during the weekend. Nymph’s classification as a home schooled filly allowed the young nymph a broader range of freedom, allowing her to work more often when not with Topaz.

A perk I found myself envious, and equally proud of.

Topaz’s position meant leaving for the university around the same time I depart for the castle, but if I’m still here then she must have left already… I wished she had the day off as well. My talk with Luna left me horribly fatigued and wanting somepony to talk with.

Leaning my head back, I stared at the ceiling looking at nothing in particular as I casually tried to re-sort and repair my thoughts from the past two weeks.

My promotion elevated me into a role I was vastly unprepared to properly perform, but because my rank required it, I had to manage. Those I had previously served with, I found myself giving the orders as they sought me out with concerns or questions I had to balance with a fairness demanded from my new responsibilities.

This made life difficult in several aspects, namely the apprehension of the Changeling Hive.

That was my biggest worry before last night, before Princess Luna’s incursion into my mind. Did I enjoy the experience? Of course not. I found the whole process painful, invasive, and very sure it violated several major Equestrian laws against free will; her highness’s attitude even implied this was true, and by Order, I should be more upset than I am.

I should, but I’m not. In a strange way, it's a relief not having to lie anymore, even if it’s just between two ponies.

Luna’s reaction was derived from animosity of an unprovoked invasion by an unknown threat while napping. If I were to substitute Luna for another pony, say a guard that actually fought what would their reaction to me be?

‘What would Idol the pony do?’ A question I found increasingly in need of resolution.

Believing enough time had passed for this self reflection I forced myself off the couch, and onto my hooves. I couldn’t waste the day as some degenerate when there had to be something needing attention.

First order of business would be to confirm if the house was empty.

‘Order, I’m hurting.’

My search confirmed I was indeed alone before heading for my pod downstairs.

The pod not only provided a changeling a place to rest but if infused with love could be used for healing minor wounds; I lacked the expertise to perform this feat, but could replicate it by sealing several of the love infused crystals in the pod.

Topaz once compared the process to making soup- I point out there wasn’t a heat source and I wouldn’t be eaten, but now I might say...

“Peas in a pod?” I asked myself as I opened the chest where the crystals were stored, shifting through them for three that would suit my needs. A task I found increasingly difficult to fulfill with the newest wave of distrust currently plaguing Canterlot, making love collecting difficult.

This slump in collecting was only offset by the resident changelings having fled the city in the following days after the attack, but even with me possibly the last changeling in Canterlot, I keep some full crystals on hoof. I never knew when they might be needed.

So I chose one large, and two small crystals instead in order to converse what little love was left.

With the crystals collected I flew into the pod, sealing the flap shut; the moment I finished the seal the pod began excreting the bacterial solution that made these pods so vital to the changeling way. Everything from sleep, healing, and to the subjection of targets for love extraction. An act I haven’t witnessed, thank Order, but a necessary act that had ensured our continued survival until recently.

It was with these thoughts that accompanied me into the ‘empty mind’ that watched over every changeling while they rested, protected us from the probing whims of dream eaters, and comforted us changelings in the knowledge no creature would harm us.

The solution was already beginning to work as its sleep inducing effects racked my mind to a state of uneven thought. As my worries began fading away, I discovered a different topic to occupy myself with…

“Do ponies dream of magic sheep?”

“...do...! Wre’s...Da...g… oooo...?”

That was all I could distinguish as the echoing of something small and fast kept hitting the side of my pod. With my ability to rest ruined, I opened my eyes to find the space in front of my pod empty. This was quickly corrected when a little black blob suddenly appeared, a small mass jotted forth and assaulted my pod once again.



With my assailant unmasked as my charge, I felt my body easing up as I drank some of the love solution. The three crystals had settled along the bottom, completely drained of their positive emotions. Lessons I’d attempted to install upon Nymph momentarily came forth as to why this happened, the pod solution acted as an amplifier for collected love, or other positive emotions making it easier for the emotions to transfer…

‘Like broth does for flouring soup. I might officially correct my standing with Topaz later.”

I extended my left forehoof so I could motion for Nymph to move back before swimming to the bottom of the pod, and in one swift movement pierced it with my horn. Instantly, the crystals were expelled from the pod taking the solution with it; the drain and filter I’d dug did its assigned job and caught the crystals before they could be washed away.

