• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter Three, Parties, Pukwudgies and Pirates: The party scenario.


I think things were going okay, for the most part, after Fluttershy and the others arrived. Kuril had pulled the parents off to the side to have a conversation with them and left us to our own devices. We were left to party with Fluttershy, who introduced us to her little brother Zephyr and her best friend Rainbow Dash.

For some reason there was a slight bit of resentment in Jade’s eyes as she looked towards Rainbow Dash. It was soon after that I remember the story she and her mother told about the crashing airship after that rainbow exploding across the sky being caused by Fluttershy’s friend. So Rainbow Dash was the cause of that.

We all ate cupcakes as Jade introduced herself to Rainbow and Zephyr.

“I’m Jade La Perm and this is my best friend Fizzle. I would like to say it’s nice to meet them cutie, but I’m taking a raincheck on that after what Rainbow caused to happen.” I could kind of understand where Jade is coming from, but if that had never happened… then we would have never met. I felt a constriction in my chest at the thought at not having met Jade or her mother Kuril, also did she just call me her best friend? “Also I don’t know about much about your brother either.”

I blushed and my heart sped up a bit, it made me feel special. She liked me even though I didn’t have my horn and I know she definitely liked my eyes, her thoughts on how they sparkled had made me feel a bit unusual before. It was only now that I was beginning to understand this feeling, now that I was actually willing to acknowledge that I was something special to both Jade and Kuril.

“Huh, what did I do?” Were voices supposed to sound that scratchy? The pegasus likely needed something for her throat and I didn’t have anything on me that would do that. I didn’t have much more than the cloak and it smelled nice.

I was going to try and give this Rainbow Dash a chance, she obviously didn’t blow that airship out of the sky on purpose. If that hadn’t happened, then I wouldn’t have met Sekhet, Kuril and Jade. I still didn’t know what to think of Fresh Start, but at least she didn’t stare at my forehead as if I were some kind of monster.

I remembered where I was the day that rainbow explosion happened. That rainbow explosion had me quite baffled and I couldn’t quite figure out what kind of magic would be able to cause something that powerful that had been so visible for miles on end. I had moved towards it looking for the powerful source of magic thinking it could help me and the disappointing cause of it was sitting near me right now.

Rainbow was the cause of that incident and I kind of wanted to thank her. Not for causing the airship to crash of course, that would be stupid of me to want to have happened, but for helping me to meet my… is that what I thought of them?

We hadn’t known each other for long, but I was willing to call them Jade and Kuril my family. A family that didn’t care that I couldn’t do magic with my horn, they accepted me anyway. They cared about me and the wonderful snuggles and hugs they gave certainly weren’t coloring my views on this at all. My face was definitely not scrunching up if someone were to look at me at this moment.

“I told you that you knocked one or more airships out of the sky with your Sonic Rain Boom Rainbow.” One or more? What did Fluttershy know that I didn’t? Though I do admit that the airship that Jade and Kuril were on couldn’t have been the only one in the sky that day, it was just the only one that I absolutely knew about personally.

“Really, that’s so…” Rainbow stopped in her building excitement by Jade’s flat angry stare. Rainbow’s nose immediately went to her chest and her wings wilted. I didn’t know Jade could glare that hard or get that angry, she seemed rather laid back most of the time.

“Think about all the lives you endangered before you continue that sentence, you almost killed me and my mom and I know for a fact that Celestia told us all the other passengers were badly injured.” There was nothing to say to that, Jade had a good point and I had to side with her on it. Rainbow was getting away with a lot here come to think of it, who knows how many she could have just accidentally injured and it would be without repercussions to herself. Since those who were injured wouldn’t know who to blame, we on the other hoof did know the cause and exactly who it was. “I and my mother are the only ones that were mostly unscathed. I had to fight a chimera to protect your friend not too long after that incident too.”

“You were also the one who knocked me off the clouds at the start of the race Rainbow.” The reminder from Fluttershy made Rainbow wince quite a bit and it had me wondering what race she was talking about. Rainbow did that explosion thing because of a race? “The Sonic Rain Boom was beautiful, but it’s a bit… dangerous. I at least found my cutie mark because of it and that’s what we’re currently celebrating right now. So can we please drop the subject?”

