• Published 12th Nov 2017
  • 3,664 Views, 135 Comments

Unexpected - RuinQueenofOblivion

Scootaloo and her friends are now in High School and have started to grow up more. Scootaloo has a coltfriend, and everything is fine, until one day she feels sick, and things go from there.

  • ...


A month had passed since Rainbow had adopted Scootaloo and she was finally feeling like she had a home here. The room they had set up for her was nice, they had brought over all her stuff from the orphanage and made sure that she was going to be comfortable.

The nursery was being painted a light blue, while Fluttershy pointed out that was more a color for a colt, both Scootaloo and Rainbow just chuckled and said that it didn't really matter. Scootaloo at the moment was seated in her chair in the nursery as she looked around at the walls with a light smile.

"Well, looks like we're almost ready for you to be here," she said with a light chuckle as she rested her hoof on her stomach. "Just a few more months and you'll be out here with us, huh? I never thought I'd really be this excited to think about it, but I'm honestly kind of glad I'm having you..."

"Talking to your stomach again Scoots?" Rainbow asked with a chuckle as she opened the door. "Do you think it really helps the foal?"

"You never know I guess, plus this book Twilight gave me said it might," Scootaloo said with a chuckle as she picked up a book that she had been reading. "I don't really know if its true, but I like it, its kind of therapeutic, you know what I mean?"

Rainbow chuckled a little, the truth was that she had done the same thing while she was carrying Scootaloo. She sighed to herself, she still hadn't worked up the courage to tell Scootaloo the truth, her friends had said that she needed to tell her as soon as possible, but she just hadn't ever really thought the time was right to tell the teenager the truth.

"Do you think she'll like the room we made for her?" Scootaloo asked as she looked up at Rainbow. "I mean, its nice and all, but we kinda did make it like what we'd want it to look like. I just, I'm not really sure what to think about all of this to be honest. Do you really think I'll do fine as a mother? I mean, I honestly don't know if I'm going to be ready."

"Scootaloo, from what I understand, nopony is ever really ready to be a parent," Rainbow said as she pulled Scootaloo into a hug. "Honestly, adopting you was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make because I'm not really ready either, but I wanted to..."

She trailed off, she had almost let slip her real motivations for what she was doing and she didn't know what to think about that. Scootaloo's ears perked up a little as she looked up at Rainbow.

"You wanted to what? Is everything okay?"

"Scootaloo, when I was your age, I went through the same thing you are," Rainbow finally admitted. "My coltfriend, he turned out to be a pig and dumped me as soon as he found out. I admit though, I didn't have the guts to punch him in the face, good for you."

"Heh, yeah, he deserved that," Scootaloo said with a chuckle as she tilted her head a little. "Wait, does this mean you have a filly or colt out there? Did you put them up for adoption or something?"

Rainbow flinched at that, how was she going to explain this to Scootaloo? She sighed a little, maybe she should finally come clean to Scootaloo about what had happened, there was no real point in hiding it anymore.

"Scootaloo... there's something I should've told you a long time ago," she finally said with a sigh. "I know you're probably going to hate me for this, but... Scootaloo, the foal I gave up for adoption when I was a teenager, was you."

Scootaloo froze, a rush of emotions went through her mind at that revelation. She felt angry that Rainbow had kept the truth from her for this long, sad that she hadn't been trusted with this information, and just confused at what was going on now.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Scootaloo finally managed to get out. "Why are you just telling me this now?"

"Because with, everything that's been going on... I just felt like I should, given everything that's going on," Rainbow said with a sigh as she looked down at her hooves. "I'm sorry Scootaloo, you're right I should have told you a long time ago. Maybe this whole thing is just my way of trying to make up for what I did, but I really do care for you, I'm really sorry about this."

Scootaloo paused for a long moment as she looked around and then up at Rainbow again, what was she going to do now? She had no idea exactly how she was supposed to handle this, just when it actually felt like everything was coming together for her for once, this happened.

"I, need to think about this..." Scootaloo finally said and got to her hooves. "I'll be back later, I promise!"

Before Rainbow could say anything she headed out of the nursery and then out of the cloud house and down the stairs to the ground below.


"Oh hey there Scootaloo," Rarity said when she answered the door to Carousel Boutique, Scootaloo had been crying and the Unicorn mare just looked at her confused. "Is everything okay?"

"Its... complicated," Scootaloo said with a sigh as she shook her head. "Is Sweetie Belle here? I really just, need somepony to talk to right now."

"Of course, she's upstairs right now," Rarity said with a smile as she opened the door for the Pegasus filly and she walked inside. "Is everything okay with Rainbow?

"Its, complicated like I said," Scootaloo said with a sigh as she looked at Rarity. "Can I talk to Sweetie in private for a bit?"