Once the pod was completely emptied did I widen the opening so I could exit, hitting the ground with a soft sploosh.


“It’s a natural process of life little nymph, one you should be familiar with.” This earned me the distinguished scoff of a grossed adolescent,.

“Yea, no thanks oldie. I’ll just take a bath like a normal ling.” That answer left perplexed until I moved my neck to look at the young nymph I’ve been tasked with.

The little nymph that had her second molt earlier than many nymphs in her generation, leagues above her peers in world experience, and entrepreneur adventures more fruitful than my own stood some pony lengths back; her facial and body expressions mirroring Topaz’s mannerism when she openly displayed her annoyance of a topic she didn’t wish to pursue. The idea that a changeling would find the act of resting and/or healing in a pod to be anything but remarkably useful was, to use a pony term, weird.

For a great extent of this I blamed Topaz for Nymph’s refusal to continue applying her changeling upbringing in favor of the lazier, but convenient pony customs.

My duties as a guard have provided me with a rich understanding of the ponies’ society, and as Nymph’s second caretaker, tried to incorporate this into her teachings with little success. She listens to me with the courtesy of a pet fish while Topaz can get the filly to make her bed by asking. Children are a blessing I tell myself, but by Order and the princesses themselves, they can send one to an early retirement.

“What do you assume I was doing Nymph?” I asked as I carefully extracted myself from the floor, trying not to deform the soft carapaces. A task made difficult when the carapace gave my body the support needed to endure basic functions, like standing up.

“Anything really. The explanation I got during infiltration practice was pods add obstacles that may endanger the mission.” I was standing on my own hooves, blowing on my carapace attempting to speed the drying process up. I stopped to correct my charge’s mistaken belief before continuing drying off.

“Wrong little nymph. A pod is more than storing food for later, it’s what gives changelings the ability to survive.”

“I’m surviving just fine without one!”

“As of now…”I didn’t address her swift change in body positioning at my meaning, figuring it’ll correct itself once I finish my explanation. “You’re a nymph raised in the pony capital with a near unlimited supply of love, advantages many changelings, including the Queen herself aren’t privy to.”

“Wh..what does that mean?” She asked while taking a step back as I moved closer.

“Simple.” I stated as I extended a forehoof toward her, poking her chest. “You’re special.”

We departed my room after that, Nymph leading the way with a bounce in her trot. My admission had left her more sure of herself, and I wondered if this confidence might ruin her humility in the future.

For now, Nymph seemed happy, and so, I dropped the matter.

From the information gleaned from the now prancing nymph, I’d spent the rest of the morning recuperating and was entering mid-afternoon when finally woken. While thankful for letting me rest and not waste the whole day, I knew there was more to it than keeping with punctuality.

“Why did you wake me Nymph?”

“Why? OH! I was wondering if you saw my Daring Do Saddlebag?”

“You potentially hinder my recovery because you misplaced your saddlebag?” She did nothing of the sort, but the idea I was only kept on track because of a misplaced bag sadden me.

“I didn’t misplace it!” Nymph had spun around to look up, and face me- buzzing her wings as she matched my gaze. I lowered my head to meet her halfway.

“Then where is Miss. Do now?”

“If you would leave my things where I drop them, then I could find them!”

“Sound logic little one, but you were trained and raised better than other foals your age.”

“The training is incomplete, and I live with a mare who studies us for a living and you.”


“That’s it. You’re the only changeling I know, and facts are facts…” She trailed off a bit there forcing me to respond.

“Facts indeed, but wouldn’t a guard be the perfect role model to emulate?”

“Na, they’re too plain Jane, too dull.” That admittance hurt more than I cared to show. “But you’re one, so they can’t be that bad.”

Maybe we both had a skip in our step.

We came to the living room before splitting up to look for her missing saddlebag, Nymph making for her room while I took everywhere else. My assumption being Topaz had placed the saddlebag in the closet during one of her ‘spring cleaning’ sprees even when she cleans as often as I get promoted.

I started my search in the living room, looking on the table, couch, under the table, under the couch, and the coat rack by the door before moving into the kitchen.

“It’s not in my room!”

“Did you check the closest?” I called as I checked the top of the fridge.

As I did, I noted her little hooves scurrying down the hall until she appeared in the kitchen. Her fin half raised in a changeling display of annoyance on the cusp of becoming frustration.