“Yeah, because I want to talk about this pretty kitty right here!” Zephyr the green furred and blonde haired pegasus brother to Fluttershy moved up next to Jade, leaned over and wrapped his right hoof around Jade’s left arm and tugged at it. I don’t think Jade appreciated that or his bravery in this matter considering her reaction.


“Remove the hoof or else you’ll quickly learn why you’re not a cat kind of pony.” I lifted my right hand. With a single flex my claws popped out and were soon under the colts chin. I was making him sweat quite a bit. “I can and will scar you for life.”

“Okay, okay, I understand. I guess I’m just too much for such a sophisticated kitten like yourself!” He shrunk back and whimpered as I swung my claws towards his face and paused long before I would even come close to impact, he popped his left eye open at my claws in his face and swiftly closed it again. He thankfully released me and turned his romantic attention away from me and onto a less dangerous or threatening target. I retracted my claws and nodded to his intelligence in the matter. “Hey, are you seeing anyone Rainbow? I hope you can see the rainbow connection between us, because we’re at both ends and we can definitely meet in the middle.”

Rainbow Dash gagged loudly, rolled her eyes and stuffed a cupcake into her mouth. The party might not have started all too well, but it eventually got better. At least I thought it did when Pinkie joined in and brought the fun, that wasn’t happening yet as Rainbow Dash had to ask me a question.

“Wait, couldn’t you have done that awesome wing thing you did the other day when we saw you fly by with the Wonder Bolts? That was so cool!” I would one day hope to expand Rainbow’s vocabulary because quite frankly she was going to end up saying ‘awesome’ and ‘cool’ for the rest of her life. Rainbow was certainly a ‘mondo’ example of her species when it came to brain power.

“I didn’t know I could do that until a day or two after the airship crashed, so we could have still been grievously injured. The wings are also quite a temporary and limited thing.” A temporary thing that lasted longer than the arbitrary expected time limit of five minutes admittedly, flying was fun but it puts a lot of stress on the body that wasn’t naturally or magically aerodynamic already. “Can we change the subject now Rainbow?”

“I… er… I’m sorry for everything that happened to you.” It must have been hard for Rainbow to apologize, she was giving me a pathetic look.

I decided to cheer Rainbow up in the general Sugar Cube Corner style, all it required was a bit of shouting to attract 'her' attention. I wonder if Pinkie would actually react to this at all, I mean she only started recently so she couldn’t possibly take parties that seriously yet… could she?

“Pinkie Pie, sad sack, frowny face, unhappy party guest alert!” If one of those didn’t, holy flipping Duat! How did she… oh right Pinkie can use out of sight teleportation and I just invoked her name with several words.

She immediately appeared as if she were Candle J… I better not invoke that name even though this isn’t the right dimension for him to show up in. Anything could happen with Pinkie Pie and I wasn’t willing to deal with Mr. Jack if he actually shows up, I wouldn’t know where to find a hot pie and a trap on such short notice. Maybe Sweet Apple Acres for the pie, but the trap would still take a while to set up.

Pinkie had appeared next to the table as if out of nowhere examining Rainbow’s face sternly and closely, her presence was making me think too many weird thoughts and I started to roughly shake my head to get it back in gear.

Even Rainbow was a little surprised and knocked out of her funk by the hyperactive filly’s sudden presence.

“She needs some CC’s stat, which means some cuddles and cake!” Maybe I really should have thought of invoking Pinkie’s name through a bit more, it was too late now and I wouldn’t be able to stop the party pony from partying us with every ounce of her being. “We can also get her into a party game, but she needs that look off her face like yesterday!”

Pinkie’s hooves were hugging Rainbow and she was frantic to get out of Pinkie’s grip. Sorry, not sorry Rainbow, but it’s already too late for you… and the rest of us of course. Well then party pony, bring… it… on!