"Sure of course," Rarity said as she let Scootaloo go up the stairs and sighed a little, she wasn't sure what twas going on here but she was worried that something may have happened between her and Rainbow Dash. "Just, let me know if there's anything you need okay?"

"Okay," Scootaloo said as she headed up to Sweetie's room and knocked on the door.

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie said excitedly as she hugged Scootaloo tightly. "How's it going? How's the nursery looking?"

"Its, looking good," Scootaloo said with a sigh as she hugged back. "I just, needed somepony to talk to right now... do you mind if I come in?"

"Come on in, don't worry about it," Sweetie said with a smile as she let Scootaloo into her room. "What's wrong Scootaloo, you know you can talk to me about anything."

"Rainbow Dash told me today that she's my mother," Scootaloo said with a sigh as she looked down at her hooves. "Apparently, she went through the same thing I'm going through, I just don't know what I'm going to do about all of this, on top of being pregnant I mean."

"You're kidding right?" Sweetie asked as she looked at Scootaloo who just shook her head. "Why wouldn't she tell you, why did she wait until just now?"

Scootaloo sighed and told Sweetie what she had been told by Rainbow Dash and she sighed a little, this wasn't something that was easy for her to tell anypony. She was still having a hard time believing it herself, how was anypony else going to understand it? What was she going to do now?

"That's, pretty hard to believe," Sweetie said and blinked a little.

"I know, but I don't think she was lying, why would she lie about that kind of thing?" Scootaloo said as she sat down on the bed and started to cry a little and Sweetie held her close. "I still don't get why she wouldn't have told me Sweetie..."

"I'm sure her reasons seemed good to her at the time Scootaloo," Sweetie said with a sigh as she held her friend close. "Rainbow Dash cares about you, she wouldn't do something like that for no good reason, you know that right?"

"I know..." Scootaloo said with a sigh as her ears flattened a little. "And I guess if she went through the same thing I'm going through I understand why she would've given me up. But somehow, I just kind of wish that everything would've gone differently, like maybe if she had told me before this wouldn't have happened."

"Who knows, maybe it would've happened anyway," Sweetie said as she placed one hoof on Scootaloo's stomach. "You can't beat yourself up about this forever, and you can't hate Rainbow Dash for it forever either. She's trying to do her best to help you and she genuinely cares about you, that's not going to change. Do you really think Rainbow would purposely want to hurt you?"

"Well, no," Scootaloo said with a sigh. "Its just really hard to understand why she wasn't honest with me I guess. I'm glad she told me, but... I don't really know how I feel about it now that I know, do you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I get that, if I learned something like that I wouldn't know what to think either," Sweetie admitted as she shook her head a little. "So, what are you going to do?"

"Honestly, I need to calm down a little before I can do anything," Scootaloo admitted as she looked down at her hooves. "I think this whole thing is starting to get to me, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with myself. Rainbow is family to me, she's always been family to me even before I knew about this."

"So what does it really change? All you know now is that you two are related by blood, but that doesn't change the way you feel about each other," Sweetie said with a smile as she pulled Scootaloo in close. "You're the first friend I ever really had Scootaloo, you're brave, and loyal, and even if you don't always seem it you're smart. I couldn't ask for a better best friend."

Scootaloo smiled as she looked up at Sweetie. She blushed a little when she looked into the white Unicorn's green eyes, there was still a lot she had to think about, and right now she really didn't know what she was going to do.

"What do you think I should do Sweetie?"

"I think you should calm down, and then go back to Rainbow Dash and tell her what you feel, and then maybe you can find it in your heart to forgive her," Sweetie said. "I know you can Scootaloo, you're a good pony."

Scootaloo smiled and nodded a little as she wrapped a wing gently around Sweetie. It felt nice to be close to her friend, she was warm, calming, and she let Scootaloo talk. Scootaloo smiled a little at Sweetie and rested her head on the Unicorn's withers.

"There's, something I've been thinking about for awhile," she finally said with a sigh as she tried to put the words together. "You've been a lot of help over the last few months, I mean so has Rainbow and Apple Bloom, but, you've always been there for me the most when I needed you. I guess that's kind of why I came to you, I needed somepony who could help me out and you were the first one to come to mind."

"Well, I'm glad that you would trust me with this kind of thing Scootaloo," Sweetie said with a smile as she nuzzled the Pegasus filly gently. "I know you'd do the same for me if I was in the same situation."

"Yeah, I would," Scootaloo said with a smile as she nuzzled back. "Sweetie... I, know this is a bit strange to say, but over the past few months I've been feeling something more than just friendship about you. We've been friends for as long as we've lived in Ponyville, and... forget it, its silly."

"No, tell me what you wanted to say," Sweetie said as she looked down at Scootaloo with a tilt of her head.

"Sweetie, I've started to have feelings for you for awhile now, like... romantic feelings," Scootaloo said which surprised Sweetie a little. "At first I thought it was just Apple Bloom's jokes getting to me a little, but the more I thought about it, the more I started to realize that it was real. Sweetie, I think I'm in love with you..."