“Yes…” was all she said before running back down the hall, I heard a door opening before hearing muted ‘found it’.

I looked down as she reappeared with the sand beige saddle bag with the words “Daring Do’ stitched into the side. The bag wasn’t old but it already displayed the scars of constant use, and a poor maintenance routine. Topaz had purchased the bag for her as a tie into the latest book, even going as far to wait several hours in line before the bag’s release date.

“I’m surprised you misplaced it so quickly after one night of use. I expected better.”

“Shows what you know! I haven't taken it since I went to another friend’s house, and they don’t know each other.”

Her admittance left me seeking clarification before she shifted appearances, mimicking Topaz’s colors just with a redder tint in the mane and fur.

“One saw me with the Darning Do bag already, so I couldn’t bring it to the other’s house without being recognized.”

“Surprising foresight of you.” She beamed at the praise, before ruining it just as quickly.

“Thanks! Your guard bag was a real hit last night!”

I need to leave before I end up disciplining the little ling without Topaz’s permission.

“Let’s go Nymph.”

“Go where?” She asked while following me to the door.

“I have some errands to run, and as your guardian I can’t leave you unattended.”

“Yes you can. I’m almost eight!”

“But not 11. It's approaching 2pm and if we hurry, we might catch Topaz during the changing of classes.”

Nymph and I trotted down one of the side roads I sometimes took to bypass the main street when departing for my shift. This road is still fairly busy but lacked the extra hooftrafic caused by the many tourists seeking the ‘Canterlot Experience’. This road is primarily reserved for the working pony who could responsibly find their profession’s supplies in one of the many shops.

I frequent the stores to purchase not only my potting supplies but Topaz’s various research needs as well. Her position at the University offered several discounts that often elevated me to a first name relationship with some of the owners. I greeted these owners as we passed, only two this time questioned my relationship with Nymph but didn’t pry further beyond that.

“Could we stop by the bookstore? I want to see if they got a book in stock.”

“Daring Do was just released last month, I strongly doubt another would be released so soon.”

“No, no.” she shook her head before turning back to unfasten the strap of her saddlebag. Her muzzle plunged into the bag, shuffled its contents around before redrawing with a folded envelope in her mouth.

She offered me the letter container, and I took it with my magic.

“Open it! Cold Front said I’m supposed to give it to a guardian.” the name didn’t make any noise with me, so I guess it’s one of Nymph’s friends. Opening it produced a single slip of parchment with hoofwriting far above the level of foal her age leaving me to believe this Cold Front had their parents write it for them.

After reading it, I knew Cold Front wasn’t the author, and likely knew nothing of the letter.

“This is an invitation.” I looked to Nymph for clarification who stuck her tongue out in thought before her eyes widened in realization.

“Her parents were asking questions about my guardians and I told them about you.” She then pointed at the invitation “They were surprised once I mentioned you and wanted to meet you, Topaz to.”

This information was really surprising. When a pony actively sought me in the pony, the reason was either official or academic business relating to the various training methods the guard uses. With the exception of Shining Armor’s family, a pony had never invited me over to visit.

“Why would they want to meet us?”

“Ponies talk.” We made a left onto one of the busier side paths, greeting other ponies as we passed.

“Indeed, but it doesn’t explain their desire to meet me after one sleep over.”

“It’s common to meet the parents of their foal’s friend, it's a pony thing. Plus they’ve heard a lot about you from their neighbors and wanted to meet the legend himself!”

“If they wanted to meet Captain Shining Armor, I regret to inform them he’s currently unavailable.“

“WHAT!?” She ran in front of me barring my path, while shaking her head left and right.“NO! NO!
They want to meet you, Idol.”

She emphasized this poking my foreleg.

“Isn’t the customary meeting of the parents reserved for the third sleepover?” I was positive this was the standard procedure in most social encounters between two parties.

Nymph shook her head left to right.

“Nope. You just have to invite them over, you know, like a normal pony would.”

“Why would I want to invite them over when I’ve never met them before?”

“That’s the whole point of it, Idol! To casually meet new ponies you normally wouldn’t!”

“Have you mentioned this to Topaz?”

“She was already gone when I got home. You were sleeping downstairs, so I made myself breakfast before waking you. Had to make sure you’re still with us!”

Now I remember why I suggested calling her Newt.

