• Published 2nd Feb 2018
  • 1,987 Views, 29 Comments

The Archer of Twilight - mattchilly

I am the archer Sharpshot and I was given not only a new life when I was Displaced but also a new past. Both of which I greatly prefer to my old one and I will do everything in my power to live up to the standards of my new life.

  • ...

An Abrupt and Unwanted End

I sat at a round table in a meeting room that I’d found during my week of exploring the castle. The main reason why I’d chosen this room is that it was close to the training grounds and not used that often. “Now that the ceremony’s over it’s time to tell you more about these Orders. First I will talk about the Archers of Dawn. As an Archer our job is to fight the Demons on the front. To use our skills in broad daylight and have our arrows find homes in the black hearts of Demons or other beings that would harm the innocent. To be a symbol that the Princesses and all who fight the Demons will continue fight to the end, even if we are the only ones left.”

“As for the Rouges of Dusk we do thing behind the scene. Gathering information, to find the weak points in enemy bases, and if necessary assassinate important allies of the Demons. We point out the spot where the Archers arrows should land just as it’s the job of the Archers to keep the focus off the Rouges. I cannot stress enough that the Archers of Dawn and the Rouges of Dusk are two parts of a single Order. One cannot truly function without the other. Any questions?”

“I have one.” Dagger said. “As I said before I don’t want to steal anymore. As a Rouge will I have to steal again or can I have a different role?”

“Kid’s got a good head on his shoulders. He’s asking the right question.” Navi said and I was sure if she could grin she would.

“You might have to steal from time to time but you don’t have to focus on that if you don’t want to.” I said and Dagger gave a quick nod. “Any other questions?”

“I have one sir.” Chillwind said. “Where did you learn to fight Demons?”

I looked at Chillwind for a few moments making her sink into her chair. “Much of what I learned was on a world called Azeroth. There I fallowed the path of the Hunter, taming and befriending many beasts to assist me, learning how to track almost every kind of creature you can imagine. The bow was my main weapon but not my only one. Eventually I started to learn how to be a Rouge and I became the first to master both the path of the Hunter and the path of the Rouge.”

“That must have taken a lot of time.” Summer said.

“That it did.” I agreed. “Anyone else?”

“I’ve got one.” Swift said. “There are many Demons whose skin or armor can’t be pierced by arrows. What’s the plan for them?”

The ghost of a smile appears on my face for the briefest of moments before my normal neutral expression returned. “Looks like we’re getting right into the first archery lessons faster than I thought we would. Fallow me.” Leading the group out to the training field took a quick look at the weapons rack I’d set up and was glad to see no one’s touched it. Apart from the ten bow’s and quivers full of arrows I’d put there was also a few halberds, spears, short swords, long swords, hand axes and even couple maces. I’d also set up some hay stacks with targets tied to the stacks and

“Now then Tricky because you already know how to use a bow please pick one from the weapons rack and show us your form.”

Tricky looked a little surprised but nodded and quickly picked out a bow before taking her place on the archery range put an arrow on the string and with practiced ease drew the arrow and took her stance holding back the bow string with her right hand. After examining her form for a moment I said. “Alright now fire the arrow and take get another one ready.” Nodding Tricky fired her arrow which easily pierced the straw and stopped with the arrow about a fourth of the way into the target. Walking around her I gave small bits of advice. “Now move your right foot forward an inch and your left back by an inch, relax the muscles in your back, and lower your right elbow a tad.”

Tricky fallowed my advice before firing the second arrow and this one stopped with more than half of the arrow now inside the straw. Tricky’s jaw dropped as she and the others started at the two arrows. “How?”

“One reason is there was less wasted movement in your muscles giving more power to your arrow. Another is that this way you’re feet are planted firmer in the ground and are baring your weight in such a way that you’re in a better position to dodge out of the way if needed. Now onto the main part of this lesson. I’ve found everyone who uses a bow has a small quirk that gives their arrows immense power. Their stance, their mind set, a mantra that is repeated over and over, there are many things that could count and each archer has a different quirk and some people have more than one.” I explained.