Sweetie just blinked a little, she hadn't expected Scootaloo to just confess her love like that, but she smiled and leaned down and kissed Scootaloo gently on the lips. The Pegasus filly was surprised and her wings shot up, but she returned the kiss.

After a few minutes the two finally broke the kiss as they looked into each other's eyes. Scootaloo was blushing and Sweetie just smiled a little as she stroked her friend's mane.

"Does this mean you feel the same about me?" She finally managed to ask as she looked at Sweetie nervously.

"Scootaloo, you don't know how long I've waited for you to say those words," Sweetie said with a smile. "I've felt like that for longer than you have, but when you got together with Cirrus I was afraid that I'd never get the chance to tell you the way I really felt. Scootaloo, I love you, more than anything else, that's something that isn't going to change. I just want you to know that just because everything's been happening lately, I will always love you and care for you, no matter what."

"Even though I'm pregnant?"

"Are you kidding? I've always loved foals, don't worry about it," Sweetie said with a chuckle as she pulled Scootaloo into a hug. "You're going to be a great mom, and I'll be there to help you along the way."

Scootaloo smiled a little and gave Sweetie a kiss on the cheek as she blushed a little more. "Thank you Sweetie, you don't know how much that means to me. I guess its strange, after Cirrus I wasn't sure if I'd ever really feel this way about another pony, let alone a mare."

"Don't worry about it Scootaloo, you're going to be just fine, I promise," Sweetie said as she nuzzled Scootaloo gently. "I promise, I'm going to be here for you whenever you need it. You're my best friend in all of Equestria, and I'd do anything for you."

"Find a surrogacy spell so you carry the foal for me?" Scootaloo asked with a chuckle.

"Anything but that," Sweetie said with a laugh as she leaned in and kissed Scootaloo again. "I know everything is going to be a challenge for you with the little one on the way, but I want to be there for you. Either as your friend or as your fillyfriend, I promise I'll never let you go."

Scootaloo smiled and pulled Sweetie in close, the two of them just held each other for the longest time. It was a nice feeling for Scootaloo to have somepony that was close to her and wouldn't try and use her like Cirrus did, and Sweetie was just happy that she finally had been able to tell Scootaloo how she felt.

Scootaloo gently wrapped her wings around her friend and closed her eyes, she just wanted to stay there for now, all her worries felt like they were a million miles away. She'd have to figure things out soon enough and go and apologize to Rainbow, but for now, she just wanted to be here, in this moment.


"Rainbow, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked as Rainbow entered her cottage, she looked like she had been crying. "What's wrong?"

"I told Scootaloo the truth finally..." Rainbow said and Fluttershy's ears perked up. "She ran off and said she'd be back later, I don't know what to do though... what if she hates me for what I did? What if she's never coming home again?"

"Well, did you tell her why you did it?" Fluttershy asked and Rainbow nodded. "Well, then maybe she won't hate you since she's going through the same thing right now. She just needs a little time to process the whole thing and figure out what she's going to do moving forward, I don't think she'd really hate you just because you're her mother, but she does still need to figure out how this is going to affect your life together."

"I had hoped everything I did to help would make it easier..." Rainbow said with a sigh as she rubbed her foreleg a little bit. "I don't even know what I'm going to do, I knew I'd have to tell her eventually but I didn't think that it would happen so soon. I don't blame her if she hates me forever for withholding the truth from her, but I just want to have a second chance, you know what I mean?"

"I know," Fluttershy said with a nod as she looked at Rainbow and shook her head softly. "Did you ever tell your parents about Scootaloo?"

"Yeah, they knew... I told them not long after they first met her, it didn't exactly go well given they were pretty excited, but I asked them not to tell her until I was ready," Rainbow said with a sigh. "Now what am I going to tell them?"

"You'll figure something out, I'm sure," Fluttershy said as she pulled Rainbow in close. "Rainbow, you shouldn't have left Scootaloo like you did, but you were doing what you felt was right at the time. You don't have anything to regret, and she grew up to be a fine young mare. Yeah, this is a bit of a bump in the road, but she's going to be just fine because she has you and her friends to help her."

"You think so?" Rainbow asked and Fluttershy nodded. "Okay Flutters, I believe you," she said with a smile as she kissed Fluttershy gently. "I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

"Don't worry about it Rainbow, I'll be here for you and Scootaloo whenever you need me," Fluttershy said with a smile as she kissed Rainbow again. "Come on, she probably just needs a little time to think and talk with one of her friends maybe, I'm sure everything will be okay, lets go make some dinner."

Rainbow nodded and they headed into the kitchen of the cottage. Rainbow just hoped that everything really would be okay, even if things weren't going to be easy for them, she knew that Fluttershy would always be there for her when she needed her, and right now she really needed her.