“I suggest Newt for her name.”
“I like newts!”
“We can’t call her Newt, Idol.’”
“It’s short for nuisance.”
“Well, I thought it was a fine name.”

“Then we’ll inform Topaz during our meal, but regardless of her choice I’ll commit to the meeting of Cold Front’s parents.”

Nymph didn’t say anything as we made our final turn onto Canterlot’s main and busiest street. Our detour allowed us to bypass the main marketplace where most of the ponies(locals and tourists) gathered in mass, bringing us further past this choke point.

This didn’t really save any real noticeable time, but eased my senses greatly by not having to navigate that chaotic herd, and that was worth the extra distance traveled.

“My book!”

And it made watching Nymph a little easier.

“You never clarified what book your friend recommended.”

“It’s a coloring book, ‘Daring Do and The Rainbow Star’.”

“A coloring book? Why not select something more readable, perhaps an actual book?” she was shaking her head so fast, I had to stop and place a hoof on her shoulder to make her stop.

Thankfully, the sudden contact brought her senses back.

“Cold Front suggested it and it looked really cool! He even let me color some of the pages in!”

“Isn’t Cold Front a filly?” Till now, I had felt slightly better but now I was questioning this assessment, for my question spooked Nymph.

“She! I meant she!” I may be oblivious to many things, but I’ve spent enough time (especially with Cady) to pick up on certain things.

“Is this the reason for his parents request?” she didn’t answer my question this time, deciding to double down on shaking her head left to right. I trotted closer to lean my head down next to her.

“I suggest wearing a ribbon in your mane next time, colts tend to like them.”

“EWWW!” She screamed while running off.

We arrived at the university after a short stop at Donut Joe’s to acquire lunch for the afternoon.

Today we wouldn’t partake in his name sake, instead venturing forth to sample a newer item known as a Donut Sandwich. The concept confused but excited me for a reason I can’t explain than having a real reason to eat a donut anytime of the day.

It was one of these sandwiches I’m currently enjoying as Topaz questioned Nymph about her sleepover.

“...invite them over next weekend! OH! Idol and I could wear our matching evening outfits...we haven’t worn them in over a month.”

“NONONONONONO….” I lost count after the sixth no, content to enjoy the rest of my donut sandwich.

Topaz became lively at the reveal of Cold Front’s true gender, already trying to make plans for future meet ups with the colt’s parents. Nymph responded in kind by strongly resisting...

‘When did Nymph’s mane turn green?’ I just noticed her colors had shifted once more during their exchange, but instead of red tinted colors, she had somehow perfectly mimicked Topaz’s mane and fur.

“Alright! We’ll only just invite your coltfriend over instead.” Topaz caved, unable to gain any ground with her plan.

“He’s not my coltfriend!”

This went on for the first half of our shared lunch,Topaz having stolen a single bite of the donut sandwich while Nymph forfeited her lunch in order to fight the allegations being levied against her.

As a guard in her highness’ service, I should intervene to keep the peace, but I needed to finish this sandwich first before any parasprites could find it.
“Alright, Nymph. Cold Front is not your coltfriend.” Topaz conceded, before grabbing the sandwich with her left wing.

“He’s not my coltfriend...” She mumbled before joining us by finally unwrapping her own sandwich.

“These are really good! When did Joe start selling these?”

“Only recently from what I’ve gathered. Donut Joe mentioned the inspiration being a desire to eat donuts anytime regardless of the time. I fully approve.”

Topaz nodded her agreement while taking a moment to look over a stack of papers next to her, before returning to the now half eaten sandwich. Nymph sat there silently after taking a single bite of the tantalizing dish, I got Topaz’s attention by using my magic to grab her hoof. She turned to look at me while trying to finish chewing, I inclined my head toward Nymph who remained oblivious to the world around.

She swallowed the food and mouthed something to me.

‘She’s been like this.’

‘How long?’ I mouthed back.

‘Since our visit with mother.’

I felt my ears straightening at that admission, understanding the implication.

Against my decree, Topaz introduced Nymph to her mother almost a month after she moved in with us. My anger turned to surprise once I saw how quickly the two bonded even with the wild rumors constantly circulating around that time.

I turned once more to Nymph who by now had given up on finishing the portable breakfast in favor of looking everywhere in the room but the partially eaten food item. I faked a cough to gain her attention.