“How many do you have sir?” Tricky asked.

“More than almost every other archer I’ve ever met. There’s only one other that I’ve met who surpasses even my skill with the bow.” I said

“Who’s that?” Fancy asked as he and the others picked out their own bows.

“My Mother.” I said simply. “Now then everyone take a place on the firing range. Tricky and I will help you with the basics.” After that Tricky and I helped the others get use to the weight of the bow and I was glad to see that Chillwind was already getting the basics.

When I asked about it all she had to say was. “Oh…my Father was a trapper and taught me how to survive in the wild.” See that she didn’t want to explain further I decided not to push.

“Looks like we’ve got some company.” Navi said and I turned to see who Navi told me about and saw about fifteen hooded figures each in a robe that was either red or purple along with Starswirl along with someone I’d only seen in passing. He’s a head shorter than Starswirl and wearing white robes had a simple walking stick in his left, his long black hair tied into a single thin strand, and unlike Starswirl who’s horn is strait this person has a long somewhat curved horn which seemed more elegant than Starswirl’s. Despite the distance I could also tell this person’s dark green eyes was full of curiosity and a rare intellect.

“I know who Starswirl is but who are the rest?”

Looking over Chillwind froze her eyes wide and her breath caught in her throat. “They’re the leaders of the Battle Mages and Starswirl’s apprentice Clover, but… what are they doing here?”

“Does it matter?” I asked and she looked at me confused. “You’re not part of the Battle Mages anymore. You’re an Archer of Dawn. Let them watch, let them judge. If they don’t like how I teach or what I teach then let them sit and stew. Now take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand.”

Chillwind fallowed my advice and for the rest of the day Tricky and I worked to get the group past the basics.

—One Month Later—

I stood on the training field watching everyone train. Chillwind was starting to come out of her shell and gain some confidence thanks to her new friends Tricky and Flower. Soon the earth shook as the sky turned red. Looking up I quickly barked orders for everyone to fallow me and turned to find the Princesses.

Death is close...

My eyes slightly widened when I heard this.

Your friends will abandon you.

"C'thun?" I muttered. "No, no, no, no, no!"

"Sir?" Chillwind asked worried.

"Move faster we need to find the Princesses NOW!" I ordered

“Sharpshot? Are you ok?” Navi asked worried.

Give in to your fear...

{No Navi. I'm not.}

"Boss what's going on?" Flower shrieked as we entered the throne room. I was glad to see all the commanders were already here and slightly surprised to see Starswirl on his knees before the Princesses. "What are these voices?"

Once more shall the twisted flesh-banners of N'Zoth chitter and howl above the fly-blown corpse of this world. After millennia, we have returned.

"I never meant for all this!" Starswirl wailed.

"So you were the cause of the Demons!" I snarled shocking everyone in the room. Darting over I grabbed the neck of his shirt and placed a dagger to his thought. "You have no idea what you've done! You didn't just summon the Burning Legion you called forth the Old Gods!" If anyone could see under my mask they would see my eyes wide as images of the army of Guardian's flashed through my mind. "You called forth the death of this planet! Tell me! WHY DID YOU DO IT!"

"I summoned the Demons after making sure I could banish them when ever I wanted, but when I tried the spell failed! I just wanted to make a situation where the Goddesses would give me the knowledge I seeked! just wanted the Divine Spells!" Starswirl yelled.

All will fall before the might of our combined power. Prey to your Gods but know we are already HERE!.

Then loud and familiar roar shook the castle. one that I hopped never to hear again. I froze dropping Starswirl as my eyes turned to pin pricks. Suddenly I wasn't just remembering the army of Guardian's I was standing in front of them once more a six year old boy being carried by my mother watching Calamity Gannon circled Hyrule Castle as his roar burred itself deep inside my mind.

“SNAP OUT OF IT SHARPSHOT!” Navi yelled. “You need to do something!”

"Sharpshot?" Celestia asked worried.