Things turned out so nicely when Pinkie joined the party, pin the tail on the pony was fun, the cake was delicious and Rainbow was smiling again. Jade really enjoyed hitting the piñata... a little too enthusiastically. Pinkie is a really good friend, though she’s a bit too exuberant sometimes. I wonder how Jade knew that Pinkie was under the table… or was Pinkie even under the table before she popped up. I’m kind of confused now… oh the pony pokey!

I know what it’s all about, but Jade would have some problems sticking her hooves in as she didn’t have hooves.


I have to admit that Pinkie was an interesting creature, I didn’t think she was a normal earth pony. No pony should be able to move that fast or be all over the place like the pink ball of energy. Pin the tail on the pony was quite interesting, though I think Jade was cheating using her knife to increase her dexterity after being spun around several times.


So I might have been in trouble with the strange talking cat, but I think we’re cool now… maybe. I wanted to do the Sonic Rain Boom again, but I was going to be careful about it the next time I did it. Well if I could figure out how I did it the first time anyway, I wanted that to be my signature trick for the Wonder Bolts!

Oh the cake is so awesome, now if only this crazy pink pony would let me enjoy it instead of bugging me every five seconds. Heh, she was doing so much to get me to smile and she was succeeding every step of the way, I’m really beginning to enjoy this party.

Wait… doesn’t this count as my cuteceanera too? I really need to ask my parents about this, I mean Fluttershy wasn’t the only one who got her cutie mark that day!


“I knew my daughter wouldn’t hurt your son.” I was lying of course, I didn’t know for sure if Jade would have clawed him or not if he had been a little more insistent on hitting on her. It was still nice to see Jade smiling and happy as this Pinkie Pie started directing the party with what I assumed to be her special talent. “See, they are doing alright.”

“I don’t know Hothoof, maybe we’ve been encouraging Rainbow a little too much.” Ms. Whistles understood when I told her of all the damage Rainbow caused with her stunt after that race, at least we all knew what her special talent was.

“Or maybe we haven’t been encouraging her enough! She’s special in so many ways Windy.” The two nuzzled each other, I kind of felt sad that I didn’t have that kind of relationship or a significant other in my life.

Fluttershy’s parents were less enthusiastic about their daughter than both Hothoof and Whistles were, but they were loving parents all the same and I doubt anyone could be as enthusiastic about raising a daughter as Rainbow’s parents could be.

“Hey, why do I feel that you’re sad about something?” I looked down and noticed Pinkie staring up at me, oh goodness she could sense sadness… and possibly fear.


Party, party, party, I want to have a party~! Let’s get a party going~! When it’s time to party, we will party hardy~!


It was some time into the party that all good things had to come to an end and it wasn’t my or anyone else’s fault really. It was the sound of screaming and running ponies that did it for me.

I curiously walked out the door of Sugar Cube Corner and an arrow slammed into the ground in front of me.

“Mom… do you remember how I said that there were good reasons I didn’t want to live here in Ponyville?” I was staring at a large problem, one that I could currently hardly comprehend or handle. I didn't have enough water in my body for this.

“Yes, why, what is going… oh dear.” She came up next to me at the doorway and paused, some of the buildings in Ponyville were on fire and it was quite clear that the town was being raided. Next to the Ever Free Forest, of course it was.

One might expect large monstrous creatures invading the town, instead it was a pretty sizable army of smaller invaders. Smaller than ponies, but they definitely had enough numbers to be a threat. There were also several ponies on the ground not moving, but they didn't look like they had been hit by any of the poisonous arrows.

“This would be one of them, because where else in the world could you possibly get attacked by an army of highland pukwudgies out of nowhere!” I pointed at the numerous hedgehog like creatures with sharp teeth down the street with crossbows on wheels acting as tiny mobile ballistae for them.

They were all wearing kilts and half their faces were painted blue, the blue ones humorously had half their faces painted white.

Author's Note:

Pukwudgies are known for several things: Fire, poisonous arrows and leading people to their deaths with magic in a Fae court kind of way. They are dangerous tricksters to not be taken lightly.

MLP turned them into hedgehog like creatures that can fire their spines and show some intelligent group tactics. I'm going to mix in some of their true lore into this with some more intelligent versions of an MLP pukwudgie, mostly just to exacerbate things.

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