“Donut Joe would cry if he were here.” I motioned toward the sandwich, but all that produced was a mumbled apology. A clear contrast from just her demeanor moments ago, and I couldn’t allow that to remain.

I stood up from the spare chair by the desk so I could relocate to sitting on the ground next to Nymph. I left the sandwich alone, much to my desire to not waste such a delicacy.

“That was a joke young one..”

“It wasn’t very good.”

“I’m still practicing.”

“Clearly.” her voice lacking the usual innocence that marked her normal self, and this unsettled me more. Even before relocating to Topaz’s home, she never displayed such sadness, she never looked so..defeated.

“It’s about Vivi isn’t it?”


“Grandma.” she fell silent after that, I looked up to Topaz who was wearing her own frown as well. Before I could continue Nymph surprised us both by engaging in the discussion.

“She doesn’t want to see me.” She told us with a little less warmth I’m accustomed to hearing. Not to say she was spiteful, just stating a fact from her own view.

“Topaz had briefly mentioned Vivi having a fright but gave little details about it.”

“Grams fainted.”

“She is getting up there…”

“She fainted after seeing my real self!” I was thankful the door was not only closed but the professor offices had sound muffling spells that could be applied at their own discretion.

“You revealed yourself?”

“On accident, I swear! I got bored and heard noises thantherewasalightthangramswasonthe ground…” Her explanation broke down into a mess of struggling sobs, catching me unprepared while Topaz had already responded and scooped her up.

Being in somepony’s hooves eased Nymph’s distress enough to soften the crying, but one provocation would shatter this truce. Topaz and I choose to remain quiet while trying to comfort the upset foal, but it didn’t stop me from mouthing my plan.

‘I’m going to see Viridian tomorrow.’

Her look shifted from me to Nymph who still clung to her with a fright that Topaz would disappear if she let go. The desperation of the act ended all potential arguments my landlord, and best friend might have had about it.

She nodded her approval and with that I nestled closer to Topaz’s right side, and lowered my head next to Nymph so she could better hear. It was rough, nearly all forgotten but I could still remember a little bit of the melody The Nurse used to sing it to my brood to calm us, and I assume she did the same with Nymphs as well.

It wasn’t the best, and to a pony was nothing but a mixture of muffled and high pitched noises, but to two changelings it was the closest thing we had to a mother’s song. I could feel Nymph lean into the side of my head as a kitten rubs against a pony’s leg, and I wondered if she was trying to completely embrace the melody’s vibrations.

Now, I’m no entertainer in the slightest, and never claimed to have a talent for it, but Nymph found it enjoyable enough to rest her eyes. Even when the original melody had ended, I kept repeating the verses until I was confident enough the little nymph was asleep before trying to separate myself without waking her. This became easier when Topaz worked her wing in between us to keep her firmly in place.

“I’ve never heard that before, let alone knew you could sing.”

“All changelings can ‘sing’ in the old language, but until now I never had a reason.”

“Maybe you could…” I didn’t catch what Topaz asked, but made an educated guess once she rested her head on mine. I didn’t fight it as I tried to recall what little words I still knew.

“...over the mountains, with hearted gems…”

We excuse ourselves from the university once we were sure Nymph was calmed and fast asleep, curled up on Topaz’s back so her wings folded over her.

Our walk back was silent, but that meant nothing wasn’t being said. We talked with our bodies, rubbing against each other as we walked down Canterlot’s Main Street, just before it opened into the famous square associated with the romanticized ideals of ‘making it big’ in the city.

We didn’t need to talk to know we were there for each other, as a pillar is to a roof, but we knew we couldn’t continue ignoring the issue any longer. Topaz took the lead once more.

“You really going to see mother tomorrow?”

“With your permission of course, but I would solicit the need to swiftly address this matter.”

“Have you been reading the dictionary again?”

“Within reason, but I fail to see its importance when we have…”

“I’m aware, Idol. I just don’t know how to approach it.” Her head fell limp against my neck as we kept our pace, the brewing mix of worry and similar emotions associated with it left me fighting the urge to cough the taste up.

“To wait will only prolong the problem.”

“So can acting too quickly, especially with a clouded mind.” she noted.

We made a left turn as we crossed into the open space of the plaza, as the evening rush started to trickle in from the other streets.