"There's got to be something you can do Sir." Tricky said. "I mean you took down all those Demons no problem."

Taking a deep breath to calm down I turned to look at the Princesses. "Hordes of Demons I can handle. DIablo I can handle with a team, but the Old Gods?" I shook my head. "Impossible. Only the Titans who crated Azeroth can truly them and even then the land will be cursed."

"I'M SORRY!" Starswirl yelled tears flowing from his eyes.

"Isn't there anything you can do Sharpshot?" Luna asked.

I slowly nodded trying to not to lose control again. "There is only one thing I can do now." Dropping to a knee and started to chant. "Goddess of Hyrule, Din, Nayru, Farore and Palutena. Please hear me. This world has been invaded by the Old Gods and Diablo and I don't have the strength to defeat them. I beg you." Soon soft light enveloped everyone in the room except for Starswirl and we disappeared.

We reappeared floating in a large bubble with a few thousand other people. Outside the bubble was a swirling mass of dark blues, purples, and black, and no matter what direction one looks there were bright lights far off in the distance. Looking around Celestia said. "Sharpshot where are we?"

Behind me a gentle soothing voice spoke. "This is the Void. It is the space that keeps the Multiverse together."

Turning I saw a woman with long silver hair in a dark blue and red dress with beads sewn into it to look like constellations with a dark blue nurse cap. Looking at me she gave a kind smile. "Hello my son."

"Mother.... I failed.... They...they lost their home. Their world because I'm not strong enough to take on the Old Gods or Diablo alone." I said dropping to my knees a see though floor appearing underneath me as tears flowed from my eyes.

"My dear, sweet Zura." My Mother Eirin said as she kneeled down next to me and after pulling back me hood and removing my mask drew me into a hug. "You always pushed you self in your training. Trying to make sure that no one lost their home like we did in Hyrule."

"I'm sorry to intrude but...what now?" Luna asked.

"Looking up Eirin gave another smile. "Now the Golden Godesses will send you to a new world where you can start anew while Zura and I head back to Gensokyo for a little family time."

"But what about the two of you?!" Chillwind asked making everyone look at her. Blushing she said. "I mean...Sharpshot saved Princess Celestia. Saw something in me and the rest of the Archers and Rogues and now he's leaving? After only a month of training?"

"We would never dream of separating him from his students." A mature voice said as a light blue crystal appeared and took the general form of a human. "His student's will go with him to continue their training and when you're done they will join the others in their new home."

Gasped were hear all around as everyone dropped to a knee. "Lady Nayru. It is a honor." Celestia said.

"I am sorry that we were not able to stop the Old Gods or Diablo but with Starswirl creating a link to the Burning Legion and Sanctuary they were able to hijack that link and ride it all the way to your world. There was nothing we could do." Lady Nayru said as everyone but those in my Orders, my mother and I started to glow again. Turning Nayru said. "Fare well my friend, and Shaprshot. Know that even when your mind was in turmoil you still made the best choice to save as many lives as you could." And with that Lady Nayru and the other vanished.

"Now then. Zura why don't we introduce your friends to everyone at Eientei?" Mother suggested.

Looking up at her then turning to look at those I chose to join my Orders. Nodding I said "Sure. Let's do that."

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. Sorry to cut this story so short but I felt like I had to end this. The reason is that I have no idea what to do with "The Archer of Twilight" and the idea is slowly crumbling down upon itself. Sharpshot still exists in the Multiverse so he's still available for crossovers but I doubt I'll be writing another story for him anytime soon, and if anyone says that Sharpshot is powerfull enough to fight them then I need to set a few things strait. While he is very powerful and has fought C'thun, Yogg-Saron and Diablo before he had a full party each time, and even then they were very difficult fights. I did have a few plans to slowly introduce one of the Old Gods or Diablo as one of the main villains. Maybe not the central big bad but still having a major roll.

Also as a small apology I'm planning to upload all three chapters of the Yu-Gi-Oh story I started once they've been gone over and edited. I don't know if or when I'll continue it but I hope you'll enjoy it non the less.