• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,482 Views, 132 Comments

Alternative Reality - Crystal Night

Infinite finds himself in Equestria, where his presence may help the Princesses, if not whole of Equestria.

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Stage Two: Ilusions

If Infinite had to admit, the room was far better than he really deserved. Did Celestia really trusted him? Surely she must have some suspicion about him. After all her sister didn't hold back her words.
Glancing around the room, he walked towards the balcony. Stepping outside, he could feel the air was getting cold and the sun was slowly setting down. For a brief moment he could swear some clouds moved faster than others.
Sensing that he was probably being watched, Infinite got back inside.
"I could use some sleep." He sat on the bed while he removed his mask and laid down. "Keep watch." Infinite closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. Meanwhile the ruby started to glow.

The guards standing just outside Celestia's office winced again. Ever since they got inside, the sound of Luna's voice would probably be heard on other side of the hallway if wasn't for the doors being closed. The guards glanced at each other, this was gonna take some time.

"How can you blindly trust that thing?" - Luna practically yelled. In the beginning she tried to start this in a calm way. Emphasis on the word tried.
Celestia for her part kept writing her letter. She didn't said a single word yet, however her sister never ceased this.
She could sense Luna's gaze, maybe now was the right moment to at least say something.
"Who said I trusted him?"
Celestia's sudden question caught her off guard.

"He was injured and powerless, there wasn't any reason to fight him, unless he attacked first. Infinite seems more clever. As we speak, he's being carefully watched, just in case. In a small way I trust he won't do anything, for now." - Celestia finally finished, gazing at her sister. "Got any question dear sister?" Luna shook her head.


Even though her sister explained her motives, Luna couldn't still shake away the feeling to check on him, but he was being so carefully watched like Celestia said, then one wrong move and they would know.
What really bother her was his power. The only thing she knew is that he could levitate, or even fly.
As much Luna wanted to think more about all of this, she still had her royal duties to focus on, which one of them would be interesting.

Infinite found himself alone in an empty void, the only sound he could hear was from his ruby, however it sounded so distant. He glanced down and was surprised that the Phantom Ruby was missing. He immediately turned his head around, following the faint sound.
There it was, laying on the ground. As Infinite approached it, he heard something more. Weak...
Infinite ignored it as he grabbed the ruby. The sound however got higher and higher. Weak...
The jackal turned around and was greeted by a dark and red hedgehog.
"Don't show your pathetic face around me."

Infinite growled. "Silence! You're nothing but a bug to me."

"The bonds of friendship can't be defeated, loser." - said a blue hedgehog, smirking at him, which only caused Infinite to be more annoyed.

"When I'm done with you, not even friendship will stand."

Another figured stepped forward.
"You're just another failed project." The doctor rubbed his long moustache.
Infinite's anger at this point was very much like a volcano, ready to explode. Unknown to him, a pair of blue eyes watched the entire thing happen. She wasn't quite certain if was better to stop this or let it happen. Infinite seemed the type of guy who didn't want help. Luna heard him let out a full roar.
"I'm unrivaled, nothing can match my power, not even you doctor!" He pointed at the doctor, who didn't flinch.

Infinite froze. That voice...It can't be... He quickly spun his head around and what he saw made him tremble.
"Why boss?" This figured looked almost like him. He wasn't alone. Other jackals were next to him.

"I...I...H-How...?" Infinite tried to speak, but suddenly felt his mouth dry.

"After all this time and even with that power you're still weak." He found himself saying. Wait, he didn't said that. A hand grabbed his shoulder, making him turn his body. A yellow and blue eyes stared back at him. "You're pathetic."
He clenched his fist as it failed to make contact. He just laughed at the attempt.
"Weak! Weak! Weak!" They started saying in one voice.
He was at the breaking point.
"Aaaargh! I'm not weak!" The Phantom Ruby in his hand begun to crack. "I'll show you all!" His yellow eye became purple as the ruby shattered in many pieces, but Infinite was so deep in his own rage he didn't noticed.

He suddenly opened his eyes. Tears of sweat running down his muzzle. Infinite sat on his bed, panting heavily.
"I need some air." Before leaving his bed, Infinite grabbed his mask and slowly opened the door, noticing the two guards sleeping. So much for keeping an eye on him. Still he had to make sure they wouldn't miss him, it would certainly rang the bells.
Using the ruby, Infinite created a copy of himself, the copy had some small glitches here and there.
"Stay here and make sure they don't suspect a thing." The copy simply nodded. Once again he was surrounded by a red aura, as he quickly flew from the bedroom.
Even though he remembered some of the hallways that he went by, it was a bit difficult, they all seemed the same.
The hallway he was going through had white walls and golden suns symbols. The sound of nearby chatting suggested a patrol was on his way, so he quickly turned left. However this one looked different. It was a blue hallway with many stars and a few moons. There must be a way to get outside... And as if to answer, he saw an open door leading outside.
Making sure the coast was clear, Infinite created a few red cubes to scan the area. It was a nice trick he made up, even if he didn't really use it that much. He preferred the more direct approach.

Sensing no one was around, he stepped out from shadows into the moon light. This place was definitely a chance of pace from Mobius, or whatever still remained intact.
He let out a sigh of relief and glanced at his mask. Ever since that day he and his team raided Dr.Eggman's base his life has taken a drastic turn of events.
He sat down on a nearby stone bench, gazing at the moon. There was one thing he missed the most.
"What are you doing here?" - a certain lunar princess inquired.

"If is not the little "moody princess" ." Infinite replied back as he placed his mask and turned to face Luna. "And what are you doing here?"

"This is my private garden you fool."
Infinite didn't liked her insult, he quickly teleported in front of her, just slightly to his left side.
"Your tongue is sharp, we shall see if your fighting skills are sharp as well."
Luna didn't back down and pressed forward.
"I can ensure that everything in me is sharp."
Even though she couldn't see his grin, Infinite was finding this pony to be particularly interesting. She resembled someone he knew.
Infinite walked past the princess, her eyes closely following him.
"What are you afraid of?"
He stopped walking as he gave her a quick glance."Its none of your business." - the right side of his mask blinked red, before stepping back inside, leaving the princess alone in her garden.