Topaz resumed walking upright as she felt Nymph shift before settling down once more. We said hello to a couple of ponies we’ve frequently encountered before, and even had the privilege of enjoying lunch with them given their busy schedule. I made the comment we should try to arrange another lunch once she finished her modeling tour.

Topaz didn’t share the same enthusiasm at the moment, eager to resume our current discussion before making any future plans. She did mention anything up to the month before Hearth’s Warming was perfect for her, and after noting this we continued with our discussion.

“A fair point, but we...I” I glanced at the wings covering Nymph “don’t feel comfortable letting this fester into something worse.”

“So do I Idol, but…” She noticed my glance and looked over her left wither, parting the wings enough to see Nymph before covering her once more. “...but what else can I do without potentially making it worse?”

“You’re Vivi’s own daughter, so I doubt you’ll make it worse.”

“We haven’t spoken since the wedding.” I was taken back enough to suddenly stop walking to process Topaz’s emotions, trying my best to look for the one that will tell me this was a very terrible joke.

“Idol?” She asked, trotting over quickly when she noticed I wasn’t beside her. “Idol, what’s wrong?”

“You're not joking.”

“Of course I’m not! Why would I joke about something so serious?”

“I’d hope this was a simple misunderstanding.”

“Well, it wasn’t.”

My thoughts turned to Nymph once more, and the sudden realization of her actions these past two weeks finally made sense. I’d originally thought her increased outings with the local foals were nothing more than work and social visits...

“She was escaping.”

It was this final confirmation that made my planned visit to Vivi’s house all the more important.

“Then my trip to Viridian’s home is even more vital than first assumed.”

“Just be careful Idol. I love my mother dearly, and I don’t want to think about not seeing her again.”

“If Order allows, you won’t have to make that decision.”

This subject dictated our conversation for the rest of the walk home, but this time there was less anxiety as she spoke.

I spent the next two days trying to get a hold of Miss. Viridian with no luck.

The morning after our discussion ended in failure when she didn’t answer the door, but a kind neighbor that recognized me informed me of her departure sometime last week. With nothing else to go on, I thanked the kind mare and left Vivi a note in the chance she would arrive soon. Yesterday, I discovered the note missing but once again there wasn’t a reply to my knocking, and with no neighbor to keep me informed of her possible return, I left deciding to try again the next day.

This time (with Topaz’s reluctant approval) decided to set up a watch starting early in the morning before the sun was up in the chance she would finally show, and by the princesses, she did- appearing as Luna lowered the moon for Celestia to raise the sun.

She was a mess. Topaz’s mother favored the traditional look of Canterloians, dressing in clothing other cities considered formal wear as common ‘around the home’ wear. Today she wore a simple pink robe with matching slippers you might buy as a gift, while her mane hung loosely by her neck- un-ironed and damp looking from this distance. Her movements were even slower than before, more careful and stiff as if the act of moving was a danger.

As I slowly left my spot in the tree about a block away, I noted how weary she watered two potted plants with no enthusiasm. The closer I got the more certain I became Nymph wasn’t the only one affected by the accidental reveal.

‘She hasn’t even noticed me.’

By the time I calmly walked the distance Vivi had just finished over watering the first plant when she finally heard the clipping clops of my hooves, and nearly dropped the watering pail when she realized it was me.

“Viridian.” I called out as I neared her walkway, deciding to wait on the road until permitted to approach.

“I.Idol! Oh!” She addressed me before setting the watering pail down.

“Please, allow me.” I offered.

To my relief she accepted and waited by the plants until I could make my way up to her doorstep. Accepting the pail, I began watering the second plan as we exchanged pleasantries before getting to the bedrock of my visit, one she was expecting as her body stiffen in anticipation. Not wanting to wait any longer I went ahead and asked.

“Could we talk Vivi?” I used her informal name hoping the familiarity would lessen the tension.

“Sure. Ple..please, come in.” she stumbled a bit from the nervousness, but still managed to invite me in.

So far, I haven’t been turned away yet which means I’m off to a good start.

Following close behind, we entered her home and to my surprise found it much the same from my last visit. Every piece of furniture remaining spotless, and unused while the carpet they rested on seemed just as new…

“Idol dear, the carpet.”

“Sorry.” I apologized and diverted myself around the carpet.

She guided me to the small table next to the set up, gesturing toward one of the two chairs present- having been here before, I knew which one to take.

“Would you be opposed to some tea?”

“Not at all, Vivi. I'll greatly enjoy a cup.”

“Is Early Way fine?”

“It is.”

She left to begin boiling the water for our tea, leaving me to entertain myself until her return.

The urge to continue talking plagued me like Candy’s cheery nature, but the delicate nature of my visit meant I needed to be patient. I settled to watching Viridian prepare the tea, and her movements now were less stiff, but mimicked a pony hiding something; she couldn’t stand still as the need to switch between hooves became more prevalent as the water began to boil.

The need for movement isn't self incriminating, but how her triceps and extensor muscle kept contracting and releasing usually reflected a sense of nervousness as her possible anxiety climbed.

Seeing this is what made me tight lipped until the water boiled, poured our cups and brought them over.

With the tea finished, we partook in the silent first sip to enjoy the brew while it was still hot and fresh before tackling the matter at hoof. Hopefully, the discussion will go as well as that wonderful first sip.

“This blend is different.”

“You have an excellent sense of taste Idol, the blend is grown along the east coast, south of Manehattan.”

“How does this differ then the blends on the west coast?”

“Normally, this wouldn’t matter, but with its proximity to the harbor and all the trade it brings in..well.. somepony decided to try cross pollinating the local leaf with another. ”

“I’m surprised this hasn’t taken off yet.” I took another sip, finding the ‘sunny’ flavor becoming addicting the more I drink it.

“Oh it has, the price for a few leaves is beyond reasonable. It's legal piracy!”

I felt the buried fear underneath the more she talked about the tea and how her stallion friend grew this new hybrid tea, and I didn’t know how to approach it. We were ‘talking’ now while enjoying some tea, and I didn’t want to upset her too quickly knowing how she reacted and personally witnessing her drone like state outside. So, I nodded along while injecting my own input until the opportunity would present itself.

To my amazement, Vivi would do the work for me when she abruptly ended the story with a question. My assumption for this change in direction wasn’t derived from a want to work this problem out, but a desire to get me out as quicly as possible.

“You’re here about that cha..Newt. To tell me that I hit my head and imagined my grandfoal as one of those creatures?” I could almost choke on the anger laced fear, and had to keep myself from displaying my disgust at its taste.

I did this by taking the offensive with my question.

“What if I told you didn’t imagine it?” She nearly knocked over the cup trying to scoot away from the table.

“Next you’ll tell me you’re one as well!”

I didn’t say anything, taken back by the statement. I would have remained quiet pondering if maybe telling Viridian would violate Princess Luna’s decree since she already knew about Nymph, and now unintentionally levied an acurate accusation against me? Perhaps not, but her highness said no pony was to know and not wanting to go against her word played it safe.

I borrowed one of Nymph’s tricks and ignored the comment.

“She misses you.” I watched as her breathing elevated into a rising panic while her iris became wide from fright. She tried standing up but couldn’t as her fear kept her pinned to the chair- I answered the question she couldn’t ask.

“We both knew. My ‘influence’...” I noted that word with my front hooves “... and Topaz’s occupation garnered enough interest to assume we were changelings.”

I waited for her to digest this revelation before resuming the story.

“The Nurse, or what she called herself, sought us out to raise Newt before vanishing once we agreed; Newt suffers from partial color blindness leaving her transformations ‘off’...”

“... the mane dye.”

I nodded, noting the fear working its course to allow the older mare a brief moment of rest. The panic subsided and with the breathing returning to normal, she collected herself enough to scoot closer to the table, but still had trouble making eye contact preferring the cup of cooling tea instead.

“We tried to correct it, but realized we could only control it enough to lessen the chance of drawing unneeded attention. The dye is a backup plan when Newt is unable to accurately transform. Topaz and her even developed a method to talk with hoof gestures in case Newt’s colors begin shifting.”

“And you’re ok with this?” I hesitated before nodding.

“Not at first. Topaz took to her the very first day, but it took me almost a week to accept her presence.”



We both went quiet after that, in shock by the other's outburst. I lost control in that moment and didn’t feel any regret about it; Viridian looked even more conflicted than before, and latched onto the fear to give her the foundation she desperately wanted.

I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming at the splitting pain burrowing into my head. Order above the pain was incomparable to anything I've ever felt in my existence and will likely never feel it again. The pulsing pain pushing against my head felt as if it seeped through my head carapace and nested in the past between it, and my mind, prodding it to find an idealistic resting space.

I couldn't keep perfectly quiet, no pony except the princesses could muster the fortitude to resist its gnawing hooks. The suppressed, growl like gargle I was failing to hold back didn't add to my case in accepting Nymph, but undeniably must have hurt it; even through the unending pain I could taste the richly bold fear just gushing from Viridian, and to my horror found it satisfying.

To know the mare that had called my da...aaarrrghhhh...cha..charge a.. a monster understanding her mistake filled me with a terrifying thrill I didn't want to know. The more I fought against its sickening pull, the harder it pulled back. Soon, the prodding pain began receding and with it my hyper awareness of Viridain's fear- I released my bottom lip.

I became aware of the room once more, unable to recall the moment I lost focus, but with this revived alertness came the aftermath of such a display. The pain I felt was indescribable to accurately portray what my experience, and now able to think clearer understood it might have came off as aggressive.

Viridian held a look I might never forget, especially since I was the cause of it. I tried to reach out with a hoof but she quickly scooted back almost falling out of her chair.


“You should leave.” She quietly commanded, nearly inaudible.

I didn’t argue with her request believing I would lose control of my already unstable emotions, and wordless removed myself from her table. She remained seated as she watched me push the chair in, waiting for me to make a remark- she got it.

“They both miss you, Newt more so.” She didn’t say anything, so I continued “She misses you and doesn’t know why you hate her.”

It was quick but I caught the moment her anger cooled enough for her features to soften, while desperately trying to maintain some harshness.

“Thank you for the tea, Viridian. You’re more than welcome to visit at your earliest convenience.”

I left after that, making sure I shut the door instead of slamming it. I could hear and feel the emotions coming through the door now she was alone, and I was right there with her. The last few minutes shook me more than I thought possible, but to hear those words come from somepony else, let alone her…

The noise had softened but continued in short, hiccup breaths before going mute for three seconds before the struggled, and heavy intake of more air was heard. We both were in turmoil, and to my dismay felt it should remain that way for now.

‘You can’t rush a metamorphosis.’ Topaz once told me when I asked why the caterpillar refused to enhance his cocoon with love. I later learned it couldn’t, but she informed me the change just came naturally on its own.

The same understanding could be applied here, what damage had been done could be corrected with time. But just how long should I wait when Topaz and Nymph were hurting now?

It’s a question I will have to answer another day once my mind isn’t clouded, and the raw emotion had settled down after that unscheduled storm. Looking up confirmed that the sky was indeed clear of any stray clouds, but the quiescent air left the feeling a storm had just passed.

I didn’t trot so much as shuffled my way down the path toward the street, conflicted about my behavior; already wondering if I had waited just another day could we have settled the matter differently? Maybe the four of us would have been drinking tea by the end of the week instead if Idol the pony had been there?

Or Idol the changeling had been there?

I stopped just at the intersection leading north toward the district known as Old Canterlot, and south to the marketplace and train station. Besides the castle and Shining Armor’s family, I had no reason to travel north, but the thought of returning home heavy with this anger didn’t appeal to me. That left me standing there lost on what to do, no closer to figuring out my destination, or who was standing here right now.

Was it Idol the exiled changeling that ignorantly stumbled his way through life, or Idol the pony, the known and trusted guard, devoted partner and father? Maybe both? Order had always protected me while I stumbled my way through life, leaving many questions unanswered for me to answer later.

This time however, I felt none of its guiding presence leaving me worried that I finally crossed a forbidden threshold and lost its light forever. My curious and more analytical side Topaz had greatly nurtured all these years sought another approach, one diving more into theory than fact with no clearer definition.

What if I had matured enough to no longer need Order’s protection? That I had somehow become my own being capable of making my own choices no matter how good or terrible they may be. Exploration into the subconscious was never my area of expertise, but the requirement to dive into a pony’s inner being left only one I knew who could...

I decided I needed to go home and inform Topaz of my visit and what had transpired between us. Another ‘talk’ I’m not looking forward to having, but knew I needed to be the one she heard it from, else I only further flame fire as I heard.

My trot slowed down to a near walk as my doubts held me back before I began running for home.